SCIENCE Student Book. 3rd Grade Unit 9

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1 SCIENCE Studnt Book 3rd Grad Unit 9

2 Unit 9 HEAT ENERGY SCIENCE 309 HEAT ENERGY Introduction 3 1. Whr Hat Enrgy Coms From...4 Friction 6 Fir 9 Elctricity 14 Our Bodis 18 Th Sun 21 Slf Tst What Hat Enrgy is and Dos Dfinition of Hat Enrgy 30 Effcts of Hat Enrgy 32 Movmnt of Hat Enrgy 42 Slf Tst How Hat Enrgy Affcts our Livs Bnfits of Hat Enrgy 53 Problms of Hat Enrgy 55 Ecology of Hat Enrgy 60 Slf Tst 3 62 LIFEPAC Tst Pull-out 1

3 HEAT ENERGY Unit 9 Author: Phyllis A. MacDonald, M.A.Ed. Editor-in-Chif: Richard W. Whlr, M.A.Ed. Editor: Mary Elln Quint, M.A. Consulting Editor: Harold Wngrt, Ed.D. Rvision Editor: Alan Christophrson, M.S. Mdia Crdits: Pag 3: michal_staniwski, istock, Thinkstock; 4: 7Michal, istock, Thinkstock; 6, 43: David D Lossy, Photodisk, Thinkstock; 9: smuay, istock, Thinkstock; 12: Upyanos, istock, Thinkstock; 13: Olg Kalina, istock, Thinkstock; 14: Richard Hains, istock, Thinkstock; Balazs Kovacs, istock, Thinkstock; 16, 17, 35, 38: Dorling Kindrsly, Thinkstock; 18: GlinskajaOlga, istock, Thinkstock; 19: Mikhaylova-Anna, istock, Thinkstock; 21: ALXR, istock, Thinkstock; 22: MikNik, istock, Thinkstock; 28: zhngzaushuru, istock, Thinkstock; 30: axstoks, istock, Thinkstock; 32, 55, 59: Toa55, istock, Thinkstock; 40: jordachlr, istock, Thinkstock; 41: Jos m Dominguz, istock, Thinkstock; 52: hsun337, istock, Thinkstock; 53: hxdyl, istock, Thinkstock; 56: Stockbyt, Thinkstock; 58: gkuna, istock, Thinkstock; 60: Jack Sopotnicki, istock, Thinkstock. 804 N. 2nd Av. E. Rock Rapids, IA MCMXCVI by Alpha Omga Publications, Inc. All rights rsrvd. LIFEPAC is a rgistrd tradmark of Alpha Omga Publications, Inc. All tradmarks and/or srvic marks rfrncd in this matrial ar th proprty of thir rspctiv ownrs. Alpha Omga Publications, Inc. maks no claim of ownrship to any tradmarks and/or srvic marks othr than thir own and thir affiliats, and maks no claim of affiliation to any companis whos tradmarks may b listd in this matrial, othr than thir own. 2

4 Unit 9 HEAT ENERGY HEAT ENERGY Th havn, vn th havns, ar th Lord s: but th arth hath H givn to th childrn of mn. Psalm 115:16 Hat, light, and all th rsourcs of Earth ar a part of God s gift. You will nd to larn as much as you can about th arth in ordr to sav ths rsourcs for your childrn and thir childrn. This LIFEPAC will hlp you to undrstand hat. You will find out whr hat nrgy coms from and som things it can do. You will larn that hat nrgy is both good and bad for lif on Earth. Objctivs Rad ths objctivs. Th objctivs tll you what you will b abl to do whn you hav finishd this LIFEPAC. 1. You will b abl to tll about fiv things that caus hat nrgy. 2. You will b abl to show what hat nrgy dos to gass, liquids, and solids. 3. You will b abl to list som bnfits and problms of hat nrgy. 3

