Milford Public Schools Curriculum Department: Science Course Name: HIGH SCHOOL BIOLOGY

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1 Milford Public Schools Curriculum Department: Science Course Name: HIGH SCHOOL BIOLOGY UNIT 1 Cell Structure and Function LEARNING GOALS Enduring Understanding(s): All life is made of cells, yet there is a wide diversity of cell types. There is a division of labor within cells that helps them carry out life processes and maintain homeostasis. Essential Question(s): Why is a cell considered to be the basic unit of life? How do cells get what they need to carry out all the chemical processes that need to occur for survival? The essential functions of a cell involve many chemical reactions that take place among different types of molecules (water, lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids) and that are facilitated by enzymes. Content and Skills: Cell theory The variety of cell types on Earth (prokaryotic, animal, plant, protist, etc.) Prokaryotic cell structure & function Eukaryotic cell structure & function Plant and animal cells Overview of viral structure & function Role of biomolecules (lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids) in relation to cell membrane structure and internal activities of the cell Pathway of synthesis of proteins in relation to cell parts involved Dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis of biomolecules Membranes and Transport Overview of photosynthesis Overview of cellular respiration, ATP and anaerobic respiration Students will know and be able to 1. Investigate and identify the effect of various factors, such as concentration and temperature, on chemical reactions. 2. Relate the history of the discovery of cell theory to the development of scientific knowledge. 3. Analyze how the diversity among cells reflects their different functions in organisms. 4. Compare and contrast the structures and function of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. 5. Describe the similarities and differences between bacteria and viruses. (10.2) 6. Identify relationships between the structure of cell parts and function. 7. Compare and contrast structure and function in plant and animal cells. 8. Trace the production and secretion of a protein in a cell from DNA to exit at the cell membrane. Revised 1/22/2016 Page 1 of 12

2 9. Identify and describe the roles of biomolecules (proteins, lipids, carbs, and nucleic acids) in cells. 10. Describe how biomolecules are synthesized and broken down in cells. 11. Explain the role of enzymes as catalysts in biochemical reactions, with reference to activation energy. 12. Describe how an enzyme s shape is important to its function. 13. Investigate and identify the effect of various factors, such as ph and temperature, on enzyme activity. 14. Relate the fluid mosaic model of the cell membrane to its function of selective permeability. 15. Identify the importance of cell transport processes to cell function and homeostasis. 16. Compare and contrast active and passive transport across the cell membrane in terms of energy requirement and concentration gradient. 17. Illustrate and predict the movement of materials across a selectively permeable membrane. 18. Describe the role of ATP in energy transfers within cells. 19. Identify the reactants and products of cellular respiration and photosynthesis. 20. Identify the sources of the reactants of photosynthesis and respiration. 21. Describe the interrelatedness of photosynthesis and respiration. 22. Summarize how chloroplasts within plant cells trap energy from the Sun and convert it to chemical energy. 23. Explain how the structure of the mitochondria allows it to perform aerobic respiration. 24. Compare and contrast aerobic and anaerobic respiration in terms of reactants (requirements) and ATP production 25. Explain how anaerobic respiration in bacteria and yeasts are used to produce foods for human consumption. (10.2) Standards Addressed CT SDE Science Content Standards Fundamental life processes depend on the physical structure and the chemical activities of the cell. Most of the chemical activities of the cell are catalyzed by enzymes that function only in a narrow range of temperature and acidity conditions. The cellular processes of photosynthesis and respiration involve transformation of matter and energy Microorganisms have an essential role in life processes and cycles on Earth. Understanding the growth and spread patterns of viruses and bacteria enables the development of methods to prevent and treat infectious diseases. 9.5 Due to its unique chemical structure, carbon forms many organic and inorganic compounds. Carbon atoms can bond to one another in chains, rings and branching networks to form a variety of structures, including fossil fuels, synthetic polymers and the large molecules of life. Grades 9-10 Core Scientific Inquiry, Literacy and Numeracy Standards D INQ.1 Identify questions that can be answered through scientific investigation. D INQ.2 Read, interpret and examine the credibility and validity of scientific claims in different sources of information. D INQ.3 Formulate a testable hypothesis and demonstrate logical connections between the scientific concepts guiding the hypothesis and the design of the experiment. D. INQ.4 Design and conduct appropriate types of scientific investigations to answer different questions. D INQ.5 Identify independent and dependent variables, including those that are kept constant and those used as controls. Revised 1/22/2016 Page 2 of 12

