Indeplinirea Standardelor necesare și obligatorii în învățământul superior Titlu didactic: profesor

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1 Prof. univ. dr. ing. Nistor Ileana Denisa Indeplinirea Standardelor necesare și obligatorii în învățământul superior Titlu didactic: profesor Nr. crt. Domeniul Activității Tipul activității Punctaj parțial Punctaj minimal profesor Punctaj realizat/ activitate 1 Activitatea didactică și profesională (A1) 1.1. Cărți/capitole de cărți/(cu ISSN) D.I. Nistor, A. Azzouz, M. Leonte, A. Dabija, Ingineria proceselor biotehnologice și alimentare, (ro.) vol. I, Ed. ALMA-MATER, Bacău, ISBN general: , ISBN vol. I: , 2008, 547 P/100x20=109,4 D.I. Nistor, A. Azzouz, M. Leonte, A. Dabija, Ingineria proceselor biotehnologice și alimentare, (ro.) vol. II, Ed. ALMA-MATER, Bacău, ISBN general: , ISBN vol. II: , 2008, 431P/100x20=86,2 I.D. Nistor, E. Panturu, A.V. Ursu, A. Ciobanu, Principii și metode de conservare a produselor alimentare, (ro.) Ed. ALMA-MATER, Bacău, ISBN , 2008, 446P/100x20=89,2 I.D. Nistor, C. Jinescu, A. Azzouz, Elemente și strategii în designul proceselor tehnologice, (ro.) Ed. ALMA-MATER, Bacău, ISBN , 2008, 311 P/100x20=62,2 I.D. Nistor, I. Siminiceanu, Argile modificate. Sinteză caracterizare, aplicatii, (ro.) Ed. ALMA-MATER, Bacău, ISBN , 2008, 171 P/100x20=34,2 I.D. Nistor, A. Azzouz, N.D. Miron, Ingineria proceselor chimice și biochimice,(ro.) Ed. TEHNICA-INFO, Chisinau, ISBN , 2006, 300P/100x20=60 441,2 (A1) 210 (A1) 623,1 1

2 1 2 Activitatea didactică și profesională (A1) Activitatea de cercetare (A2) Manuale/Suport didactic: lucrări didactice, îndrumare de laborator, proiectare, etc (în acord cu structura postului) Articole in extenso în reviste cotate ISI Thomson A. Birca, N.D. Miron, I.D. Nistor, N. Rodionova, Produits alimentaires. Chimie alimentaire, (ro.) Ed. Tehnica-UTM, Chisinau, ISBN , 2013, 186P/100*10=18,6 N.D. Miron, I.D. Nistor, Chimie generală. Aplicații, (ro.) Ed. TEHNICA-INFO, Chisinau, ISBN , 2006, 214P/100x10=21,4 N.D. Miron, I.D. Nistor, Chimie generală și bioanorganică, (ro.) Ed. TEHNICA-INFO, Chisinau, ISBN , 2006, 410P/100x10=41 N.D. Miron, I.D. Nistor, Chimia mediului, (ro.) Ed. TEHNICA-INFO, Chisinau, ISBN , 2006, 128P/100x10=12,8 Nistor Ileana Denisa, Miron Neculai Doru, Ecotoxicologie, Note curs pt. uzul studenților, 2007, 227P/100x10=22,7 Jinescu Gheorghița, Nistor Ileana Denisa, Bioreactoate, Note curs pt. uzul studenților, 2007, 181P/100x10=18,1 Nistor Ileana Denisa, Biotehnologii industriale, Note curs pt. uzul studenților, 2007,315P/100x10=31,5 Platon Nicoleta, Nistor Ileana Denisa, Bircă Adriana, Tehnologii generale în industria alimentară, vol. 1, Editura Alma Mater, Bacău, P/100x10=15,8 Gabriela Muntianu, Alina-Violeta Ursu, Cosmin Jinescu, G Djelveh, ID Nistor, Jinescu, G, Intensification of Ammonia Adsorption Kinetics using Al-pillared Clay Particles in a Co-axial Magnetic Fluidized Bed, Revista de chimie, Volume: 66 Issue: 3 Pages: , 2015 FI=0,810 Arus, Vasilica Alisa; Nistor, Ileana Denisa; Platon, Nicoleta; et al., Statistical Modelling and Optimization of Lactic Acid Fermentation in the Presence of Anionic Clay and Ultrasonic Field, Revista de chimie, Volume: 66 Issue: 1 Pages: Published: JAN 2015 FI=0,810 G. Muntianu, A.V. Ursu, G. Djelveh; G. Isopencu, AM. Mares, I.D. Nistor, C.V. Jinescu, Dynamic Parameters for Mixtures of Pillared Clay-Magnetic Particles in Fluidized Bed in Coaxial Magnetic Field, Revista de chimie, Volume: 65 Issue: 9 Pages: , 2014 FI=0,810 V.A. Arus, C. Jinescu, I.D. Nistor, G. Isopencu, Ultrasound Intensification of Lactic Fermentation Process in the Presence of Anionic Clays, Revista de chimie, Volume: 65 Issue: 8 Pages: , 2014 FI=0, ,9 40,797x40= 1631,88 (A2) 500 (A2) 1977,00 2

3 2 Activitatea de cercetare (A2) 2.1. Articole in extenso în reviste cotate ISI Thomson C. Jinescu, V.A. Arus, O.C. Parvulescu, I.D. Nistor, Modelling of Batch Lactic Acid Fermentation in the Presence of Anionic Clay, Food Technology and Biotechnology, Volume: 52 Issue: 4 Pages: , 2014 FI=0,98 N. Platon, I. Siminiceanu, I.D. Nistor, M. Silion, C. Jinescu, M. Harrouna, A. Azzouz, Catalytic Wet Oxidation of Phenol with Hydrogen Peroxide over Modified Clay Minerals, Revista de Chimie, Vol. 64, Issue: 12, Pages: , 2013 FI=0,677 A. Azzouz, V.A. Arus, N. Platon, K. Ghomari, I.D. Nistor, Tz. Chieh Shiao, R. Roy, Polyol-modified layered double hydroxides with attenuated basicity for a truly reversible capture of CO 2, Adsorption, vol. 19, no. 5, p , 2013 FI=1,735 A. Ciobanu, I. Mallard, D. Landy, G. Brabie, D. Nistor, S. Fourmentin, Retention of aroma compounds from Mentha piperita essential oil by cyclodextrins and crosslinked cyclodextrin polymers, Food Chemistry, vol. 138, Issue 1, p , 2013 FI=3,259 A. Azzouz, N. S., Nousir, K. Ghomari, D. Nistor, T.C.Shiao, R. Roy, OH-enriched organo-montmorillonites for potential applications in carbon dioxide separation and concentration, Separation and Purification Technology, vol. 108, p , 2013 FI=3,065 M. Silion, I. D. Dobrea, D. Nistor, M. I. Popa, Environmentally friendly formulations of 2,6-dichlorobenzonitrile pesticide intercalated into calcined layered double hydroxides, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, vol.12, No. 12, p , 2013 FI=1,258 A. Ciobanu, I. Mallard, D. Landy, G. Brabie, D. Nistor, S. Fourmentin, Inclusion interactions of cyclodextrins and crosslinked cyclodextrin polymers with linalool and camphor in Lavandula angustifolia essential oil, Carbohydrate Polymers, vol. 87, Issue 3, p , 2012 FI=3,479 V.A. Arus, O.C. Pirvulescu, C. Jinescu, I.D. Nistor, Mathematical Modeling of the Retention Process of Lactic Acid on Anionic Clay Particles Using Mechanical Mixing for Process Intensification, Revista de Chimie, vol. 62, Issue 12, p , 2011 FI=0,6 A.V. Ursu, Gh. Jinescu, F. Gros, I.D. Nistor, N.D. Miron, G. Lisa, M. G. Djelveh, A. Azzouz, Thermal and chemical stability of romanian bentonite, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, vol. 106, Issue 3, p , 2011 FI=1,604 3

