Stewards Pooi Kei College Secondary 3 Biology Teaching Schedule ( )

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1 Stewards Pooi Kei College Secondary Biology Teaching Schedule ( ) Subject Teachers: KSit (Form coordinator), WChiang, SLee /10-day Cycle: Cycles 1 (1/9 11/9) Teaching Topics/Content Ch. 1 Introducing biology 1.1 What is Biology? 1. The Characteristics of organisms 1. How do scientists study biology? 1. Why should we study biology? 1.5 Major biology discoveries and inventions 1 Ch. 5 Food and human 5.1 Human as heterotrophs 5. The food requirements of humans Ch. 5 Food and human (1/9 5/9) 1 5. The food requirements of humans Ch. 5 Food and human (/9 /10) 5. Food Test Ch. 5 Food and human 5. Balanced diet (1/10 /10) Revision Revision.1 Metabolism 5 Ch. Enzymes and metabolism. Properties and actions of enzyme (7/10 6/11) 1 UT Paper checking UT Paper checking 6 (9/11 0/11) Ch. Enzymes and metabolism 7 (/11 /1) (7/1 11/1) X (1/1 1/1). Factors affecting the rate of enzymatic reactions. Applications of enzymes Ch. Enzymes and metabolism.1 Applications of enzymes 6.1 The processes of human nutrition Ch. 6 Nutrition in humans 6. The human digestive system Ch. 6 Nutrition in humans? Revision Revision 6. Ingestion of food 6. Movement of food along the alimentary canal

2 1 Exam paper checking Exam paper checking Digestion of food (1/1 9/1) Ch. 6 Nutrition in humans 6.6 Absorption of digested food 6.7 Assimilation of absorbed food Ch. 6 Nutrition in humans Egestion (1/ 9/) 11 (/ 1/) 1 (15/ 6/) 1 Ch. The cell as a basic unit of life.1 Chemicals of life.1 Chemicals of life Ch. The cell as a basic unit of life. Discovery of cells. The basic structure of a cell Ch. The cell as a basic unit of life. Level of body organization.5 Using a light microscope.6 Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells 1 Ch. Movement of substances across the cell.1 Cell membrane (9/ 16/) membrane. Movement of substances across membranes 1 Ch. Movement of substances across the cell (19/ 0/) membrane. Movement of substances across membranes 15 1 Ch. Movement of substances across the cell membrane. Movement of substances across membranes (/5 1/5) Revision Revision X (19/5 19/5)? Revision Revision

3 Stewards Pooi Kei College Secondary Biology Teaching Schedule ( ) Subject Teachers: KSit (Form coordinator), WChiang, SLee /10-day Cycle: 9 Cycles 1 (1/9 11/9) (1/9 5/9) (/9 /10) 5 Teaching Topics/Content Ch. 1 Introducing biology Ch. The cell as a basic unit of life Term One 1.1 What is Biology? 1. The Characteristics of organisms 1. How do scientists study biology? 1. Why should we study biology? 1.5 Major biology discoveries and inventions.1 Chemicals of life. Discovery of cells 5 Ch. The cell as a basic unit of life. The basic structure of a cell. Level of body organization.5 Using a light microscope.6 Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells 1 Chapter Test Chapter Test (Ch. 1 & Ch.) Ch. Movement of substances across the cell membrane.1 Cell membrane 6 Ch. Movement of substances across the cell membrane. Movement of substances across membranes.1 Metabolism Ch. Enzymes and metabolism. Properties and actions of enzyme. Factors affecting the rate of enzymatic reactions. Applications of enzymes Revision 1 Revision