3 D INQ.6 Use appropriate tools and techniques to make observations and gather data. D INQ.7 Assess the reliability of the data that was generated in the investigation. D INQ.8 Use mathematical operations to analyze and interpret data, and present relationships between variables in appropriate forms. D INQ.9 Articulate conclusions and explanations based on research data, and assess results based on the design of the investigation. D.INQ.10 Communicate about science in different formats, using relevant science vocabulary, supporting evidence and clear logic. Framework for K-12 Science Education LS1.A: Structure and Function: Systems of specialized cells within organisms help them perform the essential functions of life, which involve chemical reactions that take place between different types of molecules, such as water, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. LS1.C: Organization for Matter and Energy Flow in Organisms: Sustaining life requires substantial energy and matter inputs. Revised 1/22/2016 Page 3 of 12

4 UNIT 2 - Reproduction and Heredity LEARNING GOALS Enduring Understanding(s): All living things need to grow and reproduce, and reproductive methods can involve one parent or two. All living organisms have genetic information that determines traits that are passed down from one generation to the next. Essential Question(s): How are traits passed from parents to offspring? How can individuals from the same species have different characteristics? Genetic recombination creates genetic variation within a population. Some of the characteristics of an organism are inherited and some result from interactions with the environment. Content and Skills: Types of reproduction (asexual vs. sexual) Structure of eukaryotic chromosomes Information provided by karyotypes The cell cycle and mitosis Regulating the cell cycle and cancer Meiosis stages/phases including independent assortment, crossing over, gamete formation Gregor Mendel s experiments leading to basic principles of genetics and heredity (recessive/dominant traits, alleles, law of segregation and independent assortment) Predicting the genotypic and phenotypic probability of offspring using punnett squares in single trait genetic crosses Inheritance patterns (dominant and recessive, incomplete dominance, co-dominance, sex-linked traits, polygenic inheritance, multiple alleles) Pedigree analysis Human inherited genetic disorders Students will know and be able to 1. Compare and contrast sexual and asexual reproduction in terms of number or parents, genetic composition of offspring, and advantages and disadvantages. 2. Describe the basic structure of a chromosome. 3. Analyze karyotypes: Explain the difference between sex chromosomes and autosomes, identify homologous chromosomes 4. Summarize the events of the cell cycle. 5. Outline the steps which occur during the process of mitosis. 6. Explain how cell division is controlled and summarize the impact of uncontrolled cell growth. 7. Outline the events which occur during the process of meiosis and model how meiosis results in the formation of haploid gametes. 8. Explain independent assortment and crossing over during meiosis and how they contribute to the production of unique individuals. 9. Explain how gamete formation and fertilization maintain chromosome number within a species. 10. Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis and their significance to organisms. 11. Investigate and identify the effect of various factors on the reproduction of yeast Revised 1/22/2016 Page 4 of 12

5 12. Describe the relationships among chromosomes, genes, alleles and traits and identify examples of traits in living things 13. Using diagrams and/or models, relate Mendel s experimental methods and results to his laws of segregation, dominance, and independent assortment. 14. Differentiate between the genotype and phenotype of an organism. 15. Use evidence from Punnett squares to predict and analyze the genotypic and phenotypic probabilities of single trait genetic crosses (two trait crosses optional). 16. Use evidence from Punnett squares to predict and analyze the results of various inheritance patterns (sex-linked, incomplete dominance, co-dominance, multiple alleles etc.) 17. Analyze pedigrees to interpret modes of inheritance (e.g. recessive/dominant, sex-linked) 18. Use a pedigree to predict the pattern of inheritance of a simple dominant trait. 19. Explain how genetic disorders can be caused by inherited recessive alleles. 20. Describe the difference between genetic disorders and infectious diseases 21. Using examples, explain how multiple alleles, incomplete dominance and co-dominance influence patterns of heredity and can result in wide varieties of phenotypes 22. Provide examples of how environmental factors can influence patterns of heredity 23. Describe the difference between inherited genetic disorders and infectious diseases. Standards Addressed: CT SDE Science Content Standards 10.4 In sexually reproducing organisms, each offspring contains a mix of characteristics inherited from both parents. D36. Explain how meiosis contributes to the genetic variability of organisms. D37. Use the Punnett Square technique to predict the distribution of traits in mono- and di-hybrid crossings D38. Deduce the probable mode of inheritance of traits (e.g., recessive/dominant, sex-linked) from pedigree diagrams showing phenotypes. D39. Describe the difference between genetic disorders and infectious diseases. D INQ.1 Identify questions that can be answered through scientific investigation. D INQ.2 Read, interpret and examine the credibility and validity of scientific claims in different sources of information. D INQ.3 Formulate a testable hypothesis and demonstrate logical connections between the scientific concepts guiding the hypothesis and the design of the experiment. D INQ.4 Design and conduct appropriate types of scientific investigations to answer different questions. D INQ.5 Identify independent and dependent variables, including those that are kept constant and those used as controls. D INQ.6 Use appropriate tools and techniques to make observations and gather data. D INQ.7 Assess the reliability of the data that was generated in the investigation. D INQ.8 Use mathematical operations to analyze and interpret data, and present relationships between variables in appropriate forms. D INQ.9 Articulate conclusions and explanations based on research data, and assess results based on the design of the investigation. D INQ.10 Communicate about science in different formats, using relevant science vocabulary, supporting evidence and clear logic. Framework for K-12 Science Education LS1.B: Growth and development LS3.A: Inheritance of traits Revised 1/22/2016 Page 5 of 12

