2.3.2 Evaluate Variable Expressions Involving Multiplication of Rational Numbers

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1 Section Anchors Skills 1.1 Using Variables A Write a Variable Expression to Represent a Given Situation Given a Table of Values, Write a Variable Expression 1.2 Exponents and Order of Operations A Simplify an Expression Using Order of Operations Evaluate an Variable Expression Using Given Values 1.3 Exploring Real Numbers A Determine Which Set (Integers, Rationals, etc.) a Given Number Belongs To Give an Example of a Number, Given a Set (Integers, Rationals, etc.) Use Rationals, Integers, etc. to Represent a Given Situation Compare (<, >, =) Rational Numbers (May Include Absolute Values) Order a Set of Rational Numbers from Least to Greatest or from Greatest to Least Find the Absolute Value of a Rational Number 1.4 Patterns and Functions A Write a Function Rule for a Table of Values A Identify the Dependent and Independent Quantity in a Given Situation A Given a Function Rule, Construct a Table of Values 1.5 Scatter Plots A A A Analyze data, make predictions, and/or answer questions based on displayed data (box-and-whisker plots, stem-and-leaf plots, scatter plots, measures of central tendency, or other representations) Estimate or calculate to make predictions based on a circle, line, bar graph, measures of central tendency, or other representations Make predictions using the equations or graphs of best-fit lines of scatter plots. 1.6 Mean, Median, Mode, and Range A Find the Mean, Median, Mode, and Range for a Given Set of Values Find the Missing Value of a Data Set Given the Remaining Values and the Mean Construct a Stem-and-Leaf Plot Given a Set of Values Find the Mean, Median, Mode, and Range Given a Stem-and-Leaf Plot 2.1 Adding Rational Numbers A Write an Expression Modeled on a Number Line Simplify Expressions Involving Addition of Rational Numbers (May Include Abs. Value) Evaluate Variable Expressions Involving Addition of Rational Numbers Given a Matrix, Add Corresponding Elements 2.2 Subtracting Rational Numbers A Draw a Number Line Model for a Rational Number Subtraction Problem Simplify Expressions Involving Subtraction of Rational Numbers Evaluate Variable Expressions Involving Subtraction of Rational Numbers Simplify Expressions Involving Absolute Value Evaluate Variable Expressions Involving Absolute Value 2.3 Multiplying and Dividing Rational Numbers A Simplify Expressions Involving Multiplication of Rational Numbers A Evaluate Variable Expressions Involving Multiplication of Rational Numbers

2 2.3.3 Simplify Expressions Involving Powers of Integers Simplify Expressions Involving Division of Rational Numbers Evaluate Variable Expressions Involving Division of Rational Numbers 2.4 The Distributive Property A Simplify Numerical Expressions Using the Distributive Property Model and Solve Real-World Problems Using the Distributive Property Simplify Variable Expressions Using the Distributive Property 2.5 Properties of Numbers A Given an Equation, Name the Property Demonstrated A Simplify Expressions Using Various Properties of Real Numbers Given a Step-by-Step Simplification of an Expression, Name the Properties Used Determine Whether Two Variable Expressions are Equivalent 2.6 Theoretical and Experimental Probability A Given an Event, find the Theoretical Probability (Spinner, Table of Values, etc.) In any Given Situation, Determine the Complement of an Event Determine the Odds in Favor or Against a Given Event Given an Event, Determine the Experimental Probability and Apply it to Real World Situations 2.7 Probability of Compound Events A Find the Probability of Independent Events (With Replacement) Find the Probability of Dependent Events (Without Replacement) 3.1 Solving Two-Step Equations A Solve a Variable Equation by Adding/Subtracting then Multiplying/Dividing A Write and Solve a Two-Step Variable Equation to Model a Given Situation A Solving Multi-Step Equations A Solve a Variable Equation Involving Multiple Steps (Variable on One Side) A Write and Solve a Multi-Step Variable Equation to Model a Given Situation A Equations with Variables on Both Sides A Solve Equations With Variables on Both Sides A Write and Solve an Equation with Variables on Both Sides to Model a Given Situation A Determine Whether an Equation has a Solution, is an Identity, or has No Solution 3.4 Ratio and Proportion A Find a Unit Rate A Convert Standard Units of Measure A Solve Proportions for a Variable Value Using Cross-Multiplication 3.5 Proportions and Similar Figures A Given Similar Figures, Identify the Corresponding Sides and Angles A Find a Missing Length Given a Pair of Similar Figures (Proportions) A Use Similar Figures to Model and Solve Real-World Problems

