1 st Nine Wks. Roswell Independent School District Curriculum Map Subject: Life Science July 2007 Grade Level: 7th

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1 9 Standards/Benchmarks Performance Standards Activities/Assessments Resources Science Thinking & Practice Scientific Method/Experimental Design & Research. Science Thinking & Practice: Scientific Method/Experimental Design & Research. Science Thinking & Practice: Scientific Method/Experimental Design & Research. Science Thinking & Practice: Scientific Method/Experimental Design & Research. 1 st *Strand1, NMCS1, B1, PS1-2 Use scientific methods to develop question, design and conduct experiments using appropriate technologies, analyze and evaluate results, make predictions, and communicate findings. *Strand1, NMCS1, B2, PS 1-3 Understand the processes of scientific investigation and how scientific inquiry results in scientific knowledge. *Strand1, NMCS1, B3, PS1-3 Use mathematical ideas, tools, and techniques to understand scientific knowledge 1. Use a variety of print and web resources to collect information, inform investigations, and answer a scientific question or hypothesis 2. Use models to explain the relationships between variables being investigated 1. Describe how bias can affect scientific investigation and conclusions. 2. Critique procedures used to investigate a hypothesis 3. Analyze and evaluate scientific explanations 1. Understand that the number of data (sample size) influences the reliability of a prediction 2. Use mathematical expressions to represent data and observations collected in scientific investigations. 3. Select and use an appropriate model to examine a phenomenon - Select appropriate tools and collect precise data in metric units & choose appropriate graphs to analyze & record data - Identify dependent and constant variables in using mystery powders baking soda, powdered sugar, baking soda with vinegar. - Utilize a data table by classifying seeds, buttons, leaves, etc by feature and/or type of classification system. - Design an experiment with bacteria growth and which mouthwash works best. - Construct, analyze and interpret graphs & cite references to support conclusions throughout the year in conjunction with experiments. - Make a set of flash cards with safety symbols and apply safety rules to classroom management using Glencoe Video Lab: Safety Video Glencoe Life Science: Chapter 1 Chapter Organizer/TeacherWorks pg 4A-B(Ch1) Glencoe Life Science Video Labs Probeware DVD ~Raft Rally ~Miscellaneous - Data Sampling ~General Biology - Problem Solving: Dots, Symbols, Words, and Proteins ~General Biology - Observations (collecting data) ~Comparing metric and standard units. ~Scientific Method/Daily Science Trivia/ ~Measuring mass and graphing results. ~Scientific Method ~Triple beam balance scales. ~Metersticks/ metric rulers ~Graduated cylinder 1

2 9 Standards/Benchmarks Performance Standards Activities/Assessments Resources Cells Cells Cells Cells Strand II, NMCSII, BIII, PS 1-6 Understand the structure of organisms and the function of cells in living systems Structure of Organisms 1. Understand that organisms are composed of cells and identify unicellular and multi-cellular organisms. 2. Explain how organs are composed of tissues of different types of cells (e.g., skin, bone, muscle, heart, intestines). Structure of Organisms - Describe and sequence the major points in the development of cell theory. - Explain proper microscope procedures. - Compare and contrast examples of plant and animal cells using a microscope - Make drawings of plant and animal cells observed with the microscope. Label the parts of the cell on your drawing (onion cells). Glencoe Life Science: Chapters 2-4 Chapter Organizer/TeacherWorks pg 36A-B(Ch2), 64A-B(Ch3), 94A-B(Ch4) Glencoe Life Science:- Virtual Lab: Cells, Cell Processes, & Cell Reproduction ~Cell worksheets, animal cell drawing, plant cell drawing, etc. 1 st Function of Cells 3. Understand that many basic functions of organisms are carried out in cells, including: (a) growth and division to produce more cells (mitosis); (b) specialized functions of cells (e.g., reproduction, nerve-signal transmission, digestion, excretion, movement, transport of oxygen). 4. Compare the structure and processes of plant cells and animal cells. 5. Describe how some cells respond to stimuli (e.g., light, heat, pressure, gravity). 6. Describe how factors (radiation, UV light, drugs) can damage cellular structure or function. Function of Cells - Make a yarn poster or tee shirt showing phases of mitosis. - Make a flip book diagramming the phases of mitosis. - Make a 3-D model of a plant or animal cell showing the cell membrane, cell wall, cytoplasm, nucleus, and chloroplast. - Compare and contrast the functions of a cell to those of a factory. - Create and organelle billboard "selling" the organelle. Include a slogan, description, price, and picture. - Model how materials move into and out of cells during osmosis, diffusion, and active transport. - Compare the movement of food coloring through hot vs. cold water. - Compare the effect of fresh and salt water on raw vegetables. Observe osmosis by placing eggs in vinegar and corn syrup ~Cell analogy activity. parecelltoschoolfactoryetcidea1112.htm ~Instructions for making 3-D cells html ~Interactive plant and animal cell, mitosis movie, cell cycle. ~Mitosis - animated tics/02replicationmitosis/01mitosis/index.shtml ~Diffusion experiment. ~Osmosis lab t412.htm. 2