6 UNIT 3 - DNA and Molecular Biology LEARNING GOALS Enduring Understanding(s): DNA is the universal molecule of heredity that is passed from parents to offspring. Cells use information from DNA to produce proteins which are responsible for observable characteristics of organisms. Essential Question(s): How does DNA contribute to who we are? What are the consequences of human manipulation of genes and DNA in other organisms and ourselves? Changes in DNA (natural and human induced) can result in changes in individuals and populations. Content and Skills: History of the discovery of DNA (May include, Griffith, Avery, Hershey & Chase, Chargaff, Franklin, Watson, Crick, etc.) The Double Helix: DNA structure and function (including nucleotide) DNA Replication (including helicase, DNA polymerase) Relationship between DNA, genes, & chromosomes Function of each type of RNA Protein synthesis: transcription (including RNA polymerase), translation Gene expression (aka, the central dogma) The effect of gene mutations Applications of biotechnology and genetic engineering (recombinant DNA, GMOs, gene therapy, cloning, establishing evidence for evolutionary relationships, etc.) Students will be able to 1. Relate the history of the discovery of DNA to the development of scientific knowledge. 2. Model the molecular structure of DNA and relate its structure to its function. 3. Model the process of DNA replication. 4. Explain how DNA replication is connected to the survival of an organism. 5. Explain how DNA, genes, and chromosomes are related to each other. 6. Compare and contrast the properties of DNA and RNA. 7. Model transcription and translation. 8. Describe the different types of mutations (e.g., gene mutations, chromosomal mutations) in DNA 9. Investigate and identify the effect of a selected mutation on the ability to perform everyday tasks. 10. Identify various causes of mutations in DNA (e.g., mutagens, replication mistakes). 11. Explain how changes to individual nucleotide sequences may affect amino acid sequence which then may or may not affect traits and/or have impact on an organism. 12. Describe how the genetic information of organisms can be altered to make them produce new materials. 13. Compare and contrast- various applications of DNA technology including but not limited to GMOs, gene therapy, and genetic screening. 14. Explain the risks and benefits of altering the genetic composition and cell products of existing organisms. Revised 1/22/2016 Page 6 of 12

7 Standards Addressed: CT SDE Science Content Standards 10.3 Similarities in the chemical and structural properties of DNA in all living organisms allow the transfer of genes from one organism to another. The principles of genetics and cellular chemistry can be used to produce new foods and medicines in biotechnical processes. D34. Describe, in general terms, how the genetic information of organisms can be altered to make them produce new materials. D35. Explain the risks and benefits of altering the genetic composition and cell products of existing organisms. D INQ.1 Identify questions that can be answered through scientific investigation. D INQ.2 Read, interpret and examine the credibility and validity of scientific claims in different sources of information. D INQ.3 Formulate a testable hypothesis and demonstrate logical connections between the scientific concepts guiding the hypothesis and the design of the experiment. D INQ.4 Design and conduct appropriate types of scientific investigations to answer different questions. D INQ.5 Identify independent and dependent variables, including those that are kept constant and those used as controls. D INQ.6 Use appropriate tools and techniques to make observations and gather data. D INQ.7 Assess the reliability of the data that was generated in the investigation. D INQ.8 Use mathematical operations to analyze and interpret data, and present relationships between variables in appropriate forms. D INQ.9 Articulate conclusions and explanations based on research data, and assess results based on the design of the investigation. D INQ.10 Communicate about science in different formats, using relevant science vocabulary, supporting evidence and clear logic. Framework for K-12 Science Education LS1.A: Structure and Function LS3.A: Inheritance of Traits LS3.B: Variation of Traits Revised 1/22/2016 Page 7 of 12

