Explain the emission of electromagnetic radiation in spectral form in terms of the Bohr model

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1 Name Chemistry Review Chm.1.1 Matter:Properties and Change Chm Chm Chm Chm Analyze the structure of atoms, isotopes, and ions. Analyze an atom in terms of the location of electrons. Explain the emission of electromagnetic radiation in spectral form in terms of the Bohr model Explain the process of radioactive decay by the use of nuclear equations and half-life. Big Ideas Know the location and charge of protons, neutrons, electrons Determine an element s number of protons, electrons, and neutrons based off the given isotopic symbols Differentiate average atomic mass of an element from the actual isotopic mass and mass number of specific isotopes Analyze electrons in terms of Bohr model Essential Questions How can atomic models be used to describe and explain the structure of atoms? In what ways has the theory of the atom changed over time due to technological developments? What is the law of conservation of mass? What is the law of definite proportions/mu ltiple proportions? What were the 5 points to Dalton s atomic theory? How was the use of cathode rays responsible for the discovery of the electron? How did Rutherford s

2 Excited stated vs. ground state Emission spectrum (Reference Table) electron configurations Understand half-life problems experiment lead to the discovery of the atomic nucleus? What are the properties (charge, mass, position) of protons, neutrons, and electrons? What is an isotope? What is the atomic number of an atom equal to? What is the mass number of an atom equal to? Why is the mass number in the periodic table a decimal? How is the wave-particle duality explanation used to explain light and electrons? What is the relationship between the speed, frequency, and wavelength of electromagneti c radiation? What is the significance of the photoelectric effect in describing the behavior of the electron and light?

3 How did the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and the Schrödinger Wave equation lead to atomic orbitals? What are the downfalls of the Bohr model of the atom? What are the differences between the Bohr model and the Quantum model of the atom? What is the significance of each of the four quantum numbers? How are the quantum numbers used to describe the position of an electron in an atom? How many electrons fill each energy level and each orbital? What is the significance of the Aufbau principle, the Pauli Exclusion Principle, and Hund s rule when discussing electron configuration within the atom?

4 Given an element, how do I determine its electron configuration, orbital notation, and electron dot notation? How are nuclear reactions used to describe nuclear decay How do nuclear fission and nuclear fusion reactions differ? Atom Atomic mass Atomic mass unit Atomic number Electron Ion Isotope Mass number Neutron Nucleus Proton Bohr Model Electron Electron cloud Electron configurations Emission Spectra Energy level Orbital Sublevel Electromagnetic radiation Emission spectra Energy Energy level Frequency Nucleus Orbital Photon Quanta Sublevel Wavelength Fission Fusion Half life Nuclear Decay Radioactive decay

5 Student Performance Goals Learning Targets Criteria for Success I will I can Be able to look at the periodic table and determine the number of protons, electrons and neutrons and elements has Determine number of protons, electrons, and neutrons when given an isotopic symbol Tell the difference between average atomic mass and mass number Draw an elements Bohr Model Be able to determine electron configurations for elements Successfully work through half-life problems Correctly calculate the number of protons, neutrons and electrons for all elements Describe the difference between average atomic mass and mass number Correctly draw Bohr Models for all elements making sure to include the nucleus and energy levels in which to place the electrons Write the correct electron configurations for all elements making sure to include the s, p, d, f in the appropriate order Use given information to solve radioactive half-life problems Chm. 1.2 Understand the bonding that occurs in simple compounds in terms of bond type, strength, and properties Chm Chm Compare (qualitatively) the relative strengths of ionic, covalent, and metallic bonds Infer the type of bond and chemical formula formed between atoms Chm Interpret the name and formula of compounds using IUPAC convention Big Ideas Essential Questions Predict bond type based off location of elements on the periodic table Determine positive and negative charge of element based off location of element on periodic table Predict chemical formulas Write and name binary chemical formulas/compounds Write and name compounds using Polyatomic Ions Know names and formulas for common acids Explain the strengths and characteristics, ionic, covalent, and metallic bonds Compare/Contrast polarity vs. nonpolarity How does the distribution of electrons in atoms affect the formation of a compound? What factors determine the types of chemical bonds that form between particles? How do elements form ionic bonds? How do elements form covalent bonds? Are all electrons shared equally? How are the properties of metals explained through metallic bonding? How are the names of compounds determined (inorganic and acids)? How are the formulas for compounds written? How can I translate between a compound's name and its formula? How can the charges of ions be used to determine balanced formulas involving polyatomic ions? What is the difference between ionic, covalent, and metallic bonding?