4 1/10 /10) (7/10 6/11) 6 (9/11 0/11) 1 Chapter Test Chapter Test (Ch. & Ch.) Ch. 5 Food and humans 5.1 Human as heterotrophs 5. The food requirements of humans 5. Food Test 5. Balanced diet 6.1 The processes of human nutrition 6. The human digestive system Ch. 6 Nutrition and humans 6. Ingestion of food 6. Movement of food along the alimentary canal 6.5 Digestion of food 6.6 Absorption of digested food 1 UT Paper checking UT Paper checking Ch. 6 Nutrition and humans 6.7 Assimilation of absorbed food 6. Egestion 7.1 The human breathing system 5 Ch. 7 Gas exchange in humans 7. Gas exchange in the air sac 7. Transport of respiratory gases 7. Ventilation.1 The transport system. The blood. The blood vessels 5 Ch. Transport in humans. The heart.5 Blood circulation.6 Exchange of materials between blood and body cells.7 Lymphatic system 1 Chapter test Chapter Test (Ch. 7 & Ch.) Ch. 9 Nutrition and gas exchange in plants 9.1 Nutrition in plants 9. Gas exchange in plants 1 Chapter test Chapter Test (Ch. 9) 7 (/11 /1) 6 Ch. 10 Transpiration, transport and support in plants 10.1 Transpiration 10. Transport in flowering plants

5 1 Ch. 10 Transpiration, transport and support in plants 10. Support in plants (7/1 Chapter test Chapter Test (Ch. 10) 11/1) Revision Revision X (1/1 1/1)? Revision Revision Cycles 9 (1/1 9/1) 10 (1/ 6/) Term Two Teaching Topics/Content 1 Exam paper checking Exam paper checking Ch. 11 Cell cycle and division 11.1 Chromosomes 11. Mitotic cell division 11. Meiotic cell division 11. Comparison between mitotic and meiotic cell divisions Ch. 1 Reproduction in flowering plants 1.1 Type of reproduction 1. Asexual reproduction in flowering plants 1. Sexual reproduction in flowering plants 1.1 Human reproductive systems Ch. 1 Reproduction in humans 1. The menstrual cycle 1. Fertilization in humans

6 11 (/ 1/) 5 Ch. 1 Reproduction in humans 1 Revision 1 Chapter Test 1 Ch. 1 Growth and development 1 Revision 1. Development of the embryo and foetus 1.5 The birth process 1.6 Parental care 1.7 Birth control Revision Chapter Test (Ch. 11 1) 1.1 Concepts of growth and development 1. Growth and development in plants Revision 1 (15/ 6/) 1 (9/ 16/) 1 (19/ 0/) 15 (/5 Ch. 1 Growth and development 1. Growth and development in plants 1. Measurement of growth 1. Growth curves Ch. 15 Detecting the environment 15.1 Irritability 15. Detecting light by the eye 1 UT paper checking UT paper checking 5 Ch. 15 Detecting the environment 15. Detecting light by plants 15. Detecting sound by the ear 1 Chapter test Chapter Test (Ch. 15) 1 Ch. 16 Coordination in humans 16.1 The human nervous system 16. Transmission of nerve impulses between neurones 16. The brain Ch. 16 Coordination in humans 16. The spinal cord 16.5 Reflex action and voluntary action 16.6 Differences between reflex actions and voluntary actions 1 Ch. 16 Coordination in humans 16.7 The human endocrine system 16. Comparison between hormonal and nervous coordination

7 1/5) X (19/5 19/5) Ch. 17 Movement in humans 17.1 The human skeleton 17. Joints 17. Muscles 17. Movement of the body Ch. 1 Homeostasis 1.1 The concept of homeostasis 1. Regulation of blood glucose level 1 Chapter Test Chapter Test (Ch )? Revision Revision