8 UNIT 4 - Evolution and Natural Selection LEARNING GOALS Enduring Understanding(s): The current diversity of life that exists on Earth is a result of evolution. The history of life on Earth reflects continuous changes cycles of speciation and extinction. Essential Question(s): How does evolution explain the diversity of life on Earth? Is evolution still happening? Traits vary within a population. Traits influence survival of individuals in a population; traits that positively affect survival are more likely to be passed on to future generations. Evidence for evolution comes from many sources. Changes in the environment and the genetic equilibrium in a population can lead to evolution. Content and Skills History of life on Earth Historical perspective of development of theory of evolution (pre-industrial ideas, Lamarck, Malthus, Wallace, Lyell, etc.) Darwin: Artificial selection and Natural selection theories Darwin s evidence for theory of evolution by natural selection (fossils, observations of living organisms finches, tortoises, biogeography, etc.) Evidence for common ancestry among species (fossil record, embryology, morphology, molecular bio and biochemistry ) Adaptations (structures, physiology, behaviors) Convergent Evolution, Divergent Evolution, and Co-evolution (including symbiosis) Diversity of life on Earth (touching on classification); organisms are suited to their environment Examples of Natural Selection (e.g. Bacterial antibiotic resistance, viral evolution, human immune system) Modern Evolutionary Theory (molecular) Students will know and be able to 1. Identify trends in the evolution of organisms since the origin of life on Earth. 2. Analyze how explanations of the diversity of life on Earth have changed over time. 3. Describe the evidence used by Charles Darwin to develop the theory of natural selection. 4. Compare and contrast different types of fossils and how they are formed. 5. Explain the methods used by scientists to determine the age of fossils and rocks. 6. Describe the different types of evidence that can be obtained from fossils. 7. Summarize Darwin's theory of natural selection. 8. Identify the conditions required for natural selection, including overproduction of offspring, inherited variation, competition, and differential reproductive success. 9. Model the process of natural selection by simulating how the frequency of a trait in a population can change over time. 10. Compare and contrast artificial selection and natural selection. 11. Analyze how structural and behavioral adaptations increase the chances for organisms to survive in their environments. (The relationship between adaptations and natural selection.) Revised 1/22/2016 Page 8 of 12

9 12. Investigate and identify the effect of an adaptation of an organism to perform an everyday task Infer how comparative anatomy, embryology, biogeography, fossils, and molecular biology establish evolutionary relationships. 14. Relate natural selection to changes in populations, not individuals. 15. Explain the role of natural selection in convergent evolution and divergent evolution and co-evolution. (Emphasis on concepts) 16. Explain how the processes of mutation and natural selection are related to the evolution of species. 17. Describe how bacterial and viral infectious diseases are transmitted, and explain the roles of vaccination and antibiotic medications in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. (D32) Standards Addressed: CT SDE Science Content Standards Evolution and biodiversity are the result of genetic changes that occur over time in constantly changing environments. Mutations and recombination of genes create genetic variability in populations. Changes in the environment may result in the selection of organisms that are better able to survive and reproduce. D40. Explain how the processes of genetic mutation and natural selection are related to the evolution of species. D41. Explain how the current theory of evolution provides a scientific explanation for fossil records of ancient life forms. D42. Describe how structural and behavioral adaptations increase the chances for organisms to survive in their environments. D INQ.1 Identify questions that can be answered through scientific investigation. D INQ.2 Read, interpret and examine the credibility and validity of scientific claims in different sources of information. D INQ.3 Formulate a testable hypothesis and demonstrate logical connections between the scientific Concepts guiding the hypothesis and the design of the experiment. D INQ.4 Design and conduct appropriate types of scientific investigations to answer different questions. D INQ.5 Identify independent and dependent variables, including those that are kept constant and those used as controls. D INQ.6 Use appropriate tools and techniques to make observations and gather data. D INQ.7 Assess the reliability of the data that was generated in the investigation. D INQ.8 Use Mathematical operations to analyze and interpret data, and present relationships between variables in appropriate forms. D INQ.9 Articulate conclusions and explanations based on research data, and assess results based on the design of the investigation. D INQ.10 Communicate about science in different formats, using relevant science vocabulary, supporting evidence and clear logic. Framework for K-12 Science Education Core Disciplinary Ideas: LS4.A: Evidence of Common Ancestry and Diversity LS4.B: Natural Selection LS4.C: Adaptation Revised 1/22/2016 Page 9 of 12