3 3.6 Equations and Problem Solving A Model and Solve Real-World Problems (Length, D=RT, Consecutives Integers., etc) A A Percent of Change A Find a Percent of Change and Describe It as an Increase or a Decrease Find the Percent of Increase/Decrease in a Real-World Problem Find Percent Error in a Given Measurement 3.8 Finding and Estimating Square Roots A Simplify Square Roots (Perfect Squares/ Rationals Made From Perfect Squares) A Determine Whether a Square Root Expression is Rational or Irrational Use a Calculator to Estimate an Irrational Square Root 3.9 The Pythagorean Theorem Find the measure of a side of a right triangle using the Pythagorean Theorem 2.10.A1.A Solve problems involving from the Pythagorean Theorem Simplifying Radicals A Simplify Radical Expressions (Factor Out Perfect Square) Multiply and Divide Radicals Simplify Fractions in Radicals (Factor out Perf. Square/Rationalize the Denominator) 3.9 The Pythagorean Theorem A Find the Missing Length in a Right Triangle (May Involve Estimating/Irrationals) Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to Real-World Situations 4.1 Inequalities and Their Graphs A Determine if a Given Number is a Solution to a Given Inequality A Match an Inequality with the Graph of its Solution Set Given an Inequality, Graph its Solution Set Model a Real-World Situation Using Inequalities Write an Inequality in Words 4.2 Solving Inequalities - Addition/Subtraction A Solve an Inequality Using Addition or Subtraction and Solve A Model Real-World Situations with a One-Step Inequality (Add./Sub.) and Solve 4.3 Solving Inequalities - Multiplication/Division A Solve an Inequality Using Multiplication or Division (May Include Negatives) A Write a Set of Solutions to a Given Inequality Model a Real-World Situation Using a One-Step Inequality (Mult./Div.) and Solve 4.4 Solving Multi-Step Inequalities A Solve Multi-Step Inequalities (May Include Negatives) A Model a Real-World Situation Using a Multi-Step Inequality and Solve 4.5 Compound Inequalities A Write a Compound Inequality to Model a Given Situation Solve a Compound Inequality (And/Or)

4 4.5.3 Write a Compound Inequality to Represent a Given Solution-Set Graph 4.6 Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities A Solve an Equation Involving Absolute Value Solve Inequalities Involving Absolute Value Model a Real-World Situation Using an Absolute Value Equation/Inequality and Solve 5.1 Relating Graphs to Events A Analyze a Given Graph Relating Two Variables Sketch a Graph to Model a Real-World Relationship Between Two Variables 5.2 Relations and Functions A Draw a Mapping Diagram for a Set of Ordered Pairs Determine if a Set of Ordered Pairs is a Function Use the Vertical Line Test to Determine if a Relation is a Function Given an Equation and Domain of a Function, Find the Range Given a Table of Values, Determine if a Relation is a Function 5.3 Function Rules, Tables, and Graphs A Given an Equation, Construct a Graph and a Table of Values A Model a Real-World Situation with an Equation, Graph, or Table A Writing a Function Rule A Write a Function Rule for a Table of Values A Write a Function Rule to Model a Real-World Situation. A Make a Table of Values Given the Graph of a Function 6.1 Rate of Change and Slope A Find the Constant Rate of Change Given a Table of Values Find the Constant Rate of Change (Slope) Given the Graph of a Line Find the Slope of a Line Given Two Points on the Line Given a Graph, Determine if a Slope is Zero or Undefined Given a Slope and a Point on the Line, Sketch the Line 6.2 Slope-Intercept Form A Given the Equation of a Line in Slope-Intercept Form, State the Slope and Y-Intercept Given the Slope and Y-Intercept of a Line, Write the Slope-Intercept Equation Given the Graph of a Line, Write the Slope and Y-Intercept Given the Equation (Slope-Intercept) of a Line, Sketch a Graph Given the Equation of a Line (Not Slope-Intercept Form), Find the Slope & Y-Intercept 6.3 Applying Linear Functions A Model and Solve Real-World Problems with a Linear Function Analyze a Linear Graph that Models a Real-World Problem 6.4 Standard Form A Find the X- and Y-Intercepts of a Linear Equation in Standard Form Graph the Equation of a Line Given in Standard Form Using X- and Y-Intercepts

5 6.4.3 Graph Horizontal and Vertical Lines Given Their Equation Put an Equation Given in Slope-Intercept Form Into Standard Form 6.5 Point-Slope Form/Writing Linear Equations A Graph a Line Given Its Point-Slope Equation Write a Point-Slope Equation of a Line Given its Slope and a Point on the Line Write a Point-Slope Equation of a Line Given Two Points on the Line Determine if a Table of Values Shows a Linear Relationship Write a Standard Form Equation of a Line Given Two Points on the Line 6.6 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines A Find the Slope of a Line Given its Equation (Any Form) Determine if Two Lines are Parallel/Perpendicular/Neither Given Their Equations Given the Equation of a Line, Write the Slope of a Line that is Parallel/Perpendicular Write the Equation of a Line Given a Line it is Parallel/Perp. to & a Point on the Line Given the Graphs of Two Lines that are Parallel/Perpendicular, Write Their Equations 6.7 Scatter Plots and Equations of Lines A Given a Scatter Plot, Write the Equation of a Best-Fit (Trend) Line A Given a Table of Values, Make a Scatter Plot and Write the Equation of a Trend Line 7.1 Solving Systems by Graphing A Solving a system of equations A Interpreting solutions Systems with no solution systems with infinitely many solutions 7.2 Solving Systems Using Substitution A Using substitution A Using substitution and the distributive property 7.3 Solving Systems Using Elimination A Adding equations A Multiplying one equation Multiplying both equations 7.4 Applications of Linear Systems A Writing systems of linear equations A Finding a break-even point 7.5 Linear Inequalities A Graphing an inequality A Rewriting to graph in inequality Modeling real-world situations 7.6 Systems of Linear Inequalities A Graphing a system of inequalities A Writing a system of inequalities from a graph Writing and using a system of inequalities 8.1 Zero and Negative Exponents A Simplify Expressions with Zero/Negative Exponents