8 Stewards Pooi Kei College Secondary 5 Biology Teaching Schedule ( ) Subject Teachers: Ms Kaling Sit (Panel Head), Ms Winnie Chiang /10-day Cycle: 10 Cycle Lesson Gaseous exchange 009 (July & August) 1 (1/9-11/9) (1/9 5/9) (/9 /10) (1/10 /10) 1. 1 Gaseous exchange 1. The general plan of the human breathing system 1. The general plan of the human breathing system 5 1. The process of gaseous exchange in the alveoli 6 1. The process of gaseous exchange in the alveoli 7 1. The mechanism of ventilation 1. The mechanism of ventilation 1 Chapter 1 test 1.1 Why do we need a circulatory system? 1. Blood vessels 1. The heart 5 1. Blood circulation in man What is blood? The functions of mammalian blood 1.7 What is the lymphatic system? Nutrition 10. The importance of mineral for proper growth in green plants 10. Fertilizer 10. Gaseous exchange in plants Transpiration Transpiration Absorption of water and mineral salts by the root 10.7 Transport in flowering plants Support in plants & Chapter test Irritability 15. The five senses 15. The eye Structure and functions of the eye The control of the amount of light entering the eye The accommodation of the eye Chapter test Cell division 1. Chromosomes 1. Mitosis 1. Meiosis 5.1 What is reproduction. Asexual reproduction in bacteria (extension) 6. Asexual reproduction in flowering plants (extension) 7. Sexual reproduction in flowering plants (extension)

9 5 (7/10 6/11) 6 (9/11 0/11) 7 (/11 /1) (7/1 11/1) X (1/1 1/1) 9 (/1 15/1). Sexual reproduction in flowering plants (extension) 1.5 Fruits and seeds.6 The advantages and disadvantages of sexual reproduction compared with asexual reproduction in flowering plants.7 Sexual reproduction in humans.7 Sexual reproduction in humans 5. Human embryos 6.9 The birth process 7.9 The birth process.10 Parental care. 11 Birth control 1.1 Growth and development(extension).growth and development in human (extension). Seed germination(extension). Growth and development in plants (extension).5 Measurement of growth (extension) 5.1 What is genetics?. Genes and inheritance 6. The pattern of inheritance 7. The pattern of inheritance. Variations 1.5 Inherited disorders in humans (extension).6 Genetic engineering 5.1 What is evolution? (extension)& 5. Evidences for evolution fossil records (extension) 5. Natural selection(extension) What is coordination? & 16. The general plan of the nervous system Neurones &16. Protection of central nervous system (CNS) The functions of the main parts of the brain &16.6 Structure and functions of the spinal cord 16.7 Reflex action 16. What are voluntary actions? 16.9Hormonal coordination in humans (extension) Why do animals need a skeleton? 17. The human skeleton 17.6 Locomotion in humans 17. General plan and functions of the human skeleton 17. Joints Muscles 17.5 Muscles 17.6 Locomotion in humans? Revision Homeostasis 19. The urinary system 19. The kidney 19. The functions of the kidney (extension) Regulation of body temperature

10 10 (1/1 9/1) The structure and functions of the skin How do mammals control their body temperature? 19. Regulation of glucose level in blood What is a disease? 0. Body defence 0. Non-specific defences 0. Specific defences 0.5 Immunity and vaccination (extension) 1. 1 Do plants respond to external stimuli? (extension) 1. What are tropisms? (extension) 1. The growth response of shoots to light (extension) 1. The growth response of roots and shoots to gravity(extension) The growth response of roots to water (extension) 1.6 What are the substances which control growth movements in plants? (extension) More about auxins(extension) 1. The role of auxins in phototropic and geotropic responses(extension) 11 (1/ 9/) 7 Revision Revision 1 Revision Revision Revision Revision 5 Revision 6 Revision 7 Revision Revision