10 UNIT 5 - Fundamentals of Ecology and Human Impact on the Environment LEARNING GOALS Enduring Understanding(s): All living things rely on other living things and their environment for survival. The biosphere is a closed system in terms of matter, but an open system in terms of energy. Energy flows through ecosystems and matter cycles through ecosystems. Essential Question(s): How do organisms, including humans, interact with the living and non-living environment to obtain the energy and matter they need to survive? How do matter and energy move through ecosystems? The size and growth of populations of organisms are controlled by various factors. Content and Skills: Students will know The abiotic components of an ecosystem Needs of living things in terms of matter and energy Introduction to elements vital to living things (CHNOPS) Lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins are biomolecules which provide energy and building blocks for living organisms Ways in which organisms capture energy they need (consumption, photosynthesis, respiration, chemosynthesis) Biogeochemical cycles (C, N in detail) Interactions among organisms (competition, predator-prey, symbiosis, role of microorganisms) Matter and energy transfer in food webs Trophic levels, food webs, and energy pyramids Population dynamics: carrying capacity, limiting factors, growth models, human population growth and demographics Students will be able to 1. Explain why living things need matter and energy. 2. Describe the abiotic characteristics of an ecosystem. 3. Construct a representation of how energy moves through ecosystems, starting with the sun, and reflecting conservation of energy. 4. Describe energy transformations among heat, light, electricity and motion. (9.1) 5. Explain how solar energy causes water to cycle through the major earth reservoirs. (9.7) 6. Construct a model to explain how carbon cycles through ecosystems. 7. Explain how chemical and physical processes cause carbon to cycle through the major earth reservoirs. (9.7) 8. Construct a model to explain how nitrogen cycles through ecosystems. 9. Explain how chemical and physical processes cause nitrogen to cycle through the major earth reservoirs. 10. Use food webs to create energy pyramids. 11. Predict and justify what might happen to an ecosystem based upon disruptions to biogeochemical cycles. 12. Describe the factors that affect the carrying capacity of the environment. (10.6) 13. Predict and provide justification for what would happen in an ecosystem following a change in the Revised 1/22/2016 Page 10 of 12

11 environment (weather patterns, disease, etc.) 14. Explain how change in population density is affected by emigration, immigration, birth rate and death rate, and relate these factors to the exponential growth of human populations. (10.6) 15. Compare and contrast age structure diagrams from more developed and less developed countries to identify similarities/differences in growth rate and population distribution 16. Explain how technological advances have affected the size and growth rate of human populations throughout history. (10.6) Standards Addressed: CT SDE Science Content Standards Energy cannot be created or destroyed; however, energy can be converted from one form to another. Energy enters the Earth system primarily as solar radiation, is captured by materials and photosynthetic processes, and eventually is transformed into heat Elements on Earth move among reservoirs in the solid earth, oceans, atmosphere and organisms as part of biogeochemical cycles. Elements on Earth exist in essentially fixed amounts and are located in various chemical reservoirs. The cyclical movement of matter between reservoirs is driven by the Earth s internal and external sources of energy Living organisms have the capability of producing populations of unlimited size, but the environment can support only a limited number of individuals from each species. Human populations grow due to advances in agriculture, medicine, construction and the use of energy. Humans modify ecosystems as a result of rapid population growth, use of technology and consumption of resources. D INQ.1 Identify questions that can be answered through scientific investigation. D INQ.2 Read, interpret and examine the credibility and validity of scientific claims in different sources of information. D INQ.3 Formulate a testable hypothesis and demonstrate logical connections between the scientific Concepts guiding the hypothesis and the design of the experiment. D INQ.4 Design and conduct appropriate types of scientific investigations to answer different questions. D INQ.5 Identify independent and dependent variables, including those that are kept constant and those used as controls. D INQ.6 Use appropriate tools and techniques to make observations and gather data. D INQ.7 Assess the reliability of the data that was generated in the investigation. D INQ.8 Use Mathematical operations to analyze and interpret data, and present relationships between variables in appropriate forms. D INQ.9 Articulate conclusions and explanations based on research data, and assess results based on the design of the investigation. D INQ.10 Communicate about science in different formats, using relevant science vocabulary, supporting evidence and clear logic. Framework for K-12 Science Education LS2.A: Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems: Ecosystems have carrying capacities, which are limits to the number of organisms and populations they can support. LS2.B: Cycles of Matter and Energy Transfer in Ecosystems: Photosynthesis and cellular respiration (including anaerobic processes) provide most of the energy for life processes. LS2.C: Ecosystem Dynamics, Functioning, and Resilience: A complex set of interactions within an ecosystem can keep its numbers and types of organisms relatively constant over long periods of time under stable conditions. Revised 1/22/2016 Page 11 of 12

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