4 2 Activitatea de cercetare (A2) 2.1. Articole in extenso în reviste cotate ISI Thomson N. Platon, I. Siminiceanu, N.D. Miron, G. Muntianu, R.M. Zavada, G. Isopencu, I.D. Nistor, Preparation and characterization of new products obtained by pillaring process, Revista de Chimie, vol. 62, Issue 8, p , 2011 FI=0,6 N. Platon, I. Siminiceanu, I.D. Nistor, N.D. Miron, G. Muntianu, A.M. Mares, Fe - pillared clay as an efficient Fenton-like heterogeneous catalyst for phenol degradation, Revista de Chimie, vol. 62, Issue 6, p , 2011 FI=0,6 A.V.Ursu, C. Jinescu, D.I. Nistor, V.A. Arus, G. Isopencu, A.M. Mares, Estimation of the dynamic parameters of mono and bicomponent granular particles beds fluidization, Revista de Chimie, vol. 61, Issue 12, p , 2010 FI=0,693 V.A. Arus, Gh. Jinescu, I.D. Nistor, N.D. Miron, A.V. Ursu, G. Isopencu, A.M. Mares, Preparation and characterization of anionic clays used as kinetic modifiers in lactic fermentation, Revista de Chimie, vol. 61, Issue 11, p , 2010 FI=0,693 F. Gros, A.V. Ursu, G. Djelveh, C. Jinescu, I.D. Nistor, Gh. Jinescu, Aspects of structure of fluidized bed mixture of magnetic and nonmagnetic particles in magnetic field, Revista de Chimie, vol. 61, Issue 6, p , 2010 FI=0,693 A. Azzouz, E. Assad, A.V. Ursu, T. Sajin, D. Nistor, R. Roy, Carbon dioxide retention over montmorillonite - dendrimer materials, Applied Clay Science, vol. 48, Issue 1-2, p , 2010 FI=2,303 A. Azzouz, A.V. Ursu, D. Nistor, T. Sajin, E. Assaad, R. Roy, TPD study of the reversible retention of carbon dioxide over montmorillonite intercalated with polyol dendrimers, Thermochimica Acta, vol. 496, Issue 1-2, p , 2009 FI=1,742 A.V. Ursu, F. Gros, D.I. Nistor, G. Djelveh, Characterization and utilization of a commercial clay for ammonia adsorption. Influence of operating parameters on gas retaining, Revista de chimie, vol.59, Issue 110, p , 2008 FI=0,389 M. Frunza, G. Lisa, M.I. Popa, N.D. Miron, D.I. Nistor, Thermogravimetric analysis of layered double hydroxides with chloramphenicol and salicylate in the interlayer space, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, vol. 93, Issue 2, p , 2008 FI=1,63 I.D. Nistor, N.D. Miron, Depollution of uranyl polluted waters using pillared clays, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimerty, vol. 89, Issue 3, p , 2007 FI=1,48 4

5 2 Activitatea de cercetare (A2) 2.1. Articole in extenso în reviste cotate ISI Thomson E. Assaad, A. Azzouz, D.Nistor, A.V. Ursu, T. Sajin, D.N. Miron, F. Monette, P. Niquette, R. Hausler, Metal removal through synergic coagulation-flocculation using an optimized chitosan - montmorillonite system, Applied Clay Science, vol. 37, Issue 3-4, p , 2007 FI=1,86 A. Azzouz, D. Nistor, D. Miron, A.V. Ursu, T. Sajin, F. Monette, P. Niquette, R. Hausler, Assessment of acid-base strength distribution of ion-exchanged montmorillonites through NH3 and CO 2 -TPD measurements, Thermochimica Acta, vol.449, Issue 1-2, p , 2006 FI=1,42 D. Nistor, P.I. Dron, G.G. Surpateanu, I. Siminiceanu, N.D. Miron, A. Azzouz, Optimized procedure for clay pillaring with aluminum species used in depollution, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimerty, vol. 84, Issue 2, p , 2006 FI=1,44 D. Nistor, D. Miron, G.G. Surpateanu, A. Azzouz, Programed thermal desorption of the properties clays-impact on pollution of the environment, Journal of thermal analysis and calorymetry, vol. 76, Issue 3, p , 2004 FI=1,48 A. Azzouz, D. Messad, D. Nistor, C. Catrinescu, A. Zvolinschi, S. Asaftei, Vapor phase aldol condensation over fully ion-exchanged montmorillonite rich catalysts, Applied Catalysis A- General, vol. 241, Issue 1-2, p.1-13, 2003 FI=2,83 I. M. Lazar, I. L. Ifrim, D. Nicuta, D. Nistor, G. Lazar, Macro and ultra-micro scale changes of rapeseed seedlings germinated from seeds exposed to UV-VIS radiations, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, vol. 12, Issue 1, p , 2013 FI=1,258 G. Lazar, D. Ureche, I. L. Ifrim, M. Stamate, C. Ureche, V. Nedeff, I. D. Nistor, A. L. Finaru, I. M. Lazar, Effect of the environmental stress on two fish populations revealed by statistical and spectral analysis, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, vol. 11, Issue 1, p , 2012 FI=1,117 A. Antochi, C. Oniscu, D. I. Nistor, D. N. Miron, The synthesis and modelling of the obtaining process of 1-[2 '-(theophyllin 7-yl) sulfonyl 4 chlor-phenoxyacetyl] 3 methyl 5- pyrazolone, Roumanian biotechnological letters, Vol. 14, Issue 3, p , 2009 FI=0,152 A. Antochi, C. Oniscu, D. I. Nistor, D. N. Miron, The synthesis and modelling of the obtaining process of1-[2'-(theophyllin-7-yl) sulfonyl 4 chlor-phenoxyacetyl] 3 methyl 5- pyrazolone, Roumanian biotechnological letters, Vol. 13, Issue 6, p , 2008 FI=nu am găsit 5

6 2 Activitatea de cercetare (A2) 2.2 Brevete de invenție 1. Patent: Procedeu de coagulare-floculare la îndepărtarea cationilor de metal din apă AZZOUZ Abdelkrim, ASSAAD Elias, SAJIN Tudor, NISTOR Ileana Denisa, CRĂCIUN Alexandru, URSU Alina, MIRON Neculai Doru Ref. No: MD 3566 F , Year: 01/ Patent: Procedeu de obţinere a catalizatorului pentru epurarea apei de compuşi organici AZZOUZ Abdelkrim, ASSAAD Elias, SAJIN Tudor, URSU Alina, NISTOR Ileana Denisa, CRĂCIUN Alexandru, MIRON Neculai Doru Ref. No: MD 3508 F , Year: 01/ Patent: Instalaţie pentru cultivarea bacteriilor lactice AZZOUZ Abdelkrim, SAJIN Tudor, NISTOR Ileana Denisa, CRĂCIUN Alexandru Ref. No: MD 3000 F , Year: 01/ Patent: Procedeu de cultivare a bacteriilor lactice (variante) AZZOUZ Abdelkrim, SAJIN Tudor, NISTOR Ileana Denisa, CRĂCIUN Alexandru, DUCA Gheorghe Ref. No: MD 2969 F , Year: 01/ Patent: Instalaţie pentru cultivarea bacteriilor lactice (variante) AZZOUZ Abdelkrim, SAJIN Tudor, CRĂCIUN Alexandru, NISTOR Ileana Denisa Ref. No: MD 3021 F , Year: 01/ x0,5x5 =100 2 Activitatea de cercetare (A2) 2.3. Articole în reviste și volumele unor manifestări științifice indexate în baze de date internațional Ana-Maria Roșu, Nicoleta Platon, Vasilica Alisa Aruș, Neculai Doru Miron, Ileana Denisa Nistor, Gheorghe Brabie, Experimental study regarding mechanical properties of fep-05-mb sheet steels submited to corosive mediums, Journal of Engineering Studies and Research Volume 20 No. 1, p. 82, 2014 Zavada, Ramona Mihaela; Roşu, Ana-Maria; Miron, Neculai Doru; Surpateanu, Gheorghe; Nistor, Ileana Denisa, Influence of microwave drying on the content of photosynthetic pigments in spinach, Food and environmental safty, vol. 13, nr.1, p.55, 2014 Nicoleta Platon, Ana-Maria Roșu, Vasilica Alisa Aruș, Denisa Ileana Nistor, Ilie Siminiceanu, Chemically modified clays used for environmental quality, Journal of Engineering Studies and Research Volume 19, No. 4, p.52, 2013 Ana-Maria Roşu, Gabriela Muntianu, Neculai Doru Miron, Ileana Denisa Nistor, Gheorghe Brabie, Determination of microbiological medium quality through a mathematical model concerning the prevention of biocorrosion, Journal of Engineering Studies and Research, vol. 19, nr. 4, p.59, 2013 Gabriela Muntianu, Nicoleta Platon, Vasilica Alisa Arus, Ana Maria Rosu, Denisa Ileana Nistor, Gheorghita Jinescu, Hydrodinamic study of clay particles in fluidized bed, Journal of Engineering Studies and Research Volume 19, No. 2, p.70, x5= 135 6