5 HEAT ENERGY Unit 9 1. WHERE HEAT ENERGY COMES FROM Did you vr rub your hands togthr whn thy wr cold? Hav you stood nar a campfir on a chilly day? Prhaps you turnd on th thrmostat in your hous to start th furnac. Did you vr put on a jackt or a swatr? Mayb you movd out of th shad into th sun. If you did any or all of ths things, you causd hat nrgy to go to work to mak you warmr. In this sction of th LIFEPAC, you will larn whr hat nrgy coms from. You will larn somthing about fiv causs of hat nrgy: friction, fir, lctricity, your body, and th sun. Vocabulary Study ths nw words. Larning th manings of ths words is a good study habit and will improv your undrstanding of this LIFEPAC. absorb ( b sôrb ). To tak in. ashs (ăsh ĭz). What is lft aftr wood burns. cindrs (sĭn d rz). What is lft aftr coal burns. duct (dŭkt). A tub or pip for carrying air or liquid. dynamic lctricity (dī năm ĭk ĭ lĕk trĭs ĭ t). A moving stram of lctric nrgy. nrgy (ĕn r jē). Powr or forc. friction (frĭk sh n). Rubbing two things togthr to mak hat. 4 Sction 1

6 Unit 9 HEAT ENERGY ful (fy oo l). Somthing that can b burnd to mak a fir. furnac (fûr nĭs). A plac to mak and hold a fir. liquid (lĭk wĭd). Somthing that can b pourd; lik watr. natural (năch r l). Not mad by man; God-givn. oxygn (ŏk sĭ j n). A gas w cannot liv without. prspir (p r spīr ). To hav watr com out of th skin whn a prson gts hot. produc (pr d oos ). To mak. product (prŏd kt). Somthing that is mad. provid (pr vīd ). To giv. radiant (rā dē nt). Snding out rays of light or hat. rsourcs (rē sôr sĭz). Things that mt th nds of popl. solid (sŏl ĭd). Not a liquid or a gas; hard to th touch. static (stăt ĭk). A kind of lctrical nrgy. thrmomtr (th r mŏm ĭ t r). Somthing usd to masur hat. thrmostat (th r m stăt). Somthing usd to control hat. transparnt (trăns pãr nt). Can b sn through. Not: All vocabulary words in this LIFEPAC appar in boldfac print th first tim thy ar usd. If you ar unsur of th maning whn you ar rading, study th dfinitions givn. Pronunciation Ky: hat, āg, cãr, fär; lt, ēqual, tėrm; it, īc; hot, ōpn, ôrdr; oil; out; cup, pu t, rül; child; long; thin; /ŦH/ for thn; /zh/ for masur; /u/ or / / rprsnts /a/ in about, // in takn, /i/ in pncil, /o/ in lmon, and /u/ in circus. Ask your tachr to say ths words with you. Tachr chck: Initials Dat Sction 1 5

7 HEAT ENERGY Unit 9 Friction On way you can mak hat is to rub two surfacs togthr. This rubbing togthr is calld friction. Th friction you mak whn you rub your hands togthr warms your hands. Try it. Rub your hands togthr hard and fast. Do thy fl warm? Hold your hands to your fac. Can you fl th hat? Friction can mak othr things warm, too. Friction can also mak fir if you rub two sticks togthr. 6 Sction 1

8 Unit 9 HEAT ENERGY STUDY FRICTION Larn how friction causs hat. You will nd ths things: wood a nail sandpapr a hammr Follow ths dirctions. Chck th boxs as you do ach stp. 1. Rub th wood with sandpapr. Rub it hard. 1.1 How dos th wood fl? 1.2 How dos th sandpapr fl? 2. Pick up th nail. Hold it in your hand. 1.3 Dos it fl hot or cold? 3. Pound th nail into th wood with th hammr. Hit it hard tn tims. Fl th nail. 1.4 How dos th nail fl now? 1.5 What causd th changs you flt in th wood, th sandpapr, and th nail? 4. Think of a way friction could b usd to start a fir. Tll about it. Us complt sntncs. (Continud on th nxt pag) Sction 1 7

9 HEAT ENERGY Unit Draw a pictur showing how friction can start a fir. Tachr chck: Initials Dat 8 Sction 1

10 Unit 9 HEAT ENERGY Fir Fir is anothr thing that maks hat. It causs hat nrgy to work in anything it is nar. Fir is a usful tool that God has givn. Popl hav bn using fir for a vry long tim. Th Bibl tlls us of brad, atn by th popl of thos tims. It was fir that hatd th ovns to bak th brad. Many popl today us fir to cook thir food. Fir is usful for kping warm, too. In vry arly tims, firs wr built to cook food and to kp th popl warm. In arly Amrica, homs had big firplacs. Th firplacs wr usd both for cooking and for hating. Today, popl kp th hating firs in furnacs. Th hat nrgy gos through ducts to hat th air in th homs. Whn popl ar cold, thy can turn up th thrmostat and gt hat. Som pizza is bakd using wood-fird ovns. Sction 1 9