3 9 Standards/Benchmarks Performance Standards Activities/Assessments Resources 2 ND Strand II, NMCSII, BII, PS 1-6 Understand how traits are passed from one generation to the next and how species evolve. Reproduction 1. Know that reproduction is a characteristic of all living things and is essential to the continuation of a species 2. Identify the differences between sexual and asexual reproduction 3. Know that, in sexual reproduction, an egg and sperm unite to begin the development of a new individual. 4. Know that organisms that sexually reproduce fertile offspring are members of the same species. 5. Understand that some characteristics are passed from parent to offspring as inherited traits and other are acquired from interactions with the environment 6. Know that hereditary information is contained in genes that are located in chromosomes, including: (a) determination of traits by genes; (b) traits determined by one or many genes; (c) more than one trait sometimes influenced by a single gene Reproduction - Compare and contrast meiosis and mitosis using graphic organizers, diagrams, etc - Recognize the DNA model as a double helix shape by utilizing models (e.g., pipe cleaners & beads) - Complete Punnett Squares to predict the possible combinations of inherited factors resulting from single trait crosses. - Make a classroom poster of each students fingerprint to show polygenic traits. - Measure, chart, and graph hand span of each student to demonstrate polygenic inheritance. - Show colorblindness charts to demonstrate inherited disorders. - Describe contributions of - Research a current topic in genetics of a famous scientist (e.g., Gregor Mendel, Rosalind Franklin, Francis Crick, and James Watson). Present your research in a poster, brochure, PowerPoint presentation, etc. Glencoe Life Science: Chapter 5 Chapter Organizer/TeacherWorks pg 124A-B(Ch) Glencoe Life Science:- Virtual Lab:, & Adaptations Over Time ~DNA model ~Another DNA model ~A gene map of the Human Genome ~Taster vs. Nontaster Lab ~Plastic egg genetics: ~Gene Wheel oc ~Sponge Bob Genetics ~Genetics with a Smile 3