7 2 Activitatea de cercetare (A2) 2.3. Articole în reviste și volumele unor manifestări științifice indexate în baze de date internațional A. Ciobanu, I. Mallard, D. Landy, Gh. Brabie, I.D. Nistor, S. Fourmentin, Development of cyclodextrin based adsorbent forthe controlled release of aroma compounds, Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies, vol.5, p.98, 2013 R.M. Cojocaru, M.I. Popa, Gh. Surpǎteanu, A.-M. Rosu, N.D. Miron, I.D. Nistor, Study Concerning the Extraction of Photosynthetic Pigments from Spinach, Centenary of Education in Chemical Engineering, Buletinul Institutului Tehnic Iasi, ISSN , Tomul LVIII (LXII) Fasc. 3, Chimie si Inginerie Chimica, p. 101, 2012 N.D. Miron, I.D. Nistor, Gh. Jinescu, Caracterisation of nanostructured materials for gaseous pollutants, Journal of faculty of food engineering, Suceava/ , vol. XI, nr. 7, pp , 2012 A.E. Farkas, D. Scutaru, N.D. Miron, A.-M. Rosu, C.E. Tebrencu, I.D. Nistor, Study Concerning the Utilization of Cellulose Derivates as Development Support for Microorganisms, Centenary of Education in Chemical Engineering, Buletinul Institutului Tehnic Iasi, ISSN , Tomul LVIII (LXII) Fasc. 3, Chimie si Inginerie Chimica, Pag. 131, 2012 V.A. Aruş, Gh. Jinescu, I.D. Nistor, G. Isopencu, Morphological and structural characterization of anionic clays, Journal of faculty of food engineering, Suceava/ , vol. X, nr. 5, pp , 2012 V.A. Aruş, I.D. Nistor, A.V. Ursu, G. Isopencu, C. Jinescu, M. Mareş, Modeling and optimization of lactic fermentation process in the presence of anionic clays using experiments design, U.P.B. Sci. Bull./ , Vol. 73 nr. 1 Pp 15, 2011 Muntianu, Gabriela; Platon, Nicoleta; Jinescu, Gheorghița; Siminiceanu, Ilie; Mardaru, Anamaria; Zavada, Ramona Mihaela; Miron, Doru Neculai; Nistor, Ileana Denisa, Preparation and characterization of nanostructured materials used for the retention of gaseous pollutants, Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati: Fascicle II, Mathematics, Physics, Theoretical Mechanics. Special Issue, Vol. 34, p115, 2011 A.V. Ursu, I.D. Nistor, F. Gros, V.A. Aruş, G. Isopencu, A.M. Mareş, Hydrodynamic aspects of fluidized bed stabilized in magnetic field, U.P.B. Sci. Bull./ , vol. 72, nr. 3, pp , 2010 A.V. Arus, A.M. Georgescu, I.M. Lazar, I.D. Nistor, N.D. Miron, A. Azzouz, A.E. Farkas, R.M. Cojocaru, Use of some clay matrices in biotechnology of acid dairy products, Journal of faculty of food engineering, Suceava/ , vol. X, nr. 4, pp , 2011 I.M. Lazar, A. Sobetkii, I.D. Nistor, N.D. Miron, M. Stamate, G.O. Lazar, Dielectrophoretic devices for separating foodborne pathogens, Food and environment safety Journal of faculty of food engineering, Suceava/ , vol. IX, nr. 3, pp , 2010 A. Gradinaru (Ciobanu), D. Manea (Raducanu), I.D. Nistor., N.D. Miron, Gh. Brabie, A study on the influence of pine extract upon the air microflora from different spaces, using the mathematical modelisation of factorial type, Studii si cercetari stiintifice, seria Biologie 7

8 2 Activitatea de cercetare (A2) 2.3. Articole în reviste și volumele unor manifestări științifice indexate în baze de date internațional animala/ x, vol. 19, p. 39, 2010 A.-M. Roşu, Gh. Brabie, N.D. Miron, I.D. Nistor, Experimental study regarding influence of the microbiological corrosive medium over the mechanical properties of the Al6061T4 metallic material, Annals of Dunărea de jos University of Galaţi Mathematics, Physics, Theoretical mechanics, Fascicle II, Year I (XXXII), pp , 2009 A. Ciobanu, S. Fourmentin, I. Favier, I.D. Nistor, N.D. Miron, Study of the retention of limonene by β-cyclodextrins and imprinted polymer of β-cyclodextrin, Annals of Dunărea de jos University of Galaţi Mathematics, Physics, Theoretical mechanics, Fascicle II, Year I (XXXII), pp , 2009 N. Platon, I. Siminiceanu, I.D. Nistor, N.D. Miron, Comparative study on nanomaterials characteristicsobtained from raw montmorillonite clay and purified montmorillonite clay, Annals of Dunărea de jos University of Galaţi Mathematics, Physics, Theoretical mechanics, Fascicle II, Year I, pp , 2009 A. Ciobanu, ID Nistor, A.-M. Roşu, N.D. Miron, M. Conuţoae Study regarding the quality of exotic fruit juices mixtures, Annals of Dunărea de jos University of Galaţi Mathematics, Physics, Theoretical mechanics, Fascicle I, p. 321, 2009 A.M. Roşu, N.D. Miron, A. Ciobanu, I.D. Nistor, M. Conuţoae, The optimization of the carrot juice quality enriched with different extract fruits, Food and environment safety Journal of faculty of food engineering, Suceava/ , vol. VII, nr. 2, pp. 53, 2009 V.A. Aruş, Gh. Jinescu, I.D. Nistor, N.D. Miron, Research on Preparation and Characterization of Anionic Clays as Used Kinetic Modifiers in Lactic Fermentation Process Scientific Bulletin of Politechnica University of Bucharest, September, 2009 I.D.Nistor, Gradinaru A., Miron N.D., Dospinescu A.M., Mathematical shaping of experimental data concerning the influence of underbrush extract to obtaining of apple juice, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Animal Science and Biotechnologies, vol. 65, nr.1-2, p.75, 2007 Vasilica Alisa, Arus, Ileana Denisa Nistor, M. Leonte, Alina Mihaela Moroi, Modelation and optimization of milk fermentation process for obtaining of cow fresh cheese by factorial analysis, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Animal Science and Biotechnologies, vol. 65, nr.1-2, p.75, 2009 ID Nistor, ND Miron, A Azzouz, Cinetique de retention des elements radioactifs sur des argiles pontees d origine roumaine, SCIENTIFIC STUDY & RESEARCH, vol.7, nr. 3, p.11, 2006 N.D. Miron, I. D. Nistor, A. V. Ursu, A. Azzouz, M. A. Didi - Modélisation et optimisation du processus de formulation d un chocolat et de gruyère utilisant un programme factoriel de type 33, Science&Technologie (Mentouri Constantine Alger), no.23, p.22-27, 2005 Azzouz, P. Niquette, S. Asaftei, F. Monette, R. Hausler, I. D.Nistor, N. D. Miron, Acid-base properties of montmorillonite and interaction with enyzmes, Science&Technologie (Mentouri Constantine-Alger), vol. 22, p.89-96,