6 8.1.2 Evaluate Variable Expressions Involving Zero/Negative Exponents 8.2 Scientific Notation A Determine if a Numerical Expression is Written in Scientific Notation Write a Number Given in Standard Notation in Scientific Notation Write a Number Given in Scientific Notation in Standard Notation Order Numbers Given In Scientific Notation Simplify Numerical Expressions and Write in Scientific Notation 8.3 Multiplication Properties of Exponents A Simplify Expressions Involving the Multiplication of Powers (Variables Included) Simplify Expressions Involving the Multiplication Of 2 Numbers in Scientific Notation Complete an Equation Involving Multiplication of Powers (Missing Exponent) 8.4 More Multiplication Properties of Exponents A Simplify Expressions Involving Powers Raised to a Power (Variables Included) Given a Number in Scientific Notation Raised to a Power, Rewrite in Sci. Notation Complete an Equation Involving Powers Raised to a Power (Missing Exponent) 8.5 Division Properties of Exponents A Complete an Equation Involving Division of Powers (Missing Exponent) Simplify Expressions Involving the Division of Powers (Variables Included) Simplify Expressions Involving the Division of 2 Numbers in Scientific Notation Simplify Any Variable Expression Involving Multiplication, Division, and Exponents 9.1 Adding and Subtracting Polynomials A Find the Degree of a Monomial Name an Expression Base on its Degree and # of Terms (ex. 4th Degree Trinomial) Write a Polynomial in Standard Form Add Two Polynomials (Horizontally and Vertically) Subtract Two Polynomials (Horizontally and Vertically) 9.2 Multiplying and Factoring A Multiply a Monomial by a Polynomial A Find the GCF of a Polynomial A Factor a GCF out of a Polynomial Simplify Expressions (Multiplication of a Monomial and Polynomial & Like Terms) 9.3 Multiplying Binomials A Use Various Methods (Distributive, FOIL, etc.) to Multiply Two Binomials Apply the Multiplication of Two Binomials to Find Area 9.4 Multiplying Special Cases A Square a Binomial Using the FOIL Method Multiply Two Binomials that Result in the Difference of Two Squares Use the Difference of Two Squares to Simplify Numeric Expressions 9.5 Factoring Trinomials x² + bx + c A Factor Trinomials of the Form x² + bx + c ( Where b or c or Both can be Negative) Factor Trinomials of the Form x² + bxy + cy² (Where b or c or Both can be Negative)

7 9.6 Factoring Trinomials ax^2+bx+c A Factor Algebraic Expressions Factoring Special Cases A Factor Perfect-Square Trinomials Factor the Difference of Two Squares Factor out a GCF, then Factor Perfect-Square Trinomial or Difference of Two Squares 9.8 Factoring by Grouping A Factor by Grouping 11.1 Simplifying Radicals A Removing perfect-square factors Removing variable factors Multiplying two radicals Simplifying fractions within radicals Simplifying radicals by dividing Rationalizing a denominator 11.2 Operations With Radical Expressions A Combining like radicals Simplifying to combine like radicals Using the distributive property Simplifying using f.o.i.l Rationalizing a denominator using conjugates 12.2 Simplifying Rational Expressions A Simplifying a rational expression Recognizing opposite factors Evaluating a rational expression 12.3 Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions A Multiplying rational expressions Using factoring Multiplying a rational expression by a polynomial Dividing rational expressions Dividing a rational expression by a polynomial 12.4 Dividing Polynomails A Dividing a polynomial by a monomial Dividing a polynomial by a binomial Dividing a polynomials with a zero coefficient Reordering terms and dividing polynomials Synthetic division (NOT IN ALGEBRA I TEXTBOOK) 13.1 Box-and-Whisker Plots A Calculate range, quartiles, and interquartile range Interpret range, quartlies, and interguartile range 13.2 Measures of Dispersion & Central Tendency A Estimate and calculate to make predictions based on circle, line, bar graphs, measures of central tendency, or other representations

8 13.3 Data Displays A Analyze data, make predictions, and answer questions based on displayed data (box-and-whisker plots, stem-and-leaf plots, scatter plots, measures of central tendency, or other representations) 13.4 Best-Fit Lines A Make predictions using the equations or graphs of best-fit lines of scatter plots


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