6 Anion Cation Covalent Bond Electron Dot Structure/Diagram (Lewis Dot Structure/Diagram) Ionic Bond Metallic Bond Valence Electron Chemical Formula Ionic Bond Lewis Structure Periodic Table Covalent Bond Diatomic Molecule Ionic Bond London Dispersion Forces Metallic Bond Polar Bond Binary Compound Metal Molecule Nomenclature Nonmetal Polyatomic Ion Covalent Bond Ionic Bond Ionic Compound Metallic Bond Molecular Compound Learning Targets I will Criteria for Success I can. Be able to distinguish the difference between bond type and characteristics Be able to predict bond type when given elements Be able to draw ionic bonding diagrams Write chemical formulas Name chemical compounds Write chemical formulas and name compounds using polyatomic ions Determine Polarity/NonPolarity Explain the characteristics of covalent, ionic, and metallic bonds Examine elements given and based off their location on the periodic table determine if they will form a binary covalent, ionic, or metallic bond Use Lewis structures to draw ionic bonding diagrams Use ionic bonding diagrams to determine cationic and anionic charges of the elements. Determine charges of elements and use the cross down method to write chemical formulas Use the correct IUPAC systems (include Stock and Greek Systems) to correctly name compounds Name and write compounds containing polyatomic ions

7 Chm. 1.3 Understand the physical and chemical properties of atoms based on their position on the Periodic Table Chm Chm Chm Classify the components of a periodic table (period, group, metal, metalloid, nonmetal, transition) Infer the physical properties (atomic radius, metallic and nonmetallic characteristics) of an elements based on its position on the Periodic Table Infer the atomic size, reactivity, electronegativity, and ionization energy of an element from its position on the Periodic Table. Big Ideas Essential Questions Identify groups as vertical columns on the periodic table Know that main group elements have similar properties, have the same number of valence electrons, and same oxidation numbers Identify periods as horizontal rows on the periodic table Know the location of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids on the periodic table Use electron configuration to justify metallic character Using the periodic table, define and know the period and group trends of: Atomic radius How does the placement of an element in the Periodic Table relate to its chemical and physical properties? How does knowing trends on the Periodic Table help scientists predict properties of the representative elements? What happens to the atomic radius as the atomic number increases across a period? Down a group? What happens to the energy needed to remove an electron as the atomic number increases across a period? Down a group? Why does atomic radius change as it does? Why does the energy required to remove an electron change as it does? Electron affinity Ionization energy Electronegativity Arrange elements in order of increasing or decreasing atomic radius/electron affinity/ionization energy/electronegativity and explain reasoning behind the trend. Alkali Metal Alkali Earth Metal Group (Family) Halogen Anion Radius Atomic Radius Cation Radius Electron Affinity Electronegativity Ionization Energy Reactivity

8 Metalloid Noble Gas Nonmetal Oxidation Number Period, Reactivity Transition Element Valence Electron Electron Configuration Electronegativity Ionic Radius Ionization Energy Metallic Character Octet Oxidation Number Valence Electron Learning Targets Criteria for Success I will I can Describe the arrangement of the modern Periodic Table in terms of identifying families Describe elements in terms of number of metallic character, number of valence electrons, and number of oxidation numbers State the general trend for and arrange elements according to o Atomic and ionic radius o Ionization energy o Electronegativity o Metallic character o Electron affinity Be able to determine if elements will gain or lose electrons based off position on Periodic Table Be able to arrange a group of 3 or 4 elements in increasing or decreasing order according to desired trend (atomic radius, ionization energy, ionic radius, electronegativity, electron affinity) Be able to tell if elements are in the same family and have the same number of energy levels based off given properties 2 Big Ideas Essential Questions Know the evidences of chemical change. Recogniz e reactions How do I explain collision theory? How must molecules collide in order to react? What must be achieved before a reaction occurs in terms of energy? What are the criteria used to determine whether or not a chemical reaction has occurred? What is a precipitate and how can solubility rules be used to predict precipitate formation? How can I test for the presence of hydrogen being produced in a reaction? How can I test for the presence of oxygen in a chemical reaction? How can yi test for the presence of carbon dioxide being produced in a chemical reaction?