9 2 3 Activitatea de cercetare (A2) 2.4. Granturi/proiecte câștigate prin competiție PN 21037, Tehnologie energetică durabilă, în vederea promovării resurselor minerale uranifere indigene, prin optimizarea procedeului de purificare a uraniului-tedpur, Coordonator INCDMRR-ICPMRR Bucureşti (ing.chim. CP1, Filcenco Antoaneta), P1=Universitatea din Bacău, Coordonator P1: Nistor Ileana Denisa, valoare contractată de Universitatea din Bacău = lei, iar valoarea intrată în caseria Universității din Bacău = Lei = ,53 EUR/5000=4,58 PN 31093, Cercetări privind utilizarea barierelor reactive la tratarea apelor reziduale rezultate la uzinele de procesare a minereurilor uranifere-urtech, Coordonator INCDMRR-ICPMRR Bucureşti (ing.chim. CP1, Rădulescu Rozalia), P1=Universitatea din Bacău, Coordonator P1: Nistor Ileana Denisa, valoare contractată de Universitatea din Bacău = lei, iar valoarea intrată în caseria Universității din Bacău = Lei=32.160,181 EUR/5.000 = 6,432 Mathematical Modelling of the Retention Process of Lactic Acid on Anionic Clay Particles Using Mechanical Mixing for Process Intensification, Arus, Vasilica Alisa; Pirvulescu, Oana Cristina; Jinescu, Cosmin, Nistor, Ileana Denisa; et al., REVISTA DE CHIMIE Volume: 62 Issue: 12 Pages: Published: DEC Improvements on Design of Propeller for Chemical Compound Mixer, By: Spanu, Alina; Dontu, Octavian; Besnea, Daniel; et al., REVISTA DE CHIMIE Volume: 66 Issue: 3 Pages: Published: MAR 2015 The synthesis and modelling of the obtaining process of 1-[4 '-(theophyllin-7-yl)sulfonyl-2- methyl-phenoxyacetyl]-3,5-dimethyl pyrazole, Antochi, Angela; Oniscu, Corneliu; Nistor, Denisa Ileana; et al., ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS Volume: 13 Issue: 6 Pages: Published: NOV-DEC Synthesis of New Sulphonamide Phenoxyacetic Derivatives, By: Pintilie, Lucia; Nita, Sultana; Oniscu, Corneliu; et al., REVISTA DE CHIMIE Volume: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: Published: JUN 2010 ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY FORMULATIONS OF 2,6- DICHLOROBENZONITRILE PESTICIDE INTERCALATED INTO CALCINED LAYERED DOUBLE HYDROXIDES, By: Silion, Mihaela; Dobrea, Iuliana Daniela; Nistor, Denisa; et al., ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL Volume: 12 Issue: 12 Pages: Published: DEC FT-IR and FT-Raman spectra, MEP and HOMO-LUMO of 2,5-dichlorobenzonitrile: DFT study, By: Palafox, M. Alcolea; Bhat, Daisy; Goyal, Yasha; et al., SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A- MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 136 Pages: Part: B Published: FEB LAYERED DOUBLE HYDROXIDES AS ADSORBENTS FOR ANIONIC DYE REMOVAL FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS, By: Alexandrica, Maria Celina; Silion, Mihaela; Hritcu, Doina; et al., ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL Volume: 14 Issue: 2 Pages: Published: FEB 2015 Polyol-modified layered double hydroxides with attenuated basicity for a truly reversible capture of CO 2, By: Azzouz, Abdelkrim; Arus, Vasilica-Alisa; Platon, Nicoleta, Nistor, Ileana 4,58x10= 45,8 6,432x10= 64, citări x3 =

10 Denisa; et al., ADSORPTION-JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL ADSORPTION SOCIETY Volume: 19 Issue: 5 Pages: Published: OCT Selective adsorption of CO 2 on a regenerable amine-bentonite hybrid adsorbent, By: Elkhalifah, Ali E. I.; Bustam, M. Azmi; Shariff, A. M.; et al., APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE Volume: 107 Pages: Published: APR Intercalation and Retention of Carbon Dioxide in a Smectite Clay promoted by Interlayer Cations, By: Michels, L.; Fossum, J. O.; Rozynek, Z.; et al., SCIENTIFIC REPORTS Volume: 5 Article Number: 8775 Published: MAR Metal-Inorganic-Organic Matrices as Efficient Sorbents for Hydrogen Storage, By: Azzouz, Abdelkrim; Nousir, Saadia; Bouazizi, Nabil; et al., CHEMSUSCHEM Volume: 8 Issue: 5 Pages: Published: MAR TPD and DSC insights in the basicity of MCM-48-like silica and modified counterparts, By: Ghomari, Kamel; Benhamou, Abdellah; Hamacha, Rachida; et al., THERMOCHIMICA ACTA Volume: 600 Retention of aroma compounds from Mentha piperita essential oil by cyclodextrins and crosslinked cyclodextrin polymers, A. Ciobanu, I. Mallard, D. Landy, G. Brabie, D. Nistor, S. Fourmentin, Food Chemistry, vol. 138, Issue 1, p , Cyclodextrin, an efficient tool for trans-anethole encapsulation: Chromatographic, spectroscopic, thermal and structural studies, By: Kfoury, Miriana; Auezova, Lizette; Greige-Gerges, Helene; et al., FOOD CHEMISTRY Volume: 164 Pages: Published: DEC Visualization of controlled fragrance release from cyclodextrin inclusion complexes by fluorescence imaging, By: Liu, Chuanjun; Hayashi, Kenshi, FLAVOUR AND FRAGRANCE JOURNAL Volume: 29 Issue: 6 Pages: Published: NOV Effect of cyclodextrin complexation on phenylpropanoids' solubility and antioxidant activity, By: Kfoury, Miriana; Landy, David; Auezova, Lizette; et al., BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 10 Pages: Published: OCT Inclusion and Functionalization of Polymers with Cyclodextrins: Current Applications and Future Prospects, By: Folch-Cano, Christian; Yazdani-Pedram, Mehrdad; Olea-Azar, Claudio, MOLECULES Volume: 19 Issue: 9 Pages: Published: SEP Characterization of an inclusion complex of ethyl benzoate with hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin, By: Yuan, Chao; Lu, Zhifang; Jin, Zhengyu, FOOD CHEMISTRY Volume: 152 Pages: Published: JUN Improvement of thymol properties by complexation with cyclodextrins: In vitro and in vivo studies, By: Nieddu, Maria; Rassu, Giovanna; Boatto, Gianpiero; et al., CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS Volume: 102 Pages: Published: FEB Complexation efficiency of cyclodextrins for volatile flavor compounds, By: Ciobanu, A.; Landy, D.; Fourmentin, S., FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL Volume: 53 Issue: 1 Pages: Published: AUG Analyses on Essential Oil Components from the Unripe Fruits of Rubus chingii Hu by Different Methods and Their Comparative Cytotoxic and Anti-complement Activities, By: Zhang, Tian-Tian; Jiang, Jian-Guo, FOOD ANALYTICAL METHODS Volume: 8 Issue: 4 Pages: Published: APR Complexation of estragole as pure compound and as main component of basil and tarragon essential oils with cyclodextrins, By: Kfoury, Miriana; Auezova, Lizette; Ruellan, Steven; et al., CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS Volume: 118 Pages: Published: MAR Uncovering the antifungal components from turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) essential oil as Aspergillus flavus fumigants by partial least squares, By: Hu, Yichen; Luo, Jiaoyang; Kong, Weijun; et al., RSC ADVANCES Volume: 5 Issue: 52 Pages: Published:

11 3 OH-enriched organo-montmorillonites for potential applications in carbon dioxide separation and concentration, A. Azzouz, N. S., Nousir, K. Ghomari, D. Nistor, T.C.Shiao, R. Roy, Separation and Purification Technology, vol. 108, p , Selective adsorption of CO 2 on a regenerable amine-bentonite hybrid adsorbent, By: Elkhalifah, Ali E. I.; Bustam, M. Azmi; Shariff, A. M.; et al.. APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE Volume: 107 Pages: Published: APR Metal-Inorganic-Organic Matrices as Efficient Sorbents for Hydrogen Storage, By: Azzouz, Abdelkrim; Nousir, Saadia; Bouazizi, Nabil; et al., CHEMSUSCHEM Volume: 8 Issue: 5 Pages: Published: MAR TPD and DSC insights in the basicity of MCM-48-like silica and modified counterparts, By: Ghomari, Kamel; Benhamou, Abdellah; Hamacha, Rachida; et al., THERMOCHIMICA ACTA Volume: 600 Pages: Published: JAN Titanium-incorporated organic-inorganic hybrid adsorbent for improved CO2 adsorption performance, By: Zhang, Xiaoyun; Qin, Hongyan; Zhang, Sisi; et al., MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN Volume: 62 Pages: Published: FEB Synthesis of amino-functionalized mesoporous alumina with enhanced affinity towards Cr(VI) and CO 2, By: Cai, Weiquan; Tan, Lijun; Yu, Jiaguo; et al., CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL Volume: 239 Pages: Published: MAR Truly reversible capture of CO2 by montmorillonite intercalated with soya oil-derived polyglycerols, By: Azzouz, Abdelkrim; Nousir, Saadia; Platon, Nicoleta; et al., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GREENHOUSE GAS CONTROL Volume: 17 Pages: Published: SEP Preparation and characterization of hydrophilic organo-montmorillonites through incorporation of nonionic polyglycerol dendrimers derived from soybean oil, By: Azzouz, Abdelkrim; Nousir, Saadia; Platon, Nicoleta; et al.. MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN Volume: 48 Issue: 9 Pages: Published: SEP Ultrasound assisted solvent free intercalation of montmorillonite with PEG1000: A new type of organoclay with improved thermal properties, By: Onder, Emel; Sarier, Nihal; Ukuser, Gokcen; et al., THERMOCHIMICA ACTA Volume: 566 Pages: Published: AUG Correlation between the hydrophilic character and affinity towards carbon dioxide of montmorillonitesupported polyalcohols, By: Nousir, Saadia; Platon, Nicoleta; Ghomari, Kamel; et al., JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE Volume: 402 Pages: Published: JUL Inclusion interactions of cyclodextrins and crosslinked cyclodextrin polymers with linalool and camphor in Lavandula angustifolia essential oil, A. Ciobanu, I. Mallard, D. Landy, G. Brabie, D. Nistor, S. Fourmentin, Carbohydrate Polymers, vol. 87, Issue 3, p , Water- and Moisture-sensitive Polymeric Releasing System by Hydrolysis of Acetal Moieties Coexisting with Acidic Units By: Morikawa, Hiroshi; Motegi, Dai; Umemiya, Kensuke; et al. CHEMISTRY LETTERS Volume: 43 Issue: 11 Pages: Published: NOV Investigation of monoterpenes complexation with hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin By: Kfoury, Miriana; Auezova, Lizette; Fourmentin, Sophie; et al. JOURNAL OF INCLUSION PHENOMENA AND MACROCYCLIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 80 Issue: 1-2 Special Issue: SI Pages: Published: OCT

12 3 3. Inclusion and Functionalization of Polymers with Cyclodextrins: Current Applications and Future Prospects By: Folch-Cano, Christian; Yazdani-Pedram, Mehrdad; Olea-Azar, Claudio MOLECULES Volume: 19 Issue: 9 Pages: Published: SEP Molecular calculations on beta-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes with five essential oil compounds from Ocimum basilicum (sweet basil) By: Lawtrakul, Luckhana; Inthajak, Krit; Toochinda, Pisanu SCIENCEASIA Volume: 40 Issue: 2 Pages: Published: APR Inclusion complex of (-)-linalool and beta-cyclodextrin By: Menezes, P. P.; Serafini, M. R.; Quintans-Junior, L. J.; et al. JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY Volume: 115 Issue: 3 Pages: Published: MAR Improvement of thymol properties by complexation with cyclodextrins: In vitro and in vivo studies By: Nieddu, Maria; Rassu, Giovanna; Boatto, Gianpiero; et al. CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS Volume: 102 Pages: Published: FEB Essential Oils Loaded in Nanosystems: A Developing Strategy for a Successful Therapeutic Approach By: Bilia, Anna Rita; Guccione, Clizia; Isacchi, Benedetta; et al. EVIDENCE-BASED COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE Article Number: Published: beta-cyclodextrin-complexed (-)-linalool produces antinociceptive effect superior to that of (-)-linalool in experimental pain By: Quintans-Junior, Lucindo J.; Barreto, Rosana S. S.; Menezes, Paula P.; et al. BASIC & CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & TOXICOLOGY Volume: 113 Issue: 3 Pages: Published: SEP Complexation efficiency of cyclodextrins for volatile flavor compounds By: Ciobanu, A.; Landy, D.; Fourmentin, S. FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL Volume: 53 Issue: 1 Pages: Published: AUG Space filling of beta-cyclodextrin and beta-cyclodextrin derivatives by volatile hydrophobic guests By: Fourmentin, Sophie; Ciobanu, Anca; Landy, David; et al. BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 9 Pages: Published: JUN Cyclodextrin-intercalated layered double hydroxides for fragrance release By: Ciobanu, A.; Ruellan, S.; Mallard, I.; et al. JOURNAL OF INCLUSION PHENOMENA AND MACROCYCLIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 75 Issue: 3-4 Special Issue: SI Pages: Published: APR Environmental applications of water-insoluble beta-cyclodextrin-epichlorohydrin polymers By: Morin-Crini, Nadia; Crini, Gregorio PROGRESS IN POLYMER SCIENCE Volume: 38 Issue: 2 Pages: Published: FEB Complexation of estragole as pure compound and as main component of basil and tarragon essential oils with cyclodextrins, By: Kfoury, Miriana; Auezova, Lizette; Ruellan, Steven; et al., CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS Volume: 118 Pages: Published: MAR Effect of the environmental stress on two fish populations revealed by statistical and spectral analysis, G. Lazar, D. Ureche, I. L. Ifrim, M. Stamate, C. Ureche, V. Nedeff, I. D. Nistor, A. L. Finaru, I. M. Lazar, Environmental engineering and management journal, vol. 11, Issue 1, p ,

13 3 1. ATR-FTIR CHARACTERIZATION AND CLASSIFICATION OF AVOCADO OILS FROM FIVE CAMEROON CULTIVARS EXTRACTED WITH A FRIENDLY ENVIRONMENTAL PROCESS By: Foudjo, Brice Ulrich Saha; Kansci, Germain; Lazar, Iuliana Mihaela; et al. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Pages: Published: JAN NEW EXPERIMENTAL PARAMETERS FOR MONITORING ENERGY SPECTRA OF GAMMA-RAY RADIATIONS IN THE ENVIRONMENT By: Stamate, Marius; Lazar, Iuliana Mihaela ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Pages: Published: JAN EVALUATION OF GROWTH PARAMETERS AND SPECTROSCOPIC INDEXES OF CANOLA FROM SEEDS SUBJECTED TO NON-IONIZING 5 4. LENGTH-WEIGHT RELATIONSHIPS AND FULTON'S CONDITION FACTOR FOR NINE SPECIES OF FISH CAPTURED FROM THE BASIN OF RIVER CASIN INCLUDING SOME OF ITS TRIBUTARIES, Ureche, Dorel; Ureche, Camelia; Lazar, Iuliana Mihaela, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL Volume: 11 Issue: 12 Pages: Published: DEC 2012 Thermal and chemical stability of romanian bentonite, A.V. Ursu, Gh. Jinescu, F. Gros, I.D. Nistor, N.D. Miron, G. Lisa, M. G. Djelveh, A. Azzouz, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, vol. 106, Issue 3, p , Changes in the characteristics of acid-treated clay after the inclusion of proteins, By: Rangel-Porras, G.; Rangel-Rivera, P.; Pfeiffer-Perea, H.; et al., SURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS Volume: 47 Issue: 1 Pages: Published: JAN Thermoanalytical study of acid-treated clay containing amino acid immobilized on its surface, By: Rangel- Rivera, P.; Rangel-Porras, G.; Pfeiffer-Perea, H.; et al., JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY Volume: 115 Issue: 2 Pages: Published: FEB Organoclays from alkaline-treated acid-activated clays, By: Kooli, F.; Yan, L.; Tan, Sze Xing; et al., JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY Volume: 115 Issue: 2 Pages: Published: FEB Studies on the solid acidity of heated and cation-exchanged montmorillonite using n-butylamine titration in non-aqueous system and diffuse reflectance Fourier transform infrared (DRIFT) spectroscopy, By: Liu, Hongmei; Liu, Dong; Yuan, Peng; et al., PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF MINERALS Volume: 40 Issue: 6 Pages: Published: JUN Sequestration of heavy metal cations on montmorillonite by thermal treatment, By: Zhu, Runhong; Chen, Qi; Zhu, Runliang; et al., APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE Volume: 107 Pages: Published: 2015 Fe - pillared clay as an efficient Fenton-like heterogeneous catalyst for phenol degradation, N. Platon, I. Siminiceanu, I.D. Nistor, N.D. Miron, G. Muntianu, A.M. Mares, Revista de Chimie, vol. 62, Issue 6, p , Ground vermiculite as catalyst for the Fenton reaction, By: Purceno, Aluir D.; Teixeira, Ana Paula C.; Souza, Aline B.; et al., APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE Volume: 69 Pages: Published: NOV Removal of Phenol, 2,3-dimethylphenol, 2,6-dimethylphenol and 2,4,6-trimethylphenol from Aqueous Solutions by Polymeric Sorbents having Olefin Groups, By: Ardelean, Radu; Davidescu, Corneliu-Mircea; Popa, Adriana; et al., REVISTA DE CHIMIE Volume: 63 Issue: 10 Pages: Published: OCT

