나노기술연구협의회는오는 2017 년 2월 22일 ~23일, 이틀간 Nano Convergence Conference 2017 (NCC 2017) 을개최합니다. 한국과학기술회관신관국제회의장에서개최되는이번학술대회는기조강연과 5개분회 ( 나노매뉴팩쳐링,

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1 NANO convergence Conference 년 2 월 22 일 ( 수 ) ~ 23 일 ( 목 ) l 한국과학기술회관신관국제회의장 나노기술연구협의회는오는 2017 년 2월 22일 ~23일, 이틀간 Nano Convergence Conference 2017 (NCC 2017) 을개최합니다. 한국과학기술회관신관국제회의장에서개최되는이번학술대회는기조강연과 5개분회 ( 나노매뉴팩쳐링, 나노바이오, 나노소재, 나노에너지 / 환경, 나노정보전자 ) 의주제강연및특별초청강연, 포스터발표로이루어집니다. 주요일정초록제출마감일 : 2017년 2월 10일 ( 금 ) 초록합격통보일 : 2017년 2월 13일 ( 월 ) 사전등록마감일 : 2017년 2월 17일 ( 금 )



4 (주)아모텍 (주)아모그린텍 (주)아모센스 (주)아모라이프사이언스


6 TITLE 01 인사말 & 위원회 TITLE 02 초청연사 NANO convergence Conference 2017 TITLE 03 등록안내 TITLE 04 프로그램 TITLE 05 포스터발표 TITLE 06 논문투고 TITLE 07 발표초록 ( 기조강연, 특별초청강연, 분회초청강연, 포스터발표 ) TITLE 08 숙박및교통안내 TITLE 09 나노기술연구협의회 - 6 -

7 인사말 나노기술연구협의회의동계학술대회, Nano Convergence Conference 는올해 2 회를맞아 오는 2017 년 2 월 22 일수요일부터 23 일목요일까지한국과학기술회관국제회의장에서개최됩니다. 먼저나노기술연구협의회의기술분회를중심으로 5 개의전문세션 ( 나노매뉴팩쳐링, 나노바이오, 나노소재, 나노에너지 / 환경, 나노정보전자 ) 을마련하였으며, 이외에도나노기술의상용화사례를담은기조강연과 특별초청강연이함께진행됩니다. 이번컨퍼런스는최신연구흐름을파악하고, 관련분야연구자간의교류확대및연구성과를더욱 구체화시키는뜻깊은자리가될것입니다. 본행사를통해학계, 연구계, 산업계간의협력을공고히하고, 우리나라가나노과학기술강국으로새롭게도약할수있는계기가되기를기대합니다. 존경하는나노과학기술인여러분! 지금까지보내주신애정과관심에감사드리며, 컨퍼런스의성공적 개최를위해적극적인참여와지속적인관심을부탁드립니다. 감사합니다. NCC 2017 프로그램위원장 프로그램위원회 No. 구분 성명 소속 비고 1 위원장 이응숙 한국기계연구원 협의회부회장및학술위원회위원장 2 부위원장윤완수성균관대학교학술위원회간사및나노바이오분회간사 3 최영진세종대학교실무위원단장 4 정봉근 서강대학교 학술위원회간사 5 박준원 POSTECH 나노바이오분회장 6 위원 박남규 성균관대학교 나노에너지 / 환경분회장 7 이병훈 GIST 나노정보전자분회장 8 이재종 한국기계연구원 나노매뉴팩쳐링분회장 9 최철진 재료연구소 나노소재분회장 - 7 -

8 초청연사 기조강연 & 특별초청강연 기조강연기조강연특별초청강연 사진사진사진 차국헌교수 ( 서울대학교 ) 이정수원장 (LG 전자소재기술원 ) 함기백교수 ( 분당차병원소화기내과 ) 2 월 22 일 ( 수 ) 10:20~11:00 2 월 22 일 ( 수 ) 11:00~11:40 2 월 22 일 ( 수 ) 17:40~18:10 Chemical Innovations for Sustainable Growth: From Design and Synthesis to High Value-Added Products "Winning Nanotechnologies in the 4th Industrial Revolution" (4 차산업혁명시대의나노승부기술 ) 나노기반의학의필요성과전망 분회초청강연 구분 성함 소속 직위 구분 성함 소속 직위 전성찬 연세대학교 교수 선양국 한양대학교 교수 나노매뉴팩쳐링 김대석 전북대학교 교수 문주호 연세대학교 교수 전석우 KAIST 교수 나노에너지 / 환경 신현정 성균관대학교 교수 최세진 MCNET 대표 남정규 ( 주 )SolaRnD 대표 정성일한국전기연구원선임연구원최장욱 KAIST 교수 김상섭인하대학교교수 노용영동국대학교교수 나노소재 옥강민 중앙대학교 교수 유원종 성균관대학교 교수 류정호 KIMS 책임연구원 나노정보전자 장준연 KIST 소장 김도환 숭실대학교 교수 신창환 서울시립대학교 교수 신현진삼성종합기술원마스터박진홍성균관대학교교수 박현규 KAIST 교수 나노바이오 정형일연세대학교교수 이정건삼성종합기술원팀장 김광명 KIST 책임연구원 정봉근서강대학교교수 - 8 -

9 등록안내 등록비에는 2017 년도나노기술연구협의회연회비가포함되어있습니다. 참가자는원칙적으로 2017 년도회비를 납부하여야하며, 2016 년회비를납부하신후정회원승인을받으셨던분들도 2017 년도회비를다시납부해주셔야합니다. [ 사전등록마감 ] 2017 년 2 월 17 일 ( 금 ) 18:00 사전등록마감후에는당일현장등록을하셔야합니다. 사전등록 현장등록 일반학생일반학생 임원정회원임원정회원 8만원 25만원 20만원 25만원 25만원 10 만원 홈페이지에서회원가입, 회비및등록비결제를진행하실수있으며, 학술대회당일등록대는많이혼잡하오니참가자께서는사전에회비와참가비를납부하여주시기바랍니다. 학생은연회비가없는준회원이며, 연회비는임원 (100,000 원 / 년 ), 정회원 (50,000 원 / 년 ) 입니다. 등록비환불규정 - 구두발표, 포스터발표의발표자가초록접수마감후에발표를취소할경우연회비는환불불가하고, 등록비는사전등록마감일까지만요청에의하여환불합니다. - 개인사정으로참가비를환불하여야할경우사전등록마감일인 2017 년 2월 17일 ( 금 ) 오후 6시까지담당자이메일 (ncc@kontrs.or.kr) 로연락주셔야환불됩니다. 이후에는학술대회준비관계로환불되지않으니이점양해하여주시기바랍니다. 결제방법 1) 신용카드 2) 실시간계좌이체 3) 무통장입금 사전등록및현장등록모두, 모든종류의결제수단이가능합니다. 등록포함내역 1) 프로그램북 2) 점심쿠폰 (2월 22일, 1장 ) 3) Banquet 초대권 (2월 22일, 1장 ) 등록확인증 / 결제영수증출력 1) 나노기술연구협의회는비영리법인단체로세금계산서발행이되지않습니다. 2) 결제영수증 ( 카드결제시 ) 과등록확인증은사무국에서발송해드립니다

10 프로그램 일시 세부내용 09:00-10:00 등록 10:00-10:20 10:20-11:00 11:00-11:40 11:40-13:00 개회식 ( 대회의실 ) Plenary Session 1 - 차국헌교수 ( 서울대학교화학생물공학부 ) Chemical Innovations for Sustainable Growth : From Design and Synthesis to High Value-Added Products 좌장 : 이응숙책임연구원 (KIMM) / 장소 : 대회의실 Plenary Session 2 - 이정수원장 (LG 전자소재기술원 ) Winning Nanotechnologies in the 4th Industrial Revolution(4 차산업혁명시대의나노승부기술 ) 좌장 : 최철진책임연구원 (KIMS) / 장소 : 대회의실 점심 (12 층아나이스홀 ) 13:00-15:30 5 개분회초청강연 2017 년 2 월 22 일 ( 수 ) 나노매뉴팩쳐링좌장 : 이석재책임연구원 (NNFC) 장소 : 대회의실 나노바이오좌장 : 정봉근교수 ( 서강대 ) 박소정교수 ( 이화여대 ) 장소 : 소회의실 1 나노소재좌장 : 황윤회교수 ( 부산대 ) 장소 : 소회의실 2 나노에너지 / 환경좌장 : 김진영교수 ( 서울대 ) 장소 : 소회의실 3 나노정보전자좌장 : 전상훈교수 ( 고려대 ) 장소 : 소회의실 4 13:00-13:25 전성찬교수 ( 연세대 ) 고효율및빛흡수력조절광전자소자제조 박현규교수 (KAIST) Technological applications arising from the interactions of DNA bases with metal ions 김상섭교수 ( 인하대 ) Oxide Nanowires-Based Chemiresistive Gas Sensors 선양국교수 ( 한양대 ) Progress in High-Capacity Gradient Cathode Materials for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries 노용영교수 ( 동국대 ) Conjugated polymer wrapped single wall carbon nanotubes for high performance printed transistors and gas sensors 13:25-13:50 김대석교수 ( 전북대 ) Dynamic spectroellipsometry for real time monitoring of large-scale nano-pattern manufacturing process 정형일교수 ( 연세대 ) Enhanced administration of dissolving microneedles for efficient transdermal drug delivery 옥강민교수 ( 중앙대 ) Elucidation of Structure- Property Relationships in Solid-State Materials with Asymmetric Coordination Environment 문주호교수 ( 연세대 ) Anodized Aluminum Oxide Scaffold Based Semitransparent Perovskites Solar Cells 유원종교수 ( 성균관대 ) Carrier Transport at the Metallic Interface of 2-Dimensional Materials 13:50-14:15 전석우교수 (KAIST) Patterning Capability of Proximity field nanopatterning 이정건팀장 ( 삼성종합기술원 ) A microchip filter device incorporating slit arrays and 3-D flow for detection of circulating tumor cells using CAV1-EpCAM conjugated microbeads 류정호책임연구원 (KIMS) Unleashing the full potential of magnetoelectric coupling in film heterostructures 신현정교수 ( 성균관대 ) Atomic Layer Deposition of MoS2 on Self-Supported Metallic Substrates as Efficient Catalysts for Hydrogen Evolution 장준연소장 (KIST) Utilization of spin polarized electrons for future electronics 14:15-14:40 휴식시간 14:40-15:05 최세진대표 (( 주 )MCNET) Manufacturing of biomimetic hierarchical structure for anti-reflective and superhydrophobic multifunctional surface by using template-mediated imprint technology 정봉근교수 ( 서강대학교 ) Functional Microfluidics and Nanomaterials for Stem Cell and Cancer Fate 김도환교수 ( 숭실대 ) An Ultrasensitive, Visco- Poroelastic Artificial Sensor Skin with Mechanosensitive Ionic Nanochannels 남정규대표 (( 주 )SolarRnD) CIGS Industry and Technology Trend 신창환교수 ( 서울시립대 ) Super Steep Switching FET: Negative Capacitance FET 15:05-15:30 15:30-16:30 16:30-17:30 정성일선임연구원 ( 한국전기연구원 ) " 나노패턴응용시인성향상투명전극필름제조 " 김광명책임연구원 (KIST) "Theranostic glycol chitosan nanoparticles for heterogeneous tumors" 신현진마스터 ( 삼성종합기술원 ) 2-Dimensional Layered materials for Si Technology 포스터세션 ( 중회의실 ) 2017 년도나노기술연구협의회총회 (12 층아나이스홀 ) 특별초청강연 - 함기백교수 ( 분당차병원소화기내과 ) 17:40-18:10 나노기반의학의필요성과전망 만찬 18:10-18:30 (12 층아나이스홀 ) 2016 년나노기술연구협의회주요활동소개 18:30-20:00 경품추첨및레크레이션 일시 세부내용 08:00-09:00 등록 09:00-10:30 포스터 3 분발표 최장욱교수 (KAIST) 미래이차전지기술 박진홍교수 ( 성균관대 ) Recent progress in 2D heterojunction-based devices 2017 년 2 월 23 일 ( 목 ) 나노매뉴팩쳐링좌장 : 홍종인교수 ( 중앙대 ) 장소 : 대회의실 나노바이오좌장 : 윤완수교수 ( 성균관대 ) 장소 : 소회의실 1 나노소재좌장 : 장호원교수 ( 서울대 ) 장소 : 소회의실 2 나노에너지 / 환경좌장 : 김진영교수 ( 서울대 ) 장소 : 소회의실 3 나노정보전자좌장 : 전상훈교수 ( 고려대 ) 장소 : 소회의실 4 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break 11:00-11:30 폐회식및 Best Poster Award ( 대회의실 )

11 포스터발표 포스터 발표자는 모두 3분 포스터 발표를 준비하셔야 하며, 발표내용을 PPT 1장(가로형식)으로 요약하여 초록 과 함께 제출해주시기 바랍니다. 3분 포스터 발표는 2월 23일 목요일, 오전 9시부터 초록을 제출하신 분야 별 (나노매뉴팩쳐링, 나노바이오, 나노소재, 나노에너지/환경, 나노정보전자)로 각각 별도의 공간에서 진행되며, 포 스터 세션은 중회의실 1에서 진행됩니다. 포스터 거치는 2월 22일(수) 15시까지 모두 완료해야하며, 포스터 부착을 위한 보드와 테이프가 현장에서 제 공됩니다. 제출하신 PPT 1장(가로형식)은 3분 포스터 발표에서 각 발표자가 사용하는 발표자료로, 제출 후 변 경을 원하시는 분들은 반드시 2월 15일(수)까지 다시 제출해주시기 바랍니다. 현장에서는 그 어떤 경우에도 발표자료를 변경해드리지 않습니다. 거치 가능한 공간의 크기는 약 가로 90cm X 세로 120cm로, 각 포스터 Code No.는 현장에서 확인이 가능하며 포스터 보드의 왼쪽 상단에 기재되어 있는 Code No. 확인 후 부착하 시기 바랍니다. BEST POSTER AWARDS - 제출된 모든 포스터가 평가 대상이며 별도의 신청은 없습니다. - Best Poster Awards 심사 시간에 부여받은 코드번호가 붙어있는 포스터보드에 발표자의 포스터가 부착되어 있어야 평가가 가능합니다. - 모든 포스터는 프로그램 위원회에서 정한 평가기준에 의거 심사되며 각 분회 별로 시상이 진행됩니다. - 시상은 2월 23일(목) 폐회식에서 진행되며 발표자 부재 시 대리 수상도 가능합니다. - 수상한 포스터는 공식 홈페이지를 통해 사후 확인 가능합니다. - 수상한 포스터는 내년 콘퍼런스에 게시될 예정으로 사무국으로 제출하여 주시기 바랍니다. 사무국에서는 발표자료의 분실, 훼손 등 어떠한 피해에 대한 책임이 없음을 알려드립니다. 또한, 포스터 발표 시간 동안 적어도 한 명의 저자는 현장에 있어야 함을 유념하시기 바랍니다. 발표시간에 부착되어 있지 않은 포스터에 대해서는 "No Show"로 처리되며 이는 통보 없이 발표 취소가 됩니다. 초록수정 및 삭제는 접수 마감일 이전까지만 가능합니다. 초록양식 홈페이지 다운로드 초록 초록접수 년 2월 10일(금) 18:00 마감 - , ncc@kontrs.or.kr 에서 접수 - 파일명, 이름_소속_발표분야로 작성 ex) 김나노_건국대_나노정보전자 초록의 수정 및 삭제

12 논문투고 논문제출은참가자의선택사항으로게재를원할경우에만제출하면됩니다. 제출하신논문은심사후나노기술연구협의회의국제학술지 Nano Convergence에게재됩니다. Nano Convergence(ISSN : ) 는세계적인출판사 Springer Nature 와출판하는 Open Access Journal 로서, 나노과학기술분야전반을다루고있습니다. 제출된논문은평균 2~4 주이내의심사이후공식홈페이지에게재되는데, 투고후 3달이내공식출판되고있습니다. 특히저자는게재비용을지불할필요가없고, 독자또한공식홈페이지에서모든논문을무료로열람및다운로드할수있습니다 년 SCI(E) 등재를목표로, 현재매달 4편이상의논문을정기게재하고있으며, 2016 년 Impact Factor 는비공식집계결과약 3.0에달하고있습니다 년상반기에는아래와같이 Thematic series가출판될예정이오니투고를원하시는저자분들께서는 Editorial Office(pdjoo@kontrs.or.kr, ) 로연락주시기바랍니다. THEMATIC SERIES ON NANOPATTERNING LITHOGRAPHY Guest Editor : Dr. Helmut Schift(Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland), Dr. Jae Jong Lee(KIMM, Korea) To fabricate nanoscale structures on different kinds of substrates, nanopatterning lithography technologies have been studied during the past decades. Especially, nanoimprint lithography (NIL) is a promising technology for producing two-dimensional or three dimensional structures with sub-10 nm half-pitch features. The advantages of this simple process include low cost, high replication fidelity, and relatively high throughput and productivity. Recently, nanoscale and micro-scale hybrid structures have attracted significant research interest due to their potential for use in biosensors, anti-reflection films, anti-fingerprint films, solar cells, nanofluidic and microfluidic channels, and some functional optical films. The nanopatterning lithography systems using rolltyped stamps have become increasingly appealing technologies for undertaking mass production and continuous fabrication of those hybrid patterns on large area substrates. Papers in this thematic series will introduce and review the recent advances in the field of the nanopatterning lithography, from the fabrication processes and techniques to manufactured functional devices and their novel applications. THEMATIC SERIES ON ADVANCED CHARACTERIZATION METHODS FOR NANO-MATERIALS Guest Editor : Prof. Tomoji Kawai(Osaka Univ., Japan), Prof. Bae Ho Park(Konkuk Univ., Korea) Nano science has been developed rapidly during past decades with help of various nanoscale tools, such as scanning microsocopy, electron microscopy, and theoretical simulation. Since discovery of novel nano-materials and its development strongly depends on the new nanoscale technologies, newly emerging nano technologies are essential for leading nano science and the realization of nano electronics. Papers published in this thematic series will introduce and review the recent advances in the emerging nanoscale methodologies for characterizing structural, chemical, electronic, and magnetic properties. All papers and supplementary information (if any) should be submitted online and prepared according to the NCON guidelines. Authors should indicate that the paper is submitted for the special issue in their cover letter and is not published or being considered to publish elsewhere. All submissions will be subject to peer review before possible acceptance for publication in NCON which is free of charge and highly accessed by readers from all over the world

13 초록제출목록 No. 제출분야성함소속제목 1 매뉴팩쳐링 강정섭 연세대학교 2 매뉴팩쳐링 권순근 한국기계연구원 3 매뉴팩쳐링 김경훈 나노종합기술원 4 매뉴팩쳐링 김기홍 한국기계연구원 5 매뉴팩쳐링 김대석 (1) 전북대학교 6 매뉴팩쳐링 김대석 (2) 전북대학교 7 매뉴팩쳐링 김상곤 홍익대학교 8 매뉴팩쳐링 김정대 서울과학기술대학교 9 매뉴팩쳐링 녠티푸엉 한국기계연구원 10 매뉴팩쳐링 신은혜 중앙대학교 11 매뉴팩쳐링 양준모 나노종합기술원 12 매뉴팩쳐링 오동교 서울과학기술대학교 Fabrication of graphene composite foam by simple method for flexible supercapacitor electrodes Focused Laser beam lithography for fabrication of graphene-based microsupercapacitors Scalable, Water-resistive and Flexible Paper as a Biosensing Platform to Detect Pathogens Optical waveguide patterning process using Substrate Conformal Imprint Lithography Spectral Stokes vector measurement based on a dynamic spectropolarimeter Vibration-robust interferometric spectro-ellipsometry for thin-film measurement Surface Plasmon Interference and Metamaterial of Plasmonic Structures for below 10-nm Patterning Thin film deposition by simple airbrushing and its application in continuous Roll-to-Roll nanoimprinting with controlled residual layer thickness A study on the embedding process of nanoparticles in anodic aluminum oxide templates Transparent TiO2 nanowire networks via wet corrosion of Ti thin films for dye-sensitized solar cells Strain measurement in InGaN/GaN multi-quantum wells using dark-field electron holography Three-dimensional nanoarchitecturing of double-bent Au strips on roll-to-roll nanoimprinted gratings for scalable and flexible plasmonic sensors 13 매뉴팩쳐링우상원 KIMM Separation of Blood cells by a Plastic Nanogap Device 14 매뉴팩쳐링 위정섭 한국표준과학연구원 15 매뉴팩쳐링 이남희 한국표준과학연구원 16 매뉴팩쳐링 이수옥 한국기계연구원 17 매뉴팩쳐링 이승조 서울과학기술대학교 18 매뉴팩쳐링 임지석 영남대학교 19 매뉴팩쳐링 정대경 UST 20 매뉴팩쳐링 정성훈 재료연구소 (KIMS) 21 매뉴팩쳐링 진새라 중앙대학교 22 매뉴팩쳐링 천소희 한국기계연구원 23 매뉴팩쳐링 최윤호 KAIST Physically-synthesized porous gold nanoparticles for photoacoustic imaging Detection of Vaccinia Virus Using a Graphene-based Nanomechanical Sensor Construction of Multilayered Nanostructure via Liquid Transfer Imprint Lithography High-speed fabrication of controlled nanopatterns by continuous nanoinscribing on flexible substrates using a nanostructured mold edge Fabrication of glass microfluidic devices via glass imprinting process Selective transfer of micro-leds by the laser scanning system with a meniscus chuck Fabrication of surface nanostructure of plastic films for light extraction of organic light emitting diodes Preparation of TiO2 nanowire networks by wet corrosion and their application to bendable dye-sensitized solar cells Fabrication of nanopatterned cerium oxide film using nanoimprint lithography Fabrication of superhydrophobic 3D porous sponge via icvd process for foodborne pathogen isolation

14 24 매뉴팩쳐링 홍동인 중앙대학교 25 매뉴팩쳐링 홍성제 KETI Mohsin Ali 26 매뉴팩쳐링 Badshah 중앙대학교 27 바이오 강선우 부산대학교 28 바이오 강애연 성균관대학교 29 바이오 강윤태 KAIST 30 바이오 강이슬 중앙대학교 31 바이오 구교은 한국생명공학연구원 GLAD 나노기둥구조를통한비등열전달효율향상및폐열회수발전응용 Effect of Surface Additives on Physical Properties of ITO Nanoparticles from Redundant ITO Scraps Metal Enhanced Fluorescence Substrate with Vertical Silver Nanorods for DNA microarray biochip Multi-layer film of hydroxyapatite-chitosan and its application for bone graft materials Label- Free Electrochemical Sensors for Active Detection of Botulinum Neurotoxin Type E Light Chain by Using Dual Mode Cyclic Voltammetry System Dual-profiling of circulating tumor cell and cell-derived exosome for cancer heterogeneity study Size-dependent Effects of Graphene-based Materials on Human Adipose-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Triplet Triplet Annihilation Upconversion in CdS-Decorated SiO2 Nanocapsules for Sub-Bandgap Photocatalysis 32 바이오김다은서강대학교 The microfluidic-based stem cell culture device 33 바이오김영준 KAIST 34 바이오김형준서울대학교 Isolation of Circulating Exosomes using Ionically Degradable Hybrid Hydrogel Beads Synchronized electronic and optical detection of biomolecules using a low noise nanopore platform 35 바이오문주윤서강대학교 Development of the electrical stimuli-mediated sensor 36 바이오 박연경 KAIST 37 바이오 서성은 한국생명공학연구원 38 바이오 오상진 부산대학교 39 바이오 이기단 서울대학교 Colorimetric Detection of Cu2+ using Label-free Self Cleaving DNAzyme and Toehold-Mediated DNA Strand Displacement Dual-color emissive upconversion nanocapsules for differential cancer bioimaging in vivo Magnetic bead and gold nanoparticle based immunoassay for the highly sensitive detection of influenza virus Enhancing DNA Sensitivity by Structurally Modified Solid-State Nanopore 40 바이오임재현서강대학교 Metal-functionalized graphene nanocomposites 41 바이오 전병진 KIST 42 바이오 정기재 부산대학교 43 바이오 주용 KAIST 44 바이오 채홍식 서울대학교 45 바이오 추성식 중앙대학교 46 바이오 칸하룬 경북대학교 Effect of channel aspect ratio on fluidic network design of hydrodynamic filtration chip In vivo study of biocompatibility of chitosan-hydroxyapatite composite film depending on degree of deacetylation RNA detection using nicking enzyme-based NASBA-mimicking isothermal amplification Nanopore analysis on small-molecule inhibition of anticancer protein-protein interaction Graphene oxide/gold nanoparticle hybrid structure for highly sensitive electrochemical detection of dopamine Fabrication of double layer enzymatic biofuel cell with improved performance 47 바이오하장호서강대학교 Generation of the molecular gradients in a microfluidic platform 48 바이오 Intan Rosalina Suhito 중앙대학교 Label-free Characterization of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation into Multiple Lineages 49 소재권빈희한국교통대학교 Synthesis of Chemically Reduced Graphene Oxide/FA-PMA Assembly through Noncovalent Interaction for Cancer Cell Targeting

15 50 소재권재경국립산림과학원 Improvement in physical and mechanical properties of poly(lactic acid) nanocomposites via enhancing dispersibility of toluene diisocyanate grafting cellulose nanocrystal 51 소재 김용훈 재료연구소 (KIMS) Alloyed 2D van der Waals atomic-layer heterojunctions Synthesis of single- or double-walled boron nitride nanotubes 52 소재김준희한국과학기술연구원전북분원 (BNNTs) by high pressure laser ablation 53 소재 김태환 한국원자력연구원 Phase transition of block copolymer/additive complex with temperature 54 소재 김홍희 연세대 &KIST Emissive CdTe/ZnO/GO quasi-core shell shell hybrid quantum dots for white light emitting diodes 55 소재노창현한국원자력연구원 56 소재박서연서울대학교 57 소재박정은서울대학교 Ferric ferrocyanide-coated Fe3O4 nanoparticles cesium adsorbents by layer by layer self-assembly Functionalized reduced graphene oxide for room temperature humidity sensor of ultrahigh performance Intense photoluminescence from interior gap-engineered plasmonic cube-in-cube nanoparticles 58 소재박종엽한국교통대학교 Thermo-sensitive CQDs Based on PNIPAM 59 소재송민우수원대학교 60 소재옥지영창원대학교 Fabrication of Buckypaper using MWCNTs-Metal Oxide Nanoparticle Compoiste Fabrication and characterization of PMMA/SiO2 hybrid nanocomposite 61 소재이동규부산대학교 Supraparticle for SERS 62 소재이미경서울대학교 63 소재이보름서울대학교 Conformally coated BiVO4 nanodots on porosity controlled WO3 nanorods as highly efficient type II heterojunction photoanodes for water oxidation Enhanced photoelectrochemical properties of Tungsten Oxide Nanorods by Hydrothermal Synthesis without Seed Layer 64 소재이상경 GIST Commercialization of high quality CVD graphene using Roll-toplate based transfer in vacuum 65 소재 이선영 국립산림과학원 나노셀룰로오스가보강된폴리프로필렌나노복합소재의기계및물리적특성 66 소재 이솔아 서울대학교 A facile pulsed-electrodeposition of nickel oxide films for highly efficient Si-based water splitting photoanode 67 소재 이예리 GIST Visible light-driven photocatalyst using Au decorated SiO2@TiO2 core/shell nanostructure Gamma-ray irradiation-induced reduction and self-assembly of 68 소재장성찬한국원자력연구원 / 인하대학교 graphene oxide into reduced graphene oxide/ Prussian blue foam 69 소재 정우준 한국교통대학교 Formation of Water Soluble chemically Reduced Graphene Oxide/Crown Ether Assembly through Noncovalent Interaction 70 소재 조영호 서울대학교 The effect of successive ZnO cycles on the evolution of In-Zn-O microstructure and electrical properties during atomic layer deposition 71 소재 채아리 한국교통대학교 Simple synthesis of fluorescent carbon quantum dots from A2/B3 monomer set through Microwave-assisted 72 소재 최연빈 창원대학교 Synthesis and characterization of PLA-Nano sized powder hybrid material for 3D printing 73 소재 현예섭 세종대학교 Complete removal of metallic impurities in carbon nanotubes by chloroform gas 74 소재 Ali Ahmed Salaheldin Yasin 전북대학교 Zirconia nanoparticles-doped carbon black prepared by hydrothermal method: Facile synthesis, structural characterization and improvement in capacitive deionization

16 75 소재 Elsye Agustina 세종대학교 Optimizing performances of thermally conductive nanocomposites by hybridizing 1d and 2d nano fillers 76 에너지환경 박민아 서울대학교 77 에너지환경 박익재 서울대학교 78 에너지환경 박재호 한국과학기술연구원 79 에너지환경 배승환 KIST 80 에너지환경 서명석 KIST 81 에너지환경 유성명 한남대학교 82 에너지환경 이돈성 (1) 전남대학교 83 에너지환경 이돈성 (2) 전남대학교 84 에너지환경 이동석 서울대학교 85 에너지환경 이수찬 한국과학기술연구원 86 에너지환경 이원호 강릉원주대학교 87 에너지환경 이중희 전북대학교 88 에너지환경 이지영 KIST 89 에너지환경 정인영 한국과학기술연구원 90 에너지환경 정희석 한국과학기술연구원 91 에너지환경 트란듀이탄 전북대학교 Dieky 92 에너지환경 Susanto 한국과학기술연구원 93 에너지환경 Ghulam Ali 한국과학기술연구원 94 정보전자 고은아 서울시립대학교 95 정보전자 구한솔 서울시립대학교 Enhancement of photovoltaic properties of perovskite solar cells through Li-doped nickel oxide hole extraction layer Highly efficient and uniform 1 cm2 perovskite solar cells with an electrochemically deposited NiOx hole-extraction layer Improvement of ionic conductivity of solid state batteries by coating cathode material with NASICON structured solid-state electrolyte CH3NH3PbI3 crystal orientation and its effect on photovoltaic performance Highly efficient perovskite solar cells based on vertically aligned TiO2 nanostructures using block copolymer templates Dye-adsorption properties of WO3 nanorods synthesized by microwave-assisted hydrothermal methods The effect of electron beam irradiation on the capacity fading of hydride-terminated silicon nanocrystal based anode materials for lithium ion batteries The effect of surface functionalization on the electrical properties of plasma-synthesized silicon nanocrystal based anode materials for lithium ion batteries Efficient hybrid hole extracting layer for p-i-n planar perovskite solar cells Preparation of micro-scale patterned electrode by electrostaticspray coating method for in-plane lithium ion battery Numerical Study on the Correlation of Induced Voltage with the Segmented Flow of Ferrofluids Fabrication of transition metal chalcogenides@nitrogen doped graphene for high-performance solar cells New emergent micro/nano energy harvesting based on electrokinetic microfluidics of non-newtonian fluids Low-temperature processed TiO2 electron transporting layer for high performance perovskite solar cells Dual-functional layer based on pyrite for high performance perovskite solar cells An Effective Electrocatalyst of Hollow Porous-structured LaNiO3 Spheres Wrapped N,S-codoped Graphene for Oxygen Reduction Reaction Oxygen and transition metal involvement in the charge compensation mechanism of NaCo0.5Fe0.3Ni0.2O2 as cathode materials for Na-ion Batteries Sodium Intercalation Mechanism into Carbon Coated Nano-Sized V2O5 as a Cathode Material Sub-60-mV/decade negative capacitance FinFET with Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3 capacitor Experimental study of transient response of negative capacitance in organic ferroelectric capacitor 96 정보전자김경관 (1) 고려대학교 High-sensitivity flexible bimodal sensor for electronic skin 97 정보전자김경관 (2) 고려대학교 98 정보전자김규영세종대학교 High performance flexible pressure sensor based on double electrode layer for electronic skin and health monitoring Study on the Thickness-dependent Optical Properties of P3HT/ZnO Layers for Organic Photodiode Application