9 by type. Predict products of synthesis, decompos ition, single replacem ent, double replacem ent, and combusti on reactions. Balance reactions using the law of conservat ion of matter and coefficien ts. Perform stoichiom etric calculatio ns in different units (grams, moles, liters, molecules, etc.) Calculate empirical and molecular formulas. Calculate percentag e compositi on of compoun ds and hydrates. How can I test for the presence of water produced in a chemical reaction? How does absorption and release of heat indicate that a chemical change occurs? How do I use the activity series to predict products of single replacement reactions? How do I use solubility rules to predict whether or not a precipitate will occur in a double replacement reaction when both reactants are aqueous? What do coefficients in balanced reactions represent? How do I perform stoichiometry calculations given grams, moles, liters and particles and finding grams, moles, liters and particles? How do I convert between units using the definitions of: 1 mol= 6.02 X 1023 atoms, molecules particles, formula units 1 mol = grams of an element or compound 1 mol of a gas at STP= 22.4L How do I calculate the empirical formula given percentage composition data for a compound? How do I calculate the molecular formula of a compound given the empirical formula and the molar mass? How do I calculate the molecular formula given the molar mass and percentage composition data for the compound? How do I determine the percentage composition by mass of a compound? How do I perform calculations based on percent composition? How do I interpret lab data to find the composition of a hydrate?

10 endothermic reactants mole ratio empirical formula exothermic products molecular weight molecular formula potential energy double replacement stoichiometry molecular weight products hydrocarbon reactants percentage composition reactants combustion products hydrates activation energy reactants products precipitate ionic equations net ionic equations single replacement activity series law of conservation of matter law of conservation of matter solubility rules synthesis Student Performance Goals Learning Targets Criteria for Success I will I can Be able to explain collision theory. Be able to determine if a chemical reaction has occurred based evidence of chemical changes and reaction thermodynamics. Be able to write and balance chemical equations predicting product(s) in a reaction using the reference tables. Be able to identify acid-base neutralization as double replacement. Be able to write and balance ionic and net ionic equations. Be able to identify combustion reactions. Be able to use reference table rules to predict products for all types of reactions to show the conservation of mass. Be able to use activity series to predict whether a single replacement reaction will take place. Be able to use the solubility rules to determine the precipitate in a double replacement reaction if a reaction occurs. Be able to interpret coefficients of a balanced equation as mole ratios. Be able to use mole ratios from the balanced equation to calculate the quantity of one substance in a reaction given the quantity of another substance in the reaction. Discuss the need for effective collisions between molecules in order to overcome activation energy and react. Interpret potential energy diagrams so that the activated complex, reactants, products, change in enthalpy can be determined. Identify exothermic and endothermic reactions from potential energy diagrams. Determine whether or not a chemical reaction has occurred by looking for precipitate formation, color change, production of gases(hydrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor), or temperature change. Distinguish between color change as a result of new substances being made and dilution with water. Show that the enthalpy change is negative for an exothermic reaction using lab data and that the enthalpy change is positive for an endothermic reaction using lab data. Use the reference tables to identify types of reactions given reactants. Predict products of reactions once the type is identified. Balance reactions using the lowest whole number coefficients to satisfy the law of conservation of