14 3 3. Discoloration of Waters Containing Azo Dye Congo Red by Fenton Oxidation Process Estimation of activation parameters, By: Dragoi, Madalina; Samide, Adriana; Moanta, Anca. REVISTA DE CHIMIE Volume: 62 Issue: 12 Pages: Published: DEC Characterization of alpha-fe 2O 3/gamma-Al 2O 3 Catalysts for Catalytic Wet Peroxide Oxidation of m-cresol, By: Liu, Peijuan; He, Songbo; Wei, Huangzhao; et al., INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH Volume: 54 Issue: 1 Pages: Published: JAN Carbon dioxide retention over montmorillonite - dendrimer materials, A. Azzouz, E. Assad, A.V. Ursu, T. Sajin, D. Nistor, R. Roy, Applied Clay Science, vol. 48, Issue 1-2, p , Structure and properties research on montmorillonite modified by flame-retardant dendrimer, By: Wang, Jincheng; Sun, Kai; Hao, Wenli; et al., APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE Volume: 90 Pages: Published: MAR CO 2 capture using zeolite 13X prepared from bentonite,by: Chen, Chao; Park, Dong-Wha; Ahn, Wha-Seung, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE Volume: 292 Pages: Published: FEB Nanolayered silicates/clay minerals: uses and effects on health,by: Zhu, H.; Njuguna, J., Edited by: Njuguna, J; Pielichowski, K; Zhu, H, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY OF NANOMATERIALS: POLYMER NANOCOMPOSITES AND OTHER MATERIALS CONTAINING NANOPARTICLES Book Series: Woodhead Publishing Series in Composites Science and Engineering Issue: 49 Pages: Published: ph-dependent nano-capturing of tartaric acid using dendrimers, By: Schramm, Oana G.; Lopez-Cortes, Xaviera; Santos, Leonardo S.; et al., SOFT MATTER Volume: 10 Issue: 4 Pages: Published: Surface modification of a low cost bentonite for post-combustion CO2 capture, By: Chen, Chao; Park, Dong- Wha; Ahn, Wha-Seung, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE Volume: 283 Pages: Published: OCT Truly reversible capture of CO 2 by montmorillonite intercalated with soya oil-derived polyglycerols, By: Azzouz, Abdelkrim; Nousir, Saadia; Platon, Nicoleta; et al., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GREENHOUSE GAS CONTROL Volume: 17 Pages: Published: SEP Preparation and characterization of hydrophilic organo-montmorillonites through incorporation of non-ionic polyglycerol dendrimers derived from soybean oil, By: Azzouz, Abdelkrim; Nousir, Saadia; Platon, Nicoleta; et al., MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN Volume: 48 Issue: 9 Pages: Published: SEP Correlation between the hydrophilic character and affinity towards carbon dioxide of montmorillonite-supported polyalcohols, By: Nousir, Saadia; Platon, Nicoleta; Ghomari, Kamel; et al., JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE Volume: 402 Pages: Published: JUL Achievement in hydrogen storage on adsorbents with high surface-to-bulk ratio - Prospects for Si-containing matrices, By: Azzouz, Abdelkrim, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY Volume: 37 Issue: 6 Pages: Published: MAR Non-cordierite clay-based structured materials for environmental applications, By: Gatica, Jose M.; Vidal, Hilario, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Volume: 181 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 9-18 Published: SEP Selective adsorption of CO 2 on a regenerable amine-bentonite hybrid adsorbent, By: Elkhalifah, Ali E. I.; Bustam, M. Azmi; Shariff, A. M.; et al., APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE Volume: 107 Pages: Published: APR TPD and DSC insights in the basicity of MCM-48-like silica and modified counterparts, By: Ghomari, Kamel; Benhamou, Abdellah; Hamacha, Rachida; et al., THERMOCHIMICA ACTA Volume: 600 Pages: Published: JAN Selective capture of CO 2 by poly(amido amine) dendrimer-loaded organoclays, By: Shah, Kinjal J.; Imae, Toyoko; Shukla, Atindra, RSC ADVANCES Volume: 5 Issue: 45 Pages: Published:

15 3 TPD study of the reversible retention of carbon dioxide over montmorillonite intercalated with polyol dendrimers, A. Azzouz, A.V. Ursu, D. Nistor, T. Sajin, E. Assaad, R. Roy, Thermochimica Acta, vol. 496, Issue 1-2, p , Truly reversible capture of CO2 by montmorillonite intercalated with soya oil-derived polyglycerols, By: Azzouz, Abdelkrim; Nousir, Saadia; Platon, Nicoleta; et al., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GREENHOUSE GAS CONTROL Volume: 17 Pages: Published:SEP Preparation and characterization of hydrophilic organo-montmorillonites through incorporation of non-ionic polyglycerol dendrimers derived from soybean oil, By: Azzouz, Abdelkrim; Nousir, Saadia; Platon, Nicoleta; et al., MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN Volume: 48 Issue: 9 Pages: Published: SEP Correlation between the hydrophilic character and affinity towards carbon dioxide of montmorillonite-supported polyalcohols, By: Nousir, Saadia; Platon, Nicoleta; Ghomari, Kamel; et al., JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE Volume: 402 Pages: Published: JUL Preparation and CO 2 adsorption of diamine modified montmorillonite via exfoliation grafting route, By: Stevens, Lee; Williams, Kimberley; Han, Wong Yoong; et al., CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL Volume: 215 Pages: Published: JAN Achievement in hydrogen storage on adsorbents with high surface-to-bulk ratio - Prospects for Si-containing matrices, By: Azzouz, Abdelkrim, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY Volume: 37 Issue: 6 Pages: Published: MAR Photocatalytic conversion of carbon dioxide into methanol using zinc-copper-m(iii) (M = aluminum, gallium) layered double hydroxides, By: Ahmed, Naveed; Shibata, Yoshiyuki; Taniguchi, Tatsuo; et al., JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS Volume: 279 Issue: 1 Pages: Published: APR Selective adsorption of CO 2 on a regenerable amine-bentonite hybrid adsorbent, By: Elkhalifah, Ali E. I.; Bustam, M. Azmi; Shariff, A. M.; et al., APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE Volume: 107 Pages: Published: APR TPD and DSC insights in the basicity of MCM-48-like silica and modified counterparts, By: Ghomari, Kamel; Benhamou, Abdellah; Hamacha, Rachida; et al., THERMOCHIMICA ACTA Volume: 600 Pages: Published: JAN Thermogravimetric analysis of layered double hydroxides with chloramphenicol and salicylate in the interlayer space, M. Frunza, G. Lisa, M.I. Popa, N.D. Miron, D.I. Nistor, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, vol. 93, Issue 2, p , Intercalation of amino acid containing chiral dicarboxylic acid between Mg-Al layered double hydroxide, By: Mallakpour, Shadpour; Dinari, Mohammad, JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY Volume: 119 Issue: 2 Pages: Published: FEB Dispersion of modified layered double hydroxides in Poly(ethylene terephthalate) by High Energy Ball Milling for food packaging applications, By: Tammaro, Loredana; Vittoria, Vittoria; Bugatti, Valeria, EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL Volume: 52 Pages: Published: MAR Intercalation of drugs in layered double hydroxides and their controlled release: A review, By: Rives, Vicente; del Arco, Margarita; Martin, Cristina, APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE Volume: Pages: Published: FEB Influence of the powder dimensions on the antimicrobial properties of modified layered double hydroxide, By: Bugatti, Valeria; Esposito, Luigi; Franzetti, Laura; et al., APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE Volume: Pages: Published: MAY Fabrication and sustained release properties of poly(epsilon-caprolactone) electrospun fibers loaded with layered double hydroxide nanoparticles intercalated with amoxicillin, By: Valarezo, Eduardo; Tammaro, Loredana; Gonzalez, Silvia; et al., APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE Volume: 72 Pages: Published: FEB