17 99 정보전자김소영 GIST Threshold voltage control of chemically doped graphene barristor 100 정보전자 손기철 GIST 101 정보전자 신을용 동국대 102 정보전자 유은지 세종대학교 103 정보전자 윤상현 세종대학교 Uniform dispersion of chemically-functionalized carbon nanotubes in lithium-doped zinc oxide for high-performance thin-film transistors Research on parylene based multilayer dielectric layer for topgated organic field-effect transistor Rectifying bipolar resistive switching in ZnOx/ZnOy/ZnOx multilayers based RRAM Enhanced performance of QLED using Al2O3 as a metal diffusion barrier layer 104 정보전자윤형서연세대학교 Schottky Diode in 2D materials 105 정보전자 이선규 GIST 106 정보전자 이승훈 동국대 107 정보전자 이혜원 성균관대학교 108 정보전자 이호문 서강대학교 109 정보전자 최현우 서울시립대학교 110 정보전자 한지수 서울대학교 Yogeenth 111 정보전자 Kumaresan GIST The effect of rapid thermal annealing on device properties of atomic layer deposition ZnO:N thin film transistor Effect of Polymer Gate Dielectrics on Charge Transport in Carbon Nanotube Network Transistors: Low-k Insulator for Favorable Active Interface High performance ReS2/ReSe2 heterojunction photodetector with wide detection range up to infrared Release voltage modeling for nano-electromehcanial (NEM) memory switches Negative quantum capacitance effect in topological insulator Bi2Te3 flake CsPbI3 perovskite with PMMA sandwich structure to improve stability for resistive switching Highly Bendable IGZO Transistor Using a Thermally Stable Organic Dielectric Layer

18 일정별발표목록 2017 년 2 월 22 일 ( 수 ) 기조강연 ( 대회의실 ) 10:20-11:00 Page 41 Chemical Innovations for Sustainable Growth: From Design and Synthesis to High Value- Added Products 11:00-11:40 Page 42 Winning Nanotechnologies in the 4th Industrial Revolution (4 차산업혁명시대의나노승부기술 ) 이정수원장 (LG 전자소재기술원 ) 특별초청강연 (12 층아나이스홀 ) 17:40-18:10 Page 45 나노기반의학의필요성과전망 함기백교수 ( 분당차병원소화기내과 ) 나노매뉴팩처링초청강연 ( 대회의실 ) 좌장 : 이석재책임연구원 (NNFC) 13:00-13:25 Page 49 고효율및빛흡수력조절광전자소재제조 전성찬교수 ( 연세대 ) 13:25-13:50 Page 50 Dynamic spectro- ellipsometry for real time monitoring of large-scale nano-pattern manufacturing process

19 김대석교수 ( 전북대 ) 13:50-14:15 Page 51 Patterning Capability of Proximity field nanopatterning 전석우교수 (KAIST) 14:40-15:05 Page 52 Manufacturing of biomimetic hierarchical structure for anti-reflective and superhydrophobic multi-functional surface by using template-mediated imprint technology 최세진대표 (( 주 )MCNET) 15:05-15:30 Page 53 나노패턴응용시인성향상투명전극필름제조 정성일선임연구원 ( 한국전기연구원 ) 나노바이오초청강연 ( 소회의실1) 좌장 : 정봉근교수 ( 서강대 ), 박소정교수 ( 이화여대 ) 13:00-13:25 Page 54 Technological applications arising from the interactions of DNA bases with metal ions 박현규교수 (KAIST) 13:25-13:50 Page 55 Enhanced administration of dissolving microneedles for efficient transdermal drug delivery 정형일교수 ( 연세대 ) 13:50-14:15 Page 56 A microchip filter device incorporating slit arrays and 3-D flow for detection of circulating tumor cells using CAV1-EpCAM conjugated microbeads

20 이정건팀장 ( 삼성종합기술원 ) 14:40-15:05 Page 57 Functional Microfluidics and Nanomaterials for Stem Cell and Cancer Fate 정봉근교수 ( 서강대 ) 15:05-15:30 Page 58 Theranostic glycol chitosan nanoparticles for heterogeneous tumors 김광명책임연구원 (KIST) 나노소재초청강연 ( 소회의실2) 좌장 : 황윤회교수 ( 부산대 ) 13:00-13:25 Page 59 Oxide Nanowires-Based Chemiresistive Gas Sensors 김상섭교수 ( 인하대 ) 13:25-13:50 Page 60 Elucidation of Structure-Property Relationships in Solid-State Materials with Asymmetric Coordination Environment 옥강민교수 ( 중앙대 ) 13:50-14:15 Page 61 Unleashing the full potential of magnetoelectric coupling in film heterostructures 류정호책임연구원 (KIMS) 14:40-15:05 Page 62 An Ultrasensitive, Visco-Poroelastic Artificial Sensor Skin with Mechanosensitive Ionic Nanochannel 김도환교수 ( 숭실대 ) 15:05-15:30 Page

21 2-Dimensional Layered materials for Si Technology 심현진마스터 ( 삼성종합기술원 ) 나노에너지 / 환경초청강연 ( 소회의실 3) 좌장 : 김진영교수 ( 서울대 ) 13:00-13:25 Page 64 Progress in High-Capacity Gradient Cathode Materials for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries 선양국교수 ( 한양대 ) 13:25-13:50 Page 65 Anodized Aluminum Oxide Scaffold Based Semitransparent Perovskites Solar Cell 문주호교수 ( 연세대 ) 13:50-14:15 Page 66 Atomic Layer Deposition of MoS2 on Self-Supported Metallic Substrates as Efficient Catalysts for Hydrogen Evolution 신현정교수 ( 성균관대 ) 14:40-15:05 Page 67 CIGS Industry and Technology Trend 남정규대표 (( 주 )SolarRnD) 15:05-15:30 Page 68 미래이차전지기술 최창욱교수 (KAIST) 나노정보전자초청강연 ( 소회의실4) 좌장 : 전상훈교수 ( 고려대 ) 13:00-13:25 Page 69 Conjugated polymer wrapped single wall carbon nanotubes for high performance printed

22 transistors and gas sensors 노용영교수 ( 동국대 ) 13:25-13:50 Page 70 Carrier Transport at the Metallic Interface of 2-Dimensional Materials 유원중교수 ( 성균관대 ) 13:50-14:15 Page 71 Utilization of spin polarized electrons for future electronics 장준연소장 (KIST) 14:40-15:05 Page 72 Super Steep Switching FET: Negative Capacitance FET 신창환교수 ( 서울시립대 ) 15:05-15:30 Page 73 Recent progress in 2D heterojunction-based devices 박진홍교수 ( 성균관대 ) 2017 년 2 월 23 일 ( 목 ) 09:00~10:30 나노매뉴팩쳐링 3분포스터발표 ( 대회의실 ) 좌장 : 홍종인교수 ( 중앙대 ) 09:00-09:03 Page 75 Fabrication of graphene composite foam by simple method for flexible supercapacitor electrodes 강정섭 ( 연세대 ) 09:03-09:06 Page

23 Focused Laser beam lithography for fabrication of graphene-based microsupercapacitors 권순근 (KIMM) 09:06-09:09 Page 77 Scalable, Water-resistive and Flexible Paper as a Biosensing Platform to Detect Pathogens 김경훈 (NNFC) 09:09-09:12 Page 78 Optical waveguide patterning process using Substrate Conformal Imprint Lithography 김기홍 (KIMM) 09:12-09:15 Page 79 Spectral Stokes vector measurement based on a dynamic spectro-polarimeter 김대석 ( 전북대 ) 09:15-09:18 Page 80 Vibration-robust interferometric spectro-ellipsometry for thin-film measurement 김대석 ( 전북대 ) 09:18-09:21 Page 81 Surface Plasmon Interference and Metamaterial of Plasmonic Structures for below 10-nm Patterning 김상곤 ( 홍익대 ) 09:21-09:24 Page 82 Thin film deposition by simple airbrushing and its application in continuous Roll-to-Roll nanoimprinting with controlled residual layer thickness 김정대 ( 서울과기대 ) 09:24-09:27 Page 83 A study on the embedding process of nanoparticles in anodic aluminum oxide templates

24 넨티푸엉 (KIMM) 09:27-09:30 Page 84 Transparent TiO2 nanowire networks via wet corrosion of Ti thin films for dye-sensitized solar cells 신은혜 ( 중앙대 ) 09:30-09:33 Page 85 Strain measurement in InGaN/GaN multi-quantum wells using dark-field electron holography 양준모 (NNFC) 09:33-09:36 Page 86 Three-dimensional nanoarchitecturing of double-bent Au strips on roll-to-roll nanoimprinted gratings for scalable and flexible plasmonic sensors 오동교 ( 서울과기대 ) 09:36-09:39 Page 87 Separation of Blood cells by a Plastic Nanogap Device 우상원 (KIMM) 09:39-09:42 Page 88 Physically-synthesized porous gold nanoparticles for photoacoustic imaging 위정섭 (KRISS) 09:42-09:45 Page 90 Construction of Multilayered Nanostructure via Liquid Transfer Imprint Lithography 이수옥 (KIMM) 09:45-09:48 Page 91 High-speed fabrication of controlled nanopatterns by continuous nanoinscribing on flexible substrates using a nanostructured mold edge

25 이승조 ( 서울과기대 ) 09:48-09:51 Page 92 Fabrication of glass microfluidic devices via glass imprinting process 임지석 ( 영남대 ) 09:51-09:54 Page 93 Selective transfer of micro-leds by the laser scanning system with a meniscus chuck 정대경 (UST) 09:54-09:57 Page 94 Fabrication of surface nanostructure of plastic films for light extraction of organic light emitting diodes 정성훈 (KIMS) 09:57-10:00 Page 95 Preparation of TiO2 nanowire networks by wet corrosion and their application to bendable dye-sensitized solar cells 진새라 ( 중앙대 ) 10:00-10:03 Page 97 Fabrication of superhydrophobic 3D porous sponge via icvd process for foodborne pathogen isolation 최윤호 (KAIST) 10:03-10:06 Page 98 GLAD 나노기둥구조를통한비등열전달효율향상및폐열회수발전응용 홍동인 ( 중앙대 ) 10:06-10:09 Page 99 Effect of Surface Additives on Physical Properties of ITO Nanoparticles from Redundant ITO Scraps

26 홍성제 (KETI) 10:09-10:12 Page 100 Metal Enhanced Fluorescence Substrate with Vertical Silver Nanorods for DNA microarray biochip Mohsin Ali Badshah ( 중앙대 ) 나노바이오 3분포스터발표 ( 소회의실1) 좌장 : 윤완수교수 ( 성균관대 ) 09:00-09:03 Page 101 Multi-layer film of hydroxyapatite-chitosan and its application for bone graft materials 강선우 ( 부산대 ) 09:03-09:06 Page 102 Label- Free Electrochemical Sensors for Active Detection of Botulinum Neurotoxin Type E Light Chain by Using Dual Mode Cyclic Voltammetry System 강애연 ( 성균관대 ) 09:06-09:09 Page 103 Dual-profiling of circulating tumor cell and cell-derived exosome for cancer heterogeneity study 강윤태 (KAIST) 09:09-09:12 Page 104 Size-dependent Effects of Graphene-based Materials on Human Adipose-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells 강이슬 ( 중앙대 ) 09:12-09:15 Page

27 Triplet Triplet Annihilation Upconversion in CdS-Decorated SiO2 Nanocapsules for Sub- Bandgap Photocatalysis 구교은 (KRIBB) 09:15-09:18 Page 106 The microfluidic-based stem cell culture device 김다은 ( 서강대 ) 09:18-09:21 Page 107 Isolation of Circulating Exosomes using Ionically Degradable Hybrid Hydrogel Beads 김영준 (KAIST) 09:21-09:24 Page 108 Synchronized electronic and optical detection of biomolecules using a low noise nanopore platform 김형준 ( 서울대 ) 09:24-09:27 Page 109 Development of the electrical stimuli-mediated sensor 문주윤 ( 서강대 ) 09:27-09:30 Page 110 Colorimetric Detection of Cu2+ using Label-free Self Cleaving DNAzyme and Toehold- Mediated DNA Strand Displacement 박연경 (KAIST) 09:30-09:33 Page 111 Dual-color emissive upconversion nanocapsules for di erential cancer bioimaging in vivo 서성은 (KRIBB)

28 09:33-09:36 Page 112 Magnetic bead and gold nanoparticle based immunoassay for the highly sensitive detection of influenza virus 오상진 ( 부산대 ) 09:36-09:39 Page 113 Enhancing DNA Sensitivity by Structurally Modified Solid-State Nanopore 이기단 ( 서울대 ) 09:39-09:42 Page 114 Metal-functionalized graphene nanocomposites 임재현 ( 서강대 ) 09:42-09:45 Page 115 Effect of channel aspect ratio on fluidic network design of hydrodynamic filtration chip 전병진 (KIST) 09:45-09:48 Page 116 In vivo study of biocompatibility of chitosan-hydroxyapatite composite film depending on degree of deacetylation 정기재 ( 부산대 ) 09:48-09:51 Page 117 RNA detection using nicking enzyme-based NASBA-mimicking isothermal amplification 주용 (KAIST) 09:51-09:54 Page 118 Nanopore analysis on small-molecule inhibition of anticancer protein-protein interaction 채홍식 ( 서울대 )

29 09:54-09:57 Page 119 Graphene oxide/gold nanoparticle hybrid structure for highly sensitive electrochemical detection of dopamine 추성식 ( 중앙대 ) 09:57-10:00 Page 120 Fabrication of double layer enzymatic biofuel cell with improved performance 칸하룬 ( 경북대 ) 10:00-10:03 Page 121 Generation of the molecular gradients in a microfluidic platform 하장호 ( 서강대 ) 10:03-10:06 Page 122 Label-free Characterization of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation into Multiple Lineages Intan Rosalina Suhito ( 중앙대 ) 나노소재 3 분포스터발표 ( 소회의실 2) 좌장 : 장호원교수 ( 서울대 ) 09:00-09:03 Page 123 Synthesis of Chemically Reduced Graphene Oxide/FA-PMA Assembly through Noncovalent Interaction for Cancer Cell Targeting 권빈희 ( 한국교통대 ) 09:03-09:06 Page 125 Alloyed 2D van der Waals atomic-layer heterojunctions

30 김용훈 (KIMS) 09:06-09:09 Page 126 Synthesis of single- or double-walled boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs) by high pressure laser ablation 김준희 (KIST 전북분원 ) 09:09-09:12 Page 127 Phase transition of block copolymer/additive complex with temperature 김태환 (KAERI) 09:12-09:15 Page 128 Emissive CdTe/ZnO/GO quasi-core shell shell hybrid quantum dots for white light emitting diodes 김홍희 ( 연세대 &KIST) 09:15-09:18 Page 129 Ferric ferrocyanide-coated Fe3O4 nanoparticles cesium adsorbents by layer by layer selfassembly 노창현 (KAERI) 09:18-09:21 Page 130 Functionalized reduced graphene oxide for room temperature humidity sensor of ultrahigh performance 박서연 ( 서울대 ) 09:21-09:24 Page 131 Intense photoluminescence from interior gap-engineered plasmonic cube-in-cube nanoparticles 박정은 ( 서울대 ) 09:24-09:27 Page

31 Thermo-sensitive CQDs Based on PNIPAM 박종엽 ( 한국교통대 ) 09:27-09:30 Page 133 Fabrication of Buckypaper using MWCNTs-Metal Oxide Nanoparticle Compoiste 송민우 ( 수원대 ) 09:30-09:33 Page 134 Fabrication and characterization of PMMA/SiO2 hybrid nanocomposite 옥지영 ( 창원대 ) 09:33-09:36 Page 135 Fe3O4@Au Supraparticle for SERS 이동규 ( 부산대 ) 09:36-09:39 Page 136 Conformally coated BiVO4 nanodots on porosity controlled WO3 nanorods as highly efficient type II heterojunction photoanodes for water oxidation 이미경 ( 서울대 ) 09:39-09:42 Page 137 Enhanced photoelectrochemical properties of Tungsten Oxide Nanorods by Hydrothermal Synthesis without Seed Layer 이보름 ( 서울대 ) 09:42-09:45 Page 138 Commercialization of high quality CVD graphene using Roll-to-plate based transfer in vacuum 이상경 (GIST) 09:45-09:48 Page

32 A facile pulsed-electrodeposition of nickel oxide films for highly efficient Si-based water splitting photoanode 이솔아 ( 서울대 ) 09:48-09:51 Page 141 Visible light-driven photocatalyst using Au decorated SiO2@TiO2 core/shell nanostructure 이예리 (GIST) 09:51-09:54 Page 142 Gamma-ray irradiation-induced reduction and self-assembly of graphene oxide into reduced graphene oxide/ Prussian blue foam 장성찬 (KAERI& 인하대 ) 09:54-09:57 Page 143 Formation of Water Soluble chemically Reduced Graphene Oxide/Crown Ether Assembly through Noncovalent Interaction 정우준 ( 한국교통대 ) 09:57-10:00 Page 144 The effect of successive ZnO cycles on the evolution of In-Zn-O microstructure and electrical properties during atomic layer deposition 조영호 ( 서울대 ) 10:00-10:03 Page 145 Simple synthesis of fluorescent carbon quantum dots from A2/B3 monomer set through Microwave-assisted 채아리 ( 한국교통대 ) 10:03-10:06 Page 146 Synthesis and characterization of PLA-Nano sized powder hybrid material for 3D printing 최연빈 ( 창원대 )

33 10:06-10:09 Page 147 Complete removal of metallic impurities in carbon nanotubes by chloroform gas 현예섭 ( 세종대 ) 10:09-10:12 Page 148 Zirconia nanoparticles-doped carbon black prepared by hydrothermal method: Facile synthesis, structural characterization and improvement in capacitive deionization Ali Ahmed Salaheldin Yasin ( 전북대 ) 10:12-10:15 Page 149 Optimizing performances of thermally conductive nanocomposites by hybridizing 1d and 2d nano fillers Elsye Agustina ( 세종대 ) 나노에너지 / 환경 3분포스터발표 ( 소회의실3) 좌장 : 김진영교수 ( 서울대 ) 09:00-09:03 Page 150 Enhancement of photovoltaic properties of perovskite solar cells through Li-doped nickel oxide hole extraction layer 박민아 ( 서울대 ) 09:03-09:06 Page 151 Highly efficient and uniform 1 cm2 perovskite solar cells with an electrochemically deposited NiOx hole-extraction layer 박익재 ( 서울대 ) 09:06-09:09 Page 152 Improvement of ionic conductivity of solid state batteries by coating cathode material with NASICON structured solid-state electrolyte

34 박재호 (KIST) Page :09-09:12 CH3NH3PbI3 crystal orientation and its effect on photovoltaic performance 배승환 (KIST) 09:12-09:15 Page 154 Highly efficient perovskite solar cells based on vertically aligned TiO2 nanostructures using block copolymer templates 서명석 (KIST) 09:15-09:18 Page 155 Dye-adsorption properties of WO3 nanorods synthesized by microwave-assisted hydrothermal methods 유성명 ( 한남대 ) 09:18-09:21 Page 156 The effect of electron beam irradiation on the capacity fading of hydride-terminated silicon nanocrystal based anode materials for lithium ion batteries 이돈성 ( 전남대 ) 09:21-09:24 Page 157 The effect of surface functionalization on the electrical properties of plasma-synthesized silicon nanocrystal based anode materials for lithium ion batteries 이돈성 ( 전남대 ) 09:24-09:27 Page 158 Efficient hybrid hole extracting layer for p-i-n planar perovskite solar cells 이동석 ( 서울대 ) 09:27-09:30 Page 159 Preparation of micro-scale patterned electrode by electrostatic-spray coating method for in

35 plane lithium ion battery 이수찬 (KIST) 09:30-09:33 Page 160 Numerical Study on the Correlation of Induced Voltage with the Segmented Flow of Ferrofluids 이원호 ( 강릉원주대 ) 09:33-09:36 Page 161 Fabrication of transition metal chalcogenides@nitrogen doped graphene for highperformance solar cells 이중희 ( 전북대 ) 09:36-09:39 Page 162 New emergent micro/nano energy harvesting based on electrokinetic microfluidics of non- Newtonian fluids 이지영 (KIST) 09:39-09:42 Page 163 Low-temperature processed TiO2 electron transporting layer for high performance perovskite solar cells 정인영 (KIST) 09:42-09:45 Page 164 Dual-functional layer based on pyrite for high performance perovskite solar cells 정희석 (KIST) 09:45-09:48 Page 165 An Effective Electrocatalyst of Hollow Porous-structured LaNiO3 Spheres Wrapped N,Scodoped Graphene for Oxygen Reduction Reaction 트란듀이탄 ( 전북대 )

36 09:48-09:51 Page 166 Oxygen and transition metal involvement in the charge compensation mechanism of NaCo0.5Fe0.3Ni0.2O2 as cathode materials for Na-ion Batteries Dieky Susanto (KIST) 09:51-09:54 Page 167 Sodium Intercalation Mechanism into Carbon Coated Nano-Sized V2O5 as a Cathode Material Ghulam Ali (KIST) 나노정보전자 3분포스터발표 ( 소회의실4) 좌장 : 전상훈교수 ( 고려대 ) 09:00-09:03 Page 168 Sub-60-mV/decade negative capacitance FinFET with Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3 capacitor 고은아 ( 서울시립대 ) 09:03-09:06 Page 169 Experimental study of transient response of negative capacitance in organic ferroelectric capacitor 구한솔 ( 서울시립대 ) 09:06-09:09 Page 170 High-sensitivity flexible bimodal sensor for electronic skin 김경관 ( 고려대 ) 09:09-09:12 Page 171 High performance flexible pressure sensor based on double electrode layer for electronic skin and health monitoring 김경관 ( 고려대 ) 09:12-09:15 Page

37 Study on the Thickness-dependent Optical Properties of P3HT/ZnO Layers for Organic Photodiode Application 김규영 ( 세종대 ) 09:15-09:18 Page 173 Threshold voltage control of chemically doped graphene barristor 김소영 (GIST) 09:18-09:21 Page 174 Uniform dispersion of chemically-functionalized carbon nanotubes in lithium-doped zinc oxide for high-performance thin-film transistors 손기철 (GIST) 09:21-09:24 Page 175 Research on parylene based multilayer dielectric layer for top-gated organic field-effect transistor 신을용 ( 동국대 ) 09:24-09:27 Page 176 Rectifying bipolar resistive switching in ZnOx/ZnOy/ZnOx multilayers based RRAM 유은지 ( 세종대 ) 09:27-09:30 Page 177 Enhanced performance of QLED using Al2O3 as a metal diffusion barrier layer 윤상현 ( 세종대 ) 09:30-09:33 Page 178 Schottky Diode in 2D materials 윤형서 ( 연세대 ) 09:36-09:39 Page 179 The effect of rapid thermal annealing on device properties of atomic layer deposition ZnO:N

38 thin film transistor 이선규 (GIST) 09:39-09:42 Page 180 Effect of Polymer Gate Dielectrics on Charge Transport in Carbon Nanotube Network Transistors: Low k Insulator for Favorable Active Interface 이승훈 ( 동국대 ) 09:42-09:45 Page 181 High performance ReS2/ReSe2 heterojunction photodetector with wide detection range up to infrared 이혜원 ( 성균관대 ) 09:45-09:48 Page 182 Release voltage modeling for nano-electromehcanial (NEM) memory switches 이호문 ( 서강대 ) 09:48-09:51 Page 183 Negative quantum capacitance effect in topological insulator Bi2Te3 flake 최현우 ( 서울시립대 ) 09:51-09:54 Page 184 CsPbI3 perovskite with PMMA sandwich structure to improve stability for resistive switching 한지수 ( 서울대 ) 09:54-09:57 Page 185 Highly Bendable IGZO Transistor Using a Thermally Stable Organic Dielectric Layer Yogeenth Kumaresan (GIST)

39 기조강연초록 기조강연 ( 대회의실 ) 2017 년 2 월 22 일 ( 수 ) 10:20-11:40 차국헌교수 ( 서울대 ) Chemical Innovations for Sustainable Growth: From Design and Synthesis to High Value-Added Products 이정수원장 (LG 전자소재기술원 ) Winning Nanotechnologies in the 4th Industrial Revolution


41 Chemical Innovations for Sustainable Growth: From Design and Synthesis to High Value-Added Products Kookheon Char The National Creative Research Initiative Center for Intelligent Hybrids The WCU Program of Chemical Convergence for Energy & Environment School of Chemical & Biological Engineering Seoul National University Seoul 08826, South Korea [ With ever-increasing human population, depleting natural resources, and rapid climate change confronting humanity, the role of chemistry is becoming more crucial in addressing these issues and establishing systems for sustainable growth. Herein, recent efforts in our research center (National CRI Center for Intelligent Hybrids), utilizing both organic and inorganic material design and synthesis, to address key issues to such an end are described. Firstly, we have established a novel method to prepare well-defined nanocrystals and their hybrid systems. The hybrid materials, combined with the ease of processing, can efficiently down-convert the short wavelength light to the wavelengths which are known to lead to optimal uptake and growth in crops. Secondly, we have established novel chemical methods for the direct utilization of elemental sulfur. More than seven million tons of elemental sulfur are produced in excess each year and are stockpiled in landfill-like deposits in remote areas. While elemental sulfur is known to be environmentally benign, the shear volume of it left unused is a major emerging issue in the petrochemical industry. In this presentation, high value-added products such as Li-S batteries and high refractive optical systems will be introduced based on industrial wastes such as elemental sulfur

42 Winning Nanotechnologies in the 4 th Industrial Revolution 4 차산업혁명시대의나노승부기술 Jeongsoo Lee Materials and Devices Advanced Research Institute, LG Electronics We are facing the beginning of a technological revolution that will fundamentally change many aspects of our lives and businesses. This 4 th Industrial Revolution will provide us with unprecedented experience incorporated into the integration of physical and digital worlds in an individual life and whole industrial society as well. Through the advancements of science and technology beyond current performance limit we can enable to convince more ubiquitous connectivity and intelligence such as internet of things (IoT), cyber physical system (CPS) and artificial intelligence (AI). At the same time the idea of sustainable development should be considered to solve resource depletion and environmental pollution. Nanotechnology is the key to reaching these revolutionary breakthroughs in our life by incorporating more highperformance and feasible devices. By reinforcing the convergence of nanotechnology in the related fields such as materials science, physics, chemistry and bioengineering, we will realize the novel ways in utilizing materials and controlling their properties. In this talk novel materials and devices will be introduced on the view of the convergence of core technologies in LG Electronics and advanced research in nanotechnology. Finally the perspectives on winning nanotechnologies will be discussed for the future of human-centered society incorporated into the 4 th Industrial Revolution

43 특별초청강연초록 특별초청강연 (12 층아나이스홀 ) 2017 년 2 월 22 일 ( 수 ) 17:40-18:10 함기백교수 ( 분당차병원소화기내과 ) 나노기반의학의필요성과전망


45 나노기반의학의필요성과전망 Nanomedicine, present and future perspective 함기백교수및명승재교수 차의대분당차병원및울산의대서울아산병원소화기내과 대부분의의사는나노기술의정반대의일을합니다. 현재아무리원격진료가더발전되어도결국은환자는최고의진료및최고의의술을기대하며본인에게 삶 을보장해주는의사를바로앞에서만나치료받기를원합니다. 즉, 디지털시대에서도진료만은아날로그로진행이되는현실입니다. 의사는사실 19세기이전까지는중인중에서도아주하층이었습니다. 그러므로치료를담당하던왕이죽으면거의생매장수준으로왕의주치의는물론의료에관련한식솔들을동시에제거하였고, 본인들도당연히이를순응을한것입니다. 그런데이후에세상은변화여, 특히 1920 년대이후산업화가진행이되면서재벌과같은거대산업의주인공은힘들게이룬본인의누림이지속되길바라며, 풍부한자금력으로본인의건강에취약함을최고로해결해줄 주치의 제도를만들었고오로지본인의병만바라보게했는데, 이들은 돈 에관하여서는 unlimited state 이므로주치의는의학공부는물론근거되는연구를마음껏하게되고, 이의결과로일부는신약이라든지새로운치료법으로등록이되어오히려고용한사람재벌이상으로의사가부를축적하게되며, 이의연속이바로현재의미국의료제도가된것입니다. MD Anderson Cancer Center, 하버드의대 MGH, Rochester Mayor clinic 등으로이제는세계인이한번쯤은생애에가고싶어하는동경하는병원으로, 그리고 Novartis, Abbvie, Yanssen, 화이자, GSK 등한품목의약으로년간 10조이상의매출과이득을올리는다국적제약사가탄생을함으로서이제는현재개발의연장선으로나노약물, 나노기술, 그리고분자영상이라는 keyword에관심을안가질수없게된것이다. 곧의료에실현이될것이라는논문이쏟아지고있기때문이며, 더불어이들이막대한연구비를투자하고있기때문입니다. 그러나이러한괄목할개발과발전에관심과노력을경주하지만, 앞서얘기한대로아직도진료는다분히아날로그적이어서, 의사손길이한번이라도닿아야, 그리고의사로부터직접들어야안심이되는것은부인할수가없습니다. 이러한배경하에연자등은본강좌를통하여왜나노기술이의학에꼭필요하게되는지를몇가지질환, 심근경색증, 동맥경화증, 소화기암예방등의예를들어설명을드릴것이며, 아울러오늘의이러한기회는 2016년 9월김기범회장이참여하신 NanoInnovation 2016이라는행사가이태리로마에서개최됨으로써연자등의업적이어떻게나노기술근거하에임상에서진행이되는지를서로토의할수있는시간을가짐으로써가능하였기에본강좌에서이를소개하려합니다


47 분회초청강연초록 2017 년 2 월 22 일 ( 수 ) 13:00-15:30 나노매뉴팩쳐링좌장 : 이석재연구원 (NNFC) 대회의실 13:00-15:30 나노바이오 좌장 : 정봉근교수 ( 서강대 ), 박소정교수 ( 이화여대 ) 소회의실 1 13:00-15:30 나노소재좌장 : 황윤회교수 ( 부산대 ) 소회의실 2 13:00-15:30 나노에너지환경좌장 : 김진영교수 ( 고려대 ) 소회의실 3 13:00-15:30 나노정보전자좌장 : 전상훈교수 ( 고려대 ) 소회의실 4 13:00-15:30


49 고효율및빛흡수력조절광전자소자제조 Seong Chan Jun Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea The commposition of graphene quantum dots (GQDs) and various nano particles are promising candidates for potential applications such as novel optoelectronic devices. We also demonstrated optical properties of graphene oxide with two aims; confirming graphene-like optical response from large scale monolayer reduced graphene oxide (LMRGO), and showing possibilities for modifying its structural and optical properties. It is significant to examine optical properties of graphene oxide, oxidized graphene from wet process called modified hummer s method, for its distinguishing advantage in productivity and advance in versatile applications in optoelectronics. We also demonstrated optical properties of graphene oxide with two aims; confirming graphene-like optical response from large scale monolayer reduced graphene oxide (LMRGO), and showing possibilities for modifying its structural and optical properties. It is significant to examine optical properties of graphene oxide, oxidized graphene from wet process called modified hummer s method, for its distinguishing advantage in productivity and advance in versatile applications in optoelectronics

50 Dynamic spectro-ellipsometry for real time monitoring of large-scale nano-pattern manufacturing process Daesuk Kim*, Vamara Dembele*, Ramachandran Kasu, Inho Choi, HyungJoon Lim**, GeeHong Kim**, Kee-Bong Choi**, Jaejong Lee** *Division of Mechanical System Engineering, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, , Republic of Korea ** Nano-Mechanical Systems Research Center, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, Daejeon , Republic of Korea This paper describes a dynamic spectro-ellipsometry by which we can measure spectral phase difference between p- and s-polarization of the reflected wave from a periodic nano pattern or a thin film. The newly proposed snapshot spectro-ellipsometry based on an interferometric spectro-polarization modulation technique has no moving parts, and it is extremely robust to external vibration due to its unique optical design. Dynamic spectro-polarization measurement capability is demonstrated for anisotropic objects such as an achromatic QWP and periodically nano patterned object by extracting the spectral ellipsometric parameter ( ) in real time speed. Acknowledgement: This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) Grant funded by the Korean Government(MSIP) (No. 2015R1A5A & No. 2015R1A2A2A )