11 Be able to calculate empirical formula from mass or percent using experimental data. Be able to calculate molecular formula from empirical formula using molecular weight. Be able to determine percentage composition by mass of a given compound. Be able to perform calculations based on percent composition. Be able to determine the composition of hydrates using experimental data. matter. Write and balance ionic reactions. Write and balance net ionic reactions. Write and balance acid base neutralization reactions. Write and balance combustion reactions. Identify hydrocarbons as compounds containing C and H. Use the activity series of metals and of halogens to predict products of single replacement reactions if they occur. Use the solubility rules in conjunction with double replacement reactions to predict if an insoluble precipitate will form. Interpret coefficients as mole ratios in a balanced reaction when performing stoichiometric calculations. Work stoichiometry problems given grams, moles, molecules, particles, liters (for gases) and looking for grams, moles, molecules, particles, liters (for gases). Determine the empirical formula for a compound given percentage composition data. Determine the molecular formula for a compound given the empirical formula and molar mass. Determine the molecular formula given the molar mass and percentage composition data. Determine the percentage composition by mass of a compound. Determine the formula for a hydrate by using experimental data such as the mass of the compound before and after heating. Chm.3.1 Interaction of Energy and Matter Chm.3.1 Understand the factors affecting rate of reaction and chemical equilibrium. Chm Explain the factors that affect the rate of a reaction (temperature, concentration, particle size and presence of a catalyst). Chm Explain the conditions of a system at equilibrium. Chm Infer the shift in equilibrium when a stress is applied to a chemical system (Le Chatelier s Principle).

12 Big Ideas Essential Questions Know the factors that affect the rate of a reaction. Explain how the number of effective collisions affects the reaction rate by changing temperature, pressure, concentration and adding a catalyst. Analyze the factors that affect the equilibrium in balanced reactions. Know that the equilibrium constant expression measures the extent that a reaction proceeds to equilibrium. Understand Le Chatelier s principle and how it explains the effects of concentration, temperature, pressure on the equilibrium. Know that the entropy change in a reaction is related to the equilibrium shift. How are reaction rate and number of effective collisions related? What are the factors that affect the number of collisions in a reaction? How do increases in temperature, pressure, concentration and surface area affect the number of collisions in a reaction? How does a catalyst increase the rate of reaction? What is chemical equilibrium? What type(s) of reactions reach equilibrium? How are equal rates of reactions and equal concentrations of reactants/products related? How are equilibrium constant expressions for reactions written? How are equilibrium constant expressions evaluated as a measure of the extent that a reaction proceeds to completion? What does the value of the equilibrium constant expression express? What are some factors that affect the equilibrium? How do temperature, pressure, and concentration affect the equilibrium of a reaction? How is the shift in equilibrium in response to a stress related to the entropy change of the reaction? pressure concentration surface area catalyst collision energetics kinetic energy Chemical equilibrium Equilibrium expression Equilibrium constant Le Chatelier s principle Reactant Product Heat Pressure Order Disorder Equilibrium Le Chatelier s Principle

13 order reactant product reaction rate Student Performance Goals Learning Targets Criteria for Success I will I can Understand qualitatively that reaction rate is proportional to number of effective collisions. Be able to explain that nature of reactants can refer to their complexity and the number of bonds that must be broken and reformed in the course of reaction. Be able to explain how temperature (kinetic energy), concentration, and/or pressure affect the number of collisions. Be able to articulate how increased surface area increases number of collisions. Be able to explain how a catalyst lowers the activation energy, so that at a given temperature, more molecules will have energy equal to or greater than the activation energy. Define chemical equilibrium for reversible reactions. Describe the effect of collisions among molecules on the reaction rate. Look at the formulas for compounds in reactions and know that energy is stored in bonds that are formed and broken during a chemical reaction. Determine how the reaction rate will be affected by changes in the temperature, pressure, and concentration of reactants or products. Describe how the number of collisions among molecules is affected by using smaller or larger particles to perform the reaction. Analyze lab data concerning the reaction rate and changing the temperature or concentration of a reactant. Interpret reaction energy diagrams for catalyzed and uncatalyzed reactions. Discuss the purpose of equilibrium constant expressions and show that when Keq=1 the reaction is at equilibrium, when Keq<1 the reaction is making reactants (shifting left), and when Keq>1 the reaction is making products(shifting right). Determine the correct equilibrium constant expression for a reaction as Be able to distinguish between equal rates and equal concentrations. Be able to explain equilibrium expressions for a given reaction. Be able to evaluate equilibrium constants as a measure of the extent that the reaction proceeds to completion Be able to determine the effects of stresses on systems at equilibrium. (Adding/ removing a reactant or product; adding/removing heat; Use Le Chatelier s Principle to determine which way a reaction at equilibrium will shift in response to a stress such as increasing/decreasing the temperature, adding/removing a reactant or product, adding a catalyst, and for gases increasing/decreasing the temperature. Articulate in terms of entropy changes, why the equilibrium shifts in response to stresses added. Explain the applications of Le Chatlier s Principle in the lab and industry. Analyze lab data obtained by adding or removing reactants/products or increasing/decreasing the