16 3 6. Thermal decomposition of silylated layered double hydroxides, By: Tao, Qi; He, Hongping; Frost, Ray L.; et al., Conference: 17th Russian International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics in Russia Location: Russian Acad Sci, Kazan, RUSSIA Date: 2009, Sponsor(s): Russian Federat & Tatarstan Minist Educ & Sci; Russian Fdn Basic Res; Mendeleev Russian Chem Soc; IUPAC; IACT; Kazan State Technol Univ; RAS, Arbuzov Inst Organ & Phys Chem, JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY Volume: 101 Issue: 1 Pages: Published: JUL Thermal characterization of hydrotalcite used in the transesterification of soybean oil, By: Queiroz, R. M.; Pires, Luiza H. O.; de Souza, Ruth C. P.; et al., Conference: 14th International Congress on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Location: Sao Pedro, BRAZILDate: SEP 14-18, 2008, Sponsor(s): CAPES; CNPq; FAPESP; PETROBRAS, JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY Volume: 97 Issue: 1 Pages: Published: JUL Hybrids of Mg-Al-layered double hydroxide and multiwalled carbon nanotube as a reinforcing filler in the L- phenylalanine-based polymer nanocomposites, By: Mallakpour, Shadpour; Dinari, Mohammad, JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY Volume: 119 Issue: 3 Pages: Published: MAR 2015 Depollution of uranyl polluted waters using pillared clays, I.D. Nistor, N.D. Miron, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimerty, vol. 89, Issue 3, p , Preparation and thermal stability of Al 2O 3-clay and Fe 2O 3-clay nanocomposites, with potential application as remediation of radioactive effluents, By: Hristodor, Claudia-Mihaela; Vrinceanu, Narcisa; Pode, Rodica; et al., JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY Volume: 111 Issue: 2 Pages: Published: FEB Relation between immersion enthalpy and the acidity of clay pillared minerals, By: Betancourt, Marylin; Giraldo, Liliana; Moreno, Sonia; et al., JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY Volume: 92 Issue: 3 Pages: Published: JUN 2008 Assessment of acid-base strength distribution of ion-exchanged montmorillonites through NH 3 and CO 2 -TPD measurements, A. Azzouz, D. Nistor, D. Miron, A.V. Ursu, T. Sajin, F. Monette, P. Niquette, R. Hausler, Thermochimica Acta, vol.449, Issue 1-2, p , Solid acid catalysts pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis of macroalgae cellulosic residue for the production of bioethanol, By: Tan, Inn Shi; Lee, Keat Teong, CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS Volume: 124 Pages: Published: JUN Properties of SBA-15 modified by iron nanoparticles as potential hydrogen adsorbents and sensors, By: Bouazizi, N.; Ouargli, R.; Nousir, S.; et al., JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS Volume: 77 Pages: Published: FEB TPD and DSC insights in the basicity of MCM-48-like silica and modified counterparts, By: Ghomari, Kamel; Benhamou, Abdellah; Hamacha, Rachida; et al., THERMOCHIMICA ACTA Volume: 600 Pages: Published: JAN Microwave hydrothermal synthesis, characterisation, and catalytic performance of Zn1-x Mn (x) O in cellulose conversion, By: Bernardi, Maria I. B.; Araujo, Vinicius D.; Ribeiro, Caue; et al., CHEMICAL PAPERS Volume: 68 Issue: 9 Pages: Published: SEP Truly reversible capture of CO2 by montmorillonite intercalated with soya oil-derived polyglycerols, By: Azzouz, Abdelkrim; Nousir, Saadia; Platon, Nicoleta; et al., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GREENHOUSE GAS CONTROL Volume: 17 Pages: Published: SEP Preparation and characterization of hydrophilic organo-montmorillonites through incorporation of non-ionic polyglycerol dendrimers derived from soybean oil, By: Azzouz, Abdelkrim; Nousir, Saadia; Platon, Nicoleta; et al., MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN Volume: 48 Issue: 9 Pages: Published: SEP

17 3 7. Quantitative characterization of the solid acidity of montmorillonite using combined FTIR and TPD based on the NH3 adsorption system, By: Liu, Dong; Yuan, Peng; Liu, Hongmei; et al., APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE Volume: Pages: Published: AUG Correlation between the hydrophilic character and affinity towards carbon dioxide of montmorillonitesupported polyalcohols, By: Nousir, Saadia; Platon, Nicoleta; Ghomari, Kamel; et al., JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE Volume: 402 Pages: Published: JUL Catalytic roles of metals and supports on hydrodeoxygenation of lignin monomer guaiacol, By: Lee, Cho Rim; Yoon, Ji Sun; Suh, Young-Woong; et al., CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 17 Pages: Published: JAN Fischer-Tropsch synthesis over Co/montmorillonite-Insights into the role of interlayer exchangeable cations, By: Wang, Guang-Wei; Hao, Qing-Qing; Liu, Zhao-Tie; et al., APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL Volume: 405 Issue: 1-2 Pages: Published: OCT Production of glucose by hydrolysis of cellulose at 423 K in the presence of activated hydrotalcite nanoparticles, By: Fang, Zhen; Zhang, Fan; Zeng, Hong-Yan; et al., BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY Volume: 102 Issue: 17 Pages: Published: SEP Influence of heating on the solid acidity of montmorillonite: A combined study by DRIFT and Hammett indicators, By: Liu, Dong; Yuan, Peng; Liu, Hongmei; et al., APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE Volume: 52 Issue: 4 Pages: Published: JUN Diphosphonium ion-exchanged montmorillonite for Telon dye removal from aqueous media, By: Makhoukhi, B.; Didi, M. A.; Moulessehoul, H.; et al., APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE Volume: 50 Issue: 3 Pages: Published: NOV Bases and Basic Materials in Chemical and Environmental Processes. Liquid versus Solid Basicity, By: Busca, Guido, CHEMICAL REVIEWS Volume: 110 Issue: 4 Pages: Published: APR Ozonation of oxalic acid catalyzed by ion-exchanged montmorillonite in moderately acidic media, By: Azzouz, A.; Kotbi, A.; Niquette, P.; et al., REACTION KINETICS MECHANISMS AND CATALYSIS Volume: 99 Issue: 2 Pages: Published: APR Emerging trends and challenges in synthetic clay-based materials and layered double hydroxides Preface, By: Zhou, Chun-Hui (Clayton), APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE Volume: 48 Issue: 1-2 Special Issue: SI Pages: 1-4 Published: MAR Acid activation of Bentonite for use as a vegetable oil bleaching agent, By: Makhoukhi, B.; Didi, M. A.; Villemin, D.; et al., GRASAS Y ACEITES Volume: 60 Issue: 4 Pages: Published: JUL-SEP Catalytic performance of Fe-, Pd-, and Pd-Fe- mordenites in simulated hydrocarbon-selective catalytic reduction of N(2)O by methane in a model flue-gas from nitric acid plants, By: Lee, Sungkyu; Seo, Min Hye; Cho, Sung-Su; et al., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH Volume: 99 Issue: 9 Pages: Published: SEP Interaction of supercritical CO 2 with alkyl-ammonium organoclays: Changes in morphology By: Thompson, M. R.; Liu, J.; Krump, H.; et al., JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE Volume: 324 Issue: 1-2 Pages: Published: AUG 2008 Optimized procedure for clay pillaring with aluminum species used in depollution, D. Nistor, P.I. Dron, G.G. Surpateanu, I. Siminiceanu, N.D. Miron, A. Azzouz, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimerty, vol. 84, Issue 2, p , Colza oil bleaching through optimized acid activation of bentonite. A comparative study, By: Didi, M. A.; Makhoukhi, B.; Azzouz, A.; et al., APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE Volume: 42 Issue: 3-4 Pages: Published: JAN