4 9 Standards/Benchmarks Performance Standards Activities/Assessments Resources 2nd Ecology **Strand II, NMCSI, BI, PS 1-5 Know the forms and properties of matter and how matter interacts Interactions between Matter and Energy **Strand II, NMCSI, BII, PSI Physical processes involved in the transfer, change, and conservation of energy. Populations and Ecosystems *Strand II, NMCSII, BI, PS 1, 3, 5 Explain the diverse structures and functions of living things and the complex relationships between living things and their environments Earth s Systems **Strand II, NMCSIII, BII, PS 1-3 Describe the structure of Earth and its atmosphere and explain how energy, matter, and forces shape Earth s systems. Ecology: Interactions of Life & Nonliving Environments 1. Explain how matter is transferred from one organism to another and between organisms and their environment (e.g., consumption, the water cycle, the carbon cycle, the nitrogen cycle). 2. Know that the total amount of matter (mass) remains constant although its form, location, and properties may change (e.g., matter in the food web). 3. Identify characteristics of radioactivity, including: (a) decay in time of some elements to others; (b) release of energy; (c) damage to cells 4. Describe how substances react chemically in characteristic ways to form new substances (compounds) with different properties (e.g., carbon and oxygen combine to form carbon dioxide in respiration). 5. Know that chemical reactions are essential to life processes. Interactions between Matter and Energy 1. Know how various forms of energy are transformed through organisms and ecosystems, including: (a) sunlight and photosynthesis (b) energy transformation in living systems (e.g., cellular processes changing chemical energy to heat and motion) (c) effect of mankind s use of energy and other activities on living systems (e.g., global warming, water quality). Populations and Ecosystems 1. Identify the living and nonliving parts of an ecosystem and describe the relationships among these components. 3. Explain how individuals of species that exist together interact with their environment to create an ecosystem ( e.g., populations, communities, niches, habitats, food webs). 5. Describe how the availability of resources and physical factors limit growth (e.g., quantity of l light and water, range of temperature, composition of soil) and how water, carbon, and nitrogen cycles contribute to the availability of those resources to support living systems. Processes and interactions of Earth s Systems 1. Understand how the remains of living things give us information about the history of Earth, including: Layers of sedimentary rock, the fossil record, and radioactive dating showing that life has been present on Earth for more than 3.5 billion years. 2. Understand how living organisms have played many roles in changed of Earth s systems through time (e.g., atmospheric composition, creation of soil, impact of Earth s surface). 3. Know that changes to ecosystems sometimes decrease the capacity of the environment to support some life forms and are difficult and/or costly to remediate. 4 Ecology: Interactions of Life & Nonliving Environments - Use a drawing or model to explain the carbon, water, and nitrogen cycles. - Given an energy pyramid, tell how the pyramid depicts the flow of energy through a food web/chain. - Diagram a food web using animal cutouts. - Dissect owl pellets Populations and Ecosystems - Given a picture, list and classify biotic and abiotic factors of the environment observed in the picture. - Design an imaginary bird suited for a specific environment, and tell how the bird is adapted to its environment. - Determine if population density affects the growth of certain plants. Earth s Systems Guest speaker on Geology/Archaeology Ecology: Interactions of Life & Nonliving Environments Glencoe Life Science: Chapter 24, 25 Chapter Organizer/TeacherWorks pg 682A-B(Ch24), pg 710A-B(Ch25) Glencoe Life Science:- Virtual Lab: Interactions of Life, The Nonliving Environment ~Making a model of an ecosystem. mal-info/infobooks/gorilla/classroomactivities-c.htm ~Research physical and behavioral characteristics for survival within a ecosystem. lessonplans/programs/dese rts/ ~Marine ecosystem food web. eduweb/appliedconnection s/7thgrade/foodweb.html ~The water cycle. ex.html ~Food chain /bpfoodchain.pdf