11 Stewards Pooi Kei College Secondary 6 Biology Teaching Schedule ( ) Subject Teachers: Ms. Sarah Lee /10-day Cycle: 16 Cycles 1 Teaching Topics/Content Course Introduction 1. Curriculum and exam syllabus Chapter 1 The Chemical Constituents of the Cell Chapter Structure and Functions of the Cell Chapter Structure and Functions of the Cell Chapter Plant Cells and Tissues Chapter Movement of Substances in and out of the cell Chapter 5 Enzyme Chapter 6 Nature and Action 1. Types of Chemical Constituents of the Cells. Carbohydrates. Lipids. Proteins 5. Nucleic Acids 6. Mineral Salts 7. The Biological Significance of Water 1. The Cell Theory. The Structure of Cells in General. Cell Membrane. Nucleus 1. Cytoplasm. Cell Wall. Eukaryotic Cells and Prokaryotic Cells 1. Plants Cells and Tissues. Animal Cells and Tissues 1. Membrane Permeability. Diffusion. Osmosis. Active Transport 5. Phagocytosis and Pinocytosis 1. Metabolism, Catalysts and Enzymes. Properties of Enzymes. Mechanism of Enzyme Action. Factors Affecting the Rate of Enzymatic Reactions Enzyme Cofactors 5. Inhibition of Enzyme Activities 6. Application of Enzymes 1. Structure of Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid (DNA). Self-replication of DNA Page 1 of 6

12 Cycles 5 6 Teaching Topics/Content of the Gene. DNA as a Genetic Material Chapter 6 Nature and Action of the Gene Chapter 7 Chromosomes and Cell Division Chapter 17 Inheritance of Discrete Characters Chapter 17 Inheritance of Discrete Characters Chapter 1 Linkage, Crossing Over and Sex-linked Traits Chapter 19 Variations and Mutation 1. Protein Synthesis as a Means of Gene Expression. The process of Protein Synthesis. Control of Gene Expression 1. Organization of DNA into Chromosomes in Eukaryotic Cells. Cell division and Cell cycle. Mitotic Cell Division. Meiotic Cell Division 5. Differences between Mitotic cell Division and Meiotic Cell Division 1. Gregor Johann Mendal and his Work on Garden Peas. Mendel s Breeding Experiments on Monohybrid Inheritance. Terminology in Genetics. Tackling Genetic Problems 1. Monohybrid (Single Gene) Inheritance. Mendel s Breeding Experiments on Dihybrid Inheritance. Dihybrid inheritance. Mendelian Inheritance in Humans 5. Modifications of Mendelian Ratios 1. Linkage. Crossing Over. Sex Determination. Sex-linked Inheritance 1. Variations. Continuous Variations. Factors Contributing to Variations. Environmental Factors Affecting Phenotypes 5. Mutations 6. Gene Mutations 7. Chromosome Mutations. Cause of Mutation 9. Biological Significance of Variations and Mutations Page of 6

13 Cycles 7 6 Teaching Topics/Content Chapter 0 Applications of Genetics Chapter 1 Evidence of Evolution Chapter Mechanism of Evolution 1. Human Genetics. Plant and Animal Breeding. The Recombinant DNA Technology. DNA Fingerprinting 5. Implications of Genetic Engineering 1. Basic Concept of Evolution. Evidence of Evolution from Palaeontology. Evidence of Evolution from Comparative Anatomy. Evidence of Evolution from Comparative Biochemistry 1. Different Theories of Evolution. Mechanism of Evolution. Natural Selection in Action (A only) Chapter Photosynthesis and Chemosynthesis Chapter Photosynthesis and Chemosynthesis 1. Significance of Photosynthesis. Light and Photosynthesis. Photosynthetic Pigments. Chloroplast 5. Structure of the Leaf 6. General Equation of Photosynthesis 7. Mechanism of Photosynthesis 1. Factors Affecting the Rate of Photosynthesis. Chemosynthesis Chapter 1. The Concept of Cellular Respiration Cellular Respiration. The Role of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) in Respiration --- Exam Paper reviewed 9 10 Chapter Cellular Respiration 1. The Pathway of Aerobic Respiration. Anaerobic Respiration. Mitochondrion Chapter 5 Modes of Nutrition 1. Definition of Nutrition. Modes of Nutrition. The Carbon and Energy Sources of Different Page of 6

