UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE T E A C H I N G I N MEAT S C I E N C E. meat science seminar and another graduate l e v e l course.

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1 . UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE T E A C H I N G I N MEAT S C I E N C E R. W. BRAY The meat science program at Wisconsin has developed since 13. A t that t i m e a meat animal research laboratory w a s converted i n t o a meats laboratory and a beginning course i n meats was offered. I n 12, two more courses were added and subsequently other courses have been developed, making t h e t o t a l of six courses i n meat science. Current plans are t o develop a meat science seminar and another graduate l e v e l course. Meat research began i n a very limited manner i n 1 and has now developed t o a point commensurate w i t h some of our e a r l y plans. Recently we added a position i n meat extension. Dr. Sledge has described our option program i n t h e College of Agriculture. Most of our students i n meat science s e l e c t e i t h e r the Business and Industry o r t h e Science option. The business and industry option includes courses i n meat science, r e l a t e d science courses, commerce and economics. Those selecting the science option are preparing e i t h e r f o r graduate t r a i n i n g o r f o r industry work such as q u a l i t y control o r research. Briefly our courses are described as follows: 1. Meat Production and Carcass Evaluation. 3 c r e d i t s. The beginning course i n meats including evaluations of the live animal and ca.rcass, slaughtering, c u t t i n g inspection, grading, processing and postmortem changes i n muscle. 2. Evaluation and Merchandising of Meat & Meat Animals. 2 c r e d i t s. The methods of marketing, evaluating and pricing of meat a n i m a l s, and t h e marketing and merchandising of wholesale and r e t a i l c u t s and meat products. 3. Classification and Grading of Meats. 2 c r e d i t s. Detailed evaluation of carcasses and wholesale c u t s i n terms of grade, c u t a b i l i t y and q u a l i t y of meat. (Meat Judging team selected from p a r t i c i p a n t s i n t h i s course.). Commercial Meat Processing. 2 c r e d i t s. Principles of procedures used i n the commercial manufacture of processed meat products; t o include f a t rendering, sausage manufacture, curing, smoking, dehydration, freezing, packaging and canning. 5. Meat Selection & U s e. 2 c r e d i t s. (Women students only). Includes i d e n t i f i c a t i o n of r e t a i l cuts, u t i l i z a t i o n of various grades and c u t s of meat, meat inspection, n u t r i t i o n a l values of meat, e t c.

2 0.. Advanced meat technology and research techniques. 3 c r e d i t s. Chemical, physical, and h i s t o l o g i c a l aspects of meat technology and t h e i r application t o meat research techniques. Currently two courses are being planned t o cover t h e contents of t h i s course which has emphasized t h e s t r u c t u r e and function of muscle. I n t h e reorganization special emphasis w i l l be given t o t h e actual use of chromatographic, electrophoretic, and u l t r a c e n t r i f i c a l techniques i n t h e study of muscle o r meat problems. One of t h e courses w i l l include s t r u c t u r a l techniques with special emphasis given t o familiarization and use of t h e electron microscope, phase microscope as w e l l as additional. X r a y d i f f r a c t i o n techniques. The graduate program during our development has been primarily a j o i n t program especially f o r t h e Ph.D. program with t h e Department of Biochemistry and a l s o with t h e Department of Dairy &Food Science. These programs have been strong, but many of OUT students have desired m r e f l e x i b i l i t y than these programs have permitted. This year t h e Department of Meat and Animal Science was granted permission t o o f f e r i t s own Ph,D. program. This has required considerable study, but we now have available several a l t e r n a t i v e programs t o graduate student s. Students seeking degrees i n Meat Science can e l e c t t o do so i n e i t h e r Meat Science and Technology o r lvfuscle Chemistry and Physiology. The a l t e r n a t i v e s i n each of these areas provide t h e following p o s s i b i l i t i e s i n program selection: 1. Meat Science and Technology 2. a. A major i n meat science with a minor i n biochemistry. b. A major i n meat science with a minor i n food science. c. A j o i n t major, j o i n t minor i n meat science and biochemistry. d. A j o i n t major science. j o i n t minor i n meat science and food Muscle Chemistry and Physiology a. A major i n meat science with a minor i n biochemistry. b. A j o i n t major chemistry. j o i n t minor i n meat science and bio W e believe these programs should f i l l t h e needs and d e s i r e s of most graduate students, whether they seek professional careers i n research, teaching, o r extension.