11 HEAT ENERGY Unit 9 Answr ys or no. 1.7 Popl in arly Amrica hatd thir homs with fir from a firplac. 1.8 Cavs wr hatd by fir in a furnac. 1.9 Firplacs can b usd for both hating and cooking Th air in today s homs is warmd by hat nrgy coming through ducts from a fir in a furnac. Fir cannot burn by itslf. It nds ful and an invisibl gas calld oxygn. It also nds hat nrgy from somthing ls to start th burning. Ful for a fir can b many things. Som fuls ar solid. Wood and coal ar solid fuls. Othr fuls ar liquid. Oil and gasolin ar liquid fuls. Som gass ar fuls. Many homs ar hatd by burning a spcial gas in a furnac. It is calld natural gas. Anothr gas that burns is butan. It is a sourc of hat for stovs and furnacs. Follow ths dirctions. Writ th nams of fuls in th corrct spac on this chart SOLID FUEL LIQUID FUEL GAS FUEL 10 Sction 1

12 Unit 9 HEAT ENERGY Rmmbr that no ful can burn without oxygn. Oxygn is a gas that can burn. It is in th air you brath. OBSERVE A FLAME Show that fir nds oxygn to burn. You will nd ths things: 3 candls in holdrs 1 quart jar 1 pint jar matchs clock or timr Follow ths dirctions. Chck th boxs as you do ach stp. 1. Ask your tachr to light th thr candls, or gt prmission to light thm yourslf. B vry carful. 2. Plac th pint jar ovr on lightd candl. 3. Plac th quart jar ovr anothr lightd candl. 4. Obsrv what happns to th thr flams in tn minuts. 5. On this chart, tll about what happnd to ach flam What did you discovr in ach try? candl undr pint jar candl undr quart jar uncovrd candl (Continud on th nxt pag) Sction 1 11

13 HEAT ENERGY Unit 9 6. Why do you think th candl flams actd diffrntly? Us complt sntncs You hav larnd that fir nds two things to burn. Thy ar ful and oxygn. Whn fuls ar burnd, products ar lft. Th most important and usful product is hat. Othr products ar gass that gt into th air. Som of ths gass mak th air dirty. Burning solid fuls lavs solid products. Whn wood is burnd ashs ar lft. Cindrs ar lft from burning coal. Th gry powdr on th coals ar cindrs. 12 Sction 1

14 Unit 9 HEAT ENERGY SELF TEST 1 Each answr = 1 point Fill in th circl bfor th right answr Rubbing your hands togthr maks thm warm. This caus of hat nrgy is calld. lctricity friction transparnt 1.02 Light nrgy is turnd into hat nrgy whn it is. absorbd transparnt radiant 1.03 Th caus of hat nrgy most oftn usd for cooking and hating is. friction th sun fir 1.04 Th lctricity most oftn found in natur is. ful static dynamic lctricity 1.05 In ordr to produc hat nrgy from fir, you must hav. ful and oxygn ful and friction oxygn and lctricity 1.06 Light nrgy from th sun travls in wavs. This nrgy is calld. hat nrgy radiant nrgy lctricity Answr ys or no Whn you hit th nail with th hammr, friction mad th nail warm Early Amricans usd firplacs to hat thir homs and cook thir food. Sction 1 25

15 HEAT ENERGY Unit Whn you burnd th thr candls, th uncovrd on wnt out first Natural gas is a liquid ful Static lctricity can mak sparks in your hair whn you brush it Dynamic lctricity travls through wirs Your tmpratur is lowr on a cold day Exrcis maks your body burn food fastr God cratd a grat light calld th sun Light nrgy and hat nrgy ar th sam Whn sunlight shins through a magnifying glass onto a papr, th papr will burn. Us this list to finish th sntncs. oil wood natural gas oxygn gasolin coal Th solid fuls ar a. and b Th liquid fuls ar a. and b Th ful that is a gas is. 26 Sction 1

16 Unit 9 HEAT ENERGY Draw lins to match, thn writ th lttrs on th lins dynamic arth radiant Fahrnhit lightning a. gift of God b. wavs c tmpratur d. lctricity. static Writ th answrs on th lins Nam fiv causs of hat nrgy. a. b. c. d.. Tachr chck: Initials Scor Dat Sction 1 27

17 SCI_Gr3-5 SCI0309 Jan 16 Printing 804 N. 2nd Av. E. Rock Rapids, IA ISBN

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