5 9 Standards/Benchmarks Performance Standards Activities/Assessments Resources 3 rd Ecology: Ecosystems & Biomes, Resources and the Environment, Energy Use and Effects of Living Systems **Strand II, NMCSII, BI, PS 2,4 Explain the diverse structures and functions of living things and the complex relationships between living things and their environments Biodiversity **Strand II, NMCSII, BI, PS 6-7. Explain the diverse structures and functions of living things and complex relationships between living things and their environments Ecology: Ecosystems & Biomes, Resources and the Environment, Energy Use and Effects of Living Systems 4. Explain biomes (i.e., aquatic, desert, rainforest, grasslands, tundra) and describe the New Mexico biome. 5. Explain the conditions and resources needed to sustain life in specific ecosystems. Biodiversity 6. Understand how diverse species fill all niches in an ecosystem. 7. Know how to classify organisms: domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. Ecology: Ecosystems & Biomes, Resources and the Environment, Energy Use and Effects of Living Systems - Identify the 7 major world biomes by coloring & labeling a topographical map and further identify the 3 biomes specific to New Mexico - Identify common organisms in ecosystems by building dioramas - NEED Ecology activities - Compare buoyancy of objects in salt vs. fresh water - Analyze various water samples using purchased kits. - Analyze various soil samples using purchased kits. Biodiversity - Recognize scientific names as a part of binomial nomenclature. - Arrange organisms in a hierarchy according to similarities and differences in features. - Use a dichotomous key to classify an organism. - Use a graphic organizer to compare and contrast invertebrates to other invertebrates. - Organize the six kingdoms into a graphic organizer and include traits and examples within each kingdom. - Shoe classification game. Ecology: Ecosystems & Biomes, Resources and the Environment, Energy Use and Effects of Living Systems Glencoe Life Science: Chapter 26, 27 Chapter Organizer/TeacherWorks pg 7382A-B(Ch26), pg 768 A-B (Ch27) Glencoe Life Science:- Virtual Lab: Ecosystems, & Conserving Resources ~NEED (National Energy Education Development) Activities ~Biomes ~Water analysis test kit. ~Soil analysis test kit. ~Biology: Environmental Studies & Ecology: Filtering water to ~Prevent Pollution ~Biology - Population study ~National Energy Education Development Glencoe Life Science:Chapter 24, and 1 5

6 9 Standards/Benchmarks Performance Standards Activities/Assessments Resources Biological Evolution Biological Evolution Biological Evolution Biological Evolution Animal Diversity: Animal Diversity: Invertebrates & Animal Diversity: Invertebrates & Vertebrates Animal Diversity: Invertebrates & Vertebrates Invertebrates Vertebrates &Vertebrates 3rd 4th **Strand II, NMCSII, BII, PS 7-13 Understand how traits are passed from one generation to the next and how species evolve. 7. Describe how typical traits may change from generation to generation due to environmental influences (e.g., color of skin, shape of eyes, camouflage, shape of beak). 8. Explain that diversity within a species is developed by gradual changes over many generations. 9. Know that organisms can acquire unique characteristics through naturally occurring genetic variation. 10. Identify adaptations that favor the survival of organisms in their environments (e.g., camouflage, shape of beak). 11. Understand the process of natural selection 12. Explain how species adapt to changes in the environment or become extinct and the extinction of species is common in the history of living things 13. Know that the fossil record documents the appearance, diversification, and extinction of many life forms. - Using photographs, observe the differences between different animals within a phyla - Construct bar graph using data to compare the heart rates and life spans of animals (pg TE439, Glencoe) - Classify animals as Vertebrates - Recognize scientific names as a part of binomial nomenclature. - Animal dissections fish, & frogs - Organize the Chordata kingdom into a graphic organizer. Include traits and examples within each phylum - Culminating presentation project: select a specific vertebrate (1) Picture (2) vital statistics e.g. weight, size, gestation period, etc (3) classify by Linnaean classification system (4) habitat (5) predator/prey relationships (6) biome & niche - Animal dissections worms 6 Glencoe Life Science: Chapter 12, 13 Chapter Organizer/TeacherWorks pg 828A-B(Ch12), pg 358A-B (Ch13) Glencoe Life Science: Virtual Lab: Exploring and Classifying Life, Bacteria, Protists and Fungi, Plants, Plant Reproduction, Plant Processes, Introduction to Animals, Mollusks, Worms, Arthropods, Echinoderms ~Using Greek and Latin scientific root words in classification (Uses dolphins as examples). ~Potato chip classification activity. ml ~Observing protozoans in pond water. ml ~Animal Dissections Animal Diversity: Vertebrates Glencoe Life Science: Chapter 14, 15, 16 Chapter Organizer/TeacherWorks pg 392A-B(Ch14), pg 426 A-B (Ch15), pg 454A-B (Ch 16) Glencoe Life Science:- Virtual Lab: Fish, Amphibians, and Reptiles, Birds and Mammal,s & Animal Behavior ~Classification of Life ~Endangered Species ~Animal Dissections