14 increasing/decreasing pressure) Be able to relate the shift that occurs in terms of the order/disorder of the system. temperature using Le Chatelier s Principle. Chm.3.2 Interaction of Energy and Matter Chm.3.2 Understand solutions and the solution process. Chm Classify substances using the hydronium and hydroxide ion concentrations. Chm Summarize the properties of acids and bases. Chm Infer the quantitative nature of a solution (molarity, dilution, and titration with a 1:1 molar ratio). Chm Summarize the properties of solutions. Chm Interpret solubility diagrams. Chm Explain the solution process. Big Ideas Know the properties of acids and bases. Know how to calculate ph, poh, [H +1 ], and [OH - 1 ] using formulas given in the reference tables. (ph=-log [H +1 ], poh=-log [OH -1 ], [H +1 ]=10 -ph, and [OH -1 ]=10 -poh ) Understand the ph an poh scale Understand the purpose and use of indicators. Use lab data and solve problems with concentration molarity and titration data. Understand the properties of solutions. Know the concept of solubility and be able to interpret solubility graphs Understand the nature and energetics of the solution process. Essential Questions How do I identify acids and bases based on the chemical formula? How do I identify acids and bases based on chemical and physical properties? What is the relationship between concentration of solutions and the degree of dissociation? How is the ph /poh scale used to determine acidity /basicity of a solution? How is the ph/poh related to the concentration of hydrodgen/hydroxide ions in a solution? How do I use indicators to determine the ph of a solution? What are the different indicators used to determine the acidity of solutions? How do I calculate ph, poh, [H +1 ], and [OH -1 ] given the formulas provided in the reference tables? (ph=-log [H +1 ], poh=-log [OH -1 ], [H +1 ]=10 -ph, and [OH -1 ]=10 -poh ) What information do the values of ph, poh,

15 [H +1 ], and [OH -1 ] provide about a solution? How do I calculate the molarity of a solution given grams and the volume of water? (using formula: M= moles of solution / liter of solution) How do I calculate the grams of solute necessary to make a given volume of solution with a known molarity?(using formula M= moles of solute / liter of solution How do I solve dilution problems given molarity and volume data?(using formula M 1 V 1 =M 2 V 2 ) How do I solve titration problems for an unknown molarity?(using formula M 1 V 1 =M 2 V 2 ) How are titration curves interpreted to determine the properties of the acid and base titrated? How can titration curves be used to determine the end point and equivalence point of a titration? What are the properties of solid, liquid, aqueous, and gaseous solutions? Why are solutions considered homogenous mixtures? What are the quantitative characteristics of the solutes and the solvent as compared to the whole solution? What are the characteristics of electrolytic and nonelectrolytic solutions? How is the electrical conductivity of a solution determined? What are colligative properties? What causes colligative properties? What are the qualitiative consequences of adding solutes to pure liquids in terms of the vapor pressure, the boiling point, the freezing point, and the osmotic pressure of the resulting solution? What are the properities that solubility of a substance is dependent on? How is the solubility of a substance related to the type of compound (ionic or covalent) as the temperature changes? How is the solubility of a substance related to the state of matter (solid or gas)as the temperature changes? How can I determine the solubility of a substance using a solubility graph? How can I use a solubility graph to tell whether a solution is saturated, unsaturated, or supersaturated at a given temperature? How are the forces of attraction (intermolecular forces) related to the solubility of the solution? How can I show using particle diagrams the forces of attraction among soluble and insoluble