3 0. DFZ'AKIPENT OF MEW? AND ANIMAL SCIENCE University of Wisconsin (Requirement f o r Eoctor of Philosophy Degree) Candidates f o r graduate study i n t h e Dep&ment of Meat and Animal Science should have completed as background training, courses i n chemistry, physics, mathematics, bacteriology and zoology. P r i o r course work i n Meat and A n i m a l Science o r related subjects i s highly desirable, but not e s s e n t i a l. Other students may be accepted f o r graduate study with t h e understanding t h a t deficiencies must be absolved. General 1. A statement of t h e requirements of t h e Graduate School m a y be found i n t h e University Catalog and i n t h e Graduate School Catalog. The language and other requirements specified by t h e Graduate School must be f u l f i l l e d. The candidate must also f u l f i l l t h e basic minimum requirements of t h e Biological Mvision. 2. As a f i r s t step, t h e candidate must submit a proposed course program i n a p a r t i c u l a r option on departmental c e r t i f i c a t i o n forms through t h e major professor t o t h e C e r t i f i c a t i o n Committee. All p r i o r t r a n s c r i p t s of c r e d i t s must accompany t h i s proposal. The Committee will evaluate t h e program and specify the courses required f o r t h e degree. A t t h e same time he must arrange with h i s major professor, f o r Biological Division c e r t i f i cation. When t h e department determines t h a t t h e needs of a p a r t i c u l a r student w i l l be best served by preparation not available as a departmental minor it has t h e a l t e r n a t i v e of permitting t h e student and h i s advisor t o develop a s p e c i a l program i n l i e u of t h e minor. To meet t h e requirements of t h i s option a student must complete a minimum of 12 c r e d i t s i n two o r more departments outside t h e major, i n related courses selected f o r t h e i r relevance t o h i s p a r t i c u l a r area of concentration. The student must have formal. approval from h i s major professor and department c e r t i f i c a t i o n committee, both f o r h i s request t o choose t h i s supporting f i e l d option and f o r t h e content of t h e program he proposes. (Approval of t h i s proposal under consideration by Graduate Faculty). 3. Applicants f o r t h e Ph.D. Degree must obtain a weighted grade point average of 3.0 ( point system) i n all required organized courses taken i n t h e University of Wisconsin Graduate School (exclusive of research c r e d i t ). A grade below C does not s a t i s f y a course requirement, but must be included in calculating t h e grade point average. If a course i s repeated, both of t h e grades must be included i n calculating the grade point average. For a Minor o r J o i n t Major with Biochemistry a grade point average of 3 ( point system) i s required i n all Chemistry and Biochemistry courses (exclusive of research c r e d i t s ) taken i n t h e University of Wisconsin Graduate School. Doctor of Philosophy A l l applicants f o r t h e Ph.D. degree must have obtained a Master's Cegree, o r must have presented a s a t i s f a c t o r y manuscript on o r i g i n a l research

4 1. for publication, or must present a research report equivalent to a Master's Thesis for approval by the Certification Committee before becoming eligible for Ph.D. candidacy. Students are eligible to take the comprehensive preliminary exanination in the major field only after they have satisfied the foreignlanguage readingproficiency requirement and when their records are cleared of all incomplete grades. When these requirements have been satisfied and checked with the department certification committee, the Graduate School office issues the warrant authorizing the department to admit the student to the preliminary examination. When this form is appropriately completed and filed with the Dean of the Graduate School, it constitutes a formal application for admission to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree. The applicant is admitted to candidacy when his application has been approved by the Administrative Committee. The candidate is expected to do research during the entire period of training for the Ph.D. degree, and to write a thesis based on his research. The thesis mst represent a substantial effort fromboth the experimental and literary points of view. Final Oral Examination Every candidate for the doctor's degree is subject to an oral examination on the thesis and the general field of the major and the minor studies; but the preliminary examination mw be construed as final for certain aspects of these fields, if the professors in charge of the candidate's vork are satisfied with his preparation. The candidate may not take the final examination until all requirements for the degree have been satisfied and there has been a lapse of one academic year or its equivalent from the time of the preliminary examination. The student's record must be cleared of incomplete grades. The Dean of the Graduate School appoints for each candidate an examining committee of five or more members of the graduate faculty, with the major professor as chairman. The time and place of the examination are arranged by the major professor. When the candidate passes this examination, the fact is recorded in the warrant provided.