14 Cycles Teaching Topics/Content Chapter 6 Nutrients Required by Photosynthetic Plants Chapter 7 Holozoic Nutrition in Mammals Chapter Saprophytic and Parasitic Nutrition Chapter 9 Gas Exchange in Mammals Chapter 0 Transport in Mammals Chapter 0 Transport in Mammals Chapter 1 Gas Exchange and Transport in flowering Plants Modes of Nutrition. Relations of Different Modes of Nutrition to Nutrient Cycling and Energy Flow 1. Elements Required by Photosynthetic Plants. Fertilizers. Hydroponics An Alternative Way of Growing Plants 1. An Overview of Holozoic Nutrition. The Structure and Functions of the Mammalian Alimentary Canal. Ingestion. Digestion 5. Absorption 6. Assimilation 7. The Liver. Egestion 1. Saprophytic Nutrition. Parasitic Nutrition 1. The Need for a Gas Exchange System in Organisms. The Breathing System in Mammals. Gas Exchange at the Respiratory Surface. Ventilation in the Lungs 5. Control of Ventilation Mechanism 6. Effects of Asthma on Ventilation 1. The Need for a Transport System in Multicellular Organisms. The Circulatory System in Mammals. The Mammalian Heart. Blood Vessels 5. Composition of Mammalian Blood 1. Transport of Respiratory Gases in blood. Exchange of Materials between Blood Tissue Fluid. The Lymphatic System 1. Gas Exchange in Flowering Plants. Transport Systems in Flowering Plants. Absorption of Water and Mineral Salts. Movement of Water and Mineral Salts Page of 6

15 Cycles Teaching Topics/Content 5. Upward Movement of Water and Mineral Salts in the Xylem 6. Transpiration 7. Translocation of Organic Solutes. Comparison between the Two Transport Sytsems in Plants Chapter 1. Organization of the Mammalian Nervous system Nervous. The Neurone Coordination in. Transmission of Nerve Impulses 10 Mammals. Synapses 5. The Central Nervous System 6. Autonomic Nervous System 1 7. Reflex Action. Voluntary Action Chapter 1. Detection of the Stimuli Detection of. Skin as a Sense Organ 6 Environmental. The Mammalian Eye Conditions in. The Mammalian Ear Mammals Chapter 9 1. The Need for the Regulation of the Internal The Need for the Environment Regulation of the. Homeostasis Internal. Water Balance 1 Environment. Components of the Mammalian Urinary System 5. Hormonal control of Osmoregulation and Excretion 6. The Treatment of Kidney Disease 1 7. Diets for Patients with Renal Problems. Water Balance in Terrestrial Flowering Plants Chapter 0 1. The Importance of Body Temperature Regulation Regulation of Body. Body Temperature Regulation in Animals Temperature. Response of Ectotherms to Hot and cold Conditions. Body temperature Regulation in Endotherms 5. Response of Endothermic Mammals to Cold and Hot Conditions Chapter 1 1. The Importance of blood Glucose Level 15 Regulation of Blood Glucose Regulation. Sources and Consumption of Blood Glucose Level. The Roles of Pancreatic Hormones in Blood Page 5 of 6

16 Cycles Teaching Topics/Content Glucose Regulation. Liver as an Effector in blood Glucose Regulation 5. Homeostatic Regulation of Blood Glucose Level 6. Insulin and Diabetes Mellitus Chapter 1. The Nature of Hormonal Coordination Hormonal Coordination in. Differences between Nervous and Hormonal Coordination Mammals. Major Endocrine Glands in the Human Body Chapter 1. Diversity of Organisms 1 Variety of Life. Relationship between Organisms and their Ways Chapter 9 1. Classification and Nomenclature of Organisms 1 Classification. Classification in Kingdoms. The Dichotomous Key Chapter The concept of Ecosystem Ecosystem. Population Growth. Biotic Factors Affecting Population Size. Abiotic Factors Affecting Population Size Chapter Biotic Components of an Ecosystem Interdependence of. Energy Flow and Nutrient Cycling in an Organisms Ecosystem. Cycling of Essential Elements in Nature. Interspecific Relations between Organisms Chapter 1 1. Rocky shore Ecosystems Local Ecosystems Rocky shores and. Mangrove Ecosystems. Field Studies in Ecology Mangroves Page 6 of 6

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