51 Patterning Capability of Proximity field nanopatterning Seokwoo Jeon Dep. of Materials Science and Engineering, Graphene Research Center, KI for the Nano Century, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Guseong Dong, Yuseong Gu, Daejon , Korea The realization of high resolution, large area nanopatterning has been demonstrated from numerous methods. Above all, Proximity field nanopatterning (PnP) is a unique three dimensional (3D) patterning methods using optical interference from conformal phase masks that contact directly on top of the surface of photosensitive materials. The contact allows incomparable stability in the size of pattering area, resolution, and reproducibility. Extending the thickness and structural degree of freedom of patterned structure are essential topics of current research in my group. In this presentation, in-depth study of the influence of phase and diffraction on 3D Talbot image formed from binary phase masks is explained for achieving rational design of 3D nanopatterns, especially in the regime where the grating periodicity is close to the wavelength and where scalar treatments fail to accurately capture the phase optics. The ability to precisely control diffraction and interference in this regime is illustrated by tuning the grating height in the phase mask up to values that exceed a full phase cycle. Based on these understanding, extended patterning capability of PnP enables applications such as stretchable electrode, photocatalytic monolith, thermoelectric material, and active scattering media

52 Manufacturing of biomimetic hierarchical structure for anti-reflective and superhydrophobic multi-functional surface by using template-mediated imprint technology 최세진 엠씨넷 (MCNet Co., Ltd) 1990년대초부터활발하게연구되어온템플레이트 ( 또는몰드 ) 를기반으로한임프린트 (imprint) 공정기술은최근차세대리쏘그라피 (lithography) 기술로인식되면서이를이용한마이크로 / 나노패턴의제작과활용에대하여국내외학계와기업연구소에서많은관심을불러일으키고있다. 특히, 본기술은기존의복잡다단한포토리쏘그라피 (photolithography) 공정기술과차별화하여나노구조에서부터 3차원구조에이르기까지손쉬운제조공정을통해각종패턴제작경비의절감등의강점을가지고있어최근국내산업계전반에걸친매뉴팩쳐링생산현장에활발히응용적용되고있는현황이다. 본 conference에서는저반사및초발수다중표면특성을보이는생체모방마이크로 / 나노복합계층구조체를손쉽게대면적으로제작하기위한방법으로써템플레이트를기반으로한임프린트기술을소개하고자한다. 제작된해당표면은 160o에가까운물접촉각을유지하면서동시에 1o 정도의낮은접촉각이력 (hysteresis) 을나타내는안정한초소수및초발수특성을보일뿐만아니라구조기인성에따른우수한저반사특성을보임으로써 PV cell의집광판표면에적용되었을때 ~10% 에가까운효율증대 (PV Power conversion efficiency) 를나타내보인다. 이상의기술은이미마이크로구조체를갖는각종제품제조에실용화단계를넘어향후나노구조체제작에이르기까지그기술적용이가속화되면서다방면의메뉴팩쳐링현장에지속적으로큰파급효과가기대된다

53 나노패턴응용시인성향상 투명전극필름제조기술개발 정성일 한국전기연구원 ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) 는터치패널, OLED 디스플레이, 태양전지등의다양한제품을위한투명전극용소재로가장널리사용되는물질이다. 그러나 ITO는 20인치이상의대면적제품및유연디스플레이와같이유연기판이적용되는제품의경우, ITO 재료가가지는고유한전기적및물리적성질때문에그사용이제한적이라는단점을가지고있다. 이와같은문제점을해결하기위해메탈메쉬 (Metal Mesh) 구조의유연투명전극필름의제조에관한연구가활발히수행되고있다. 본연구에서는메탈메쉬구조의유연투명전극필름을제조함에있어나노패턴을접목시킴으로써, 종래에마이크로패턴으로구성되는메탈메쉬의가장큰문제점인패턴시인성문제를해결하고자한다. 특히나노패턴이적용된유연투명전극필름을제조할수있는공정기술을개발하고, 그특성을평가함으로써마이크로패턴으로구성된메탈메쉬방식의유연투명전극필름의성능을개선하여나노메탈메쉬구조의유연투명전극필름이보다다양한분야에적용할수있도록그가능성을제시하고자한다

54 Technological applications arising from the interactions of DNA bases with metal ions Ki Soo Park 1 and Hyun Gyu Park 1,* 1 Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (BK 21+ program), Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon , Republic of Korea hgpark@kaist.ac.kr In this presentation, I will discuss several technological applications arising from the interactions of DNA bases with metal ions. First, I will introduce a new technology for the reliable detection of silver ions that takes advantage of the unique fluorescence property of a mismatched pyrrolo-dc-modified duplex DNA and its specific interaction with silver ions. The new sensing strategy exhibits high selectivity and sensitivity. Second, I will describe a novel label-free turn-on sensor for biological thiol detection, which employs fluorescent gold nanoclusters prepared by a bovine serum albumin-templated green synthetic route. In this assay, biological thiols were designed to block Hg 2+ -induced quenching of fluorescent gold nanoclusters through their selective coordination with Hg 2+ ions. By employing this turn-on sensor, biological thiols, such as cysteine, glutathione and homocysteine have been successfully analyzed. Third, I will describe a label-free fluorescent sensor for sensitive and selective detection of theophylline by utilizing the novel interaction between the cytosine base within abasic site-containing duplex DNA and silver ions. Finally, I will describe a new strategy that modulates DNA polymerase activity in a reversible and switchable manner by using the novel interactions between DNA bases and metal ions. Keywords: DNA/metal ion interaction, silver ion, theophylline, biothiol, DNA polymerase activity References 1. K. S. Park, C. Jung, H. G. Park*, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 49, (2010). 2. K. S. Park, J. Y. Lee, H. G. Park*, Chemical Communications, 48, (2012). 3. K. S. Park, M. I. Kim, M.-A. Woo, H. G. Park*, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 45, (2013). 4. K. S. Park, S. S. Oh, H. T. Soh, H. G. Park*, Nanoscale, 6, (2014). 5. K. S. Park, H. G. Park*, Current opinion in biotechnology, 28, (2014). 6. K. S. Park, C. Y. Lee, H. G. Park*, Chemical Communications, 52, (2016)

55 Enhanced administration of dissolving microneedles for efficient transdermal drug delivery Hyungil Jung Department of Biotechnology, Yonsei University, Seoul 03722, Korea Dissolving microneedles (DMNs) are micro-sized polymeric needles that deliver encapsulated drugs and dissolve after skin insertion in a minimally invasive manner. Currently, DMN arrays are fabricated onto patches and the required application time for DMN dissolution is more than hours. Moreover, the drug delivery efficiency is limited by incomplete insertion due to wide variations in skin elasticity and hair. Here, we introduce micro-pillar based patch-less dissolving microneedle delivery techniques enabling rapid and efficient transdermal drug delivery. These techniques would be capable of achieving over 90% delivery efficiency of loaded drugs regardless of skin type within one minute. These techniques can overcome critical issues associated with the low penetration efficiency of patch-based DMNs, and provide patient convenience with the desired drug efficacy

56 A microchip filter device incorporating slit arrays and 3-D flow for detection of circulating tumor cells using CAV1- EpCAM conjugated microbeads Jeong Gun Lee Digital Media&Communications R&D Center, Samsung Electronics, Korea Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are rare cells and the presence of these cells may indicate a poor prognosis and a high potential for metastasis. Despite highly promising clinical applications, CTCs have not been investigated thoroughly, due to many technical limitations faced in their isolation and identification. Current CTC detection techniques mostly take the epithelial marker epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM), however, accumulating evidence suggests that CTCs show heterogeneous EpCAM expression due to the epithelialto-mesenchymal transition (EMT). In this study, we report that a microchip filter device incorporating slit arrays and 3-dimensional flow that can separate heterogeneous population of cells with marker for CTCs. To select target we cultured breast cancer cells under prolonged mammosphere culture conditions which induced EMT phenotype. Under these conditions, cells show upregulation of caveolin1 (CAV1) but down-regulation of EpCAM expression. The proposed device which contains CAV1-EpCAM conjugated bead has several tens of times increased throughput. More importantly, this platform enables the enhanced capture yield from metastatic breast cancer patients and obtained cells that expressed various EMT markers. Further understanding of these EMT-related phenotypes will lead to improved detection techniques and may provide an opportunity to develop therapeutic strategies for effective treatment and prevention of cancer metastasis

57 Functional Microfluidics and Nanomaterials for Stem Cell and Cancer Fate Bong Geun Chung Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea This presentation describes the development of functional microfluidics and nanomaterials for stem cell and cancer fate. We developed the photo-crosslinkable hydrogel-based threedimensional (3D) microfluidic device to culture neural stem cells (NSCs) and tumors. The photo-crosslinkable gelatin methacrylate (GelMA) polymer was used as a physical barrier in the microfluidic device and collagen type I gel was employed to culture NSCs. We cultured NSCs and tumors in the hydrogel-based 3D microfluidic device, showing that 53 75% NSCs differentiated into neurons, while tumors were cultured in the collagen gels. We also investigated the effect of anticancer drug-loaded functional polymeric nanoparticles on drug resistance of 3D breast tumor spheroids. 3D tumor models were built using concave microwells with different diameters ( μm) and nanoparticles were prepared using thermo-responsive poly(n-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM)-co-acrylic acid (AA). Cell viability assays demonstrated that the largest tumor spheroids cultured with doxorubicinloaded PNIPAM-co-AA nanoparticles were highly resistant to the anticancer drug. Furthermore, we report thermoresponsive retinoic acid (RA)-loaded poly(nisopropylacrylamide)-co-acrylamide (PNIPAM-co-Am) nanoparticles for directing human induced pluripotent stem cell (hipsc) fate. Immunocytochemistry and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis demonstrated that neuronal differentiation of hipscderived neuronal precursors was enhanced after treatment with 1-2 μg/ml RA-loaded PNIPAM-co-Am. Therefore, the functional microfluidics and nanomaterials could be potentially powerful for studying regenerative medicine. References: [1] Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine, 11(7), , (2015) [2] Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine, 11(5), , (2015) [3] Lab on a Chip, 16, , (2016) [4] Langmuir, 32(11), , (2016)

58 Theranostic glycol chitosan nanoparticles for heterogeneous tumors Kwangmeyung Kim Center for Theragnosis, Biomedical Research Institute, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Republic of Korea Until now, the cancer targeting strategy for delivery systems has primarily focused on optimization of nano-sized drug carriers or conjugation with genetic-based targeting molecules, such as antibodies, peptides, aptamers, etc. However, despite the determined research focus in this area, cancer-targeting abilities are still limited and insufficient. This is because cancer is increasingly becoming recognized not as a single disease, but instead as many disorders, each with varying causes, prognoses, and appropriate treatments. This idea is further strengthened, because it is now known that cancer cells within the same tumor are heterogeneous in many aspects. Herein, we propose that future therapy development and drug targeting must account for cancer heterogeneity to become effective. The heterogeneous tumors can be efficiently targeted using bioorthogonal click chemistry, echogenic nanoparticles and multi-drug loaded nanoparticles

59 Oxide Nanowires-Based Chemiresistive Gas Sensors Sang Sub Kim Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Inha University, 100Inha-ro, Incheon, Republic of Korea The detection of hazardous gaseous chemical species has become increasingly important in diverse areas of modern society, which includes safety both in industry and at home, health care, protection of terror and chemical wars, and environment monitoring. Strongly stimulated by this urgent need, enormous efforts have been devoted to realize highly sensitive and selective chemical gas sensors. The creative design of new sensing materials and innovative application of nanostructure and nanoarchitecture are general trend to accomplish the goal. One of the routes to improve the sensing capability of sensing materials is to use nanostructured materials such as nanowires. In spite of significant progress on chemical gas sensors based on oxide nanowires, their actual implementation remains still a challenge. In this presentation, overview on the present status of oxide nanowires-based chemical gas sensors and their prospect will be discussed. Keywords: Nanowire sensor, Chemiresistive sensor, Chemical sensor, Functionalization

60 Elucidation of Structure-Property Relationships in Solid- State Materials with Asymmetric Coordination Environment Kang Min Ok Chung-Ang University Discovering novel noncentrosymmetric (NCS) functional materials is an ongoing challenge attributed to the symmetry-dependent characteristics such as nonlinear optical (NLO), piezoelectric, pyroelectric, ferroelectric, and multi-ferroic properties. Thus far, several NCS chromophores have been suggested, which include d 0 transition metal cations in octahedral coordination environment (Ti 4+, Nb 5+, W 6+, etc.), lone pair cations (Bi 3+, Se 4+, I 5+, etc.), highly polarizable d 10 metal cations (Zn 2+, Cd 2+, etc.), and anions with π-conjugated molecular orbitals (NO - 3, CO 2-3, BO 3-3, etc.). In order to increase the possibility of macroscopic NCS structures, many synthetic efforts have been made by introducing the above-mentioned asymmetric groups; however, most of the prepared materials crystallized in macroscopic centrosymmetric (CS) space groups. In this presentation, several new NCS solid-state materials are introduced. Powder NLO properties and the structure-property relationships for the NCS materials are discussed. The NLO efficiency may be understood by careful examinations of the polarization for the asymmetric polyhedra. Factors influencing the framework structures and macroscopic centricity will also be presented. References: G. Zou, C. Lin, H. Jo, G. Nam, T.-S. You, K. M. Ok, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2016, 55, H. G. Kim, T. Tran, W. Choi, T.-S. You, P. S. Halasyamani, K. M. Ok, Chem. Mater., 2016, 28, S. Y. Song, K. M. Ok, Cryst. Growth Des., 2016, 16, H. G. Kim, J. S. Yoo, K. M. Ok, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3,

61 Unleashing the full potential of magnetoelectric coupling in film heterostructures Jungho Ryu Functional Ceramics Group, Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS), Changwon , Korea Magnetoelectric (ME) coupling facilitates the magnetic field control of electric polarization or viceversa. This product properties between piezoelectric and magnetostrictive naturesareattractive for potential applications in sensors,transducers, energy harvesters,and etc. Film based ME composites consist of piezoelectric (typically PZT) and magnetostrictive layers are highly desired especially for applicationsin integrated magnetic/electric devices. The thermal processing, necessary to obtain high quality PZT films with superior functional properties, unavoidably leads to surface oxidation and crystallization of amorphous magnetostrictive metal substrate, and also chemicalinterdiffusion between two phases. This will deteriorate both of their properties and eventually degrade the ME coupling. Using granule spray in vacuum process (GSV), PZT thick film was deposited on magnetostrictive amorphous metal (Metglas) substrate. The PZT film was annealed with a continuous-wave 560 nm laser radiation to minimize deteriorative effects of general thermal process, such as chemical reaction and/or atomic diffusion, at the interface and crystallization of amorphous Metglas substrate. We will report the effect of various processing parameters, include laser power, scan speed, PZT films thickness and etc. on the microstructural evolution as well as electric, magnetic and ME properties in this layer structured ME composite system in this presentation

62 An Ultrasensitive, Visco-Poroelastic Artificial Sensor Skin with Mechanosensitive Ionic Nanochannels Do Hwan Kim Department of Organic Materials and Fiber Engineering, Soongsil University, Seoul , Korea Creating artificial sensor skin that shows the tactile-sensing capability of human skin has been a big challenge in tactile sensor research. Cutaneous structure for mammalian species might provide a solution for efficiently overcoming bottlenecks in artificial sensory system and an insight into eventually implementing a sensor comparable to the level of human sensation. In this talk, inspired by the sophisticated physiological tactile sensing mechanism of human skin, we created an ultrasensitive, ionic artificial sensor skin with ion nanochannels based on viscoporoelastic biocompatible polymers, in which we directly addressed the sophisticated physiological tactile sensing mechanism of mammalian skin. To this end, we emulated the Piezo2 ionic mechanotransduction protein channel with a piezocapacitive ionic mechanosensory system that engages in ion squeezing when the polymer matrix is deformed under a mechanical non-equilibrium state. The artificial sensor skin is unprecedented in its ability to sustain a high sensitivity over a broad range of pressure (20nF kpa -1 at 0-30kPa) with reproducible operation at an ultralow-voltage (1mV). We also described that this new artificial human skin allows for voice identification, health monitoring, daily pressure measurements and even measurements of a heavy weight beyond capabilities of human skin

63 2-Dimensional Layered materials for Si Technology Hyeon-Jin Shin Device & System Research Center, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT), Samsung Electronics, 130 Samsung-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, , Republic of Korea Two dimensional (2D) layered materials are crystalline materials with layered structures, including Graphene, h-bn, and Transition Metal Di-chalcogenides (TMD s). Each of their layers is consisting of one or a few atomic layers and they form van der Waals interactions with neighboring layers. Recently, they have been studied intensively due to their extraordinary properties, such as, flexibility and transparency. In addition, they have exceptional electronic, optoelectronic, chemical and mechanical properties. For example, Graphene has high electron mobility, chemical inertness, and thermal conductivity, while TMD has high photo responsivity. Based on their properties, many potential applications were proposed and demonstrated. We have been investigated 2D layered materials for Si technology, but not for the active materials. We have focused 2D layered materials as interface materials due to the chemical inertness and their atomically thin nature. Especially, Graphene has been suggested as a promising material for future interconnects because of its unique electrical and chemical properties. For instance, they are good candidates for diffusion barrier.[1] Also, they are good candidates for interface materials between metal and Si to reduce the Schottky barrier heights and contact resistance in source and drain, which is one of the most critical issues for scaling down.[2] In this talk, we will cover and discuss the possibility of Graphene and other 2D layered materials for interconnects and contact resistance reducer in Si technology. In addition, we will also cover other potential applications based on 2D materials unique properties, such as, chemical inertness and atomic thick nature. [1] L.Li et al., Verticle and lateral copper transport through graphene layer, ACS Nano, 9 (8), pp (2015) [2] K.-E. Byun et al., Graphene for true ohmic contact at metal-semiconductor junctions, Nano Letters, 13 (9), pp (2013)

64 Progress in High-Capacity Gradient Cathode Materials for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries Yang-Kook Sun Department of Energy Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul , South Korea High-energy-density rechargeable batteries are needed to fulfill various demands such as selfmonitoring analysis and reporting technology (SMART) devices, energy storage systems, and (hybrid) electric vehicles. As a result, high-energy electrode materials enabling a long cycle life and reliable safety need to be developed. To ensure these requirements, new material chemistries can be derived from combinations of at least two compounds in a secondary particle with varying chemical composition and primary particle morphologies having a core shell structure and spherical cathode-active materials, specifically a nanoparticle core and shell, nanoparticle core and nanorod shell, and nanorod core and shell. To this end, several layer gradient cathode materials were developed to ensure high capacity, reliability, and safety. One of the most promising oxides is full concentration gradient (FCG) lithium nickel-cobalt-manganese oxide composed of a Mn-rich outer surface providing excellent safety and Ni-rich center achieving high capacity. In addition, we extended the FCG concept and report a new novel Li[Ni x Co y Mn z ]O 2 cathode material with two-sloped full concentration gradients (TSFCG) of Ni, Co, and Mn ions throughout the cathode particles to maximize the average Ni concentration at the core as active redox species and the Mn concentration in the area near the particle surface. The Ni-rich TSFCG delivers a discharge capacity in excess of 200 mah g -1 (at 4.3 V cutoff voltage and 0.1 C rate) with excellent cycle life and thermal stability. Comparison of electrochemical and thermal properties of the TSFCG with those of NCA and conventional cathode Li[Ni x Co y Mn z ]O 2 is presented

65 Anodized Aluminum Oxide Scaffold Based Semitransparent Perovskites Solar Cells Jooho Moon Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Yonsei University 50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul , Republic of Korea Organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite solar cells have demonstrated huge potential as next generation solar cells with low cost and efficient performances due to solution processability and their excellent photovoltaic characteristics. Several nanostructures such as planar heterojunction, mesoporous metal oxides, or 1-D TiO2 or ZnO nanorod array have been studied to enhance efficiencies of the solar cells. Here, we report semitransparent, highly efficient, one-dimensionally nano-structured perovskite solar cells employing anodized aluminium oxide (AAO) as scaffold layer. The parallel nano-pillars in the perovskite layer enable construction of haze-free semitransparent devices without any hysteresis behavior. By controlling the pore size in the AAO, the volume occupied by the perovskite layer can be precisely varied, and the colour neutrality of the resulting devices can be achieved. With the incorporation of a transparent cathodic electrode (indium tin oxide, ITO) with a buffer layer (MoOx), a highly efficient semitransparent nano-pillared perovskite solar cell is achievable with a power-conversion efficiency of 9.6% (7.5%) and a whole device average visible light transmittance of 29.7% (38.2%). To determine the role of the scaffold layer in improving the photo-electrical properties of the cell, impedance spectroscopy analyses were performed, revealing that the AAO-structured perovskite layer suppresses internal ion diffusion and enables critical improvements in long-term stability under continuous illumination

66 Atomic Layer Deposition of MoS 2 on Self-Supported Metallic Substrates as Efficient Catalysts for Hydrogen Evolution Hyunjung Shin 1 Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon , South Korea address: hshin@skku.edu The edge sites of MoS 2 have been shown to be efficient electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) replacing expensive noble metals, e.g., Pt. Here, we first describe that when atomic layer deposition (ALD) is applied to layered materials such as MoS 2. MoS 2 exhibits the non-ideal mode of ALD growth on planar surfaces. The non-ideality does not allow for the conventional linear relationship between the growth thickness and the number of cycles. Instead, it provides the ability to control the relative ratios of the edge-sites and basal planes of MoS 2 to the exposed surfaces. The number of edge sites produced was carefully characterized in terms of the geometric surface area and effective work function. It was correlated to the HER performance, including Tafel slopes and exchange current densities. When MoS 2 as a representative 2-D material is deposited on self-supported Cu substrates in a controlled manner, the sulfidation reactions also occur with the metal. We observed the spontaneous formation of a composite chalcogenide materials that consist of two-dimensional (2-D) materials dispersed in bulk, i.e., bulk layered heterojunctions (BLHJs) of Cu-Mo-S that contain MoS 2 flakes inside, which are uniformly dispersed in the Cu 2 S matrix, and their unusual charge transport properties for application in hydrogen evolution reactions (HERs). The resulting structures were expected to induce asymmetric charge transfer via layered frameworks and tested as electrocatalysts for HERs. Upon suitable thermal treatments, the BLHJ surfaces exhibited the efficient HER performance of approximately 10 ma/cm 2 at a potential of as low as -0.1 V versus a reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE). The Tafel slope was approximately 30 to 40 mv/dec. The present strategy was further generalized by demonstrating the formation of BLHJs on other transition metals such as Ni. The resulting BLHJs of Ni-Mo-S also showed the remarkable HER performance and the stable operation over 10 days without using Pt counter electrodes by eliminating any possible issues on the Pt contamination

67 CIGS Industry and Technology Trend 1 Junggyu Nam, 2 Dongho Lee, 3 Dongseop Kim 1 대표이사, Solarnd Corp.( 솔란드 ), 2 연구원, Stion Corp San Ignacio Ave, San Jose, CA CTO & 부사장, Shinsung Solar Energy( 신성솔라에너지 ) 전세계태양전지시장은최근 5년간연평균 20% 이상의고속성장을하고있고, 장기적으로 2040년까지추가로증설되는발전용량의약 30% 를태양광발전설비가점유할것으로기대된다. 태양전지시장구조를보면 Si 결정계태양전지가전체태양전지시장의 90% 이상을상회하며꾸준히가장큰시장을점유하고있다. 본발표에서는결정계태양전지의대안기술로서박막 CIGS 태양전지기술의개발현황, 최근이슈화되고있는연구결과를중심으로효율향상에대해소개하고자한다. 또한, 시뮬레이션을통하여셀에서모듈로전환했을때가능한효율을계산해보았고, buffer 소재의밴드갭및 CIGS 표면밴드갭의변화에따른최적효율에대해시뮬레이션을진행했다. 또한, 셀로부터대면적모듈을구현할때 robust process를구현하기위한공정개선, Alkali metal의제어방법에대해소개하고자한다. 국내의 CIGS 박막태양전지는우수한인적자원및인프라에도불구하고아직산업화에이르지못하고있다. 높은초기투자비로인한산업의접근성이어려운단점을가지고있지만, 꾸준한정부주도의 R&D 지원정책을바탕으로세계수준의경쟁력을확보하게되었고, 장기적으로지속적인투자가이루어진다면중요한수출산업으로성장할것으로기대된다

68 미래이차전지기술 최장욱 카이스트 EEWS 대학원 이차전지로대표되는에너지저장기술은그범위가지속적으로확대되고있으나, 동시에더높은수준의기술을요구하고있다. 본발표에서는리튬이차전지의현재한계점을확인한후, 차세대기술의요지에대해서간략하게다루어보고자한다. 해당미래기술은에너지밀도, 수명, 안전성측면에서현재시장에서채용되고있는기술을능가하는것을지향하지만, 기술적으로해결해야하는숙제를남기고있다. 관련내용에대해서, 미래전극소재를개괄적으로소개하고, 이와더불어웨어러블 IT 소자에접목할수있는배터리기술에대해서도발표하고자한다

69 Conjugated polymer wrapped single wall carbon nanotubes for high performance printed transistors and gas sensors Yong-Young Noh Department of Energy and Materials Engineering, Dongguk University, 30 Pildong-ro, 1-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea, * yynoh@dongguk.edu One of the most challenging research topics in the field of carbon nanotube (CNT)-based electronic devices is to realize highly purified and well-dispersed semiconducting CNT (s- CNT) inks with mass production scale. Recently, a selective dispersion of s-swnts by wrapping various commercially available conjugated polymers promoted the research tremendously. This approach allows the realization of s-cnt field-effect transistors with low off-current on the pico-ampere level, which are applicable for applications such as integrated circuits on market products. In this presentation, we introduce the way to obtain highly purifed s-cnt ink by polymersorting and demonstrate high performanance field-effect transistors and highly sensitive gas sensors by using simple graphic art printing processes. The optimzied s-cnt-fets with the polymer dielectrics showed typical ambipolar charge transport with high ON/OFF ratios (~up to 10 8 ) and mobilities of 1 ~ 20 cm 2 V -1 s -1. In addition, printed ammonia gas sensors with s- CNT on PET substrated showed very high sensitivity down to 1 ppm. The mechanism for gas sensing will be proposed in the presentation. Fig.1 ON/OFF ratio versus mobility graph of SWNT-FETs fabricated by CVD and solution-process

70 Carrier Transport at the Metallic Interface of 2- Dimensional Materials Won Jong Yoo SKKU Advance Institute of Nano Technology (SAINT), Sungkyunkwan University, 2066 Seobu-ro, Jangan-gu, Suwon, Korea, ( ) Two dimensional (2D) materials are recently being investigated intensively, with so me of them holding great promise as semiconducting materials for future nano-electro nics, beyond current Si technology which face hard limitation in performance enhancement due to excessive power dissipation during high frequency operation, as they present a range of achievable bandgaps and high electrical carrier mobility, and ultra-thin body with efficient electrostatic control. These properties, combined with mechanical flexibility, enable 2D materials to be promising candidates that can meet major requirements for electronic and photonic devices operated in emerging future mobile and IoT environment. However, formation of proper electrical contacts to nanoscale 2D materials (e.g. transition metal dichalcogenides: TMD) is becoming a major challenge in realizing the performance of the 2D material-based devices. According to recent studies, the observed twoterminal mobility in single-layer TMD devices is unexpectedly low [1], due to high contact resistance (R c ) induced between metal contact and TMDs. It is known that many 2D crystals are subjected to strong Fermi level pinning when they are in contact with metals. That is, the pinning is responsible for the observed high Schottky barrier height and high R c. In this work, we investigate Schottky barrier heights at the interfaces [2] formed between mono- or bilayer molybdenum dichalcogenides and Ti, Cr, Au, Pd. For MoS 2 and MoTe 2, by obtaining I V characteristics for various temperatures. Meanwhile, we explore the different metal MoS 2 contacts and investigate the charge carrier injection mechanisms and their transition from one to another across the interfacial barrier [3]. Low temperature measurements on TMD field effect transistor are carried out and R c is investigated as the function of temperature. As the result, the obvious transition from thermionic emission at high temperature to quantum mechanically tunneling of charge carriers at low temperature along the junction is observed. Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Global Research Laboratory (GRL) Program (2016K1A1A ) and Global Frontier R&D Program (2013M3A6B ) at the Center for Hybrid Interface Materials (HIM), both funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning via the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF). References: [1] A. Allain, J. Kang, K. Banerjee and A. Kis, Electrical contacts to two-dimensional semiconductors, Nat. Mater., 14, 1195 (2015) [2] H.-M. Li, D.-Y. Lee, M. S. Choi, D. Qu, X. Liu, C.-H. Ra, and W. J. Yoo, Metal semiconductor barrier modulation for high photoresponse in transition metal dichalcogenide field effect transistors Sci. Rep., 4, 4041 (2014) [3] F. Ahmed, M. S. Choi, X. Liu, and W. J. Yoo, Carrier transport at the metal MoS2 interface Nanoscale, 7, 9222 (2015)

71 Utilization of spin polarized electrons for future electronics Joonyeon Chang Post-Si Semiconductor Institute (PSI)r Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) The conventional electronic devices such as personal computer and mobile phones are primarily based on the control of electron charge in semiconductors. Although the tremendous progress in micro-fabrication technologies has accelerated the miniaturization of electronic devices, the size of devices will soon encounter the fundamental physical limits of that miniaturization. Further scale reduction beyond these limits will require a radical alteration of the concept of functional devices. Control of the spin degree of freedom of an electron has brought about a new era of integration in electronics over the last ten years, and research in the field of spintronics is currently being pursued extensively due to the potential of this approach for the development of a new direction in electronics. In the talk, I will briefly introduce the background of semiconductor spintronics followed by spin field effect transistor and spin Hall device built on compound se

72 Super Steep Switching FET: Negative Capacitance FET Changhwan Shin Department of ECE, University of Seoul, Seoul 02504, Korea Silicon-based integrated circuit (IC) technology has dramatically changed the way we live. Since hand-held mobile electronic devices including smart phone were developed, human life has become more convenient and connected to everything, so that the era of hyperconnected society has been opened. The fundamental infrastructure of the society should be built on the semiconductor technology, especially complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology platform. As CMOS device is being scaled down over the past a few decades, the state-of-the-art CMOS technology platform has been touched down to ~ 10 nm technology node with commensurate performance improvement. Notwithstanding many technical solutions such as stress engineering, high-k/metal-gate, and three-dimensional device structure (Fin-shaped Field Effect Transistor, or FinFET) for aggressively scaled technology nodes, semiconductor industry is currently faced with a major technical problem: incommensurate scaling of power supply voltage (V DD ) for every CMOS generation, because of the fundamental limit called Boltzmann Tranny (i.e., subthreshold slope > 60 mv/decade at 300 K, resulting in soared-up power density in IC). In order to overcome the physical limit in CMOS devices, negative capacitance field effect transistor (NCFET) with ferroelectric material has been proposed and considered as one of the alternatives. In this invited talk, recent achievement in NC FinFET with sub-60-mv/decade switching feature is going to be demonstrated and discussed. Fig. 1. Measured drain-to-source current vs. gate-to-source voltage of negative Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the capacitance FinFET. National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIP) (No. 2014R1A2A1A ). Also, this work was supported by the Future Semiconductor Device Technology Development Program (Title: super steep switching device technology using novel materials and structures) funded by the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (MOTIE) and the Korea Semiconductor Research Consortium (KSRC)