18 Vapor phase aldol condensation over fully ion-exchanged montmorillonite rich catalysts, A. Azzouz, D. Messad, D. Nistor, C. Catrinescu, A. Zvolinschi, S. Asaftei, Applied Catalysis A- General, vol. 241, Issue 1-2, p.1-13, Properties of SBA-15 modified by iron nanoparticles as potential hydrogen adsorbents and sensors, By: Bouazizi, N.; Ouargli, R.; Nousir, S.; et al., JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS Volume: 77 Pages: Published: FEB Reactivity and Survivability of Glycolaldehyde in Simulated Meteorite Impact Experiments, By: McCaffrey, V. P.; Zellner, N. E. B.; Waun, C. M.; et al., ORIGINS OF LIFE AND EVOLUTION OF BIOSPHERES Volume: 44 Issue: 1 Pages: Published:FEB Truly reversible capture of CO2 by montmorillonite intercalated with soya oil-derived polyglycerols, By: Azzouz, Abdelkrim; Nousir, Saadia; Platon, Nicoleta; et al., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GREENHOUSE GAS CONTROL Volume: 17 Pages: Published:SEP Preparation and characterization of hydrophilic organo-montmorillonites through incorporation of non-ionic polyglycerol dendrimers derived from soybean oil, By: Azzouz, Abdelkrim; Nousir, Saadia; Platon, Nicoleta; et al., MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN Volume: 48 Issue: 9 Pages: Published: SEP Carboxylic acid removal from model petroleum fractions by a commercial clay adsorbent, By: Silva, Juliana P.; Costa, Andre L. H.; Chiaro, Sandra S. X.; et al., FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY Volume: 112 Pages: Published: AUG Correlation between the hydrophilic character and affinity towards carbon dioxide of montmorillonitesupported polyalcohols, By: Nousir, Saadia; Platon, Nicoleta; Ghomari, Kamel; et al., JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE Volume: 402 Pages: Published: JUL Vapor phase butanal self-condensation over unsupported and supported alkaline earth metal oxides, By: Shen, Wenqin; Tompsett, Geoffrey A.; Xing, Rong; et al., JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS Volume: 286 Pages: Published: FEB Samarium Ion Exchanged Montmorillonite for High Temperature Cumene Cracking Reaction, By: Binitha, N. N.; Silija, P. P.; Suraj, V.; et al., Edited by: Ali, A, Conference: Conference on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (CAMAN) Location: Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA Date: NOV 03-05, 2009, CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED MATERIALS AND NANOTECHNOLOGY (CAMAN 2009) Book Series: IOP Conference Series-Materials Science and Engineering Volume: 17 Article Number: Published: Diphosphonium ion-exchanged montmorillonite for Telon dye removal from aqueous media, By: Makhoukhi, B.; Didi, M. A.; Moulessehoul, H.; et al., APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE Volume: 50 Issue: 3 Pages: Published: NOV Ozonation of oxalic acid catalyzed by ion-exchanged montmorillonite in moderately acidic media, By: Azzouz, A.; Kotbi, A.; Niquette, P.; et al., REACTION KINETICS MECHANISMS AND CATALYSIS Volume: 99 Issue: 2 Pages: Published:APR Identification of alpha-beta unsaturated aldehydes as sources of toxicity to activated sludge biomass in polyester manufacturing wastewater, By: Caffaro-Filho, R. A.; Wagner, R.; Umbuzeiro, G. A.; et al., WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Volume: 61 Issue: 9 Pages: Published: p-cymene preparation over modified montmorillonite clays, By: Binitha, N. N.; Sugunan, S., CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 8 Issue: 11 Pages: Published: NOV Aldol condensation of aldehydes over semicrystalline zeolitic-mesoporous UL-ZSM-5, By: Ungureanu, A; Royer, S; Hoang, TV; et al., MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS Volume: 84 Issue: 1-3 Pages: Published:SEP

19 3 14. Adjustment of the acid-base properties of phosphates through nitridation, for increased selectivity in mixed aldol condensations, By: Hasni, M; Delsarte, S; Rouchaud, J; et al., Conference: 4th International Symposium on Nitrides Location: Mons, BELGIUM Date: NOV 17-19, 2003, SILICATES INDUSTRIELS Volume: 69 Issue: 5-6 Special Issue: 1 Pages: Published: MAY-JUN Natural clays as efficient catalysts for obtaining chiral beta-enamino esters, By: Silva, FC; de Souza, MCBV; Ferreira, VF; et al., CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Pages: Published: MAR 2004 Metal removal through synergic coagulation-flocculation using an optimized chitosan - montmorillonite system, E. Assaad, A. Azzouz, D.Nistor, A.V. Ursu, T. Sajin, D.N. Miron, F. Monette, P. Niquette, R. Hausler, Applied Clay Science, vol. 37, Issue 3-4, p , Removal of Orange II by Phosphonium-modified Algerian Bentonites By: Bouzid, S.; Khenifi, A.; Bennabou, K. A.; et al. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 202 Issue: 4 Pages: Published: APR Removal of permethrin pesticide from water by chitosan-zinc oxide nanoparticles composite as an adsorbent By: Dehaghi, Shahram Moradi; Rahmanifar, Bahar; Moradi, All Mashinchian; et al. JOURNAL OF SAUDI CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 18 Issue: 4 Special Issue: SI Pages: Published: SEP Factorial design in optimization of extraction procedure for copper (II) using Aliquat 336 and Tri-nbutylphosphate based supported liquid membrane By: Medjahed, Baghdad; Didi, Mohamed Amine; Villemin, Didier DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT Volume: 52 Issue: Pages: Published: MAY Optimized removal of Reactive Navy Blue SP-BR by organo-montmorillonite based adsorbents through central composite design By: Rasouli, F.; Aber, S.; Salari, D.; et al. APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE Volume: 87 Pages: Published: JAN Novel thin film composite membrane fabricated by mixed matrix nanoclay/chitosan on PVDF microfiltration support: Preparation, characterization and performance in dye removal By: Daraei, Parisa; Madaeni, Sayed Siavash; Salehi, Ehsan; et al. JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE Volume: 436 Pages: Published: JUN An assessment of heavy metal contamination in soils of fresh water aquifer system and evaluation of ecotoxicity by lithogenic implications By: Harichandan, R.; Routroy, S.; Mohanty, J. K.; et al. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT Volume: 185 Issue: 4 Pages: Published: APR Treatment of highly turbid water using chitosan and aluminum salts By: Hu, Ching-Yao; Lo, Shang-Lien; Chang, Chia-Ling; et al. SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY Volume: 104 Pages: Published: FEB Identification of transfer mechanisms involved in soiled CIP solutions regeneration at extreme ph and high temperature By: Dif, Mehdi; Biel, Walid; Tastayre, Gilles; et al. JOURNAL OF FOOD ENGINEERING Volume: 114 Issue: 4 Pages: Published: FEB

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