7 9 Standards/Benchmarks Performance Standards Activities/Assessments Resources 4 TH Forces and Motions in Living Systems Strand II, NMCSI BIII PS 1 Describe and explain forces that produce motions in objects. Science and Society Strand III, NMCSI, BI, PS 1-3. Explain how scientific discoveries and inventions have changed individuals and societies. Forces and Motions in Living Systems 1. Know that forces cause motion in living systems, including: (a) the principle of a lever and how it gives mechanical advantage to a muscular/skeletal system to lift objects, (b) forces in specific systems in the human body (e.g., how the heart generates blood pressure, how muscles contract and expand to produce motion). Science and Society 1. Analyze the contributions of science to health as they relate to personal decisions about smoking, drugs, alcohol, and sexual activity. 2. Analyze how technologies have been responsible for advances in medicine (e.g., vaccines, antibiotics, microscopes, DNA technologies). 3. Describe how scientific information can help individuals and communities respond to health emergencies (e.g., CPR, epidemics, HIV, bio-terrorism). Forces and Motions in Living Systems - Relate bone structure shape to its strength by comparing the round, retangular & square shapes of notecards. Place textbooks atop the cards and observe which shape is most beneficial. - Explain how muscle action results in movement of body parts by building a simple lever machine and add a rubber bands to show muscle contractions - Measure your resting and active pulse rates - show class results with a bar/line graph - Measure lung capacity by using one breath to blow up balloon & measure diameter show class results with a bar/line graph Science and Society - Describe the characteristics and functions of the parts of the blood using the Glencoe virtual lab, Immunity and Disease - Discuss diseases and disorders of the blood after viewing videos on HIV/AIDS - Invite a guest speaker from the community to talk about the harmful effects of substance abuse. - Have student s research current HIV and AIDS statistics for the state on the internet. Compare state statistics with national. - Ask a local radiologist for some old X-rays to display on your overhead projector. - Make a graphic organizer showing body systems, its function, and major organs. - Locate and identify the major bones of the body using the Glencoe Virtual Lab Structure and Movement - Use coloring pages to illustrate the body systems. 7 Glencoe Life Science: Chapter Chapter Organizer/TeacherWorks pg 482A-B(Ch17), pg 510 A-B (Ch18), pg 538A-B(Ch19), pg 566A-B(Ch 20), pg592a- B(Ch 21), pg 620(Ch22), pg 650A-B(Ch23) Glencoe Life Science: Virtual Lab Structure and Movement Nutrients and Digestion, Circulation, Regulation and Reproduction, Immunity and Disease ~Muscle action of triceps and biceps. run/ ~Healthy heart includes worksheets for collecting data blood pressure, eating habits, etc. t/ Science and Society ~Explains how vaccinations work. s/ ~The effects of smoking. ~Human body systems. ~Body Basics Experiments. ~Activities for all body systems. y ~Nervous system activities. ~Respiratory System

8 (*) These performance standards are to be covered throughout the school year in conjunction with all classroom experiments. (**)These standards will be addressed during the 2nd. 3rd, & 4th nine week sessions. Below are links that you can go to for rubrics to evaluate students work in science: Presentation Rubric Graphing Rubric Create a graph Lab Report Rubric Scientific Drawings Rubric Excellent all around life science sites! Glencoe Textbook Resources Glencoe Life Science: Chapter Organizer/TeacherWorks CD Glencoe Life Science: Virtual Labs CD Glencoe Life Science Video Labs Probeware DVD Glencoe Life Science: Interactive Chalkboard Glencoe Life Science New Mexico Science Essentials: Meeting the Standards Grade 7 National Energy Education Development Materials for Ecology Unit Tons of human body resources! 8

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