73 Recent progress in 2D heterojunction-based devices: (1) BP/ReS 2 negative differential resistance (NDR) device (2) WSe 2 -based vertical graphene barrister Jin-Hong Park School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea Since rediscovery of graphene in 2004, it has attracted an enormous amount of interest owing to its unique structural, mechanical, electronic, and optical properties. After that, the unique properties of graphene have also triggered extensive research in other two-dimensional (2D) materials including transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), particularly for various electronic and optoelectronic device applications. Especially, not only single junction but also various heterojunction devices based on 2D materials have afforded novel functionality and advances in many research fields. The availability of various 2D materials could allow the formation of a wide variety of heterojunctions with desired band alignments, thereby providing a powerful fabrication process platform for high-performance electronic and optoelectronic devices. In this seminar, we introduce various promising 2D heterojunctionbased electronic devices, which were recently achieved in Prof. Park s group, including WSe 2 -based vertical graphene barristor and BP/ReS 2 negative differential resistance (NDR) device

74 포스터발표초록 포스터발표 ( 대회의실, 소회의실 1,2,3,4) 2017 년 2 월 23 일 ( 목 ) 09:00-10:

75 Fabrication of graphene composite foam by simple method for flexible supercapacitor electrodes Jeong Seob Kang* and Seong Chan Jun* * Nano ElectroMechanical Device Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul , Republic of Korea Graphene composite foam has attracted attention as an electrode material of next generation energy storage device. Because graphene is a two-dimensional material which has unique thermal, chemical stability and high electrochemical specific capacitance due to its large specific surface area and excellent electrical properties. There are several method to fabricate 3D interconnected structures of graphene such as chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and carbonizing polymer-graphene composite for developing integrated properties. However, the graphene foams fabricated by these method have a brittle mechanical performance and require several complex stage of fabrication process. These results restrict application of 3D structure of graphene. For overcoming the limitation, developing simple method for fabricating graphene foam with excellent mechanical properties is important. In this research, we present the method to fabricate graphene sponge using a simple hydrothermal synthesis method with aqueous dispersed graphene oxide(go) solution. To maintain excellent electrical properties and to achieve mechanical strength and flexibility, concentration conditions of GO solution was controlled for fabricating graphene sponge, and a graphene/polymer composite foam will be introduced to enhance network bonding between the GO nanosheets. The properties of graphene sponges were measured by FE-SEM(field emission scanning electron microscopy), XRD(x-ray diffraction) and CV(cyclic voltammetry) method. As a result, the graphene sponge is able to achieve elastic mechanical performance and exhibits excellent electrochemical performance based on its excellent electrical properties unique to graphene. Also, since it is very easy to fabricate, it is highly commercial

76 Focused Laser beam lithography for fabrication of graphene-based microsupercapacitors Soongeun Kwon 1, Daekyung Jung 1,2, Hyungjun Lim 1,2, Geehong Kim 1,2, Kee-Bong Choi 1,2, JaeJong Lee 1,2 1 Nano Convergence and Manufacturing Systems Research Division, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, 156, Gajeongbuk-Ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon , Republic of Korea 2 Department of Nano Mechatronics, University of Science and Technology, 217, Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon , Republic of Korea Microsupercapacitors (MSCs), as a kind of thin-film supercapacitors for on-chip or flexible energy storage devices, have employed two dimensional, in-plane interdigitated electrode (IDE) instead of a conventional sandwich-type electrode configuration. These unique electrode configurations facilitated high power operation of ultra-thin film supercapacitors due to fast ion transport through micron-scale electrode patterns arranged without an extra separator. Many efforts (e.g. photolithographic fabrication with optical photomasks, maskless direct laser writing using DVD burner) have been recently reported to investigate the effect of pattern resolution on electrochemical performance of the MSCs. In this work, a maskless laser lithography using focused laser beam as a facile and cost-effective fabrication was employed to fabricate reduced graphene oxide-based microsupercapacitors. Optical laser beams with beam diameter of a few micrometers focused by an objective lens were capable of photo-reducing and patterning a graphene oxide film in arbitrary programmable shapes. We optimized the experimental parameters of focused laser beam lithography to improve the reduction power comparable to that of conventional chemical reduction. In addition, we were able to fabricate a tandem microsupercapacitor by adjusting the depth of focus of laser beam irradiated onto graphene oxide film

77 Scalable, Water-resistive and Flexible Paper as a Biosensing Platform to Detect Pathogens Kyung Hoon Kim*, MinHo Yang*, Soon Woo Jeong*, Chi Hyun Kim*, Nam Ho Bae*, Seok Jae Lee*, Bong Gil Choi**, and Kyoung G. Lee* * Nano-bio Application Team, National Nanofab Center, Daejeon 34141, South Korea ** Department of Chemical Engineering, Kangwon National University, Samcheok 25913, South Korea The flexible sensing platform has been regarded as a key component for the development of portable smart devices, targeting next-generation healthcare, environmental monitoring, point-of-care diagnostics, and personalized electronics. Among important characteristics of flexible sensing platform, excellent performance, robust mechanical stability, and chemical resistance are essential to be addressed. Herein, we demonstrate a simple, scalable, and cost-effective strategy for fabrication of a sensing electrode based on a waste newspaper with conformal coating of parylene C (P-Paper) via chemical vapor deposition method. Thin polymeric layers deposited on cellulose fibers allow the P-paper to possess improved mechanical and chemical stability. Consequently, a couple of gold electrode pattern was deposited over the polymeric layer, which results in high-performance flexible sensing platforms for the specific detection of pathogenic E. coli O157:H7 based on DNA hybridization. Moreover, P-paper electrodes have the potential to serve as disposable, flexible sensing platforms for point-of-care testing biosensors

78 Optical waveguide patterning process using Substrate Conformal Imprint Lithography G.H.Kim*, J.J.Lee*, S.G.Kwon*, K.B.Choi*, H.J.Lim* * Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, 156 Gajeongbuk-Ro, Yuseong- Gu, Daejeon This paper describes about the fabrication process for optical waveguides using substrate conformal imprint lithography (SCIL). The SCIL process is belongs to ultraviolet nanoimprint lithography and uses very low pressure and vacuum to implement uniform contact between a substrate and a replica mold. Its main characteristic is the replica mold comprised of a thin glass substrate for a backbone and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) for a cushion and a patterned layer. This structure gives enough flexibility in out-of-plane to compensate the mechanical tolerance of surfaces and high rigidity in in-plane for multi-layer patterning. The optical waveguides for silicon photonics are fabricated using SU-8 material and will deliver infrared light from a vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VSCEL) to a photosensor. The minimum pattern size is about 1.5um and the depth is the same scale

79 Spectral Stokes vector measurement based on a dynamic spectro-polarimeter Vamara Dembele, Ramachandran Kasu, Inho Choi, Jayakumar Paul Madhan, and Daesuk Kim* * Division of Mechanical System Engineering, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Korea This paper describes a spectral Stokes vector measurement method based on a snapshot spectro-polarimeter using a modified Michelson interferometric scheme. The described scheme is strongly robust and provide real-time spectral Stokes vector measurement capability within tens of msec. It has no moving parts. Experiments have been conducted to demonstrate the performance of the proposed system by measuring the spectro-polarimetric parameters of a transmissive achromatic Quarter Wave Plate (QWP). Figure 1 (a) shows the dual spectra raw data used for measuring a transmission QWP. The normalized Stokes vector S 1 (k), S 2 (k) and S 3 (k) are depicted in Fig. 1(b). x S 3 (k) Intensity (a.u.) S 1 (k)~s 3 (k) S 2 (k) S 1 (k) wavenumber (1/ m) wavenumber (1/ m) (a) (b) Fig. 1. Spectro-polarimetric parameters of an achromatic QWP. (a) Dual spectra raw data, (b) Normalized spectral Stokes vector measured. This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) Grant funded by the Korean Government(MSIP) (No. 2015R1A5A & No. 2015R1A2A2A )

80 Vibration-robust interferometric spectro-ellipsometry for thin-film measurement Vamara Dembele, Ramachandran Kasu, Inho Choi, Jayakumar Paul Madhan, Junho Kim, and Daesuk Kim* *Division of Mechanical System Engineering, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Korea A vibration-robust interferometric spectro-ellipsometer is developed to measure the optical properties of thin-film elements. It requires neither moving parts nor time dependent modulation. The proposed method can provide spectral phase difference Δ(λ) of SiO 2 thin film deposited uniformly on a silicon wafer by using two spectra acquired simultaneously through the dual spectroscopic channels in less than 100ms. This makes the proposed system ideal for real-time high-speed process monitoring and control in various industrial applications. Figure 1 illustrates the spectral phase difference Δ(λ) for SiO 2 thin film samples with nominal thicknesses of 100 nm and 200 nm deposited on a silicon wafer, respectively. 240 SiO 2 (Thickness:100nm) 240 cal ( ) [degree] Experiment Commercial cal ( ) [degree] SiO 2 (Thickness:200nm) Experiment Commercial wavelength (nm) wavelength (nm) (a) (b) Fig. 1. Spectral phase difference Δ cal (λ) for SiO 2 thin film objects with nominal thickness: (a) 100nm, and (b) 200nm. This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) Grant funded by the Korean Government(MSIP) (No. 2015R1A5A & No. 2015R1A2A2A )

81 Surface Plasmon Interference and Metamaterial of Plasmonic Structures for below 10-nm Patterning Sang-Kon Kim Dept. of Science, Hongik Univ. Seoul Korea For the wavelength reduction to overcome the diffraction limit of the optical lithography, the surface plasmon lithography (SPL) as a maskless lithography has lower cost and simpler system configuration than the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography. The technology of the below 10-nm critical dimension (CD) formation is one of critical challenges in the lithography technology. In this paper, for the below 10-nm CD, SPL based on the SP interference and metamaterial in bowtie and hexahedron structures is proposed and demonstrated by using computer simulations such as the rigorous coupled-wave analysis (RCWA) method and the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method. For bowtie and hexahedron structures, the transverse magnetic (TM) intensity of average 19-nm and average 52.6-nm (the full width at half maximum) FWHM with 193-nm wavelength are improved to average 15.2-nm and average 31.4-nm FWHM by using metamaterial and SP interference, respectively. For 193-nm wavelength, the minimum TM intensity FWHM of xz plane (and yz plane) is 10-nm (and 7-nm) in bowtie plasmonic structures with 2-nm gap size and 10-nm triangle altitude (and 20-nm triangle altitude, 10-nm curvature radius, 24-nm thickness, and 10-nm gap size). Impact of parameters of the SP interference and metamaterial on aerial images are optimized and analysed. This study can contribute to concept and manipulate the plasmonics-enabled light for desktop nanofabrication

82 Thin film deposition by simple airbrushing and its application in continuous Roll-to-Roll nanoimprinting with controlled residual layer thickness Sungkwan Koo*, Sung Ho Lee**, Jeong Dae Kim*, Jung Goo Hong**, Hyoung Won Baac***, Moon Kyu Kwak**, Jae Hyuk Lee*, Kangeun Yoo* and Jong G. Ok*,# *Department of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul, 01811, Korea **School of Mechanical Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, 41566, Korea ***School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, 16419, Korea # Corresponding author: jgok@seoultech.ac.kr. Airbrushing can deposit uniform thin films on a substrate having relatively rough surfaces and high aspect-ratio morphologies with high speed and scalability. In this regard, airbrushing can provide a well-suited and practical solution for resin coating in the Roll-to-Roll (R2R) nanoimprinting process while conventional spin-coating or dip-coating approaches are hardly compatible with its continuous rolling principle. This work presents that the UV-curable imprinting resin diluted with a volatile solvent can be airbrushed onto a substrate that should be continuously fed to the R2R nanoimprinting system. After the solvent is dried, a uniform thin film of non-volatile resin can be formed. We also demonstrate that, by controlling the initial resin concentration and airbrushing time, the thin film thickness before nanoimprinting, and residual layer thickness after nanoimprinting can be readily modulated with predictable trends. Further refining this airbrushing methods, many functional thin films other than imprinting resins (e.g., active layers in flexible electronics and energy devices) may be uniformly formed in a continuous and scalable fashion. * This work is supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) Grants funded by the Korean Government (MSIP) (No. 2015R1A5A , No. 2016R1C1B , and No. 2015M2A2A4A )

83 A study on the embedding process of nanoparticles in anodic aluminum oxide templates Phuong NguyenThi*, **, Eun Ju Yeo*, **, Jeong Hwan Kim*, **, Doo- Sun Choi*, **, Jae Sung Yoon*, **, and Yeong- Eun Yoo*, ** * Department of Nano Manufacturing Technology, KIMM, Daejeon ** Department of Nano Mechatronics, UST, Daejeon In this study, we present a principle of filtration for nanoscale dimension, which consists of nanoparticles and anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) template. The polystyrene nanoparticles with various sizes of 150, 60 and 24 nm have been injected and embedded within the pores of the AAO template. The cavities between the nanoparticles form up pathway networks, which are much smaller than the nanoparticle itself and it can be regarded as effective pores for filtration. The size of cavities depends on the size of nanoparticles. The hydraulic experiment in this study clearly shows that the template which includes smaller nanoparticles of 24 nm has pathway networks much smaller than other template which did not content it. Consequently, this study is expected to provide a new principle for filtration of nano voids, or nano pores, and for filtration in nanoscale dimension

84 Transparent TiO 2 nanowire networks via wet corrosion of Ti thin films for dye-sensitized solar cells Eunhye Shin, Saera Jin, Jongin Hong Department of Chemistry, Chung-Ang University, 84 Heukseok-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul 06974, Republic of Korea Transparent TiO 2 nanowire networks are prepared by corrosion of Ti thin films on F-doped SnO 2 glass substrates in KOH solution. The TiO 2 nanostructures are thoroughly investigated by field-emission scanning electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry. Dye-sensitized solar cells with a photoanode of 1.2-μm-thick nanowire networks exhibit an average optical transmittance of 40% in the visible light region and a power conversion efficiency of 1.0% under one sun illumination

85 Strain measurement in InGaN/GaN multi-quantum wells using dark-field electron holography Van Vuong Hoang *,**, Soon-Ku Hong **, Il-Suk Kang *, and Jun-Mo Yang * * Department of Nano-Convergence Technology Division, National Nanofab Center, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea **Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, Republic of Korea Dark-field electron holography (DFEH) with a configuration based on the off-axis principle from transmission electron microscopy (TEM), was proposed for measuring strain maps in In x Ga 1 x N/GaN multi-quantum wells (MQWs). At high resolution, artefacts caused by Fresnel diffraction at an electron biprism must be taken into account to obtain reliable results after correction of aberration. With a beam tilt, biprism shift, and prolonged exposure time, these artefacts near the InGaN/GaN interface could be removed. Using this approach, we carried out strain analyses from a (0002) diffraction spot in the InGaN MQWs. When artefacts appeared, it was possible to remove them using the DFEH technique with highstrain precision, high-spatial resolution, and a large field of view. The strain values were measured and found to be %, and strain precision was estimated to be approximately Using a calculated strain-value induced by a lattice mismatch in the lattice constant (according to Vegard s law) as an important component, the DEFH results were compared those from high-resolution TEM with geometric phase analysis (GPA). This revealed that there is very good agreement between the strain results for both techniques

86 Three-dimensional nanoarchitecturing of double-bent Au strips on roll-to-roll nanoimprinted gratings for scalable and flexible plasmonic sensors Jung-Sub Wi*, Seungjo Lee**, Sung Ho Lee***, Dong Kyo Oh**, Kyu-Tae Lee****, Inkyu Park*****, Moon Kyu Kwak***, Ju Hyun Ahn** and Jong G. Ok** * Center for Nano-Bio Measurement, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Daejeon 34113, Korea. ** Department of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul 01811, Korea. *** School of Mechanical Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Korea. **** Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA. ***** School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon 34141, Korea. Localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) is useful for many applications ranging from plasmonic sensors through energy converters to photonic devices. For reliable and sensitive LSPR performance, fabrication of a uniform plasmonic nanostructure is required, yet is often obstructed by complicated and low-throughput protocols such as colloidal synthesis approach and etching-based nanofabrication. In this work, we present a facile and scalable nanoarchitecturing method realizing the three-dimensional (3D) plasmonic structure comprising the nanoscale Au strip array integrated within the flexible transparent nanograting framework. The polymeric nanograting can be continuously fabricated on a large-area flexible substrate at high speed via roll-to-roll nanoimprint lithography (R2R NIL), onto which the angled Au deposition is conducted to easily make the discrete Au strip array generating localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) without additional patterning or etching. * This work is supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) Grants funded by the Korean Government (MSIP) (No. 2015R1A5A , No. 2016R1C1B , and No. 2015M2A2A4A )

87 Separation of Blood cells by a Plastic Nanogap Device Sang Won Yoo*, Yeong-Eun Yoo*, Jin Hwan Kim*, Do Eun Kim*, Jeong Hwan Kim*, Jae Sung Yoon*, Sung Hwan Chang*, Sun-Kyoung Kim** * Dept. of Nano Manufacturing Technology, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, Daejeon, , Korea ** Dept. of Mechanical System Design Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul, , Korea Various POCT (Point-of-care-test) devices are recently under development for quick diagnosis using small amount of sample like a drop of blood or bodyfluid. In case of blood sample, the sensitivity and efficiency of the POCT device depends on the status of the sample, which is a quite complex mixture of cells, plasma and various biological substances. For example, 1 billion of red blood cells exist approximately in 1 ml of blood and these cells usually affects negatively the performance of the device due to their interference on the conjugation between the target substance and sensory material like anti-body or high viscosity causes clogging or rapid surging of pressure. For these reasons, the blood sample is generally pre-treated to remove cells using centrifuge in the laboratory. This centrifuge, however, may be not used for POCT device due to its physical size or weight, and also electric power for operation when considering quick diagnostic process on the site. Filtering the cells using membrane may be a good solution for blood pre-treatment and some membranes for plasma separation are commercialized, but this causes some issues uniformity of the pores of the membrane and consequently the efficiency, integration into the device, cost, etc. In this study, a nanochannel device for plasma separation from the blood sample was fabricated using injection molding and metal deposition process. The nanochannel is 500nm in depth and 100um in width. The channels are designed to be 1, 2, 5mm to investigate the effect of the channel length on plasma separation. The nanochannel device was estimated using blood sample to verify the possibility for mass producible plastic device

88 Physically-synthesized porous gold nanoparticles for photoacoustic imaging Jung-Sub Wi Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Daejeon, , Republic of Korea Physically-synthesized porous gold nanoparticles (PGNs) of size suitable for biological application have been proposed. The outer dimensions of the PGNs are determined by the nanoimprint lithography and vacuum deposition conditions, which enables to yield monodisperse nanoparticles (size distribution of <5%). The internal structure of the PGNs is defined by the chemical dealloying process, which makes it possible to generate sublithographic scale nanopores. The presence of nanopores in the nanoparticles shift the plasmon resonance from visible to near intra-red region and also increase light absorption cross-section. Accordingly, the PGNs exhibit a 10 times higher photothermal conversion efficiency and 20 times higher photoacoustic conversion efficiency than gold nanorods. Considering the present results and the large specific surface area of the PGNs which is certainly beneficial for drug delivery, we expect the proposed PGNs to be applied as a useful platform for further developing highly sensitive and efficient theranostic nanoprobes

89 Detection of Vaccinia Virus Using a Graphene-based Nanomechanical Sensor Nam Hee Lee 1,2, Sang Koo Jeon 2, Kwon Sang Ryu 2, Seung Hoon Nahm 2 * 1 Department of Chemistry, KAIST, Daejeon, 34141, Republic of Korea 2 Energy Materials Metrology, KRISS, Daejeon, 34113, Republic of Korea. Graphene has very excellent mechanical and electrical properties and is constantly attracting researchers. Graphene can provide an exposed large surface, which is very effective for environmental changes and adsorbed molecule detection. The sensing resonator is based on a resonant frequency sensitive to the mass that is attached. We tried to detect biomolecules using a graphene - based sensing resonator with this feature. The completed resonator with graphene placed on top of the nanostructure via an exfoliation method has a 24 μm 24 μm graphene vibrating at MHz. Chemical treatments were applied to the surface of graphene, and vaccinia virus was detected using antigen-antibody specific binding. Compared to the graphene resonance frequency with antibodies, graphene resonance frequency with various concentrations of vaccinia virus shifted downward. Especially, the biosensor with high resolution was fabricated using a graphene resonator with high resonance frequency. The results of this study are expected to be an opportunity to broaden the scope of production and use of nanobiosensor using graphene

90 Construction of Multilayered Nanostructure via Liquid Transfer Imprint Lithography Suok Lee*, Sanghee Jung*, Mira Jeong**, JaeJong Lee*, *** * Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials, 156 Gajeongbuk-Ro, Yuseong-Gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, ** AXON, 23-7, 156 Gajeongbuk-Ro, Yuseong-Gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, *** Department of Nano Mechatronics, University of Science & Technology, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, Direct patterning of functional materials has been developed to fabricate micro- to nanoscale pattern using several lithographic techniques. We suggest a new and simple direct patterning, liquid transfer imprint lithography (LTIL), for the construction of one dimensional line or pillar structures and three-dimensional multilayered nanostructures. With LTIL technique, excess resist can be removed by splitting the mold from the coated resist film, so residue between the patterns is reduced to minimum. Line, pillar, or hole structures with tens to hundreds nanometer scale were successfully formed via LTIL technique. Multilayered nanostructures, furthermore, were easily constructed by repeating LTIL method on the previously formed pattern. Herein, we developed UV curable metal or metal oxide precursor resists (i.e. ZnO, NiO, CuO, Ag precursor resists) and fabricated one- and three dimensional nanostructures on rigid and flexible substrates over large areas via LTIL technique. We expect these nanostructures can be utilized in optoelectronic devices, sensors, biomedical, and so on

91 High-speed fabrication of controlled nanopatterns by continuous nanoinscribing on flexible substrates using a nanostructured mold edge Seungjo Lee*, Dong Kyo Oh*, Jeong Dae Kim*, Jae Hyuk Lee*, Minho Na*, Jiyeop Kim*, Won Seok Lee*, Kim Dong Ha*, Jong G. Ok*,# * Department of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul, 01811, Korea. # Corresponding author: jgok@seoultech.ac.kr. Nanoengineering utilizing nanoscale structures, characteristics, and functions has received wide attention in recent social and technological fields, and various applications and commercialization have been actively performed. However, most nanoengineering processes and nanofabrication techniques for creating nanostructures and nanopatterns have limitations in relying on complex, costly, and expensive vacuum instruments. In this study, we develop a high-throughput micronanopatterning system that can continuously inscribe mechanical nanopatterns on flexible substrates using a rigid grating mold edge. This nanoinscribing process enables high-speed and large-area nanopatterning with desired routes, various pattern dimensions and shapes simply by controlling inscribing paths and mold shapes. Specifically, we first devise the conceptual design of process principle, and then present specific design and manufacturing procedure of a prototype processing station. Operating the developed nanoinscribing station, we demonstrate several exemplifications of various functional nanopatterns that can be applied to optical and photonic devices. * This work is supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) Grants funded by the Korean Government (MSIP) (No. 2015R1A5A , No. 2016R1C1B , and No. 2015M2A2A4A )

92 Fabrication of glass microfluidic devices via glass imprinting process Hyungjun Jang*, Pyoung-hwa Oh*, Muhammad Refatul Haq*, Jonghyun Ju*, Young Kyu Kim*, Seok-Min Kim*, and Jiseok Lim** * School of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Chung-Ang University, 84 Heukseokro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul 06974, Republic of Korea. **School of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Yeungnam University, 280 Daehak-ro, Gyeongsan-si, Gyeongsanbuk-do 38541, Republic of Korea. This study reports a cost-effective method of replicating glass microfluidic chips using a vitreous carbon (VC) stamp. A glass replica with the required microfluidic microstructures was synthesized without etching. The replication method uses a VC stamp fabricated by combining thermal replication using a furan-based thermally-curable polymer with carbonization. Fig. 1 shows a schematic diagram of the proposed method. To test the feasibility of this method, a flow focusing droplet generator with flow-focusing and channel widths of 50 µm and 100 µm, respectively, was successfully fabricated in a soda-lime glass substrate. Deviation between the geometries of the initial shape and the vitreous carbon mold occurred because of shrinkage during the carbonization process, however this effect could be predicted and compensated for. Finally, the monodispersity of the droplets generated by the glass microfluidic device was evaluated. Fig. 1 Proposed fabrication method for the glass microfluidic device

93 Selective transfer of micro-leds by the laser scanning system with a meniscus chuck Daekyeong Jung*, Jaejong Lee*, **, Kee-Bong Choi*, **, Geehong Kin*, **, Soongeun Kwon**, Sunghwi Lee**, and Hyungjun Lim*, ** * Nanomechatronics, University of Science and Technology, Daejeon, 34113, South Korea **Nano convergence mechanical systems research division, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, Daejeon, 34103, South Korea Recently, studies on micro-light-emitting diodes (micro-leds) on flexible substrates rather than on hard substrates have been reported after preliminary studies dealing with a scale down of LEDs.[1-3] Conventional studies seem to require additional study because it shows that micro-leds in the form of arrays are fabricated or transferred using polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) stamps. In this research, we propose a method for picking and placing micro-led arrays fabricated by the common process using a selective transfer by the laser scanning system. UV release tape with micro-leds (size = 225 x 125 um 2 ) were mounted on a meniscus chuck (radius of curvature = 180 mm) and the laser was illuminated on the contacting surface of each micro- LED for placing individually. We transferred the devices one by one onto a 4 inch polyethylene terephthalate (PET) film (t = 100 um). Acknowledgement This research was supported by the Development Program of Manufacturing Technology for Flexible Electronics with High Performance (SC1240) funded by Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM). References 1. Seo, Jung-Hun, et al., IEEE Photonics Journal 7.2 (2015): Goßler, Christian, et al., Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (2014): Kim, Tae-il, et al., Applied Physics Letters (2014):

94 Fabrication of surface nanostructure of plastic films for light extraction of organic light emitting diodes Sunghoon Jung*, Wonmin Ahn* and Dogeun Kim* *Plasma Processing Technology Department, Surface Technology Division, Korea Institute of Materials Science, Changwon, 51508, Korea The organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) have the greatest potentials as the next generation electronics because of solid state surface emissive devices. However, optical losses at the OLEDs are obstacles for high efficiency OLEDs with large emission area. The insufficient electrical conductivity of transparent electrode makes electrical power losses at transparent electrode. For solving this problem, many researchers have been studying for development of low electrical losses at transparent electrode through auxiliary metal grids. Most of metal grids with a thickness of more than 100 nanometers are formed on transparent electrode, the surface roughness of transparent electrode is not enough for OLED applications. For the reason, a surface planarization or an insulator layer patterning processes are essential. In this research, we introduce an integrated substrate which consists of embedded metal grids for low resistance of transparent electrode and light extraction layers for overcoming a limited outcoupling efficiency of OLEDs. A surface roughness of the substrate is less than 2 nm and a sheet resistance is less than 1 ohm per square. Moreover, OLEDs with the substrate showed an improved quantum efficiency with flexibility

95 Preparation of TiO 2 nanowire networks by wet corrosion and their application to bendable dye-sensitized solar cells Saera Jin, Eunhye Shin, Jongin Hong Department of Chemistry, Chung-Ang University, 84 Heukseok-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul 06974, Republic of Korea TiO 2 nanowire networks were prepared by corrosion of Ti foils in alkaline (KOH) solution at different temperatures. The prepared nanostructures were characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and X- ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The KOH-treated foils were utilized as photoanodes of bendable dye-sensitized solar cells and the cells exhibited power-conversion-efficiency of 1.11% under AM 1.5 illumination

96 Fabrication of nanopatterned cerium oxide film using nanoimprint lithography Sohee Cheon*, Junhyuk Choi*, Sohee Jeon*, Jihye Lee* * Department of Nanomanufacturing Technology, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, Daejeon, 34103, Korea Cerium oxide has obtained much attention for energy and environmental applications such as catalyst for photocatalytic system, hydrogen production, fuel cells, etc. Nanostructured cerium oxide film has been widely pursed for higher performance efficiency. In conventional fabrication of nanostructured cerium-oxide film for solid oxide fuel cells, cerium oxide was prepared as nanoparticles and nanorods by using sol-gel technique, spread and bonded on electrodes to form random structures. However the designed and controlled nanostructure is still needed for the study of structure-performance relationship and the consistent fabrication of nanosturucture. In this work, we demonstrated the fabrication of nanopatterned cerium oxide film using sol-gel thin film and nanoimprint lithography. Various temperature and doping composition were tested and the results are analyzed by using scanning and transmission electron microscope and X-ray diffraction

97 Fabrication of superhydrophobic 3D porous sponge via icvd process for foodborne pathogen isolation Yunho Choi *, Yong Tae Kim **, Jae Bem You *, Seok Jae Lee **, Kyoung G. Lee **, and Sung Gap Im * * Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, 34141, Republic of Korea ** National Nanofab Center, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea Simple and cost-effective methods for oil/water separation with high selectivity is required in various fields. In particular, isolation of microbes from heterogeneous mixture containing potential inhibitors for genetic analysis is important for efficient molecular diagnostics. However, conventional methods require high cost, complex process and long process time. Herein, we developed an alternative oil/water separation method for pathogen isolation from heterogeneous mixture using commercially available melamine sponge and its one-step surface modification via initiated chemical vapor deposition (icvd) process. Surface modified superoleophilic and superhydrophobic melamine sponge with high porosity exhibited highly selective water and oil separation property and recyclability. Furthermore, surface modified melamine sponge and pristine melamine sponge allowed the isolation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 (E. coli O157:H7) from heterogeneous mixture containing oil, water and solid food particles. Surface modified melamine sponge achieved with simple and one-step fabrication via icvd process could be an alternative platform for oil/water separation and isolation of target microbe from heterogeneous mixture to enhance the efficiency of molecular diagnostics

98 GLAD 나노기둥구조를통한비등열전달효율향상 및폐열회수발전응용 홍동인, Mohsin Ali Badshah, 김석민 * * Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chung-Ang Univ., 06974, Seoul, Korea 폐열회수발전은기계및시스템에서공기중으로방출되는폐열을다시회수하여전력을생산하는기술이다. 열전소자는두종류의금속을연결한후온도차를가할시전력이발생한다는 Seebeck effect를이용해만든소자로열에너지를전기에너지로쉽게변환할수있어폐열회수발전에적합한특징을가지고있다. 가해진온도차와생산전력이비례하는열전소자의특성상고효율의냉각장치가적용될수록고효율의열전발전을할수있다. 다양한냉각방식중풀비등 (pool boiling) 열전달을이용한냉각장치는타냉각방식에비해높은냉각효율을가지고있는방식이며비등표면에마이크로 / 나노구조를적용시더높은냉각효율을얻을수있다. 따라서본연구에서는회전경사증착법을통해 Si wafer 표면상에 Ag 나노기둥구조를제작하고제작된고효율비등열전달표면을열전소자에적용하여전력생산량증가를확인하였다. 실험결과 bare surface를열전소자에적용했을시생산전력이 0.742W로가장낮은값을나타냈으며 100nm, 200nm, 300nm 길이의 Ag 나노기둥표면을적용시생산전력은각각 0.804W, 0.872W, 0.772W로모든길이의나노기둥표면에서생산전력이증가한것을확인할수있다. 특히 200nm길이의나노기둥표면에서 bare surface 대비약 18% 의생산전력이증가한것을확인할수있었다. 본연구는산업통상자원부의재원으로한국산업기술진흥원 (KIAT) 의지원 (2014년엔지니어링전문인력양성사업, 과제번호 : N ) 및 2015년도정부 ( 미래창조과학부 ) 의재원으로한국연구재단의지원을받아수행된연구임. (No. 2015R1A5A )