5 2. Muscle Chemistry and Physiology Major J o i n t Major J o i n t Minor (Biochemistry) 3 3 3" (MinorBiochemistry ) Chemistry General Quantitative Organic Physic d 7 Mathematics and Physic s Mathematics S t a t i s t i cs Physics 7 Biochemistry General Biochemistry Biochemistry Lab. General Biochemistry Chromatographic Technique Enzyme Techniques Isotopic Techniques Proteins Hormones Vitamins Metabolism Lab. Plant Chemistry Molecular Genetics Carbohydrates Mechanism of Enzymes Phys. chemistry of p r o t e i n s with Nucleii acids (1) t (1) 72 ( 2 ) Zoology and Medical Science Physiology 715 ( 7 c r ) or Physiol 03 (5cr) 0 () H i st o logy Microtechniques 5 30 Endocrinology 52 Ph armaco logy Cellular Physiology Anatomiy 30 (5) Cytology 570 () Embryology 50 () 1 Meat and Animal Science Prin. of Processing 515 ( 2 ) S t r u c t u r a l Techniques 35 ( 2 ) 5 Muscle Science 3 (l)b a. Recomnd additional c r e d i t s. b. Students mst r e g i s t e r i n seminar during every semester of graduate work. c. A t l e a s t 5 c r e d i t s mst come f r o m t h i s l i s t of biochemistry courses. The additional t h r e e c r e d i t s may also come from t h i s l i s t o r from advanced chemistry courses.

6 3. Meat Science and Technology C hemi st ry General Quantitative Organic Physic a1 Major Jo int Major Major Jt. Major (Minor Joint Minor (Minor Jt. Minor Biochem) (Biochemistry) Food Sci. ) (Food Sci. ) Mathematics & Physics Mathematics St at i st ic s Physics d Biochemistry (Choose one of groups of courses) Group A Biochem. 01,51,02,11 Bioc hem. Group A Chromatogrqhic Tech or 52 (1) Group B Group Ac Group A,B, or Group Enzyme Tech 5 (1) 3 cr. Group B must plus cr. C (Group B, Isotopic Tech 5 (1) also include from Supple 11 not reg.) A or B Ftroteins 701 credits from mental List Supplemental list (min. of 3 Group B (2 credits must cr. advanced bjochem. 501, 51, 11 be advanced lab. lab teaching) Biochem. courses ) Chromatographic Tech 52 (1) Enzyme Tech 5 (1) 3 credits Isotopic Tech 5 (1) Proteins 701 Group C Physiological Chem. 70 Biochemistry Chrometegrqhic Tech 52 (1) Enzyme Tech 5 (1) 3 credits Ibes not quality for minor in Isotopic Tech 5 (1) Bioc hem. Proteins 701 Supplemental List of Biochem. Courses 701 Proteins 722 Homnes 23 Vitamins 73 Metabolism Lab. 21 Plant Chemistry 727 Moleculax Genetics 3 Carbohydrates 72 Mechanism of Enzymes Phys. chemistry of proteins with Nucleii acids (continued)

7 . Food Science Bacteriology Food Science 11 'I Lab Food Science I1 " Lab Product Analysis Food Mechanism Food Standards Physical Chem Major (MinorBiochem) () 1 1 d. e. Jt. Major Jt. Minor (Food S c i. ) ) (1) Meat and Animal Science Marketing 505 Principle of Processing 515 S t r u c t u r a l Techniques 35 Muscle Science 5 3"( 1) c. Major (pinorfood S c i. ) ) Zoology and Medical Sciences Physiology 715 ( c r. ) o r 03 (5 c r. ) H i st o logy 0 () Microtechniques 5 C Y t O logy 570 () Cellulor Physiology a. b. J o i n t Major J o i n t Minor (Biochemistry) e Recommend additional c r e d i t s. An e x t r a course taken i n group including 321, 320, 3, and 515 may be substituted f o r 1 c r e d i t of seminar. Three c r e d i t s must be i n laboratory courses. Students must also have c r e d i t s i n Mathematics 231 o r 221. Students must r e g i s t e r i n seminar during every semester of graduate work. MR. ZIEGLER: W e l l, it won't be d i f f i c u l t t o summarize these two papers. They are both c l e a r and selfexplanatory. I suppose t h a t most of us, t o be p e r f e c t l y t r u t h f u l, would have t o admit t h a t enrollment numbers, s p e c i f i c a l l y numbers of r e a l good, capable, honestly i n t e r e s t e d students indicating a genuine i n t e r est i n agriculture, p a r t i c u l a r l y i n meats, i s our number one probl e m r e l a t i v e t o resident teaching at a l l l e v e l s. And most of us should probably consider c a r e f u l l y t h e r e s u l t s of the response t o programs outlined by Dean Sledge a $ p e r cent increase i n undergraduate enrollment f o r 13. I would bet t h a t every one of u s

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