16 particles that make up solutions? How is the heat transfer (released or absorbed) related to the dissolving process? How can I determine whether dissolving is an endothermic or exothermic process? How is solubility related to the attraction of the solute and solvent as the temperature is changed? How is the solubility of a gas related to the attraction of the solute and solvent as the pressure is changed? [H +1 ] Electrolytic solution Electrolytic solutions Solubility [OH -1 ] Electrical conductivity Electrical conductivity Solubility diagrams Acid Nonelectrolytic solution Nonelectrolytic solutions Saturated Base Concentration Hydronium Hydroxide ph poh Molarity Acid Base ph Molarity Dilution Concentration Titration Titration curve Colligative properties Freezing point depression Boiling point elevation Osmotic pressure Vapor pressure reduction Unsaturated Supersaturated Solute-solvent attraction Soluble Insoluble Dissociation Molar ratio Titration ph scale Litmus paper Phenolphthalein Learning Targets Criteria for Success I will I can Be able to distinguish between acids and bases based on formula and chemical properties. Be able to differentiate between concentration (molarity) and strength (degree of dissociation). No calculation involved. Be able to use the ph scale to identify acids and Distinguish between acids and bases on the basis of the chemical formula and physical and chemical properties. Differentiate between strong acids/bases and weak acids/bases by knowing the molarity and

17 bases. Be able to interpret ph scale in terms of the exponential nature of ph values in terms of concentrations. Relate the color of indicator to ph using ph ranges provided in a table. Be able to compute ph, poh, [H +1 ], and [OH -1 ]. Be able to distinguish properties of acids and bases related to taste, touch, reaction with metals, electrical conductivity, and identification with indicators such as litmus paper and phenolphthalein. Be able to compute concentration (molarity) of solutions in moles per liter. Be able to calculate molarity given mass of solute and volume of solution. Be able to calculate mass of solute needed to create a solution of a given molarity and volume. Be able to solve dilution problems: M 1 V 1 = M 2 V 2. Perform 1:1 titration calculations: M A V A = M B V B Be able to determine the concentration of an acid or base using a titration. Interpret titration curve for strong acid/strong base. Be able to identify types of solutions (solid, liquid, gaseous, aqueous). Define solutions as homogeneous mixtures in a single phase. Distinguish between electrolytic and nonelectrolytic solutions. Summarize colligative properties (vapor pressure reduction, boiling point elevation, freezing point depression, and osmotic pressure). Be able to use graph of solubility vs. temperature to identify a substance based on solubility at a particular temperature. Be able to use a graph of solubility vs temperature of several substances to relate the degree of saturation of solutions to temperature. Develop a conceptual model for the solution process. Be able to describe the energetics of the solution process as it occurs and the overall process as exothermic or endothermic. concentration. Use the ph/poh scales to identify acids and bases. Understand the logarithmic nature of the ph/poh scales Use indicators to determine the acidity/basicity of solutions based on numbers and/or color changes and tables Calculate ph, poh, [H +1 ], and [OH -1 ] using the formulas given in the reference tables. Perform experiments and analyze lab data to distinguish acids and bases using indicators and physical properties. Work problems given grams and volume to find molarity of solutions. Work problems given molarity and volume to find grams of solute required to make solutions. Solve problems related to dilutions and titrations to find unknown volumes or molarities. Perform titrations in the lab to determine an unknown molarity of a solution such as vinegar or how much of a substance is neutralized such as aspirin. Interpret titration curves by finding the end point, equivalence point, the ph at the equivalence point and the strength of the acid and base titrated. Identify solutions based on physical properties such as state of matter, electrical conductivity, and concentration. Describe the similarities and differences among different types of solutions. Describe the solute(s) and solvent that make up solutions. Perform lab experiments to determine the electrical conductivity of solutions and relate it to the type of solution. Describe how colligative properties of solutions are determined by the addition of solute and dependent upon the quantity of solute added. Show qualitatively that all solutions posses the following colligative properties because of the addition of

18 Be able to explain solubility in terms of the nature of solute-solvent attraction, temperature and pressure (for gases). solutes: vapor pressure lowering, boiling point elevation, freezing point depression, and changing the osmotic pressure. Interpret solubility curves to show the temperature that a substance is saturated, unsaturated, and supersaturated when dissolved in a given quantity of solvent (water). Use solubility curves to determine the relative solubility of one substance compared to others as the temperature changes. Describe and explain why some solutions release heat when they are created and some solutions absorb heat in terms of solute-solvent attraction.

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