99 Effect of Surface Additives on Physical Properties of ITO Nanoparticles from Redundant ITO Scraps Sung-Jei Hong 1 *, Jae-Yong Lee 2, and Jeong-In Han 3 ** 1 Display Materials and Components Research Center, Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Seongnam, 13509, Korea 2 Hanchung RF Co. Ltd., Incheon, 21678, Korea 3 Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Dongguk University- SEOUL, Seoul, , Korea An attempt to synthesize ITO nanoparticles by using redundant ITO scraps are introduced. Especially, dispersion of the ITO nanoparticles was attempted by adopting surface additives. The dispersion is intended to surrounding the In-Sn precursors precipitated in the solution where ITO scraps are dissolved. In this work, precipitation behaviors of ITO nanoparticles were observed along with types and concentration of the additives. In addition, effect of reducing agent on the crystal structure of ITO nanoparticles were analyzed. By optimizing the parameters, ITO nanoparticles were synthesized with uniform distribution. Acknowledgements This study was supported by the Industrial Original Technology Development Program of the Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology (KEIT) grant funded by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy (No )

100 Metal Enhanced Fluorescence Substrate with Vertical Silver Nanorods for DNA microarray biochip Mohsin Ali Badshah, Jonghyun Ju, Xun Lu, Naseem Abbas, Seok-min Kim School of Mechanical Engineering, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, 06974, Korea Metal-enhanced fluorescence (MEF) shows a significant potential to enhance the sensitivity of fluorescence detection by allowing fluorophores to interact with enhanced electromagnetic fields generated by the localized surface plasmon resonance effects of metallic nanostructures. In this study, MEF of silver (Ag) vertical nanorod (VNR) arrays made by glancing angle deposition have been studied for DNA microarray. To optimize the enhancement effect of Ag-VNR, the Ag-VNR arrays with various lengths were fabricated and fluorescence signals from the Ag-VNR substrates were measured and compared with those from glass and commercial Amine slide (Amine 2, Array-it, USA). For the fluorescence signal measurement, a Cy5 conjugated Kallikrein-related peptidase 7 (KLK-7-Cy5) DNA probes were spotted on each substrate and their fluorescence signal was measured after the blocking and washing processes. The maximum enhancement factor of 108x comparing with glass substrate was obtained from Ag-VNR with 500 nm length and it was 26 times higher than commercial Amine slide. This study supported by a grant of the Korean Health Technology R&D Project, Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea. (HI14C2687), and National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korean Government (MSIP) (No. 2015R1A5A )

101 Multi-layer film of hydroxyapatite-chitosan and its application for bone graft materials Seon Woo Kang*, Ki-Jae Jeong*, Kyoung Hyup Nam **, In Ho Han**, Jaebeom Lee* * Department of Cogno-Mechatronics Engineering, Pusan National University, Busan 46279, Republic of Korea ** Department of Neurosurgery, Medical Research Institute, Pusan National University Hospital and School of Medicine, Busan , Republic of Korea Tissue engineering utilizes expertise in the fields of materials science, biology, chemistry, transplantation medicine, and engineering to design materials that can temporarily serve in a structural and/or functional capacity during regeneration of a defect. Hydroxyapatite (HAp) scaffolds are among the most extensively studied materials for this application. However, HAp has been reported to be too weak to treat such defects and, therefore, has been limited to non-load-bearing applications. To capitalize the advantages of HAp and at the same time overcome the drawbacks, HAp is combined with chitosan which is biocompatible polymer to generate highly porous biocomposite materials that are used for osteoconduction in the field of orthopedic surgery. In this study we present HAp-based highly porous composite films used for bone tissue engineering using manipulation of inherited polymeric phase separation in the solidification process to prepare HAp/chitosan composite films. These films might be suitable for further clinical applications with orthopedic surgical appliances as bone graft materials

102 Label- Free Electrochemical Sensors for Active Detection of Botulinum Neurotoxin Type E Light Chain by Using Dual Mode Cyclic Voltammetry System Aeyeon Kang, Sang Hwa Hyun, Dae Keun Park, Seunghun Kim, Seok Cheol Kim, Cho Yeon Lee, and Wan Soo Yun * Department of Chemistry, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Suwon 16419, Korea *To whom correspondence should be addressed. wsyun87@skku.edu Botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) is well known for the most toxic substance because it able to cause fatal illness botulism in a low dosage. Since it stands a chance of using as biological warfare agents, the highly sensitive sensor has needed for the detection of BoNT. In this study, a highly sensitive and label-free electrochemical sensor was designed for the detection of active BoNT serotype E light chain (BoNT/E LC). The receptor designed to cleave by BoNT/E LC was immobilized on the interdigitated electrode and it interrupts the redox reaction of ferri-ferrocyanide. After the introduction of BoNT/E LC, the redox signal was increased due to the enzymatic activity of BoNT/E LC in dual mode cyclic voltammetry system. This electrochemical biosensor was able to detect concentrations of BoNT/E LC as low as 5 pg/ml in an hour of incubation

103 Dual-profiling of circulating tumor cell and cell-derived exosome for cancer heterogeneity study Yoon-Tae Kang, Young Jun Kim, Tae Hee Lee, Jae-Eul Shim, and Young-Ho Cho Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, 34141, South Korea Liquid biopsy using sub-micron and nano-scale particles in human body fluid have been received vast attention due to their non-invasive characteristics and possibility of multiplecheck-up. Circulating tumor cells (CTCs), as well as exosome are the most promising markers in liquid biopsy, however, dual isolation and profiling have been limited due to their size difference and limited quantity for analysis. Here, we proposed the novel and simple methods for both isolation and study their similarity between them. In order to profile both markers, we first prepared the CTC isolation device and exosomecapturing stimuli-responsive hydrogel. This hydrogel, which is made of poly (vinyl alcohol) and alginate, and then anti-cd63 was conjugated to hydrogel. For the experiments in dualprofiling, we isolate the CTCs from the human blood by microfiltration, and the microfilter are assembled to hydrogel for exosome secretion in for 6 hours. The captured cells were released from the device and the hydrogels were degraded by adding EDTA. The cell and exosome lysate were prepared using RIPA buffer at 4 C. The supernatant was collected by centrifugation followed by western-blot assay. Four different markers, including exosomespecific marker (CD63), cancer-associated markers (EpCAM, vimentin), and a housekeeping marker (β-actin), were used. To verify the phenotypical similarity between cell and exosome, expressions of the epithelial marker (EpCAM) and mesenchymal marker (vimentin) were examined, and found that exosomes follows the phenotypical characteristics of mother cells. We hope that this dual-profiling is helpful for in-depth study of cancer with consideration of its heterogeneity

104 Size-dependent Effects of Graphene-based Materials on Human Adipose-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Ee-Seul Kang*, Tae-Hyung Kim* *School of Integrative Engineering, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, KS013, Republic of Korea Human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hadmscs) are promising cell sources for tissue engineering and regenerative therapy since they have the ability to generate multiple types of cells/organs (e.g. bone, muscle and cartilage). Recently, graphene oxide (GO), a derivative of graphene, was found to hugely affect the differentiation of hadmscs, owing to its distinct physical and chemical properties. Here, we report the size-dependent effects of graphene oxide on the osteogenic differentiation of hadmscs, by using microand nano-sized GO sheet. Nano graphene oxide (NGO) and GO sheets whose sizes are around 100nm and 1-2μm, respectively, were first modified on conventional cover glasses by drop-casting method. After the confirmation of successful modifications of GO and NGO on the substrates by Raman spectroscopy, hadmscs were cultured on graphene-modified substrates. Interestingly, GO was found to be better for enhancing the adhesion and proliferation of hadmscs when analyzed after two days of cell culture. Moreover, the level of hadmscs differentiation into osteoblasts was found to be much higher on GO than NGO, owing to the difference in cell adhesion, growth and the absorption of differentiation factors (e.g. dexamethasone, ascorbic acid) on the GO surface. As a conclusion, our study unveiled the size-dependent effects of GO on stem cell differentiation, which might be highly useful information for using carbon-based materials for controlling stem cell behaviors. Acknowledgements: This research was supported by a grant from the Korea Health Technology R&D Project through the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI), funded by the Ministry of Health & Welfare (grant number: HI15C3051), by a grant from the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) (grant number: 2016R1C1B )

105 Triplet Triplet Annihilation Upconversion in CdS- Decorated SiO2 Nanocapsules for Sub-Bandgap Photocatalysis Gyo Eun Gu, Oh Seok Kwon Department of Chemistry, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology(KRIBB), Daejeon 34141, republic of Korea This study reports the rst successful nanoscale encapsulation of triplet triplet annihilation upconversion (TTA-UC) medium within a rigid silica shell using a self-assembly microemulsion process. These newly synthesized nanocapsules present a few critical advances that could be instrumental for a wide range of aqueous-based photonics applications, including photocatalysis, arti cial photosynthesis, and bioimaging. The nanocapsules form a homogeneous suspension that can produce intense, di use UC emission in water without deoxygenation, closely resembling conventional TTA-UC processes that have been performed in deoxygenated organic solvents. The silica shell provides sites for further surface modi cation, which allows, when combined with its nanoscale dimension and structural rigidity, this TTA-UC system to acquire various useful functionalities. A benchmark TTA-UC pair, palladium(ii) tetraphenyltetrabenzoporphyrin as a sensitizer and perylene as an acceptor, was used to demonstrate e cient red-to-blue (635 nm, 1.95 ev 470 nm, 2.6 ev) upconversion in the oxygen-rich aqueous phase. The nanocapsule surface was further functionalized with cadmium sul de nanoparticles (Eg = 2.4 ev) to demonstrate sub-bandgap sensitization and subsequent aqueous-phase catalytic oxidation

106 The microfluidic-based stem cell culture device Da Eun Kim*, Jong Min Lee**, Joo Yoon Moon*, Bong Geun Chung*,** * Department of Biomedical Engineering, Sogang University, Seoul, 04107, Korea ** Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sogang University, Seoul, 04107, Korea We generated a microfluidic-based stem cell culture device for studying neurodegenerative diseases. The microfluidic device containing the biocompatible hydrogels generated chemical gradients in a temporal and spatial manner. The stem cells encapsulated within a threedimensional (3D) hydrogels were exposed to various chemical gradients, inducing differentiation of neural-like cells. The stem cells were selectively captured by microstructures in a microfluidic gradient device in a well-defined 3D microenvironment. We also observed the effect of chemical concentration gradients on neural differentiation, showing a number of neural networks in a microfluidic device. Thus, this microfluidic device might be a useful for studying neurodegenerative diseases and regenerative medicine

107 Isolation of Circulating Exosomes using Ionically Degradable Hybrid Hydrogel Beads Young Jun Kim *, Yoon-Tae Kang *, Tae Hee Lee *, Young-Ho Cho *, Yoojoo Lim **, Sae-Won Han ** * Cell Bench Research Center, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea ** Korea Colorectal Cancer Center, Seoul National University Cancer Hospital, 101, Daehak-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul 03080, Republic of Korea Exosome, which is the one of extracellular vesicles (EV), can be distinguished from other EV subtypes by their unique intra-cellular biogenesis. These nano-sized particles have great potential for non-invasive molecular diagnostics and may represent a novel therapeutic delivery system. Here we present hydrogel-based isolation methods for circulating exosomes using ionically degradable hybrid hydrogel beads. The present hydrogel, which consists of crosslinking of natural hydrogel (alginate) and synthetic hydrogel (poly(vinyl alcohol)), offers selectively degradable tools with high stability and biocompatibility. We embodied the present materials in 5 mm-sized beads, and modified with anti-cd63 antibodies for applying to isolate circulating exosomes. The beads were incubated with the exosome-secreted media from MCF-7 cells and MDA-MB-231 cells. After 1-hour incubation, the bead were treated with immunofluorescence staining (FITC, TRITC, and CY5) and the results were analyzed by In-Vivo Imaging System. Meanwhile, they also were fixed with simple dehydration step, and analyzed by FE-SEM imaging. From these results, we verified the isolated exosomes on the surface of the hydrogel beads. Then, the isolated exosomes were recovered through ionically degradation process using ion-chelating agent, EDTA. These isolated circulating markers can also be easily collected for downstream analysis by hydrogel degradation using chelating agents. This simple and versatile platform would be powerful tools for applying liquid biopsy to clinical use

108 Synchronized electronic and optical detection of biomolecules using a low noise nanopore platform Hyung-Jun Kim*, William H. Pitchford**, Joshua B. Edel**, Ki-Bum Kim* * Nano Fabrication Laboratory, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea ** Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, UK Inspired by the Coulter counter and molecular transport across biological pores, in the past two decades there has been a tremendous amount of research into the use of nanopores as single molecule sensors. Recently, the desire to increase structural resolution and analytical throughput has led to the integration of additional detection methods such as fluorescence spectroscopy. For structural information to be probed electronically high bandwidth measurements are crucial due to the high translocation velocity of molecules. The most commonly used solid-state nanopore sensors consist of a silicon nitride membrane and bulk silicon substrate. Unfortunately, the photo-induced noise associated with illumination of these platforms limits their applicability to high bandwidth, high laser power synchronized optical and electronic measurements. Here we present a unique low noise nanopore platform, composed of a predominately Pyrex substrate and silicon nitride membrane, for synchronized optical and electronic detection of biomolecules. Proof of principle experiments are conducted that show the Pyrex substrate substantially lowers ionic current noise arising from both laser illumination and platform capacitance. Furthermore, using confocal microscopy and a partially metallic pore we demonstrate high signal-to-noise synchronized optical and electronic detection of dsdna

109 Development of the electrical stimuli-mediated sensor Joo Yoon Moon *,Jong Min Lee **, Tae Hyeon Kim **, Seung Won Lee **, Bong Geun Chung 2, * 1 Department of Biomedical Engineering, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea bchung@sogang.ac.kr We developed and analyzed the conductive hydrogel-mediatedsensors. The hydrogel-based sensors showed the excellent electrical conductive properties. We observed that thestem cells cultured on hydrogel-based sensors were selectively patterned in a microscale manner. We optimized the current and voltage ranges of the function generator-mediate electrical stimulation. We finally demonstrated that electrical stimulation significantly enhanced the stem cell proliferation and differentiation. Therefore, this electrical stimuli-mediated sensor could be a useful for directing the stem cell fate and studying the regenerative medicine

110 Colorimetric Detection of Cu 2+ using Label-free Self Cleaving DNAzyme and Toehold-Mediated DNA Strand Displacement Yeonkyung Park*, and Hyun Gyu Park* *Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, 34141, Republic of Korea Copper is a toxic metal which can cause neurological disorders when accumulated in our body. As a result, many efforts have been made to develop methods that can detect copper ion in a sensitive and selective manner. In this study, we describe a new simple system for the colorimetric detection of Cu 2+. This system uses Cu 2+ -dependent DNAzyme and toeholdmediated DNA strand displacement circuit. Cu 2+ induces the self-cleavage of DNAzyme and the cleaved strand promotes toehold-mediated strand displacement reactions, which result in the formation of a large number of active split G-quadruplex and simultaneous recycling of the cleaved strand. Consequently, it leads to the highly enhanced colorimetric signal, which enables the sensitive detection of Cu 2+ with naked eye. Importantly, this method does not require the use of any enzymes or costly modifications of fluorophores, rendering itself simple and cost-effective

111 Dual-color emissive upconversion nanocapsules for di erential cancer bioimaging in vivo Sung-Eun Seo*, Ji Yeon Lee*, Oh Seok Kwon* * Harzards Monitoring Bionano Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), Daejeon , Republic of Korea Early diagnosis of tumor malignancy is crucial for timely cancer treatment aimed at imparting desired clinical outcomes. The traditional uorescence based imaging is unfortunately faced with challenges such as low tissue penetration and background auto uorescence. Upconversion (UC)-based bioimaging can overcome these limitations as their excitation occurs at lower frequencies and the emission at higher frequencies. In this study, multifunctional silica-based nanocapsules were synthesized to encapsulate two distinct triplet triplet annihilation UC chromophore pairs. Each nanocapsule emits di erent colors, blue or green, following a red light excitation. These nanocapsules were further conjugated with either antibodies or peptides to selectively target breast or colon cancer cells, respectively. Both in vitro and in vivo experimental results herein demonstrate cancer-speci c and di erential-color imaging from single wavelength excitation as well as far greater accumulation at targeted tumor sites than that due to the enhanced permeability and retention e ect. This approach can be used to host a variety of chromophore pairs for various tumorspeci c, color-coding scenarios and can be employed for diagnosis of a wide range of cancer types within the heterogeneous tumor microenvironment. Keyword : upconversion, triplet triplet annihilation, dual-color, nanocapsule, cancer, imaging, diagnosis

112 Magnetic bead and gold nanoparticle based immunoassay for the highly sensitive detection of influenza virus Sangjin Oh*, Jaebeom Lee* * Department of Cogno-Mechatronics Engineering, Pusan National University, Busan 46241, Republic of Korea Development of rapid and sensitive method for influenza detection is highly important to prevent the further spread of viruses and to enable effective clinical treatment. Herein, a ultrasensitive colorimetric approach combining the advantage of immunomagnetic beads and the enzyme mimic activity of gold nanoparticles for the detection of influenza virus A has been developed. Two kinds of amplification processes are used to enhance the detection sensitivity. The increased surface area and the magnetic properties enable the magnetic bead(mb) to catch a large number of antibodies and target viruses, thus very small amounts of the virus can be easily detected. In addition, the signal amplification of enzyme-like activity with gold nanoparticles causing the enhancing of the optical signal. This approach could avoid complicate instruments and allowed detecting Influenza virus only by naked eyes as well as microplate reader. Under optimal reaction conditions, the colorimetric immunoassay present a good linear relationship in the range of 5.0 fg/ml to 5.0 ug/ml. Compared with conventional method, this approach exhibits outstanding sensitivity, as low as 44.2 fg/ml of H1N1 can be detected by spectrometer and 0.5 pg/ml with the naked eye. Furthermore, this developed assay was successfully applied to clinically isolated serum samples as low as 2.6 PFU/ml of detection limit. This approach shows an extensive horizon for bioassays and is available in clinical diagnosis with the advances of simplification, effectiveness, low cost and sensitive readout. Keywords: Influenza virus, ELISA, magnetic bead, enzyme-like activity, gold nanoparticles colorimetric detection

113 Enhancing DNA Sensitivity by Structurally Modified Solid-State Nanopore Kidan Lee 1*, Hyomin Lee 2*, Seung-Hyun Lee 1, Hyun-Mi Kim 1, Ki-Bum Kim 1, and Sung Jae Kim 2 1 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Republic of Korea 2 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Republic of Korea Solid-state nanopore is a simple, fast, and sensitive biosensing platform which requires high signal to noise ratio (SNR) and slow DNA translocation for reliable biomolecule detection. In this work, guide structure, an additional large and deep nanopore underneath a sensing nanopore, is introduced to enhance SNR and elongate DNA translocation dwell time from modification in electrokinetic environment, or fluid drag, near the nanopore. Through the guide-inserted nanopore under moderate applied voltages, additional event groups having large signals are produced when compared to the conventional nanopores, with slower translocation speed in overall. Origin of the increase in ΔG is more effective limitation of ion transportation passing the sensing nanopore, which is found using finite element simulation. From simple physics of electrophoresis, degree of retardation induced by the fluid drag inside the guide structure is in a reasonable order, implying that the drag applied to the DNA in cis chamber directly affects the translocation time. Therefore, the guide structure provides signals with larger magnitudes and longer durations, enhancing DNA sensitivity compared to the conventional SiN/Si nanopores. Also, this work experimentally demonstrates the role of electroosmotic drag in cis chamber during DNA translocation process, which has only been discussed theoretically or by simulation to date

114 Metal-functionalized graphene nanocomposites Jae-hyun Lim 1, Da Eun Kim 2, Eun Joong Kim 1, Christian D. Ahrberg 1, Bong Geun Chung 1, * 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea 2 Department of Biomedical Engineering, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea bchung@sogang.ac.kr We synthesized the metal-conjugated graphene nanocomposites. The metal was doped into tumor targeting molecule-conjugated graphene nanocomposites using ion-exchange methods. We characterized metal-conjugated graphene nanocomposites. First, fourier transforminfrared spectroscopy analysis demonstrated that metal-conjugated graphene nanocomposites were mediated by covalent bonding. Raman spectrum analysis also confirmed that specific band of graphene derivates and metal nanocomposites. We hypothesized that the metalconjugated graphene nanocomposites could induce the photothermal ablation of tumors and respond the magnetic resonance imaging. Therefore, the metal-conjugated graphene nanocomposites could be potentially powerful for theragnosis applications

115 Effect of channel aspect ratio on fluidic network design of hydrodynamic filtration chip Byoungjin Chun 1,2, Chang Jae Shim 2, Myung-Suk Chun 2,* 1 Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, 02841, Republic of Korea 2 Complex Fluids Laboratory, National Agenda Research Division, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul, 02792, Republic of Korea It has been great interest in developing methods of cell sorting using microfluidics techniques for biomedical applications including diagnosis of cell diseases.[1] Flow-based sorting of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hmscs), which consists of mixture of different sized cells, has been performed using optimally designed microfluidic chips based on the hydrodynamic filtration (HDF).[2] The HDF purely exploits hydrodynamic principles without applying additional external forces, which belongs to passive separation techniques. [3] The characteristics of HDF flows are based on laminar flow assumption, where flow rate is typically tens of microliters per minute, so that reasonably Stokes flow assumption is applied. By exploiting linearity of Stokes flow in rectangular channels, we built a multi-branched channel network model to separate cells based on their size. In this study, we examine the mathematical model in various channel aspect ratios, the ratio of channel height to width, which systematically provides detailed design parameters. The results are verified with commercialized fluid dynamic software. Our model suggests the chip size can be more compact at higher aspect ratio under a constant throughput, which is confirmed through fluid simulations. Also, our results show that a bimodal distribution of spherical cells can be efficiently separated less than 1 micrometer resolution regardless of aspect ratio. [1] E. L. Jackson and H. Lu, Curr. Opin. Chem. Eng., 2 (2013), pp [2] H. Jung, M.-S. Chun and M.-S. Chang, Analyst, 140 (2015), pp [3] M. Yamada, K. Kano, Y. Tsuda, J. Kobayashi, M. Yamato, M. Seki and T. Okano, Biomed. Microdevices, 9 (2007), pp

116 In vivo study of biocompatibility of chitosanhydroxyapatite composite film depending on degree of deacetylation Ki-Jae Jeong 1, Younseong Song 1, Jeonghyo Kim 1, Jaebeom Lee 1 1 Department of Cogno-mechatronics Engineering, Pusan National University, Busan, 46279, Republic of Korea Chitosan is one of promising polymers for applications in various fields. However, despite diverse research studies conducted on its biocompatibility, its uses are still limited. The main factor that can affect its physical, chemical and biological properties is the degree of deacetylation (DOD), which represents the proportion of deacetylated units in the polymer. In this article, the in vivo biocompatibility of chitosan-hydroxyapatite composite films composed of chitosan with different DOD values was investigated by traditional biological protocols and novel optical spectroscopic analyses. The DOD of the chitosan was estimated and calculated by Raman spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The chitosan with the higher DOD induced a higher incidence of inflammation in skin cells. The amino group density, biodegradability, and crystallinity of chitosan are three possible factors that need to be considered when determining the biocompatibility of the films for in vivo application, since they led to complicated biological results, resulting in either better or worse inflammation even when using chitosan products with the same DOD. This basic study on the relationship between the DOD and inflammation is valuable for the development of further chitosan-based researches

117 RNA detection using nicking enzyme-based NASBAmimicking isothermal amplification Yong Ju*, Hyo Yong Kim*, Jun Ki Ahn*, and Hyun Gyu Park* *Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, 34141, Republic of Korea Herein, we introduce a NASBA-mimicking isothermal RNA amplification technology by employing nicking enzyme reaction into the NASBA (nucleic acid sequence based amplification). Substantial efforts to realize novel nucleic acid isothermal amplification methods have been investigated to overcome the most significant disadvantage of conventional PCR which requires highly sophisticated temperature controlling system resulting to bulky lab-scale device. In order to overcome this problem, many researchers have developed isothermal amplification technologies such as strand displacement amplification (SDA), loop-mediated amplification (LAMP), rolling circle amplification (RCA), recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA), and helicase-dependent amplification (HDA). Among the reported isothermal amplification technologies, nucleic acid sequence based amplification (NASBA) can be considered as the most representative method to detect RNA target in isothermal condition. Although NASBA technology exhibits high specificity for target RNA, it is relatively less sensitive compared with reverse transcriptase PCR, which is due to not exponential but linear production of double stranded DNA containing promotor sequence. To solve this limitation, we designed nicking enzyme based isothermal amplification reaction. By applying the primers labeled with nicking enzyme recognition sequence, the nicking enzyme recognizes the specific sequence and nicks the double stranded DNA followed by the polymerization from nicked site, which can induce exponential amplification of double stranded DNA containing promoter sequence. Our newly-developed technology shows both higher reproducibility and sensitivity compared to the current NASBA technology

118 Nanopore analysis on small-molecule inhibition of anticancer protein-protein interaction Dong-Kyu Kwak 1,2, Hongsik Chae 3, Mi-Kyung Lee 1, Ji-Hyang Ha 1, Gaurav Goyal 4, Min Jun Kim 4,5, Ki-Bum Kim 3,* and Seung-Wook Chi 1,2,* 1 Structural Biology & Nanopore Research Laboratory, Functional Genomics Research Center, KRIBB, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea 2 Department of Bio-Analytical Sciences, Korea University of Science and Technology, Daejeon34113, Republic of Korea 3 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Republic of Korea 4 Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA 5 School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA Although protein-protein interactions (PPIs) are attractive targets for drug discovery, identifying small-molecule PPI inhibitors by high-throughput screening (HTS) remains challenging. Nanopore sensing is an emerging technology for the single-molecule-based detection of various biomolecules. In this study, we probed the anticancer, therapeutic mouse double minute 2 (MDM2)-p53 transactivation domain (p53tad) interaction and its inhibition with a small-molecule MDM2 antagonist, Nutlin-3, using low-noise solid-state nanopores. Although the translocation of positively charged MDM2 through a nanopore was detected at the applied negative voltage, this MDM2 translocation was almost completely blocked upon formation of the MDM2-GST-p53TAD complex. In combination with NMR data, the nanopore measurements showed that the addition of Nutlin-3 fully rescued MDM2 translocation, indicating that Nutlin-3 disrupted the MDM2-GST-p53TAD complex, thereby releasing MDM2. Taken together, our results reveal that solid-state nanopores can be a novel and valuable platform for the ultrasensitive, picomole-scale screening of small-molecule drugs against PPI targets. References 1. J. A. Wells and C. L. McClendon, Nature, 450, 1001 (2007). 2. M. R. Arkin and J. A. Wells, Nat. Rev. Drug Discovery, 3, 301 (2004). 3. A. J. Boersma, K. L. Brain and H. Bayley, ACS nano, 6, 5304 (2012). 4. L. Wang, Y. Han, S. Zhou, G. Wang and X. Guan, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 6, 7334 (2014)

119 Graphene oxide/gold nanoparticle hybrid structure for highly sensitive electrochemical detection of dopamine Sung-Sik Choo, Ee-Seul Kang and Tae-Hyung Kim * School of Integrative Engineering, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, 06974, Republic of Korea Precise detection of neurotransmitters is highly important for the treatment of neurological diseases such as Parkinson s disease, schizophrenia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Graphene-based materials were recently found and is known for its excellent detection properties for several redox neurotransmitters, including dopamine (DA). In this study, we report a novel three-dimensional hybrid nanomaterial using porous graphene oxide (pgo) and gold nanoparticles (GNPs) for sensitive detection of neurotransmitter (dopamine) based on electrochemical method. The porous graphene oxide was synthesized by rigorous ultrasonication of graphene oxide solution for 12 hours and further purified by centrifugation process. This hybrid structure, nanoporous GO (pgo), was further modified on the surface of GNP-immobilized indium tin oxide (ITO) electrode, resulting in 3D porous GO-GNPs hybrid structure. Remarkably, this 3D hybrid structure showed superior properties over other types of graphene-modified electrode in terms of the senility toward dopamine detection. Moreover, the pgo-gnp 3D hybrid structure also showed excellent performance in detecting DA in the presence of other interfering molecules such as ascorbic acid and glucose. Hence, it can be concluded that our new pgo-based 3D platform could be highly useful for the development of therapeutic methods/tools to treat neurological diseases. Acknowledgements: This research was supported by a grant from the Korea Health Technology R&D Project through the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI), funded by the Ministry of Health & Welfare (grant number: HI15C3051), by a grant from the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) (grant number: 2016R1C1B )

120 Fabrication of double layer enzymatic biofuel cell with improved performance 1 Haroon Khan*, Chul Min Kim*, Sung Yeol Kim*, Sanket Goel**, Prabhat K. Dwivedi***, Ashutosh Sharma***, # Gyu Man Kim* * School of Mechanical Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Daegu , South Korea. **Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Rajasthan , India. ***Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur , India. In this study, we propose a novel design based glucose/o 2 microfluidic biofuel cell with improved performance. The device has double layers of electrodes on both sides of Y shaped microfluidic channel. The electrodes were fabricated by Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) stencil using multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) patterned on etched Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) glass. The microchannel was produced by PDMS casting. Both anode and cathode were modified with glucose oxidase and laccase respectively by direct covalent bonding by the use of EDC/NHS. In conclusion, the performance of the device was increased 15 % as compared to single layer enzymatic biofuel cell

121 Generation of the molecular gradients in a microfluidic platform Jang Ho Ha, Tae Hyeon Kim, Jong Min Lee, Christian D. Ahrberg, Bong Geun Chung * Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea bchung@sogang.ac.kr We developed a simple microfluidic platform to generate the molecular gradients on the centimeter scale with a wide range of flow rates. To generate the molecular gradients, a microchamber was orthogonally intersected with vertical microchannel. Through sequential dilution, a tempo-spatial gradient was generated in the microchamber. The theoretical models were created to assist in the design of the microfluidic gradient generator and to compare its performance against a two-dimensional equivalent. The mass balance model was used to predict the steady-state concentrations reached, while a computational fluid dynamic model was employed to predict spatial development of the gradient by considering convective as well as diffusive mass transport. Furthermore, the theoretical simulations were verified through experiments to create molecular gradients in a microfluidic platform

122 Label-free Characterization of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation into Multiple Lineages Intan Rosalina Suhito*, Yoojoong Han*, Hyungbin Son* and Tae-Hyung Kim* *School of Integrative Engineering, Chung Ang University, 84 Heukseuk-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, 06974, Republic of Korea In recent years, Raman spectroscopy has emerged as an efficient tool in various biomedical research areas including cell imaging, analysis of cell responses/biomolecules and disease diagnosis, mostly owing to its useful characteristics (e.g. non-destructive, non-invasive, labelfree). Here, we report a new method capable of in situ monitoring of stem cell differentiation into multiple lineages in single cell level based on micro-raman spectroscopy. Human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hadscs) were induced to differentiate into two different types of cells (osteoblasts and adipocytes) and then, these differentiated cells were intensively analyzed by micro-raman spectroscopy. Remarkably, some of the Raman peaks assigned to lipid droplets and hydroxyapatite (HA (Ca 10 (PO 4 ) 6 (OH) 2 ) were found to specifi c to adipocytes (fat cells) and osteoblasts (bone cells), which were consistent with the conventional analytical results. Based on these peaks, Raman mapping was further conducted in order to monitor osteogenesis and adipogenesis of hadscs in time-dependent manner. Through this study, we confirmed that our method, using micro-raman spectroscopy to analyze stem cell behaviors, could be highly useful for biological research applications, especially for characterizing stem cell differentiation into specific lineages. Acknowledgements: This research was supported by a grant from the Korea Health Technology R&D Project through the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI), funded by the Ministry of Health & Welfare (grant number: HI15C3051), by a grant from the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) (grant number: 2016R1C1B )

123 Synthesis of Chemically Reduced Graphene Oxide/FA- PMA Assembly through Noncovalent Interaction for Cancer Cell Targeting Binhee Kwon*, Jeong woojun*, Park jongyeap*, Seongho Jo**, Yujin Choi**, Ari Chae**, and Insik In*, ** * Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Korea National University of Transportation, Chungju, KS001, Republic of Korea ** Department of IT Convergence (BK PLUS 21), Korea National University of Transportation, Chungju, KS001, Republic of Korea Graphene is the most popular material due to its excellent mechanical properties, electrical properties, and thermal conductivity. Graphene is applied to flexible display, biosensor, bio-imaging and so on. Recently, a targeted drug delivery system using a graphene /fluorescent material has been proposed as an application. Folic acid (FA) has received great research interests because it can easily target cancer cells. And 1-Pyrenemethylamine (PMA) has conjugated molecular structure like graphical -rich molecule. FA-PMA was easily synthesized through the amidation process between the carboxylic acid groups of FA and the amine groups of PMA. Also, FA-PMA and rgo were simply attached through noncovalent approach in interactions. Prepared rgo/ FA-PMA assembly will be used as targeted system to detect cancer cells

124 Improvement in physical and mechanical properties of poly(lactic acid) nanocomposites via enhancing dispersibility of toluene diisocyanate grafting cellulose nanocrystal Jae-Gyoung Gwon, Sun-Young Lee, Sang-Jin Chun, Hye-Jung Cho National Institute of Forest Science, Department of Forest Products, Seoul, Although chemical modifications (grafting onto ) of CNCs have been successfully adopted to enhance their dispersibility in apolar matrices and solvents, the problem of the dispersion level of mcncs (chemically modified CNCs) in apolar matrices above a certain loading of nanoparticles remains an issue. CNCs were successfully modified using toluene diisocyanate, and the effects of the molar mass (Mw) and crystallinity (Xc) of semicrystalline poly(lactic acid) (PLA) on the mechanical and thermal properties of mcnc filled PLA nanocomposites were investigated. An increase in the mechanical properties of the PLA nanocomposites with mcncs implied that Mw and Xc of PLA can be key factors to improve the dispersion level of mcncs. PLA nanofilms with mcncs showed higher tensile strengths than pure PLA films and PLA nanofilms with pristine CNCs. The tensile properties of the 4032D PLA nanofilms were superior to those of other grades (2003D and 3001D) because of the enhanced dispersibility of mcncs and the improved intermolecular interaction between the PLA chains. In our solvent dilute polymer system, despite a reduction in the crystallinity of PLA with increasing mcnc loading level, the melting temperature of the PLAs remained constant due to the mcnc effect, which hinders the chain mobility of the PLAs. The results demonstrated that a fundamental understanding of the crystallinity and molar mass of polymers as well as surface modification of CNCs can be a reasonable approach to take full advantage of the potential usage of CNCs as reinforcements

125 Alloyed 2D van der Waals atomic-layer heterojunctions Yonghun Kim 1, Myung Gwan Hahm 2, and Byungjin Cho 1 * 1 Department of Advanced Functional Thin Films, Surface Technology Division, Korea Institute of Materials Science, 797 Changwondaero Sungsan-Gu, Changwon, Gyeongnam 51508, Korea 2 School of Materials Science and Engineering, Inha University, 100 Inharo, Nam-Gu, Incheon 22212, Korea Tel: +82-(55) address: bjcho@kims.re.kr Two-dimensional (2D) atomic layer building blocks such as MoS 2, WS 2, and WSe 2 have been considered as excellent 2D semiconductors due to their finite bandgaps and diverse interesting electronic properties. However, one of the factors to limit practical applications is in presence of a large Schottky barrier since most TMD-based devices are Schottky barrier type transistors connected to S/D metal electrodes. Furthermore, the device instability originating from the imperfection on contact formation between the 2D TMDCs channel and electrodes must be addressed. In this work, we first demonstrated the alloyed 2D van der Waals heterojunctions introducing the interfacial transition region between semiconducting WSe 2 atomic layer channels and metallic NbSe 2 electrode. As a result, such a W x Nb 1-x Se 2 interfacial alloy layer dramatically lowers the Schottky barrier height of the junction compared to conventional Pd metal contact. Also, the alloyed 2D metal-semiconductor van der Waals heterojunction could significantly improve the performance of the corresponding WSe 2 -based field-effect transistor devices and electrical junction durability. Thus, this formation of such alloyed 2D heterojunctions could be the most important factor in controlling the electronic properties of 2D junctions and designing 2D heterojunction-based novel device architectures [1, 2]. References 5. A. R. Kim, Y. Kim, J. Nam, H. -S. Chung, D. J. Kim, J. -D. Kwon, S. W. Park, J. Park, S. Y. Choi, B. H. Lee, J. H. Park, K. H. Lee, D. -H. Kim, S. M. Choi, P. M. Ajayan, M. G. Hahm and B. Cho, Nano Lett. 16, 1890 (2016) 6. Y. Kim, A. R. Kim, J. H. Yang, K. E. Chang, J. -D. Kwon, S. Y. Choi, J. Park, K. E. Lee, D. -H. Kim, S. M. Choi, K. H. Lee, B. H. Lee, PM. G. Hahm and B. Cho, Nano Lett. 16, 5928 (2016)

126 Synthesis of single- or double-walled boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs) by high pressure laser ablation Jun Hee Kim 1, 2, Hyunjin Cho 3, 4, Thang Viet Pham 1, Choel Sang Kim 2, 5 and Myung Jong Kim 1, * (*myung@kist.re.kr) 1 Applied Quantum Composites Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Wanju, Republic of Korea 2 Department of Bionanosystem Engineering, Graduate School, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Republic of Korea 3 Department of Organic Materials and Fiber Engineering, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Republic of Korea 4 Center for Healthcare Technology Development, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Republic of Korea 5 Division of Mechanical Design Engineering, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Republic of Korea BNNT has one dimensional nanotubular structure and extraordinary properties, such as high thermal/chemical stability, thermal conductivity, mechanical strength, neutron shielding and piezoelectricity. Various methods were extensively studied to synthesize high quality BNNTs, but the synthesis ~g quantity of materials could not be realized until high temperature methods such as laser ablation and high enthalpy plasma was developed. Singleor double-walled boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs) have been synthesized by high pressure laser ablation. The use of Fe catalyst not only increased the BNNT yield due to the reduced activation barrier, but also increased the quantity of single or double-walled BNNTs by stabilizing the open edges of growing BNNTs during the reaction. This method will open the possibility of various applications of high quality BNNTs such as water purification, thermal management, and liquid crystal BNNT fibers

127 Phase transition of block copolymer/additive complex with temperature Tae-Hwan Kim, Eunhye Kim, Jong-Dae Jang, Young-Soo Han Neutron Science Division, HANARO Research Reactor Utilization Department, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon 34057, Repulic of Korea Block copolymers with amphiphilicity self-assemble into various ordered structures such as cubic, hexagonal or lamellar structures at a high concentration and show fascinating phase behaviors depending on their geometrical molecular shape in water. Furthermore, the self-assembly of the block copolymers can be readily changed into different phases under various external conditions such as additive and temperature. Therefore, the block copolymers with amphiphilicity are very suitable for providing a wide range of potential applications in nano- and bio-technology such as nanotemplates or nanobuilding blocks. However, it still remains issues to be solved in the structural information under various external conditions because a lot of block copolymers exist and their phase behaviors depend on their molecular shape. Herein, we have studied on the phase behavior of block copolymers with amphiphilicity by changing the various external conditions (temperature and additives) using small angle X-ray scattering. In this presentation, we will show the results of analyses for a variety of selfassemble structures of block copolymers depending on the temperature and additives

128 Emissive CdTe/ZnO/GO quasi-core shell shell hybrid quantum dots for white light emitting diodes Hong Hee Kim a,b, Joon-Suh Park c, Il Ki Han c, Sung Ok Won d, Cheolmin Park b, Do Kyung Hwang e*, Won Kook Choi a*. a Materials and Life Science Research Division, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul, 03722, Korea b Materials Science and Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, 02792, Seoul c Nanophotonics Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul, 03722, Korea d Advanced Analysis Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul, 03722, Korea e Center for Opto-Electronic Materials and Device, Post-Silicon Semiconductor Institute, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul, 03722, Korea Colloidal quantum dots (QDs) have been extensively studied for optoelectronic and biological applications due to their unique physical and optical properties. In particular, among the optoelectronics applications, the white light emitting diode (WLED) has great potential in flat panel displays and solid-state lighting. Herein, we demonstrate a novel, facile, and efficient technique for the synthesis of CdTe/ZnO/GO quasi-core shell shell hybrid quantum dots containing the CdTe core with multi shells of ZnO and graphene oxide (GO) and fabrication of WQDLEDs. The CdTe/ZnO/GO quasi-core shell shell QDs have a unique strong photoluminescence (PL) peak at 624 nm related to the CdTe core and new weak peaks at 382, 404, 422, and 440 nm due to conjugation with ZnO and GO. Also, in the electroluminescence (EL), multiple emission peaks are observed, which can be correlated to the recombination process inside the CdTe core and also recombination of electrons in the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) and LUMO +2 of GO and holes in the valence band (VB) of ZnO. The QDLEDs show clear white color emission with a maximum luminance value of about 480 cd m 2 with Commission Internationale de l Eclairage (CIE) color coordinates of (0.35, 0.28)

129 Ferric ferrocyanide-coated Fe 3 O 4 nanoparticles cesium adsorbents by layer by layer self-assembly Sung-Chan Jang*, **, Yun Suk Huh**, Changhyun Roh*, *** * Biotechnology Research Division, Advanced Radiation Technology Institute (ARTI), Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), Jeongeup-si, 56212, Korea ** Department of Biological Engineering, Biohybrid Systems Research Center (BSRC), Inha University, Incheon, 22212, Korea *** Radiation Biotechnology and Applied Radioisotope Science, University of Science and Technology (UST), Daejeon, 34113, Korea After the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011, radioactive cesium ( 137 Cs) removal has become an importance issue. The radionuclide of 137 Cs, which has a half-life of 30 years, is hazardous as it exerts toxic effects via beta-particles and strong gamma rays. Contaminated seawater requires millions of years to recoup; therefore, a great deal of effort has been directed toward eliminating these radioactive elements. Ferric ferrocyanide (Prussian blue) is a pigment of dark blue color as one of the first synthetic dyes. Prussian blue is a complex composed of Fe 4 [Fe(CN) 6 ] 3 XH 2 O (X = 14 16) with a cubic face centered lattice structure. Prussian blue is known to be a low-cost adsorbent, which has a high selectivity for cesium including a high stability, high conductivity, biocompatibility, size controllability and easy surface functionalization for decomposition. In this study, magnetic Prussian blue was synthesized for the efficient removal of cesium from seawater. Magnetic adsorbents composed of a magnetic nanoparticles-based core and a functional shell that can adsorb contaminants, such as several heavy metals and radioactive nuclides, have been widely studied for environmental remediation applications because they have a high surface area and can be easily separated from the solution by the simple application of an external magnet. This type of nanoparticle is believed to hold great promise for the clean-up of 137 Cs from contaminated seawater

130 Functionalized reduced graphene oxide for room temperature humidity sensor of ultrahigh performance Seo Yun Park a, Yeon Hoo Kim a, Ho Won Jang a*.. a. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Republic of Korea Surface decorated reduced graphene oxide were used for the detection of humidity. The base resistances of the composite materials were controlled by changing the ratio of rgo and additive with atomic percent. The change of atomic percent greatly influenced the humidity sensing performance of the resulting composites. Hybrid composites consisted with 1:5 atomic percent of rgo/additive showed superior sensing properties compared to the pristine rgo. The enhanced sensing properties are attributed to the formation of pn junction, increasing depletion layer at the interface of rgo/additive. The gap of potential energy between dry air and wet air gets extremely increased in rgo/additive than in rgo. The degree of this increase depends on the atomic ratio of rgo and additive. This study suggests optimal atomic ratio of rgo and additive to obtain the maximum humidity sensing properties in rgo/additive composites by controlling the ratio of atomic percent

131 Intense photoluminescence from interior gap-engineered plasmonic cube-in-cube nanoparticles Jeong-Eun Park, Sungi Kim, Jiwoong Son, Yeonhee Lee, and Jwa-Min Nam* * Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University, Seoul, 08826, Republic of Korea Photostability of photoluminescence (PL) from metal nanostructures such as nonphotoblinking and non-photobleaching is beneficial to exploit them as reliable optical probes. The localized surface plasmon of plasmonic nanostructures strongly interact and concentrate light in the nanoscale allowing high absorption cross-section, which can compensate relatively low quantum yield. However, recent studies on PL from plasmonic nanostructures have mostly been limited to lithographically fabricated structures or simple nanoparticles such as nanospheres or nanorods. Here we designed and synthesized interior nanogapengineered cube-in-cube nanoparticles in a high yield via a galvanic void formation process.1 The cube-in-cube nanoparticles show significantly enhanced PL and the PL intensity and quantum yield of cube-in-cube nanoparticles are 31 times and 16 times higher than those of Au nanocubes, respectively, which have the highest PL intensity and quantum yield reported for metallic nanostructures. We attribute the intense PL to super-radiant character of plasmon mode arisen from plasmonic coupling between the core and the shell. Finally, we check the long-term photostability of the PL signal under continuous illumination for 1 h

132 Thermo-sensitive CQDs Based on PNIPAM Jongyeap Park*, Yujin Choi**, Ari Chae**, Seongho Jo** Woojun Jeong*, Binhee Kwon*, and Insik In*, ** * Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Korea National University of Transportation, Chungju, KS001, Republic of Korea ** Department of IT Convergence (Brain Korea PLUS 21), Korea National University of Transportation, Chungju, KS001, Republic of Korea *** Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Korea National University of Transportation, Chungju, KS001, Republic of Korea Recently, Carbon dots (CDs) have received considerable attention due to the fluorescent emission characteristics, excellent biocompatibility and chemical stability. The lysine based- CDs passivated on their surface with PNIPAM are synthesized through simple one step method using microwave oven for home use. Prepared PNIPAM-lysine CDs showed multicolor photoluminescence upon the different excitation wavelength. Above all, it showed the strongest blue emission at 442 nm. So, it has tunable emission wavelength with broad regions of excitation spectrum. The main property of PNIPAM-Lysine CDs is lower critical solution temperature (LCST) phase transition by swelling-shrinking cycles of PNIPAM depending on change in temperature. Photoluminescence of PNIPAM-Lysine CDs is varied with the temperature change. Thus, take advantage of this phenomenon, we can make thermal-sensitivity CDs. It is expected to diverse applications such as nanocarrier, bioimaging, and biosensing etc

133 Fabrication of Buckypaper using MWCNTs-Metal Oxide Nanoparticle Compoiste Minwoo Song*, Minjoo Kim, Nara Lee, Seunghyun Lee** * Department of Advanced Materials Engineering, University of Suwon, Wauan-gil 17, Bongdam-eup, Hwaseong-si, KS009, South Korea 445 Our ultimate goal of this study is to fabricate buckypaper of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) with nickel oxide nanoparticles via physical processes for electromagnetic shielding application. Our facile process allows metal hydrates to be absorbed on the surface of MWCNTs and then metal oxide nanoparticles are created on the MWCNTs surface through the oxidation-reduction reaction under relative low temperature and atmosphere condition. During the process, the metal oxide nanoparticles are formed and simultaneously they thin and penetrate several walls of MWCNTs. Therefore the nanoparticles are strongly coupled to MWCNTs. The MWCNTs coated with nickel oxide nanoparticles are mixed with shredded paper in aqueous solution. Then, the MWCNTs paper is fabricated by vacuum filtration using the mixture solution. Subsequently, the MWCNTs paper was coated with conducting polymer, PEDOT: PSS and the electrical conductivity was measured. Here, we present the evidences of nickel oxide nanoparticle doped MWCNTs and its buckypaper for electromagnetic shielding application

134 Fabrication and characterization of PMMA/SiO 2 hybrid nanocomposite Ji-Young Ock*, Jeong-Hun Son*, Dong-gyu Lee*, Dae-Han Lee*, Gyun- Young Park**, Jung-Hwan Lee**, Hwoi-Ju Lim**, Dong-Sik Bae* * Department of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, Changwon National University, Changwon, 51140, Korea ** TAEYANG SCR (228-26, Gongdan-ro, Seongsan-gu), Changwon, 51569, Korea Injection molding is one of the most shape-variable and mass production technologies which is used in multiple applications in areas such as IT industry, plastic products and automotive components. Injection molding technology is expected to constantly develop in IT industry, aerospace and other plastic parts in the future. PMMA(Poly(methyl methacrylate)), which is made by polymerization of methyl methacrylate(mma), is used as the injection molding material because of its excellent properties such as high dimensional stability and optical transparency. The drawback of PMMA is the poor thermal resistance and low hardness. Many researchers attempt to improve the performance of PMMA by adding inorganic materials. The incorporation of inorganic nanomaterials into polymers leads to improve properties such as thermal stability, mechanical strength and optical properties. The addition of SiO 2 nanoparticles can enhance the mechanical behavior of PMMA matrix. In here, PMMA/SiO 2 hybrid nanocomposites were synthesized and their microstructure and mechanical properties were characterized

135 Fe 3 O Supraparticle for SERS Dong Kyu Lee a, Jaebeom Lee a * a Department of Cogno-Mechatronics Engineering, Pusan National University, Busan, , Republic of Korea Synthesizing suprastructure assemblies is great challenge because of its unique optical properties. Covering magnetic nanoparticles with suprastructure like Au shell has been attempted. Au shell can protects the magnetic core against oxidation and produces multifunctionality, special optical properties from suprastructure like Au shell and magnetic properties from magnetic nanoparticles. To deposit suprastructure like Au NP coating on magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) with precise control of the shell thickness and roughness, layer-by-layer (LbL) assisted ionic reduction method were proceeded. Surface enhanced Raman spectra were obtained using rhodamine-b and graphene quantum dots (GQDs) on the magnetically 1D self-assembled structure of the prepared core-shell SPs. This synthesis method and the generated SPs has bright potential for characterizing the merge of electronics and magnetism in the nano-regime and could be applicable for further electronics, magnetic storage, and biomedical applications

136 Conformally coated BiVO 4 nanodots on porosity controlled WO 3 nanorods as highly efficient type II heterojunction photoanodes for water oxidation Mi Gyoung Lee a, Do Hong Kim a, Woonbae Sohn a, Cheon Woo Moon a, Hoonkee Park a, Sanghan Lee b, *, Ho Won Jang a, * a Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Research Institute of Advanced Materials, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Republic of Korea. b School of Materials Science and Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Gwangju 61005, Republic of Korea. Bismuth vanadate (BiVO 4 ) has become a hot topic for solar hydrogen generation by water oxidation due to its appropriate band edges, and narrow band gap. However, the actual conversion efficiency achieved with BiVO 4 -based photoanodes is considerably less than the theoretical values because of drawbacks such as poor electron transportation and slow kinetics of oxygen evolution. In these respects, formation of nanostructured heterojunctions is considered to have a marked effect in terms of improving the photoactivities of BiVO 4 photoanodes since it is possible to enhance the charge transfer at the interface and increase light absorption significantly. Herein, we report the synthesis and photoelectrochemical (PEC) properties of various BiVO 4 -based heterojunction anodes based on stoichiometric BiVO 4 by pulsed electrodeposition. We show that WO 3 is the optimum bottom layer for a type II band system with BiVO 4 among various metal oxides. It is revealed that the photocurrent density of bare WO 3 nanorods can be changed drastically by controlling the porosity and aspect ratio and thus BiVO 4 /WO 3 heterojunction anodes show as similar tendency to bare WO 3 nanorods. Under the optimum conditions, a BiVO 4 /WO 3 heterojunction anode can lead to a high photocurrent density of 4.55 ma/cm 2 and an incident photon to current conversion efficiency of 80% at 1.23 V versus a reversible hydrogen electrode without additional catalyst. Crosssectional transmission electron microscopy shows that dot-like BiVO 4 is well decorated on the entire surface of WO 3 nanorods. This systematic study provides a viewpoint on the crucial role of the active area of the bottom layer for high-performance BiVO 4 -based type II heterojunction photoanodes, and the proposed concept is applicable to various photoelectrode systems

137 Enhanced photoelectrochemical properties of Tungsten Oxide Nanorods by Hydrothermal Synthesis without Seed Layer Bo Reum Lee*, Ho Won Jang* * Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University Seoul , Korea WO 3 nanorods have been developed as a promising water splitting materials due to the large range of wavelength that can absorb, appropriate band-edge position, and moderate hole diffusion length. Compared to pre-existing oxide fabrication technologies, hydrothermal synthesis has various advantages such as no needs of vacuum equipment or etching process and various controllable conditions to obtain desired nanostructure. Also, it is simple and ecofriendly technology. However, the hydrothermal synthesis of WO 3 nanorods without seed layer on substrate such as FTO/glass is difficult to be achieved because of poor adhesion between WO 3 nanorods and FTO/glass. In this research, WO 3 nanorods were synthesized without seed layer. Furthermore, to enhance photoelectochemical properties, coupling suitable oxygen evolution catalyst formed by electrodeposition is used. Figure 2. SEM image of WO 3 nanorods produced by hydrothermal synthesis without seed layer

138 Commercialization of high quality CVD graphene using Roll-to-plate based transfer in vacuum Sang kyung Lee 1,2, Hyeon Jun Hwang 2, Tae Jin Yoo 1,2 and Byoung Hun Lee *,1,2 1 School of Material Science and Engineering, 2 Center of Emerging Electronic Devices and systems, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Oryong-dong 1, Buk-gu, Gwangju, Korea, Phone: , Fax: , bhl@gist.ac.kr Two dimensional materials such as graphene, MoS 2, BN are now new opportunities for next technology of electronics. Many researches have been reported that potential of new functionalized electrical operation with two dimensional materials. However, this adventurous steps are limited by a leak of the supplement of the large area two dimension material. Although, large area graphene was grown by CVD process for commercialization, its high quality was limited by transition metal substrate during CVD process and large area without physical defects for practical use was not guaranteed due to the absence of optimal transfer method. To approach to practical use of large area CVD graphene, the vacuum transfer method has been studied with understanding of interface between graphene and target substrate and reported [1]. In addition, roll-to-plate (RTP) process based vacuum transfer for the realized commercialization of CVD graphene was developed. For the graphene transfer using RTP vacuum transfer, thermal release tape (TRT) was used and TRT polymer residue was effectively controlled by intercalation of polymer layer between graphene and TRT. Various polymer materials were applied as intercalation layer and analyzed the effect to quality of transferred graphene by property of polymer. With the optimal polymer and condition of RTP vacuum transfer, 60mm x 60mm CVD graphene was successfully transferred on 4 inch SiO 2 /Si wafer without physical defect over 98% area and uniform sheet resistance was measured as average 700Ω/ (standard deviation 110) in 100 different spots. RTP vacuum transfer method takes a step for commercialization of practical use of CVD graphene with large area and it should be help to the enlargement of two dimensional material based researches and industries. Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the Global Frontier R&D Program (NRF- 2013M3A6B ) on Center for Hybrid Interface Materials (HIM) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning. Reference [1] S.K.Lee, et al., "Graphene transfer in vacuum yielding a high quality interface", Carbon, 93, 2015, p

139 나노셀룰로오스가보강된폴리프로필렌나노복합소재 의기계및물리적특성 이선영, 권재경, 조혜정, 전상진 국립산림과학원임산공학부목재가공과 친수성나노셀룰로오스는지속가능한고부가가치물질이며, 지구상가장풍부한자원이다. 나노셀룰로오스는나노크기및우수한물리화학적특성때문에전자장비, 수처리분리막, 오일흡수체, 고강도종이필름등첨단기술분야에서각광받는소재이다. 특히, 고분자복합소재로의적용시, 기존나노입자가적용된복합소재에비해우수한투과성, 생분해성및고강도특성을나타낸다. 그러나나노셀룰로오스표면의하이드록실그룹은나노셀룰로오스표면에친수성을부여하여기존에사용되고있는소수성올레핀계열의고분자수지에직접적으로적용하기어렵다. 따라서나노셀룰로오스와소수성고분자들사이의상용성향상은나노셀룰로오스의고분자수지내부에서분산성향상및이로인해나노입자로써우수한특성을고분자에부여하기위해지속적으로해결해나가야할과제이다. 본연구에서는황산을이용하여셀룰로오스나노크리스탈을제조하였으며, 이축스크류압출기를이용하여나노셀룰로오스-폴리프로필렌나노복합소재를제조하였다. 고분자수지내에서나노셀룰로오스의분산성향상을위해서이축압출이외에추가적인용매를이용한선분산법을적용하여분산성을향상시켰으며, 나노셀룰로오스와폴리프로필렌사이의계면접합성향상을위하여 2가지화학적개질방법이적용되었다. Toluene diisocyanate를이용한우레탄화및저분자량의폴리프로필렌을나노셀룰로오스를접합시키는개환첨가중합법을이용하였다. 이를통하여나노셀룰로오스표면에접합된화학종의분자구조가나노복합소재의강도에미치는영향을살펴보았으며, 나노셀룰로오스의분산성을기계및물리적특성을통해살펴보았다

140 A facile pulsed-electrodeposition of nickel oxide films for highly efficient Si-based water splitting photoanode Sol A Lee and Ho Won Jang* * Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, 08826, Korea Converting and storing solar energy has been regarded as a promising approach to address the current global reliance on fossil fuels. The generation of hydrogen from water using sunlight can form potentially the basis of a clean and renewable source of energy. Solar water splitting system requires stable light-absorbing electrodes for both the oxidative and reductive half-reactions. However, the kinetically slow oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is a bottleneck process for producing sustainable solar-driven fuels using water. Silicon has a suitable band gap (1.12 ev) to absorb the wide range of the solar spectrum and has high carrier mobility. For this reason, silicon is an attractive candidate among the various materials such as transition metal oxides and semiconductors. Since the silicon photoanode is unstable at electrolyte and suffers from fast photocorrosion due to the position of thermodynamic redox potentials, the solar to hydrogen conversion efficiency of bare silicon photoanode is largely suppressed. To solve those problems of silicon, recent studies on silicon photoanode has focused on designing a surface passivation layer that protects against chemical and photo-induced corrosion without degrading the inherent photoactive ability of silicon and promotes the chemical adsorption of water molecules to lower the overpotential at the solid/liquid interface. Surface coating of metal oxides (e.g., MnO x, CoO x, Fe 2 O 3 ) has been proved to be moderate for physical barrier between Si electrodes and electrolytes, but also act as oxygen evolution catalysts to enhance the kinetics of electron transfer at Si-electrolyte interfaces. In particular, NiO x is one of the most promising material because it is chemically stable at high ph electrolyte, optically and transparent in the visible region. Since NiO is intrinsically p-type, it provides junction photovoltage to further reduce overpotential. Herein, we report the synthesis and photoelectrochemical properties of multifunctional NiO on a n-type silicon photoanode synthesized by using a facile pulsed-electrodepostion, in which the porosity of nanostructures are tailored. The solution-processed n-si photoanode showed higher catalytic behavior, lowering the onset, leading to highly efficient Si-based photoanodes

141 Visible light-driven photocatalyst using Au decorated SiO 2 core/shell nanostructure Ryeri Lee 1 and Gun Young Jung* 1 1 School of Material Science and Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, 61005, Republic of Korea TiO 2 nanoparticles (NPs) have been attracted for its high photocatalytic effect to solve environmental problems by decomposing organic pollutants under the Sunlight. 1 When the Sunlight illuminates TiO 2 in water, TiO 2 oxidizes H 2 O molecules into hydroxyl radical, which can decompose the organic pollutants in water. 2 However, TiO 2 has a narrow UV-light response because of its wide bandgap (~ 3.2 ev [388 nm] for the anatase crystalline phase). 3 In this study, we synthesized core/shell nanostructures (CSNs) of SiO 2 /TiO 2 which were decorated with Au NPs for the visible light-driven photocatalyst. Au NPs-decorated CSNs showed light absorption in visible region because of the localized surface plasmonic resonance (LSPR). Because of the LSPR of Au NPs, electrons were generated under the visible light, which could not occur for commercial TiO 2 NPs. In 1 hr, 0.01g Au NPsdecorated CSNs (SiO 2, SiO SiO decomposed 1 vol. % MO in 20 ml DI water. Figure 3 (a) Schematic representation of the SiO CSN synthesis. (b) UV-visible absorption spectra of various SiO 2 CSNs. (c) A comparison of the photocatalytic activity of reference, SiO 2, SiO 2, the Au NPs-decorated CSN photocatalysts and P25 under the visible light. 1. K. Nakata and A. Fujishima, J. Photochem. Photobiol., 2012, 13, J. Schneider, M. Matsuoka, M. Takeuchi, J. Zhant, Y. Horiuchi, M. Anpo and D.W. Bahnemann, Chem. Rev., 2014, 114, R. Asashi, T. Morikawa, T. Ohwaki, K. Aoki and Y. Taga, Science, 2001, 291,

142 Gamma-ray irradiation-induced reduction and selfassembly of graphene oxide into reduced graphene oxide/ Prussian blue foam Sung-Chan Jang*, **, Yun Suk Huh**, Changhyun Roh*, *** * Biotechnology Research Division, Advanced Radiation Technology Institute (ARTI), Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), Jeongeup-si, 56212, Korea ** Department of Biological Engineering, Biohybrid Systems Research Center (BSRC), Inha University, Incheon, 22212, Korea *** Radiation Biotechnology and Applied Radioisotope Science, University of Science and Technology (UST), Daejeon, 34113, Korea The irradiation-based approach is attractive to reduce graphene oxide due to its several merits, including no reducing agents less formation of residual impurities and irreversible structure defects and mass production. Under irradiation graphene oxide sheets suspending in the mixture were reduced and self-assembled mainly due to the restoration of π-π conjugated structure. The micro structure of graphene foam was observed under different magnifications and the pores are quite uniform with pore size. The reduction effect of graphene oxide was confirmed comprehensively by different characterizations. Briefly, gamma-ray irradiation is an effective and green method for the reduction and self-assembly of graphene oxide sheets. Herein, we report a simple method to prepare cubic Prussian blue decorated graphene hydrogel from Prussian blue/graphene oxide aqueous solution via γ-ray irradiation-induced reduction and self-assembly. Cubic Prussian blue nanoparticles are decorated on the reduced graphene foam surface. Thus, the reduced graphene oxide by irradiation was performed under various conditions, and the resulting reduced graphene oxide was investigated in terms of its chemical and physical properties

143 Formation of Water Soluble chemically Reduced Graphene Oxide/Crown Ether Assembly through Noncovalent Interaction Woojun Jeong*, Jongyeap Park*, Binhee Kwon*, Seongho Jo, **, Ari Chae**, Yujin Choi**, and Insik In*, ** * Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Korea National University of Transportation, Chungju, KS001, Republic of Korea ** Department of IT Convergence (BK PLUS 21), Korea National University of Transportation, Chungju, KS001, Republic of Korea In this study, we synthesized reduced graphene oxide (rgo) with crown ether(18-crown-6) as the phase transfer catalyst(ptc). The functionalized rgo/18-crown-6 is prepared through the simple non-covalent interaction. Because 18-crown-6 is soluble in both water and organic solvents, 18-crown-6 enables increase of solubility. Also the 18-crown-6 with a negative charge on the surface can detect a potassium ion. Potassium ion, one of the most abundant cation in the cells, maintains the potential difference of cell membrane and determines intracellular ion strength. In result, rgo/18-crown-6 was well-dispersed in water and also has the property of capping K + (potassium ion). These consequences would be expected to use as chemical sensor that can be detect metal cation

144 The effect of successive ZnO cycles on the evolution of In-Zn-O microstructure and electrical properties during atomic layer deposition Yeong-Ho Cho, Yunho Kang, Hyun-Mi Kim and Ki-Bum Kim Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, 599 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul , Korea IZO films with 10 % ZnO cycle ratio, namely proportion of number of ZnO cycles in number of total ZnO and In 2 O 3 cycles are deposited by alternately stacking of ZnO and In 2 O 3 layers at a temperature of 220 C. The IZO films have an amorphous phase as bilayer period from 10, designated as IZO(9:1) to 100, designated as IZO(90:10). IZO(9:1) exhibits a very low resistivity of 4.94x10-4 Ωcm and high electron mobility of 41.6 cm 2 V -1 s -1. However, with increasing successive ZnO ALD cycles, deposition rate of ZnO increased along with phase transition from amorphous to layered polycrystalline resulting from the lack of intermixing and showed decrease of both electron mobility and carrier concentration. Hence, though not completely understood, compared to amorphous IZO, crystalline IZO films were confirmed to have higher electrical resistivity

145 Simple synthesis of fluorescent carbon quantum dots from A2/B3 monomer set through Microwave-assisted Ari Chae*, Yujin Choi*, Seongho Jo*, and Insik In*, ** * Department of IT Convergence (Brain Korea PLUS 21), Korea National University of Transportation, Chungju, KS001, Republic of Korea. ** Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Korea National University of Transportation, Chungju, KS001, Republic of Korea. Fluorescent carbon quantum dots (CQDs) were simply prepared by microwave-assisted synthesis using succinic acid (SA) and tris(2-aminoethyl)amine (TAEA) as an A 2 + B 3 polyamide monomer set with a high mass yield of 17.3%. The disc-like CQDs have average lateral dimensions ranging from nm and average thickness of 6.2 nm. The A 2 /B 3 CQDs showed excitation-dependent emission and high solubility in polar protic solvents with a high photoluminescence quantum yield of 49.9%. Because of the excellent cell viability of the CQDs, multicolor fluorescent imaging of cellular media (MDAMB and MDCK cells) was efficiently achieved

146 Synthesis and characterization of PLA-Nano sized powder hybrid material for 3D printing Yeon bin Choi*, Jeong hun Son*, Hyeon tae Im*, M.Munir*, S.Kebayareu*, U *Department of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, Changwon National University, Changwon, , South Korea **Business Incubator center, Changwon National University, Changwon, , South Korea address: dsbae7@changwon.ac.kr song Lee**, Seong jin Park**, Mi jeong Shin**, Dong Sik Bae* Recently, 3D printing technology has appeared in various industries including manufacturing industry. In addition, commercialization of materials for 3D printing application is gradually expanding in synthetic resin as metal material, wood, rubber, bio, etc. In this paper, PLA-Nano sized powder hybrid material were prepared by mixing nano sized material, which is widely used as a reinforcing filler or thickener to improve viscosity, thixotropic behavior due to its three-dimensional structure in PLA(poly lactic acid). This has led to the development of new 3D printing materials that are superior to those of conventional PLA. FE-SEM, FT-IR and ICP were measured to evaluate the microstructure, bonding degree and inorganic content of PLA-Nano sized powder hybrid material

147 Complete removal of metallic impurities in carbon nanotubes by chloroform gas Yesub Hyun* and Naesung Lee* * Department of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Engineering, Sejong University, 209 Neungdong-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, 05006, Korea nslee@sejong.ac.kr A large quantity of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) have been produced for industrial applications mainly by catalytic chemical vapor deposition. CNTs are inevitably accompanied by metallic impurities used for catalysts during synthesis. The metallic impurities may have detrimental effect on the performances of the high-end applications of CNTs including Li-ion batteries, super capacitors and high-voltage cables and thus highly pure CNTs are necessary. In this study, a novel gas-phase purification using nitrogen-bubbled chloroform was developed to remove selectively and nondestructively metallic impurities in CNTs. The initial metallic content of CNTs, produced on the Al 2 O 3 and MgO support embedded with Fe and Co catalysts, was ~5,133 ppm. CNTs were loaded into a quartz tube located in a vertical-type furnace and were treated at 800~1150 by nitrogen-bubbled chloroform. The chloroform was decomposed and reacted with metallic impurities, producing volatile metal chlorides. The exhaust gases were passed through a cold trap to prevent emission of harmful substances such as metal chloride and unreacted chloroform to environment. When CNTs were treated at 1050 C for 15 min, the metallic impurities were almost completely removed to be as low as ~12 ppm. Due to the decomposition of chloroform, the carbon layers containing chlorine were coated over CNTs, but they were easily removed by nitrogen-bubbled water vapors. The purified CNTs were dispersed in N- Methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) by high-energy bead milling. The CNTs purified by chloroform had a poor dispersion in NMP but the post-treatment using water vapor easily restored their dispersibility by removing the chlorine-containing carbon layers

148 Zirconia nanoparticles-doped carbon black prepared by hydrothermal method: Facile synthesis, structural characterization and improvement in capacitive deionization Ahmed S. Yasin a, Chan Hee Park a,b, * and Cheol Sang Kim a,b,** a Bionanosystem Engineering Department, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju , Republic of Korea** b Division of Mechanical Design Engineering, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Jeonbuk In this study, the wettability and electrochemical properties of the carbon black as widely used, effective and cheap material was distinctively improved by doping with zirconia nanoparticles. The introduced carbon black /ZrO 2 nanocomposite has been prepared by alkaline hydrothermal. Interestingly, wettability measurement indicates excellent enhancement as the corresponding water contact angles of pristine and doped carbon black are 45 o and 148 o, respectively. The electrochemical measurements have concluded that the synthesized composite (carbon black /ZrO 2 ) has a specific capacitance of F.g -1, which is higher than the corresponding value for carbon black (207.5 F.g-1). Due to the distinct improvement in wettability and specific capacitance, the desalination performance and salt ion electrosorption capacity have been also enhanced; % and %, and 3.05 and 4.15 mg/g for carbon black and carbon black /ZrO 2, respectively. Moreover, the introduced carbon black/zro 2 revealed 99% remaining desalination retention which indicates good stability. Overall, the present study draws the researcher attention toward ZrO 2 as effective, stable and environmentally safe material for improving the carbonaceous CDI electrodes performance

149 Optimizing performances of thermally conductive nanocomposites by hybridizing 1d and 2d nano fillers Elsye Agustina*, Yongse Kim*,and Naesung Lee* *Department of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Engineering, Sejong University, 209 Neungdong-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, 05006, Korea Light emitting diodes (LEDs) undergo considerable reduction of lifespan and quantum efficiency as temperature increases. Thus a great concern has been drawn to heat sinks to dissipate heat from the devices to the surrounding.this study combinedthree fillers including graphite nanoplatelets (GNPs), carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and boron nitride (BN) to optimizing thermal, mechanical and electrical properties of epoxy-based nanocomposites. GNPs were used mainly to enhance thermal conductivity while CNTs aimed at mechanical properties and BNs at electrical insulation. GNPs hybridization with CNTs in matrix showed synergy effects on all properties according to the filler amounts. The thermal conductivity was maximized at GNP/CNT ratio of 7:3 and 8:2 for 0.5~1 wt.% loadings, respectively, but was shifted to the ratio of 9.7: 0.3 for >2 wt.%loadings.cnts worked as connectors between GNPs in the composites that synergy effect occurred at lower fractions of CNTs as increasing the total filler amounts of GNPs and CNTs. The composites with the tri-filler of BN produced a synergy effect at (GNP 0.9 BN 0.1 ) 0.97 CNT 0.03 for 10 wt.% loading, probably by improving filler connections and preventing GNPs from restacking. Synergy effects on thermal conductivities using GNPs/BN occurred at GNP 0.93 BN 0.07 for 10 wt.% loading. As the ratio of GNPs and BN was varied, electrical insulation of the composite occurred at GNP 0.3 BN 0.7 for 10 wt.% loading where its thermal conductivity was improved by ~2.4 times from neat epoxy. This study synergistically improved the thermal, electrical, and mechanical properties of heat-dissipating composites by optimally hybridizing two or three fillers

150 Enhancement of photovoltaic properties of perovskite solar cells through Li-doped nickel oxide hole extraction layer Min-Ah Park*, **, and Jin Young Kim** * Photo-Electronic Hybrids Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul, 02792, Korea ** Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, 08826, Korea As an alternative to PEDOT, nickel oxide (NiO x ) in the p-i-n type planar perovskite solar cells has attracted the most interest due to its large bandgap (3.6 ev) and deep valence band (5.4 ev) which possesses favorable energy level alignment with perovskite material. In spite of significantly improved VOC, the photovoltaic performance of NiO x in perovskite solar cells is still not sufficient when compared with the performance of PEDOT:PSS and other organic HTLs because of deteriorated fill factor. Here we demonstrate a Li-doped NiO x holeextraction layer annealed at relatively low temperature that shows significantly improved fill factor compared to the pure NiO x counterpart. The improved fill factor has been ascribed to the enhanced electrical conductivity, evidenced by the conductive-afm experiments. As a result, the conversion efficiency of the p-i-n type planar perovskite solar cell with a Li-doped NiO x layer was enhanced by 21% compared to pure NiO x hole-extraction layer

151 Highly efficient and uniform 1 cm 2 perovskite solar cells with an electrochemically deposited NiO x hole-extraction layer Ik Jae Park a, Gyeongho Kang b, Min Ah Park a, Ju Seong Kim a, Se Won Seo a, Taiho Park b, Jin Young Kim* a a Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, 08826, Korea b Chemical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, 37673, Korea NiO x thin films have been prepared by the electrochemical deposition process and applied as an efficient hole-extraction layer of a p i n type planar perovskite solar cell with a large active area of > 1 cm 2. The as-deposited Ni(OH) 2 precursor films have been annealed at 300 o C under an ambient atmosphere to transform into the NiO x films. The thickness and surface roughness of the NiO x thin films could be controlled precisely by the deposition parameters of the total deposition charge and deposition current density, respectively. It has been found that the lower current density results in the higher surface roughness owing to sparse nucleation unless it is too low to form the precursor films. The time-resolved photoluminescence study along with the atomic force microscopy and solar cell measurements has revealed that the high surface roughness facilitates the hole extraction at the interface between perovskite and NiO x, and thus increase the fill factor and resulting conversion efficiency of the solar cells. In addition, the electrochemically deposited NiO x layer exhibits extremely uniform thickness and morphology, leading to the highly efficient and uniform large-area perovskite solar cells. As a results, the p i n type planar perovskite solar cell with area of cm 2 exhibits a high and stable conversion efficiency of 17.0% (19% for 0.1 cm 2 ) without showing hysteresis effect

152 Improvement of ionic conductivity of solid state batteries by coating cathode material with NASICON structured solid-state electrolyte Jae-Ho Park 1,2, Hun-Gi Jung 1, Woo Young Yoon 2 and Kyung Yoon Chung 1,* 1 Center for Energy Convergence Research, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Hwarangno 14-gil 5, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul , Republic of Korea 2 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University, Seoul 02841, Republic of Korea Li ion batteries (LIBs) are widely used as power sources for portable devices, and their applications are about to be extended to large-scale applications such as electric vehicles and electrical energy storage systems. As the size of the battery systems become larger, the safety issues also become more important. Solid state batteries which uses solid electrolyte is one of the possible solution which alleviate this safety issues. However, the difficulty in using solid electrolyte is that ionic conductivity drops significantly due to grain and grain boundary resistance between the solid electrolyte and cathode material particles. For the commercialization of the solid state batteries, the ionic conductivity issue must be resolved. In this work, we introduced coating technologies to solve the ionic conductivity issue. We coated the LAGP (Li 1+x Al x Ge 2-x (PO 4 ) 3 ) powder with a-few-micrometers-scale size around the LiNi 0.6 Co 0.2 Mn 0.2 O 2 cathode material by mechanical milling method. Then the cells are assembled with the LAGP-coated LiNi 0.6 Co 0.2 Mn 0.2 O 2 cathode and Li metal foil as counter electrode. The electrochemical performances related to the ionic conductivity are significantly improved which can be ascribed to the coating methodology. The details will be discussed at the meeting

153 CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3 crystal orientation and its effect on photovoltaic performance Seunghwan Bae*, Min Jae Ko**,.. * Photo-electronic Hybrid Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, 02792, Republic of Korea ** Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, 04763, Republic of Korea Here, we have controlled CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3 crystal orientation by changing organic precursors (CH 3 NH 3 I and CH 3 NH 3 Cl) and successfully fabricated highly oriented CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3 films with two different orientations. When perovskite solar cells are fabricated using the CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3 films, we have realized that the CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3 crystal orientations are closely related to power conversion efficiency (PCE). The PCE difference is interpreted by the charge transfer lifetime charge transfer lifetimes between CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3 layers and charge transport layers are changed when different orientation of CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3 films are used, and faster charge transfer exhibits higher J SC and PCE

154 Highly efficient perovskite solar cells based on vertically aligned TiO 2 nanostructures using block copolymer templates Myung-SeokSeo, a,b Hae Jung Son, a Phillip Lee, a Byeong-HyeokSohn, b* and Min Jae Ko c* a Photo-Electronic Hybrids Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul 02792, Korea b Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Korea c Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, 04763, Republic of Korea We demonstrated perovskite solar cells with enhanced device efficiency using vertically oriented TiO 2 nanostructures fromnanoporous template of block copolymers (BCPs). The controllability over the dimension and shape of nanopores of the BCP template allowed for the adjustment of one-dimensional TiO 2 nanorods and two-dimensional TiO 2 nanowalls. The TiO 2 nanorods based perovskite solar cells showed better performance, resulting in more efficient charge separation and lower charge recombination, compared to TiO 2 nanowalls based solar cells.the best device based on TiO 2 nanorods showed the highest PCE of 15.5% with V OC of 1.02 V, J SC of 20.0 ma cm -2, and fill factor of 76.1%. It is believed that TiO 2 nanostructures fabricated from BCP nanoporoustemplates are promising candidate as anelectron transport layer (ETL) for theefficiency perovskite solar cells

155 Dye-adsorption properties of WO3 nanorods synthesized by microwave-assisted hydrothermal methods Sung-Myung Ryu*, Soo-Min Park, and Chung-hee Nam * Department of Photonics and Sensors, Hannam University, Daejeon 34430, Republic of Korea In the modern industry, dyes are used in large amounts in many fields, and removal of these dyes is also a very important problem. In particular, removal of dyes is essential for industrial wastewater colored by various dyestuffs, because bioconcentration can lead to potential hazards. In this presentation, WO3 was selected as a dye adsorbent. In order to improve the adsorption properties, WO3 was prepared in the form of nanorods to increase the specific surface area for dye adsorption. The preparation of WO3 nanorods was made by a microwave hydrothermal method, with a sodium tungstate dihydrate as a precursor and a citric acid as a structure-directing agent. The morphology and size of the nanorods were analyzed by SEM and TEM measurements, and through XRD analysis, it was found that the prepared WO3 has a hexagonal crystal structure. The specific surface area and the dye-adsorption properties of WO3 nanorods were compared with commercial WO3 powders by using BET measurements and UV-vis spectroscopy, respectively. WO3 has the property of decomposing organic materials (methylene blue in this study) through the photocatalytic property as well as the adsorption characteristic, where the photocatalytic property is excluded by completely blocking external light sources. The adsorption properties of WO3 nanorods were compared with those of commercial WO3, resulting in improved adsorption properties

156 The effect of electron beam irradiation on the capacity fading of hydride-terminated silicon nanocrystal based anode materials for lithium ion batteries Don-Sung Lee, Young-Hwa Choi, and Hyun-Dam Jeong * Department of Chemistry, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, , Republic of Korea We investigate the effects of electron-beam (e-beam) irradiation on Si-based anode materials consisting of hydride-terminated silicon nanocrystals (H-Si NCs) and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) as active material and binder in lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). The e-beam irradiated active material and PVDF can easily form a network structure that improves the electrical conduction that also restricts the movement of Si NCs through a cross-linking system. All measurements of the e-beam irradiated SiO 2 NPs, Si NCs@SiO x, and H-Si NCs electrodes were conducted with the corresponding un-irradiated sample for comparison. The H-Si NC anode system that was not irradiated with the e-beam exhibits an initial discharge capacity of 853 mah/g that faded to almost zero after 100 cycles while the e- beam irradiated H-Si NC-PVDF anode system shows an initial discharge capacity of 2905 mah/g and maintained a capacity of ~500 mah/g at rates of C/20 over 100 cycles. Furthermore, it shows an increase in the diffusion coefficient of the lithium ion (D Li ) and exchange current density (i 0 ) as well as a dramatic decrease in the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) layer resistance (R sei ) when compared to the sample that were not irradiated. This result demonstrates a high potential of the e-beam irradiation on Si-based anode materials in LIBs

157 The effect of surface functionalization on the electrical properties of plasma-synthesized silicon nanocrystal based anode materials for lithium ion batteries Don-Sung Lee and Hyun-Dam Jeong * Department of Chemistry, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, , Republic of Korea We investigate the effects of surface functionalization on the electrical properties of silicon nanocrystal based anode materials for lithium ion batteries. The silicon nanocrystals were synthesized by using inductively coupled plasma chemical vapor deposition (ICP-CVD). As a prototypical example, vinyl-functionalized Si NCs, i.e., dimethylethoxyvinyl silane-capped Si NCs (DMEVS-Si NCs) synthesized by adopting each capping molecule to the hydrideterminated Si NCs (H-Si NCs) via Pt-catalyzed hydrosilylation was introduced and polymerized with a methyltrimethoxysilane (MTMS) monomer to form a artificial solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) layer on the surface of Si NCs. Divinylbenzene-capped Si NCs (DVB-Si NCs) were synthesized for comparison.the surface functionalized Si NCs, i.e., DVB-Si NCs, DMEVS-Si NCs, and Si NCs polymer anode shows moderated capacity fading properties in lithium ion batteries (LIBs), while the bare Si NCs and H-Si NC anode system exhibits severe capacity fading. Among the sample, the Si NCs polymer shows best performance. Furthermore, the Si NCs polymer shows dramatic decrease in the SEI layer resistance (R sei ) when compared to simply surface functionalized samples. This result demonstrates a high potential of the surface functionalization of Si NC as an anode materials in LIBs

158 Efficient hybrid hole extracting layer for p-i-n planar perovskite solar cells Dong Seok Lee*, Ik Jae Park*, and Jin Young Kim* * Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, , Korea Applying appropriate inorganic hole-transporting layer for p-i-n type planar perovskite solar cells is crucial for solving instability issue. Solar cells with NiOx thin film show higher photovoltage and photocurrent but lower fill factor compared to those with PEDOT:PSS film. Here, we enhanced fill factor of NiOx-based perovskite solar cells by adding dilute PEDOT:PSS on the NiOx film. The increased fill factor is proved by photoluminescence quenching and impedance spectroscopic (IS) analysis which have shown improved hole injection at perovskite / NiOx layer. As a result, the inverted planar perovskite solar cell can exhibit high conversion efficiency without hysteresis effect

159 Preparation of micro-scale patterned electrode by electrostatic-spray coating method for in-plane lithium ion battery Su Chan Lee 1,2, Jiwon Jeong 1, Seong Chan Jun 2 and Kyung Yoon Chung 1 1 Center for Energy Convergence Research, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Hwarang-ro 14-gil 5, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul , South Korea 2 Nano-Electro Mechanical Device Laboratory, School of Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul , South Korea The applications of lithium ion batteries are gradually expanding in the aspect of field, type, and scale. So far, the developments of the lithium ion batteries were mainly focused on the increase of capacities. However, the expansion of the applications derived the demands for the improvement of battery performance in many aspects, which includes safety, design factors including flexibility, size and so on. For the increase of the capacities, the research was mainly focused to the core components of batteries such as active material, separator and electrolyte. However, the design factors and size reduction require different research approach including the electrode fabrication method. Previous conventional slurry based film coating method, which is most widely used in battery industry, has many advantages such as uniformity, compressibility and suitability for mass production. However, it is difficult to make patterned electrode based on that method. Among the many types of batteries, in-plane type battery based on mirco-scale pattered electrode has the advantages in the application which require slim and small dimensions. Furthermore, in-plane battery is more suitable for flexible application due to its electrode structure. The electrostatic-spray coating method can make precise film on pre-patterned metal current collector surface. In this report, the fabrication and electrochemical performance of cathode and anode electrodes by electrostatic-spray method will be reported. Even though the electrode is prepared by spray coating method, its mass loading level and electrochemical performance are similar to the conventional slurry coating level. The details will be discussed at the meeting

160 Numerical Study on the Correlation of Induced Voltage with the Segmented Flow of Ferrofluids Won-Ho Lee*, Jeong-Ho An*, Jong-Chul Lee** *Graduate School of Automotive Engineering, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Wonju, 26403, Korea **School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Wonju, 26403, Korea Ferrofluid is colloidal liquid which has magnetic nanoparticles. It is strongly magnetized by an external magnetic field. Recently, By using its magnetic properties, research is being conducted to apply an energy harvesting system by flow and vibration of ferrofluids. Through previous studies, it was found that time-varying magnetic flux should be generated according to Faraday's law of induction for effective power generation using the flow of ferrofluid. In this study, we modeled that the segmented flow of ferrofluid and air layer, which is a structure in which the time-varying magnetic flux can be effectively exhibited. And it was calculated that the induced voltage according to the shape of segmented flow. As a result, it was confirmed that the length of ferrofluid layer should be a 90% and the length of air layer should be a 110%, based on the coil length. Therefore, it should be perfectly separated ferrofluid and air layer for effective power generation

161 Fabrication of transition metal doped graphene for high-performance solar cells Jayaraman Balamurugan a, Tran Duy Thanh a, Nam Hoon Kim a,*, Joong Hee Lee a,b* a Advanced Materials Institute for BIN Convergence Technology (BK21 Plus Global Program), Department of BIN Convergence Technology, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Jeonbuk, 54896, Republic of Korea. b Carbon Composite Research Center, Department of Polymer-Nano Science and Technology, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Jeonbuk, 54896, Republic of Korea. * Corresponding author. jhl@chonbuk.ac.kr (Prof Joong Hee Lee) and nhk@ chonbuk.ac.kr (Prof. Nam Hoon Kim) Abstract Excellent catalytic activities and exceptional electrochemical stabilities of cost-effective counter electrodes (CEs) are crucial to the large-scale application of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). Herein, an effective strategy for the fabricating transition metal chalcogenides implanted nitrogen doped graphene nanosheets (TMCs@NGNS) via simple, scalable and cost-effective technique. FE-SEM and TEM studies reveal that the ultra-thin TMCs sheets are uniformly decorated into nitrogen doped graphene matrices. The TMCs@NGNS noticeably outperformed the TMCs and NGNS when used as CEs in DSSCs. Advancing from such unique characteristics, when applied as CEs for DSSCs with I - 3 / I - electrolyte, a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 10.43% is delivered, outperforming TMCs (7.89%), NGNS (6.99%) and being superb to that of Pt (9.67%), and exceptional electrochemical stabilities of TMCs@NGNS are also established. Density functional theory calculations expose that the TMCs within nitrogen doped graphene matrix, could remarkably decrease the ionization energy of graphene nanosheets, which is instrumental to transfer electrons rapidly from external circuit to I - 3, and reduce charge transfer resistance (Rct), thus contributing to the enhanced the photovoltaic performance. The present investigation has an understanding into the unique role of TMCs on nitrogen doped graphene nanosheets to the I - 3 reduction, and delivers an efficient strategy for design of high PCE and low-cost graphene based electrodes with fully exposed active sites in energy storage and conversion devices

162 New emergent micro/nano energy harvesting based on electrokinetic microfluidics of non-newtonian fluids Ji-Young Lee 1,2, Hyo Kim 2, Myung-Suk Chun 1,* 1 Complex Fluids Laboratory, National Agenda Research Division, Korea Institute of Science and Technology(KIST), Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 02792, Republic of Korea 2 Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Seoul, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 02504, Republic of Korea Electrokinetic behavior is present due to the electric double layer, which forms as a result of the distribution of ion charges near a charged surface. The streaming potential is the opposite electrokinetic phenomenon to electro-osmosis in that it uses motion to realize energy harvesting. We investigate the electrokinetic power generation of non-newtonian fluids in a multiple microchannel. The additional external potential induced from interplay between flow and electric fields was employed in the Cauchy momentum equation, where Nernst Planck equation in connection with the net current conservation is coupled. Fluids with nonlinear viscosity of the Carreau type were considered. Our explicit model allows one to quantify the effects of shear thinning effect and the strong electric double layer interaction. This presentation reports new results of realizing mechanical to electrical energy transfer with high conversion efficiencies. From experimental verifications, our theoretical framework can serve as a useful basis for microfluidics chip design and potential applications to the enhanced energy conversion

163 Low-temperature processed TiO 2 electron transporting layer for high performance perovskite solar cells Inyoung Jeong*, Heesuk Jung*, Hae Jung Son*, Phillip Lee*, Min Jae Ko** * Photo-Electronic Hybrid Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul 02792, Republic of Korea ** Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul 04763, Republic of Korea Titanium dioxide (TiO 2 ) electron transporting layer (ETL) which is used for state-of-the-art perovskite solar cells (PSCs), is typically fabricated by high-temperature sintering process. This high-temperature process prevents its application to flexible polymeric substrates. Therefore, the development of TiO 2 ETLs that can be prepared at low temperatures is of great importance to realize high performance flexible PSCs. In this study, we propose a facile UV process using a TiO 2 mediated photocatalytic effect to make highly efficient compact TiO 2 ETL. Niobium (Nb) doping of the TiO 2 further increased the electrical conductivity of the TiO 2 ETL and resulted in more efficient electron extraction. Eventually, we demonstrated planar PSCs based on UV-processed Nb doped TiO 2 ETL exhibiting a best PCE of 19.57% for a rigid FTO glass and 16.01% for a flexible ITO/PEN substrate

164 Dual-functional layer based on pyrite for high performance perovskite solar cells Heesuk Jung*, Hae Jung Son*, Phillip Lee*, Min Jae Ko** * Photo-Electronic Hybrids Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul 02792, Republic of Korea ** Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, 04763, Korea Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have received great attention because they have excellent optical and electrical properties for photovoltaic devices. Recently, a dramatic increase in the photovoltaic properties of PSCs with organic hole transport materials (HTMs) has been reported. As the photovoltaic performance of PSCs with organic HTM is enhanced, the possibility of commercialization of PSCs increased. However, to date, it is potential obstacle for the future commercialization that perovskite solar cells with organic HTM are unstable in moist condition. Furthermore, commonly used organic HTMs are very expensive because material synthesis and purification are complicated. In this study we applied octadecylaminecapped pyrite nanoparticles (ODA-FeS 2 NPs) as a dual-functional layer (charge transporting layer and water-proof layer) to PSCs. FeS 2 is a promising candidate for the HTM of PSCs because of its high conductivity and suitable energy levels for hole transportation. We synthesized highly dispersed FeS 2 NPs with ODA ligand to increase hydrophobicity. A dualfunctional layer based on ODA-FeS 2 NPs showed good hole transport ability and water-proof ability. As a result, this study has the potential to break through the barriers for the commercialization of PSCs

165 An Effective Electrocatalyst of Hollow Porous-structured LaNiO 3 Spheres Wrapped N,S-codoped Graphene for Oxygen Reduction Reaction Tran Duy Thanh a, Nguyen Dinh Chuong a, Hoa Van Hien a, Nam Hoon Kim a, *, Joong Hee Lee a,b* a Advanced Materials Institute for BIN Convergence Technology (BK21 Plus Global Program), Department of BIN Convergence Technology, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Jeonbuk, 54896, Republic of Korea. b Carbon Composite Research Center, Department of Polymer-Nano Science and Technology, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Jeonbuk, 54896, Republic of Korea. * Corresponding author. jhl@chonbuk.ac.kr (Prof Joong Hee Lee) and nhk@ chonbuk.ac.kr (Prof. Nam Hoon Kim) Abstract In this study, a novel hybrid of the porous hollow-structured LaNiO 3 encapsulated by nitrogen and sulfur codoped graphene sheets (LaNiO 3 /N,S-Gr) was successfully synthesized. The higher current density and more positive values of the onset potential and half wave potential as compared to rgo, N,S-Gr, and LaNiO 3 were demonstrated when such a hybrid was used as an electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in O 2 -saturated 0.1 M KOH media. Besides, hybrid s performance was found to be relative to the commercial Pt/C catalyst. Furthermore, a long-term working stability of the hybrid along with high methanol and ethanol tolerance was confirmed. The obtained results were credited to the enhanced electrocatalytic active sites due to the rich pore channels of the porous hollow-structured LaNiO 3 as well as the use of the large area N,S-Gr, effectively stabilizing monodispersion of the LaNiO 3 spheres and acting as high electrical conductivity medium bridging. Such hybrid opens an interesting class of highly efficient non-pt catalyst for ORR in alkaline media

166 Oxygen and transition metal involvement in the charge compensation mechanism of NaCo 0.5 Fe 0.3 Ni 0.2 O 2 as cathode materials for Na-ion Batteries Susanto Dieky 1,2, Kyung Yoon Chung 1,2 1 Center for Energy Convergence Research, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Hwarangno 14-gil 5, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul , Republic of Korea 2 Energy and Environment Engineering, Korea University of Science and Technology, 113 Gwahangno, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon , Republic of Korea O3-type NaFeO 2 is a promising candidate as positive electrode materials for rechargeable Na batteries. However, its reversible range of sodium extraction is relatively narrow (x = ca. 0.4 in Na 1 x FeO 2 ) because of the irreversible structural change. However, substitution with other transition metal (Co, Ni, & Mn) on NaFeO 2 has been proved to be good strategy to suppress the irreversible phase transition. One of them are O3-NaFe 0.5 Co 0.5 O 2 which showed around 160mAh/g with relatively good capacity retention when cycling in a voltage range 2-4V at 0.05C rate, but severe deterioration when cycling in a voltage range V. Herein, we report that additional nickel substitution on iron site of NaFe 0.5 Co 0.5 O 2 demonstrates better electrode performance at high voltage. The NaCo 0.5 Fe 0.3 Ni 0.2 O 2 delivers approximately 185mAh/g of reversibility capacity in a voltage range of V. In general knowledges, the parameters that determine a battery s specific energy are the transition metals redox couple that involved during sodiation/desodiation. However, in this work we revealed that along with transition metals, the Oxygen is also actively participate during redox reaction by using X-ray Absorption spectroscopy (XAS). The behavior of O3-NaCo 0.5 Fe 0.3 Ni 0.2 O 2 in sodium batteries is examined by XAS characterization of intercalated materials using both ex situ and in situ techniques

167 Sodium Intercalation Mechanism into Carbon Coated Nano-Sized V 2 O 5 as a Cathode Material Ghulam Ali, Kyung Yoon Chung* Center for Energy Convergence Research, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul 02792, Republic of Korea To date, lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are most promising and attractive rechargeable batteries to power a variety of small-scale electronic devices such as cellphones, lapto ps, cameras etc. However, LIBs are not suitable for large-scale applications such as g rid storage systems because of their high cost and scarce resources. Sodium-ion batter ies (SIBs) are emerged as a potential alternate for use in large-scale applications with the advantages of relative low cost and high abundances. There is need to develop h igh performance electrode materials for the realization of SIBs. In the search of positive electrode materials for SIBs, we explored the electrochemi cal properties of carbon coated nano-sized V 2 O 5 and also investigated its reaction mec hanism. V 2 O 5 is obtained commercially and its size is reduced using simple solution method. Furthermore, to increase the electrical conductivity, the surface of V 2 O 5 is co ated with highly conducting acetylene black. Carbon coated V 2 O 5 electrode exhibits hi gh performance in terms of capacity, rate capability and cyclability in sodium half-cell. Further, sodium insertion/extraction from V 2 O 5 is investigated using ex-situ XRD, TE M and NEXAFS spectroscopy. The results suggest that the mechanism involves interc alation mechanism. Further details about the electrochemical properties and reaction m echanism of V 2 O 5 will be discussed during presentation

168 Sub-60-mV/decade negative capacitance FinFET with Pb(Zr 0.2 Ti 0.8 )O 3 capacitor Eunah Ko and Changhwan Shin Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Seoul, Seoul, 02504, Korea When adopting ferroelectric materials for complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology, the hysteresis originated from the ferroelectric materials should be under control in order to take advantages of using negative capacitance (NC) for CMOS logic devices [1, 2]. For the first time, the impact of source/drain fin length [i.e., the length from metal gate to source/drain contact region (LSD)] on the hysteresis of NC FinFET has been experimentally investigated. Since long LSD effectively reduces the source/drain capacitance in FinFET, the negative capacitance state of ferroelectric material becomes stable with the reduced capacitance of FinFET, and thereby, the hysteresis becomes smaller. In this work, while the hysteresis of NC FinFET is successfully decreased from 1 V to 0.48 V, there was no performance degradation in NC FinFET (versus baseline FinFET). References [1] S. Salahuddin and S. Datta, Use of Negative Capacitance to Provide Voltage Amplification for Low Power Nanoscale Devices, Nano Lett., vol. 8, no. 2, pp , Fab [2] J. Jo and C. Shin, Negative Capacitance Field Effect Transistor with Hysteresis-Free Sub-60-mV/decade Switching, IEEE Electron Dev. Lett., vol. 37, no. 3, pp , Mar Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIP) (No. 2014R1A2A1A ). Also, this work was supported by the Future Semiconductor Device Technology Development Program ( ) funded by the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (MOTIE) and the Korea Semiconductor Research Consortium (KSRC)

169 Experimental study of transient response of negative capacitance in organic ferroelectric capacitor Hansol Ku and Changhwan Shin * Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Seoul, Seoul, 02504, Korea Negative capacitance (i.e., C = dq / dv < 0, where C, Q, V are the capacitance, the charge and the voltage across the capacitor, respectively) is one of the promising solutions to overcome the Boltzmann limit of subthreshold slope (SS) of metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistor (MOSFET). Sub-60-mV/decade steep switching behavior has been demonstrated in conventional MOSFETs with the internal voltage amplification by negative capacitance. In this work, the transient response of negative capacitance in an organic ferroelectric capacitor is experimentally investigated. In order to measure the transient response of negative capacitance, a simple RC series network consisting of an external resistor and an organic ferroelectric capacitor was built. It is confirmed that the value of the external resistor can be a tuning parameter for the time duration of negative capacitance, just like the way of adjusting the RC time constant in a regular RC circuit [see Fig. 1]. (a) (b) Fig. 1. (a) Circuit Schematic: V S, R, i R, V FE and C FE are the source voltage, the series resistor, the current through R, the voltage across C FE and the capacitance of ferroelectric capacitor, respectively. (b) Transient responses of the organic ferroelectric capacitor for various values of resistor: R = 10 kω, 20 kω, 60 kω. t denotes the time duration of negative capacitance effect. Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIP) (No.2014R1A2A1A ). Also, this work was supported by the Future Semiconductor Device Technology Development Program ( ) funded by the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (MOTIE) and the Korea Semiconductor Research Consortium (KSRC)

170 High-sensitivity flexible bimodal sensor for electronic skin Minhyun Jung*, Taeho Kim*, Kyungkwan Kim*, Heedo Chae**, Haena Cheong**, Oh-Sun Kwon**, Kwanwoo Shin** and Sanghun Jeon* + * Department of Applied Physics, Korea University, Sejongro, 2511, Sejong, Korea ** Department of Chemistry and Institute of Biological Interfaces, Sogang University, Seoul , Republic of Korea The development of flexible and multifunctional sensors is an emerging technological goal in field of electronic skin (e-skin) for robot, health care-monitoring system and wearable device. In order to realize these innovation device, high sensitivity sensor is inevitable requirement. This work present the realization of a flexible bimodal sensor using ink-jet printing method which provide low-cost fabrication process that is suited for large area device. We configure the bimodal sensor in stacked form that the temperature sensor placed on the pressure sensor. As temperature sensor, we use thermoelectric effect (TE). According to Seebeck effect, thermocouple have capability to convert heat into electric energy. Most ongoing research TE material : Bi 2 Te 3, Sb 2 Te 3, SiGe, BiSb are hard to make printable ink. Firstly, to demonstrate thermoelectric temperature sensor, we printed a conductive polymer poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene poly (styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT: PSS) and silver nano particles (AgNP) on flexible substrate. Secondly, to fabricate pressure sensor, we prepared polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) substrate which patterned micro-sized pyramid structure and coated it with PEDOT :PSS as bottom electrode. Counter electrode for pressure sensor is back side of thermoelectric temperature sensor which coated with conductive polymer. When the pressure is applied, the contact area between micro pyramid structure and conunter electrode will change and we can detect resistance change

171 High performance flexible pressure sensor based on double electrode layer for electronic skin and health monitoring Kyungkwan Kim, Minhyun Jung, Taeho Kim and Sanghun Jeon + Department of Applied Physics, Korea University, Sejongro, 2511, Sejong, Korea Recently, flexible high-sensitivity pressure sensors are emerging important parts of an electronic skin (e-skin) and wearable health monitoring system. Here, we used flexible double electrode layer and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) in order to fabricate an efficient high-sensitivity flexible pressure sensor. By stacking silver nano particle (AgNP) ink and the composite of conductive polymer poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene poly (styrenesulfonate) PEDOT: PSS and elastomer polyurethane dispersion (PUD) onto the micro pyramid structured PDMS substrate, we have fabricated the pressure sensor. The pressure sensor is operated on the basis of resistive change and exhibits a low operating voltage (< 0.1V), a low detectable pressure limit (3Pa) and a fast response time (20ms) as well as outstanding working stability (> loading/unloading cycles). We expect that our technology could be widely used into wearable electronics such as e-skin, flexible touch displays, health-care monitoring and biomedical prosthesis of the future

172 Study on the Thickness-dependent Optical Properties of P3HT/ZnO Layers for Organic Photodiode Application K.Y. Kim, I.K. Kim, Y.J. Choi Department of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Engineering, Sejong University, Seoul, , Korea Organic photodiodes (OPDs) are attracting attention in potential applications such as digital cameras, medical sensing and artificial vision, with several advantages and possibilities, such as low temperature manufacturing processes, cost effectiveness and the possibility of large area optical sensing. In this study, we studied Poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5- diyl) (P3HT) as an organic donor layer and Zinc Oxide (ZnO) materials as an electron transport layer for OPD applications and investigated the thickness-dependent optical properties of each layer. The ZnO layers were prepared by using sputtering method and the thickness of the ZnO layer was controlled by varying the sputtering condition. The P3HT layers were spin-coated and the thickness of P3HT layer was controlled by varying the spin speed. All P3HT solutions were prepared at a concentration of 30 mg/ml dissolved in chlorobenzene (CB) and stirred overnight before spin-coating. The thickness of P3HT was increased from 120 to 180 nm by reducing the spin-speed from 1,500 to 1,000 rpm with a constant coating time of 30 sec. While the thickness of the ZnO film is increased from 20 nm to 100 nm, the transmittance is reduced by about 30 % between 300 and 380 nm wavelength. However, in the visible light range (380 to 780 nm), the transmittance is reduced by 4% while the ultraviolet transmittance is dramatically reduced. We fabricated OPDs with a structure of Ag/P3HT/ZnO/ITO and measured the photocurrent response of the devices. Among the fabricated devices, OPD with 140 nm thick P3HT layer and 80 nm thick ZnO exhibited the highest dark and photo current density ratio. It is remarkable that the single layer of organic donors (P3HT) can operate as optically active layer in OPD applications. Our results would be the basis for further OPD studies based on the organic donor (P3HT) and electron transport (ZnO) layers

173 Threshold voltage control of chemically doped graphene barristor So-Young Kim, Yun Ji Kim, Hyeon Jun Hwang, Sunwoo Heo, Kyeongju Han, Seon Kyu Lee, Hye Ji Lee and Byoung Hun Lee * School of Material Science and Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Oryong-dong 1, Buk-gu, Gwangju, Korea, Phone: , Fax: , bhl@gist.ac.kr Method to control the threshold voltage (V th ) of graphene barristor has been investigated. Since the current of graphene barristor is modulated by controlling the Schottky barrier height at the graphene/semiconductor hetero-junction, it will be possible to fabricate a device having a controllable V th if the Fermi level of graphene can be controlled. Two kinds of polymer are used to control the doping level of graphene; polyethyleneimine (PEI) as a n- type dopant and polyacrylic acid (PAA) as a p-type dopant. When a graphene is doped with holes by PAA, the Fermi-level of graphene moves to downwards and the Schottky barrier height increases, but when graphene is doped with electrons by PEI, the Schottky barrier height decreases. Using this principle, the Schottky barrier height of graphene barristor can be controlled. In experiment, the Schottky barrier height of chemically doped graphene barristor was extracted by measuring the I d -V d characteristics while varying the measurement temperature. The V th of barristor could be modulated from V (n-type doped graphene) to 0.14 V (p type doped graphene) using the doping described above. Acknowledgement: This work was supported by Nano Materials Technology Development Program (2016M3A7B ) through the National Research Foundation(NRF) of Korea funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning

174 Uniform dispersion of chemically-functionalized carbon nanotubes in lithium-doped zinc oxide for highperformance thin-film transistors Gi-Cheol Son, Sang-Soo Chee, Myungwoo Son, and Moon-Ho Ham School of Materials Science and Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology, Gwangju, 61005, Republic of Korea Solution-processed metal oxides have attracted much attention in low-cost, highperformance electronic and optoelectronic applications. To boost field-effect mobilities, the indispensable element, indium has been employed as a mobility enhancer in oxide semiconductors. However, the incorporation of this highly expensive element has significantly shadowed the crucial advantage in cost-effectiveness of solution-processable functional materials. In this study, we have introduced surface-functionalized carbon nanotubes (CNTs) that improve both field-effect mobility and on/off current ratio in ZnObased thin-film transistors (TFTs), as an alternative to the conventional incorporation of an expensive element, indium. The CNTs were chemically functionalized with hydrophilic groups by the wet-acid treatments to stably disperse them in 2-methoxyethanol, which were incorporated to a lithium-doped ZnO semiconductor used as a matrix oxide in this study. The crucial role of surface functionalization of CNTs is clarified with the demonstration of ZnObased TFTs with a field-effect mobility of 28.6 cm 2 /Vs and an on/off current ratio of

175 Research on parylene based multilayer dielectric layer for top-gated organic field-effect transistor Eul-Yong Shin*, Yong-Young Noh* * Department of Energy Materials Engineering, Dongguk University, Seoul, 04620, Republic of Korea We examined the effect of poly(chloro-p-xylene)-c (parylene-c) as gate dielectric layer for top-gate/bottom-contact inkjet-printed organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) and complementary inverter with indacenodithiophene-co-benzothiadiazole (IDTBT) and poly([n,n -bis(2-octyldodecyl)-naphthalene-1,4,5,8-bis(dicarboximide)-2,6-diyl]-alt-5,5 - (2,2 -bitthiophene)) (P(NDI2OD-T2)) as with p- and n-type semiconductors. The parylene-c single film shows large leakage current density and low breakdown voltage. Additionally, a reduced field-effect mobility (μ) was observed in IDTBT and P(NDI2OD-T2) OFETs with the parylene-c single layered dielectric. Also, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis indicate that the degradation of μ is due to unwanted chemical reaction between parylene-c and the conjugated polymer surface. The gate leakage current density and breakdown voltage are highly improved by inserting the thin poly(methyl-methacrylate) (PMMA) and polystyrene (PS) layer as protection layer in between the parylene-c and conjugated polymer film. The IDTBT and P(NDI2OD-T2) OFETs with a multilayer dielectric [(parylene-c/pmma) and (parylene-c/ps)] show significantly improved hole and electron μ, and more stable operation than parylene-c single layer. Furthermore, we fabricate inkjetprinted polymer complementary inverter with a high voltage gain by applying a parylenec/ps multilayer dielectric

176 Rectifying bipolar resistive switching in ZnO x /ZnO y /ZnO x multilayers based RRAM H.K. Yoo*, E.J. Yoo*, K.Y. Kim*, Y.J. Choi* *Department of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Engineering, Sejong University, Seoul , Republic of Korea Resistive random access memory (RRAM) has attracted great attention to be used as the next generation non-volatile memory, where the one of advantage is high integration density by simple two terminal cross-array structure. However, it has a sneak path problem that causes read errors in the cross array structure. To solve the sneak path problem, various structures such as 1 diode and 1 resistor (1D1R) structure, 1 transistor and 1 resistor (1T1R) are proposed, but require complex manufacturing process for diode and transistor configuration. In this study, we fabricated a 1D1R RRAM device composed of Au/ZnO x /ZnO y /ZnO x /ITO structure, and confirmed the resistance switching behavior. The triple ZnO multilayer consisting of ZnO x /ZnO y /ZnO x layers was deposited by in-situ sputtering method with control of Ar:O 2 gas flow ratio, in which the ZnO y has high concentration of oxygen vacancies than ZnO x. In this device, the Au/ZnO x structure works like a diode due to the barrier at interface between Au and ZnO x, while the ZnO y /ZnO x /ITO layers play role as resistor that shows the resistive switching behavior. Furthermore, ZnO x on the ITO substrate prevents the easy breakdown of the device by the high current flow due to high concentration of oxygen vacancies in ZnO y. As a results, we experimentally demonstrated the bipolar resistive switching behavior phenomena with rectifying effects in Au/ZnO x /ZnO y /ZnO x /ITO structure. It is expected that the proposed device structure could solve the sneak path problem in the cross - array RRAM devices. Reference [1] Self-rectifying resistive switching behavior observed in Si3N4-based resistive random access memory devices, S.H. Kim et. al., Journal of Alloys and Compounds 651 (2015) [2] Switching Characteristics of TaOx-Based One Diode-One Resistor for Crossbar Memory Application, Y.J. Jin et. al., Electron. Mater. Lett., Vol. 12, No. 3 (2016), pp Rectifying bipolar resistive switching in ZnOx/ZnOy/ZnOx multilayers based RRAM

177 Enhanced performance of QLED using Al 2 O 3 as a metal diffusion barrier layer Sang Hyun Yoon, Kwang Heo, Young Jin Choi Dept. of Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials Engineering, Sejong Univ. Seoul, , Korea Colloidal quantum dots(qds) have been investigated as luminescent material because their inherent luminescent properties, including narrow spectral emission bandwidths, broad absorption, high photoluminescence quantum efficiency, controllable bandgap depending on the size and compatibility with solution processing. Especially, the quantum dot light emitting diode (QLED) is drawing much attention due to its similar structure to the organic light emitting diode (OLED) device, except that the emissive layer is replaced with QDs, and the resultant easiness of fabrication process. However, QLED is still less efficient than OLED, and lots of various studies are under way to improve the efficiency. One of the reasons for the decrease in efficiency is exciton quenching due to metal diffusion from the electrode to emissive layer. In particular, metal diffusion is known as one of the causes for degradation of the device, which may occur during device operation. The metal diffusion is also initiated during the conventional fabrication process because sulfur contained in the PEODT:PSS, which is mostly used as a hole injection layer in QLED device, etches indium in ITO electrode and the metal components migrates into the polymer layer. In this study, we have fabricated conventional QLED architecture with ITO (anode)/al 2 O 3 (barrier layer)/pedot:pss (HIL; hole injection layer)/poly(9-vinylcarbazole) (HTL; hole transport layer)/qds (EML; active emissive layer)/zno (ETL; electron transport layer)/al (cathode). Al 2 O 3 with a thickness of 1 ~ 2 monolayer was deposited between PEDOT: PSS and ITO to prevent diffusion of Indium by using atomic layer deposition (ALD) process in order to prevent diffusion of indium. In addition, it is expected that injected carrier balance problem caused by relatively fast hole mobility during the carrier injection process can be alleviated by Al 2 O 3 barrier layer, which results in the improved efficiency. From the result of current efficiency measurement, we could see that the maximum current efficiency and maximum luminance increased from 2.7 Cd/A, Cd/m 2 to 7.5 Cd/A, Cd/m 2 by inserting Al 2 O 3 barrier layer. In addition, the device turn-on voltage also decreased when the Al 2 O 3 barrier layer was used. The results of our study will contribute to the improvement and commercialization of QLED

178 Schottky Diode in 2D materials Hyong Seo Yoon*, Seong Chan Jun * * School of Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea MoS2, one of the most popular two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide has gathered intense interests based on its moderates energy gap and electronic mobility with highly crystalline sub-nanometer thickness. Understanding the Schottky junction formation of MoS2 with various metals, graphene or other 2D materials should be prior to make basic and fundamental nanoelectronic applications. In this study, we demonstrate basic MoS2 Schottky diode device with asymmetric metal contacts and investigate its layer dependency with its work function transition based on the layer thickness. Surface potential measurement on atomically thin MoS2 flakes revealed the thickness dependence in Schottky barriers formed between high work function metal electrodes and MoS2 thin flakes. Schottky diode devices using mono- and multi- layer MoS2 channels were demonstrated by employing Ti and Pt contacts to form ohmic and Schottky junctions respectively. Characterization results indicated n-type behavior of the MoS2 thin flakes and the devices showed clear rectifying performance

179 The effect of rapid thermal annealing on device properties of atomic layer deposition ZnO:N thin film transistor Seon Kyu Lee, Jin Ho Yang, Yun Ji Kim, Sunwoo Heo, So-young Kim, Kyeongju Han, Hye Ji Lee, and Byoung Hun Lee * School of Materials Science and Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, 123 Cheomdangwagi-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju, Korea, Phone: , Fax: , bhl@gist.ac.kr Oxide Thin Film Transistor (TFT) has their high mobility, uniformity, stability and low off current. So it is suitable for switching devices in liquid crystal displays (LCD) or organic light-emitting diode (OLED). Zinc oxide (ZnO) TFT is one of the good candidates for transparent and flexible display devices due to its large bandgap and low growth temperature. Although there are many ways to fabricate the ZnO thin film, atomic layer deposition (ALD) process can achieve high quality. However, ZnO TFT by ALD process with growth temperature over 130 have poor on/off ratio (~ 10 1 ) [1]. When nitrogen doped, off current of ZnO TFT was decreased due to decreasing the carrier concentration of ZnO channel layer, then the on/off ration of ZnO TFT could be improved by nitrogen doping process [2]. Therefore, to make ZnO TFT devices with high on/off ratio, nitrogen was added as p-type dopant by ALD process using diethylzinc (DEZ) and ammonium hydroxide (NH 4 OH) precursor. ZnO:N layer (200 cycle) was deposited on SiO 2 /Si substrate by ALD. Then TFT devices were fabricated by conventional photolithography and wet etching process. Rapid thermal annealing (RTA) was employed as post process to stabilize the ZnO:N thin film.[2] Various RTA parameters such as temperature (300, 400, and 500 ), annealing time (1 min, 5 min, and 10 min), and ambient gas (N 2,O 2, and Ar) were performed. Then electrical characteristics of ZnO:N TFT before and after RTA treatment was investigated. After RTA process, the on/off ratio of ZnO:N TFT increased more than three orders of magnitude at 300, 1min and N 2 gas 500 sccm condition. The details of the effect of various RTA condition on properties of ZnO:N TFT was discussed. Acknowledgement: This work was supported by Nano Materials Technology Development Program (2016M3A7B ) through the National Research Foundation(NRF) of Korea funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning. Reference [1] Kwon, Semyung, et al. Semiconductor Science and Technology 24.3 (2009): [2] Lim, S. J., et al. Applied Physics Letters (2007):

180 Effect of Polymer Gate Dielectrics on Charge Transport in Carbon Nanotube Network Transistors: Low k Insulator for Favorable Active Interface Seung-Hoon Lee*, Yong Xu*, Dongyoon Khim*, Won-Tae Park*, Dong-Yu Kim**, and Yong-Young Noh* * Department of Energy and Materials Engineering, Dongguk University, Seoul, 04620, Republic of Korea ** Department of Nanobio Materials and Electronics, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Heeger Center for Advanced Materials, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Gwangju, 61005, Republic of Korea Charge transport in carbon nanotube network transistors strongly depends on the properties of the gate dielectric that is in direct contact with the semiconducting carbon nanotubes. In this work, we investigate the dielectric effects on charge transport in polymer-sorted semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotube field-effect transistors (s-swnt-fets) by using three different polymer insulators: A low-permittivity (ε r ) fluoropolymer (CYTOP, ε r = 1.8), poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA, ε r = 3.3), and a high-ε r ferroelectric relaxor [P(VDF-TrFE-CTFE), ε r = 14.2]. The s-swnt-fets with polymer dielectrics show typical ambipolar charge transport with high ON/OFF ratios (up to ~10 5 ) and mobilities (hole mobility up to 6.77 cm 2 V -1 s -1 for CYTOP ). The s-swnt-fet with the lowest-k dielectric, CYTOP, exhibits the highest mobility owing to formation of a favorable interface for charge transport, which is confirmed by the lowest activation energies, evaluated by the fluctuationinduced tunneling model (FIT) and the traditional Arrhenius model (E a FIT = 60.2 mev and E a Arr = 10 mev). The operational stability of the devices showed a good agreement with the activation energies trend (drain current decay ~14%, threshold voltage shift ~0.26 V in p-type regime of CYTOP devices). The poor device performance in high-ε r devices is accounted for by a large energetic disorder caused by the randomly oriented dipoles in high-k dielectrics. In conclusion, the low-k dielectric forms a favorable interface with s-swnts for efficient charge transport in s-swnt-fets

181 High performance ReS 2 /ReSe 2 heterojunction photodetector with wide detection range up to infrared Hae Won Lee*, Seo-Hyeon Jo* and Jin-Hong Park* * School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, , Korea Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), one of two-dimensional materials (2D), has been researched as promising next-generation semiconducting materials. Especially, various photodetectors based on TMD materials have been reported because of selective bandgap, moderate absorption coefficient and thin profile. However, most of previously reported photodetectors operate limited conditions of visible light illumination, and some photodetectors that are able to detect infrared (IR) region show very low photoresponsivity values. Here, we demonstrate a novel high-performance photodetector based on rhenium disulfide/rhenium diselenide (ReS 2 /ReSe 2 ) heterojunction that widens photodetection range up to IR region of 1310nm. We expanded photodetection range by taking advantage of interlayer transition between ReS 2 and ReSe 2 bandgaps. The ReS 2 /ReSe 2 heterojunction photodetector not only shows a high photoresponsivity value of AW -1 under 1310nm laser illuminated condition, but also response fast to the incident laser with few milliseconds of rising and decaying time. Our results suggest diverse possibilities of TMD heterojunction photodetectors with broader detection range

182 Release voltage modeling for nano-electromehcanial (NEM) memory switches Ho Moon Lee and Woo Young Choi* *Department of Electronic Eng., Sogang Univ., Seoul 04107, Korea Recently, the nano-electromechanical (NEM) memory switch is considered as one of the most-promising device for realizing energy-efficient CMOS-NEM reconfigurable logic (RL) circuits thanks to monolithic 3-D integration feasibility, non-volatility and high data signal transfer speed [1], [2]. Thus, swtiching voltage (V s ) for the NEM memory devices should be investigated. Previously, pull-in voltage (V p ) of NEM devices have been rigorously discussed by using 1-D model [3] or 2-D model [4]. However, the release voltage (V r ) as well as V p determine the V s in the case of NEM memory switches owing to their non-volatility: V s of NEM memory switches is determined as max(v p, V r ). Thus, the analytical model of V r should be investigated. In this paper, 2-D model for V r of NEM memory switches is proposed based on the cantilever beam adhesion theory [5]. In addition, the design guideline for achieving minimum V s of NEM memory switch is discussed by using the proposed model. Fig 1. Calculated V p, V r, and V s versus beam length of NEM memory switches. This work was supported in part by the NRF of Korea funded by the MSIP under Grant NRF- 2015R1A2A2A (Mid-Career Researcher Program), NRF-2015M3A7B (Fundamental Technology Program), NRF-2016M3A7B (Nano-Material Technology Development Program) and in part by the MOTIE/KSRC under Grant (Future Semiconductor Device Technology Development Program). [1] Y.J. Kim, et al., IEEE Trans. Electron Device, 62, 2, 673 (2015). [2] W.Y. Choi, et al., IEEE Electron Device Letters, 36, 9, 887 (2015). [3] G.M. Rebeiz, Wiley, [4] X. Shen, et al., IEEE ICSSPD (2011). [5] C.H. Mastrangelo et al., IEEE SSSAW (1992)

183 Negative quantum capacitance effect in topological insulator Bi 2 Te 3 flake Hyunwoo Choi and Changhwan Shin Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Seoul, Seoul 02504, Korea The bismuth telluride (Bi 2 Te 3 ) is well known as a three-dimensional topological insulator (3D-TI). The Bi 2 Te 3 has two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) on its surface. When the low carrier density system such as 2DEG work as a metallic plate in a capacitor, the quantum capacitance can have a negative value in the capacitor. In order to experimentally realize the negative quantum capacitance effect, a metal-insulator-silicon (MIS) capacitor which has the Bi 2 Te 3 as an insulator layer is fabricated [see Fig. (a)]. In the measured capacitance-voltage of MIS capacitor at room temperature, the total capacitance of the capacitor dramatically increases in depletion mode [see Fig. (c)]. The total capacitance consists of (i) the geometric capacitances of each material and (ii) the quantum capacitance from Bi 2 Te 3. As a result, the amplified capacitance indicates that the quantum capacitance (which is originated from the 2DEG of Bi 2 Te 3 ) has a negative value. Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIP) (No. 2014R1A2A1A ). Also, this work was supported by the Future Semiconductor Device Technology Development Program ( ) funded by the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (MOTIE) and the Korea Semiconductor Research Consortium (KSRC)

184 CsPbI 3 perovskite with PMMA sandwich structure to improve stability for resistive switching Ji Su Han 1, Jaeho Choi 1, and Ho Won Jang 1 * 1 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 08826, Republic of Korea The rapid development of information technology has led to a need for devices with fast processing speed, a high density, and low energy consumption. Memristors are considered to be next-generation non-volatile memory devices with their superior advantages. Recently, organometal halide perovskites were reported to be promising active material for memristors, although they have weak point of organic material. Here, we report a fully inorganic cesium lead halide perovskites using simple solution-based process for resistive switching. Adopting PMMA/CsPbI 3 /PMMA sandwich structure, we attained dark-phase stabilization of CsPbI 3 that has characteristic of resistive switching. The Ag/PMMA/CsPbI 3 /PMMA/Pt cells exhibit electroforming-free resistive switching and bipolar resistive switching with a large on/off ratio (>10 6 ), low working voltage (<1V) and energy consumption. Such fully inorganic cesium lead halide perovskites induced phase stabilization have promising possibility for future non-volatile memory devices

185 Highly Bendable IGZO Transistor Using a Thermally Stable Organic Dielectric Layer Yogeenth Kumaresan, Gun Young Jung* * School of Material Science and Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, 61005, Republic of Korea Flexible In-Ga-ZnO (IGZO) thin film transistors (TFT) were fabricated on a polyimide (PI) substrate by replacing the conventional inorganic dielectric layer with an organic dielectric layer to enhance the bendability. The sputtered IGZO atoms on the polymer surfaces undergo different kinetic processes including thermal-induced polymer surface modification, which results in undesirable wrinkles and cracks on IGZO layer. However, in the case of thermally stable SA7, the deposited IGZO film had a smooth surface with no observable wrinkles due to its good thermal property. The IGZO film sputtered at an Ar:O 2 gas flow rate of 100:1 sccm exhibited excellent transistor performances with a mobility of cm 2 /Vs, a threshold voltage of 6.4 V, a small threshold voltage shift of V under positive bias stress and an on/off current ratio of 4.5 ⅹ Further, the TFT showed no significant degradation in the device performances after severe bending, even at a 1.5 mm bending radius, and maintained a superior reliability up to 1000 cycles as shown in Fig. 1. Figure 1: The IGZO TFT mounted on a bending tester with the bending radius of 1.5 mm (left). Transfer characteristics of IGZO TFT measured under different bending cycles up to 1000 bending at 1.5 mm bending radius

186 숙박안내 등록비에는숙박비가포함되어있지않습니다. 숙박을원하시는분께서는아래와같은곳을이용하실수있으며, 예약은홈페이지, 또는유선전화를통해진행하실수있습니다. 나노기술연구협의회에서는숙박과관련한문의는받지않습니다. No. 호텔명 전화번호 주소 1 호텔리츠칼튼서울 강남구역삼동 노보텔앰버서더강남 강남구역삼동 그랜드인터컨티넨탈서울 강남구삼성동 코엑스인터컨티넨탈서울 강남구삼성동 오크우드프리미어 강남구삼성동 임피리얼팰리스 강남구논현동 베스트웨스턴프리미어강남 강남구논현동 호텔라미르 강남구역삼동 호텔삼정 강남구역삼동 교통안내 ( 오시는길 ) 주소 : 서울시강남구테헤란로 7길 22 ( 역삼동 635-4) 한국과학기술회관신관지하 1층 대중교통 : 지하철 2호선, 신분당선강남역하차 12번출구, 국기원방향 등록비에는주차비가포함되어있지않습니다. 대중교통이용을권장합니다

187 나노기술연구협의회 회원의종류 자격및연회비 구분자격연회비 정회원준회원명예회원특별회원 - 나노기술연구협의회정관제 6 조제 1 항의규정에의한회원 - 종신회원제도운영 : 나노기술연구협의회세칙제 3 조제 3 항의규정에의하여 10 년이상의연회비를일괄납부한회원은추가적인회비납부의의무가면제됨 - 나노기술연구협의회정관제6조제2항및세칙제2조제3호의규정에의하여대학생또는대학원생으로서입회원서를제출한자 - 나노기술연구협의회정관제6조제2항및세칙제2조제1호의규정에의하여협의회의발전에크게기여한개인또는단체로서운영위원회의추천을받아이사회의승인을받은개인또는단체 - 나노기술연구협의회정관제 6 조제 2 항및세칙제 2 조제 2 호의규정에의하여나노기술관련국내외저명한개인또는단체로서운영위원회의추천을받아이사회의승인을받은개인또는단체 ( 승인일로부터 2 년간자격유지 ) 5만원 정회원혜택 총회에서의선거권과의결권부여 나노코리아국제심포지엄등록비할인 나노기술연구협의회주관정책및과제기획참여 나노기술연구협의회생산중요정보 ( 정책자료및교육자료 ) 의열람권 나노기술연구협의회주최, 개최각종국내 외행사참여우선권부여 나노기술연구협의회회의실무료이용등 ( 사전예약필수 ) 오시는길주소 서울특별시서초구남부순환로 354길 14 ( 양재동 동녘빌딩 ) 3층 대중교통 열차고속철도 SRT 이용시시종착역 ' 수서역 ' 에서 3 호선환승후양재역하차 지하철 3 호선양재역 5 번출구 / 신분당선양재역 8 번출구 버스순환버스강남02, 강남10, 서초08, 서초18, 서초18-1, 서초32 간선버스 402, 406, 641, N37 지선버스 3012, 4319, 4412, 4433, 8442 광역버스 M7426 강남역 전 화 (02) 팩 스 (02) 전자우편 kontrs@kontrs.or.kr 서초 IC 한전아트센터 서울 YMCA 남부순환로 말죽거리공원 뱅뱅사거리 은광여자고등학교 도곡한신아파트 언주초등학교 도곡대림아파트 강남베드로병원 양재역 3 호선 양재전화국 서초구청 사거리농협 하나은행 5 7 양재파출소 8 서울가정법원나노기술연구협의회 S-Oil 강남대로 양재역 도곡공원 개포동방면 신분당선 경부고속도로 양재천 양재시민의숲 성남방면

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Seminars in Nanosystems - I Seminars in Nanosystems - I Winter Semester 2011/2012 Dr. Emanuela Margapoti Emanuela.Margapoti@wsi.tum.de Dr. Gregor Koblmüller Gregor.Koblmueller@wsi.tum.de Seminar Room at ZNN 1 floor Topics of the

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